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Exercise 1.

Choose the correct word for the following definitions:

Move from one place to another. To transport physically. To send.

A. to glide (deslizarse)
B. to rearrange (reorganizer)
C. to replace (Volver a colocar)
D. to transfer

2. Able to be read or to be deciphered, legible.

A. Readable (ameno)
B. Focused (concentrado, enfocado)
C. understandable
D. clear (claro)

3. At a lower level or layer than. Extending or directly underneath.

A. Near (cerca)
B. Above (encima)
C. Beneath
D. next to (al lado)

4. A solemn promise or undertaking. A vow or commitment.

A. Agreement (acuerdo)
B. Pledge
C. Promise (promesa)
D. guarantee (garantia)

5. Relating to recent times or the present. Contemporary or up-to-date. Advanced,

recently developed techniques or style.
A. New (nuevo)
B. Modern
C. Art (Arte)
D. Inspiring (inspirador)
6. A widely held and simplified view point or idea about a particular thing or type of
A. idea
B. simplification (simplificación)
C. falsehood (falsedad)
D. stereotype (estereotipo)

7. A word or phrase that has the same meaning as another word or phrase.
A. synonym
B. likeness (semejanza)
C. resemblance (parecido)
D. similarity (similar)

8. A quantitative expression of a plan for a defined period of time.

A. a sum
B. an addition (in addition-además)
C. a budget
D. a multiplication

Exercise 2. Choose the correct word from the list of three words below,
which is BEST suited for the word or expression in capital letters in each

1. They put on their red jackets and mounted their horses to go STALKING AND
A. Chasing (persecución)
B. poaching (caza furtiva)
C. hunting

2. The disobedient children REFUSED TO OBEY their teacher.

A. Confronted (afrontar, confrontar)
B. ignored (ignorar)
C. defied (desafiar)
3. The SPECTATORS at the theatre enjoyed the show.
A. Congregation (fieles)
B. audience
C. assembly (reunion)

4. She made the CHOICE to leave home when she was eighteen.
A. option
B. resolve
C. decision

5. The schoolgirl was HARASSED by the other children because she was foreign.
A. Persecuted (perseguido, acosado)
B. Annoyed (molesto)
C. Befriended (hacr amigo)

6. When Bill won his HUGE WINNINGS on the lottery, he bought himself a yacht
A. fortune
B. cash (dinero en efectivo)
C. money (dinero)

7. The parents failed to come to an ACCORDANCE about the children in their

divorce settlement.
A. Compatibility (compatibilidad)
B. agreement
C. arrangement (arreglo)


newborn child for his general health.
A. doctor
B. nurse
C. pediatrician
Exericse 3. Match the following words (from 1 to 10) with a word that has
similar meaning.
Example: 1. Access E. Entry
1. access - E. entry
2. correct - D. accurate
3. achieve - F. accomplish
4. gain - A. acquire
5. modify - I. change
6. management - J. administration
7. influence - C. adjust
8. alter - B. affect
9. choice - H.alternative
10. analyze - G. evaluate

A. acquire
B. affect
C. adjust
D. accurate
E. entry
F. accomplish
G. evaluate
H. alternative
I. change
J. administration

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