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Rejane Mae L.

Belbar BSEd - Social Studies 3A

West Visayas State University - Himamaylan City Campus


video: The Arts of Questioning

Based on the video I watched, question is a communication technique.

Question can be very useful at directing conversations and reaching concrete
conclusion. The better we get asking questions the better answers we will receive. The
video discuss about the four different question types these are closed, open-ended,
leading and reflective. First is the closed questions, are direct and generally require
short answers or yes or no answers. Second is the open-ended questions, which is
detailed feedback or answers. Open-ended questions are often used to create
conversation. Third is the leading questions, are specifically phrased to elicit
particular response. Lastly, the reflective questions, encourage thought and
Each of the four different question types will be detailed and really learn how
we can apply the effectively. The closed questions are often used to gather factual
information like asking someone, closed questions evoke a yes or no answer since the
answers are relatively straight forward these questions are easy to answer, we don’t
need to elaborate and therefore the answers are short and to the point. Sometimes
closed questions are also used as conversation starters. Closed question can also be
conclude or summarize a discussion. Open-ended questions had characteristics, open-
ended questions stimulate and encourage conversation they can be used to direct the
flow of a conversation and gather more information and insight on the topic. These
questions typically start with how, why, when, where, what, who and and which.
Next, leading question are phrased to indicate the desired response. We don’t realize
or intentionally ask leading question but they can actually be used strategically.
Leading question needs specific answer in reality this type of questioning. Lastly, the
reflective questions are open-ended questions that require a person to think about their
answer before responding. They can be very useful to gather important feedback.
Therefore, I conclude that through questioning you can make a specific
conversation and get the thought of everyone. Through questioning we ensure that the
answer of each are really relevant to the topic or information you want to know. Now
I know that, questioning is an effective communication technique. Questions can be
used to direct the flow of a conversation flow. To ensure the specific and the best
answers we want, we need to use different question types which are closed, open-
ended, leading and reflective questions.

Question Student-Teacher 1 Student-Teacher 2 Student-Teacher 3

Name: Mike V. Marfiel Name: Ed D. Magbanua Name: Hope P. Segurate
1. How Authentic Assessment: For me, authentic Authentic assessment is
would you this identifies how to assessment is an the concept of authentic
describe apply the assessment approach to measure assessment is the use of
authentic technique to a real- the students ability in creative learning
assessment? world scenario. This is both knowledge and experiences to test
a constant. skills way. students skills and
knowledge in actual
2. How Well, authentic Authentic assessment Authentic assessment
traditional assessment is just what provide more detailed gives the students
differs from I have said; it defines a information about the freedom to express
the authentic real-world scenario. learners and the themselves, creatively.
assessment? Otherwise, traditional traditional naman is they They perform the tasks
assessment is based on use numerical method given to them while
pen and paper. Some of only. traditional assessments
our teachers nowadays are “tests” given using
are still using kind of paper and pencil that are
assessment, especially usually true/false,
then older ones. matching or multiple
Because in their time choice, and they are
they were using this simple to grade, but
kind of assessment, they only examine
unlike now when we limited application, facts
are using digital for or memorized data at
studies. lower-level thinking
3. How did Since both authentic The teachers in our In my experience at the
your and traditional university do their best University, they assess
teachers in assessments are highly in a way to use both our learning skills using
the beneficial to me and my assessment in assessing both assessments. With
university fellow students, the to help the students this, they attest our
assess your university professors needs. learning capacity in
performance evaluate them both for which we excel either in
authentically me and my fellow performing it’s
and students. topic/lessons or shall in
traditionally Let’s talk about why traditional ways like
? authentic assessment is paper and pencil. Using
useful to me because these strategies helps us
nowadays we use to improve and widen
PowerPoint, video our flexibility as a
presentations, etc. To future educator.
help student focus on
the given presentation,
while traditional is also
useful to practice using
traditional for future
teachers because, in the
field, not every room
has television or laptop
that can used for
classroom discussion,
so we need to prepare
some traditional
materials to continue
learning and provide
quality education.
4. Which For me, I’ll prefer to The assessment I prefer I prefer authentic
form of use authentic is the authentic assessment. With this,
assessment assessment. Why? assessment because this you can assess their
do you Because the term “real- assessment or this thoughts and learn
prefer, world scenario” means assessment can be call through performing on
Authentic or what is happening right an journal or graph that what they have learned.
Traditional? now authenticity is tells the growth of the As a student teacher, I
Why? relevant nowadays learners in a way that observed that most of
because most of our the teacher can observe the students, excel well
students have their own if the learners is really in if they perform on
phones, laptops, etc. To having an development. what they have learned.
use. It can be effective. Authentic assessments,
I already experienced in unlike typical tests,
my teaching internship include multiple
that using authentic solutions dependent on
assessment is more how a student interprets
effective that using and solves a challenge,
traditional assessment problem, or task. Any
in the classroom. subject ca benefit from
authentic assessments.
Overall, they tend to
meet the following
criteria which is being
realistic in nature.

