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“Totalitas dan Sepenuh Hati“

Persiapan Lulus Soal

PTN 2023 Soal Pengantar
ING - 10 20 Soal
“ Totalitas Dan Sepenuh Hati”
 “Lead U To Be Num ber One” 
Text A
This text is for question number 1-5.
Breastfeeding is one of the most effective ways ...1... child health and survival. However, contrary to
WHO recommendations, fewer than half of infants under 6 months old are exclusively breastfed.
Breastmilk is the ideal food for infants. It is safe, clean and contains antibodies ...2... against many
common childhood illnesses. Breastmilk provides all the energy and nutrients that the infant needs
for the first months of life, and it continues to provide up to half or more of a child’s nutritional needs
during the second half of the first year, and up to one third during the second year of life.
Breastfed children perform better on intelligence tests, are less likely to be overweight or obese and
less prone to diabetes later in life. Women who breastfeed also have a reduced risk of breast and
ovarian cancers.
Inappropriate marketing of breast-milk substitutes ...3... to undermine efforts to improve breastfeeding
rates and duration worldwide.

1. (D) continued
(A) to detest (E) will continue
(B) to assure
(C) to find out 4. What is the main idea of the text?
(D) to stand up for (A) Breastmilk is the ideal food for infants
(E) give heed to (B) Breastfeeding is one of the most effective
ways to feed infants.
2. (C) The benefits of breastfeeding.
(A) helps to protect (D) Breastfed children perform better on
(B) helping to protect intelligence tests.
(C) which help to protect (E) WHO recommendations about
(D) which helps protect breastfeeding.
(E) helping protect 5. What is the author’s attitude toward
3. (A) Neutral
(A) continues (B) encouraging
(B) has continued (C) informative
(C) continue (D) objective
(E) concern
This text is for question number 6-14
Have you ever been to the beach? Did you see a man with a head set pointing along pole at the
ground? If so you might have seen a person using a metal detector. People use these devices to find
Metal detectors make magnetic waves. These waves go through the ground. The waves change
when they hit metal. Then the device beeps. This lets the person with the device know that metal is
The first metal detectors were meant to helpminers. They were big. They cost a lot ofmoney.They
used a lot of power. And worst of all, they didn’t work well. People kept trying to make them better.
Metal detectors got smaller. Now they are light and cheap. They also work better. Thatis why people
bring them to the beach. They can look for rings in the water.They can look for phones in the sand.
Metal detectors help them find these things. They usually just find junk though.
Metal detectors also protect people. They help to keep guns out of some places. They are in
airports.They are in courthouses. Some schools use them. They help guards look for weapons. Guards
use special wands to find metal on a person.
These devices save lives in other ways too. During wars, people plant bombs in the ground. When
the war ends, they don’t clean up their messes. This is unsafe for the people who live in those places.
Others use metal detectors to find bombs. They remove them and help the people.
These devices also make clothes safer. It sounds funny, but it’s true. Most clothes are made in big
factories. There are lots of needles in these places. Needles break from time to time. They get stuck in
the clothes.They would poke people trying the mon.
They don’t though. That’s because our clothes ares canned for metal. Isn’t that nice? Let’s hear it
for metal detectors. They make the world a safer place.

Program Super OSCISIF

Kelas XII IPA dan IPS 01
“Totalitas dan Sepenuh Hati“
6. Which was not one of the problems with the
first metal detectors? 11. Why do people bring metal detectors to the
(A). They were too big. beach?
(B).They were too expensive. (A) Metal detectors help people keep the sand
(C).They didn’t work well. clean and safe.
(D). They were unsafe. (B) Metal detectors look cool.
(E). all (C) Metal detectors help people find valuable
7. Which best describes the main idea of the second (D) Metal detectors help guards keep weapons
paragraph? away from the beach.
(A) It describes the sounds of a metal detector. (E) To help the from danger.
(B) It explains how metal detectors work.
(C) It warns about the effects of metal 12. Which happens first?
detectors. (A) The metal detector beeps alarmingly.
(D) It explains how magnetic waves move. (B) The magnetic waves hit metal and change.
(E) It explains the benefit of metal detector. (C) The magnetic waves go through the
8. How do metal detectors make clothing safer? (D) The metal detector creates magnetic
(A) Metal detectors make sure factory machine waves.
sare working the right way. (E) none
(B) Metal detectors make sure workers don’t
bring weapons into factories. 13. How did metal detectors get better overtime?
(C) Metal detectors make sure that broken (A) They became cheaper.
needles don’t get into clothing. (B) They became lighter.
(D) Metal detectors help people recover lost (C) They began working better
clothing at the beach. (D) All of these
(E) Metal detectors help people to be safe (E) none

