Week 4

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Week 4- Feb 8-9 2023

Transnational Disability Studies

(no lecture today)

Group presentation
● Pick a topic on world issue today
● Report/paper
○ Essay format
○ References
○ Executive summary
● Analyze, criticize
● Can present it in any way (skit, PowerPoint, speech, etc)
● Transnational Disability Studies
○ A field of study that examines the experiences and perspectives of people with
disabilities across different cultures, societies, and nations.
○ It focuses on issues related to disability, including social and political barriers,
cultural representations, and the intersection of disability with other forms of
oppression, such as gender, race, and class.
○ This field is often interdisciplinary, drawing on fields such as sociology,
anthropology, history, and literature to understand and address disability-related
issues on a global scale.

● Transnational Disability
○ Refers to the study and analysis of the experiences and issues related to disability
across different nations, cultures, and societies.
● Disability
○ A term used to refer to a physical, sensory, cognitive, or developmental
impairment that affects a person's ability to perform daily tasks and participate
fully in society.
● Intersectionality
○ The interconnectedness and overlap of different social identities, such as race,
gender, sexuality, and disability, and how these intersecting identities can create
unique experiences of oppression and discrimination.
● Ableism
○ A form of discrimination or prejudice that favors able-bodied individuals over
those with disabilities, often resulting in unequal access to resources and
● Universal Design
○ An approach to designing products, environments, and services that are
accessible and usable by people with a wide range of abilities and disabilities.

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