1. ) Write the summary of descriptions of the student teachers of the authentic

assessment. Consider its similarities and differences.

For my first student teacher interviewee Mr. Mike V. Marfiel for him,
authentic assessment: this identifies how to apply the assessment technique to a real-
world scenario. This is a constant. Then, my second student teacher interviewee Mr.
Ed D. Magbanua for him, authentic assessment is an approach to measure the
students ability in both knowledge and skills way. Lastly to my third student teacher
interviewee Ms. Hope P. Segurate for her, authentic assessment is the concept of
authentic assessment is the use of creative learning experiences to test students skills
and knowledge in actual scenarios.
The similarities on how they describe authentic assessment, the first
interviewee describe how to apply in real-world scenario and the third interviewee
describe the authentic assessment the use of creative learning experiences to test
students skills and knowledge in actual scenarios. Also the similarities of authentic
assessment the second interviewee describe authentic assessment to measure the
students ability in both knowledge and skills and the third interviewee describe
authentic assessment is the use of creative learning experiences to test students skills
and knowledge. They have no differences in describing authentic assessment.

2. ) Summarize their ideas on how they differentiating traditional assessment from

authentic assessment.

The first interviewee, differentiate traditional assessment from authentic

assessment through the based on the pen and paper test in the traditional assessment
and the authentic assessment is how to apply the assessment technique to a real-world
scenario. The second interviewee, differentiate traditional assessment from authentic
assessment through the use numerical method only in the traditional assessment and
the authentic assessment is to provide more detailed information about the learners.
Lastly, the third interviewee, differentiate traditional assessments from authentic
assessment through the “tests” given using paper and pencil that are usually true/false,
matching or multiple choice, and they are simple to grade, but they only examine
limited application, facts or memorized data at lower-level thinking skills in the
traditional assessment and the authentic assessment is to gives the students freedom to
express themselves, creatively. They perform the tasks given to them.

3. ) What are the activities/tasks given by their teachers to assess their performance
authentically? Traditionally? Summarize their responses below.

Authentic Assessment: perform in real-world scenario or actual scenarios, detailed

information, students freedom to express themselves creatively through performing.

Traditional Assessment: pen and paper or paper and pencil test, matching type,
true/false, numerical method, multiple choices, facts, memorized date or lower-level
thinking skills.
4. ) What type of assessment that student teachers prefer?

The first interviewee, he prefer to use authentic assessment, because the term
“real-world scenario” means what is happening right now authenticity is relevant
nowadays because most of our students have their own phones, laptops, etc. To use. It
can be effective. I already experienced in my teaching internship that using authentic
assessment is more effective that using traditional assessment in the classroom. The
second interviewee Mr. Ed, he prefer also authentic assessment because this
assessment or this assessment can be call an journal or graph that tells the growth of
the learners in a way that the teacher can observe if the learners is really having an
development. Lastly, the third interviewee Ms. Hope, she prefer also authentic
assessment. With this, you can assess their thoughts and learn through performing on
what they have learned. As a student teacher, I observed that most of the students,
excel well in if they perform on what they have learned. Authentic assessments,
unlike typical tests, include multiple solutions dependent on how a student interprets
and solves a challenge, problem, or task. Any subject ca benefit from authentic
assessments. Overall, they tend to meet the following criteria which is being realistic
in nature.


 Ano ang kahulugan ng Ekonomiks?