9. Why were metal detectors first used? 14. Which title would best describe the purpose
(A) To help miners of this text?
(B) To help security guards (A) A Day at the Beach: Using Your Metal Detector
(C) To help doctors to Find Things
(D) To help soldiers (B) Metal Detectors: a Complete the Story of Their
(E) To help teachers Invention
(C) Magnetism and More: How a Metal Detector
10. According to the text, metal detectors have Works
been used in all of the following except which? (D) Metal Detectors: What They Do and How We
(A) schools Use Them
(B) churches (E) none
(C) courthouses
(D) airports
(E) none
This Text is for questions number 15-20
Once people wore garlic around their necks to ward off disease. Today, most Americans would
scoff at the idea of wearing a necklace of garlic cloves to enhance their well-being. However, you might
find a number of Americans willing to ingest capsules of pulverized garlic or other herbal supplements
in the name of health.
Complementary and alternative medicine, which includes a range of practices outside of conventional
medicine such as herbs, homeopathy, massage therapy, yoga, and acupuncture, hold increas- ing
appeal for Americans. In fact, according to one estimate, 42% of Americans have used alternative
therapies. In all age groups, the use of unconventional healthcare practices has steadily increased in
the last 30 years, and the trend is likely to continue, although people born before 1945 are the least
likely to turn to these therapies.
Why have so many patients turned to alternative therapies? Many are frustrated by the time
constraints of managed care and alienated by conventional medicine’s focus on technology. Others
feel that a holistic approach to healthcare better reflects their beliefs and values. Others seek therapies
that relieve symptoms associated with chronic disease; symptoms that mainstream medicine cannot
Some alternative therapies have even crossed the line into main- stream medicine, as scientific
investigation has confirmed their safety and efficacy. For example, physicians may currently prescribe
acu- puncture for pain management or to control the nausea associated with chemotherapy. Additionally,

Program Super OSCISIF

Kelas XII IPA dan IPS 02
“Totalitas dan Sepenuh Hati“
many U.S. medical schools teach courses in alternative therapies, and many health insurance compa-
nies offer some alternative medicine benefits.
15. What is the main idea of this passage? This text is for question number 19.
(A) Alternative medicine is now a big business Authentic Dhurrie rugs are hand woven in India.
in the United States with more Americans Today, they are usually made of wool, but they
seeking it out than ever before. are descendants of cotton floor and bed coverings.
(B) Today, it is not unusual for mainstream In fact, the name Dhurrie comes from the Indian
doctors to incorporate alternative word dari, which means threads of cotton. The rugs
therapies into their practice. are noted for their soft colors, their varieties of
(C) Over the last few decades, alternative design, and they make a stunning focal point for
medicine has become more popular, any living room or dining room.
accepted, and practiced in the United
States. 19. Which of the following is the most likely
(D) People are tired of conventional medicine’s intended audience for the passage?
focus on technology. (A) people studying traditional Indian culture
(E) People are not interested of conventional (B) people who are studying Indian domestic
medicine’s focus on technology customs
(C) people learning to operate a rug loom
16. According to the passage, which practice would (D) people who enjoy interior decorating
not be defined as alternative medicine? (E) none
(A) pain management
(B) acupuncture This text is for question number 20
(C) taking herbal garlic supplements Worldwide illiteracy rates have consistently
(D) massage therapy declined in the last few decades. One of the major
(E) all reasons for this decline is the sharp increase of
literacy rates among young women, which is a
17. Based on the information given, what kind of result of specific campaigns designed to increase
person would be least likely to seek out educational opportunities for girls. However,
alternative medical treatment? there are still an estimated 771 million illiterate
(A) a senior citizen suffering from adults in the world, about two-thirds of who are
chemotherapy-induced nausea women.
(B) a young woman suffering from chronic
fatigue syndrome 20. Based on the passage, the author would tend
(C) a 45-year-old man who believes that his to agree with which of the following
body and mind must be treated together. statements?
(D) a 25-year-old track star with chronic back (A) Men and women should have equal access
pain to education.
(E) all (B) Males have a greater need for higher
education than women.
18. The passage indicates that alternative (C) Worldwide, women need medical care
treatments are increasingly being used more than the ability to read.
by mainstream medical professionals because (D) It has been proven that women with
(A) more and more Americans are demanding increased education have fewer children.
alternative therapies. (E) nonec
(B) healthcare insurance companies are now
providing some ben- efits for alternative
medical treatments.
(C) they are frustrated by the time constraints
of managed care.
(D) scientific studies are becoming available that
prove their effec- tiveness and safety.
(E) more and more people are demanding
alternative therapies.

Program Super OSCISIF

Kelas XII IPA dan IPS 03

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