 Ano ang tumutukoy sa patuloy na pagtaas ng kabuuang presyo sa ekonomiya?
 Kailan nangyari ang World War 1?


 Ilarawan ang panahong paleolitiko sa limang salita.

 Talakayin ang kabihasnang hellenic.
 Kilalanin ang nasyonalistang lider.


 Ilarawan sa pamamagitan ng pagguhit ang kultura ng mga t’boli.

 Ipakita sa pamamagitan ng pagtatalakay ang tungkol sa kabihasnang Sumer.
 Ilarawan sa pamamagitan ng poster ang mga tao noong panahong neolitiko.


 Ihambing sa pamamagitan ng compare and contrast ang panahong paleolitiko at

panahong neolitiko.
 Ano ang pagkakaiba ng pangangailangan at kagustuhan?
 Gamit ang Triple Venn Diagram paghambingin ang katangian ng kabihasnang
Sumer, kabihasnang Indus at kabihasnang Tsina.


 Batay sa balitang inyong napanood, paano makakaapekto ang migrasyon sa ating

 Batay sa ating talakayan kanina, ano-ano ang mga karapatang pantao?
 Batay sa bidyo na inyong napanood, ano-ano ang mga mahahalagang konsepto ng


 Sumulat ng sanaysay tungkol sa kontemporaryong isyu.

 Gumawa ng poster na naglalarawan sa mga sinaunang tao.
 Bumalangkas ng isang tula na mayroong tatlong (3) saknong at may apat (4) na
taludtud tungkol sa unang yugto ng kolonyalismo.


 Ano ang buong pangalan ni Jose Rizal?

 Sino ang nagtatag ng Kataas-taasang, Kagalang-galang Katipunan ng mga anak
ng Bayan o KKK?



 Ano ang pagkakaiba ng pangangailan at kagustuhan? Magbigay ng halimbawa ng

pangangailangan at kagustuhan.



 Kung wala ang mga sinaunang tao sa daigdig, mayroon kayang tao ngayon?
 Kung hindi nangyari ang World War 1, mayroon bang kapayapaan ang mundo



1. Aside from the mentioned activities in the second level of multicultural education
give three (3) other activities that elementary schools usually practice.

2. How can teachers implement the first level of multicultural education?

 The teachers implement the first level of multicultural education by infusing

holidays and heroes into the curriculum.

3. Give topics/lesson/activities that would allow students to do prejudice reduction?

 In grade 10 araling panlipunan, which is discrimination


After I graduate college.

I will find a job, like call center agent to save money for my LET review and

After I save money, I will review for my profession and I take board examination.

If I pass LET examination, I will process all my papers for ranking and become a
Teacher I. While I’m working as a teacher, I will enroll Master degree for pursuing
my goals in life.

If I didn’t pass LET examination, I will apply in the private institutions or school to
pursuing my teaching career and also to support my siblings and help my parents.
From the drawing you have created, make a reflection that would describe your plans
for your career.

I reflect from the drawing I created, is that my plans for my career is for my
future someday.

You have learned the essence of career planning. For this activity, write the
plans you have in mind by filling in the graphic organizer below. Write the steps that
you will undertake after finishing college and give a short explanation of how you
accomplish and why you need to achieve it.

Step 1: After I graduate college. I will find a job, like call center agent to save money
for my LET review and examination.

Step 2: After I save money, I will review for my profession and I take board

Step 3 (plan a): If I pass LET examination, I will process all my papers for ranking
and become a Teacher I.

Step 3 (plan b): If I didn’t pass LET examination, I will apply in the private
institutions or school to pursuing my teaching career and also to support my siblings
and help my parents.

Step 4: While I’m working as a teacher, I will enroll master’s degree and doctorate
for pursuing my goals in life.

Step 5: When I finish pursuing my goals in life. I will save money for renovate the
house of my parents. Also, I will build a house for myself, my husband and to my

Modified True or False

Write TRUE if the sentence is TRUE and FALSSE if the sentence is FALSE
on the space provided before each number, then write an explanation or justification
why the statement is TRUE or FALSE.

TRUE 1. Teachers who finished their doctorate and worked for ten years in the
profession can be considered artists.

Justification: An artist is a professional teacher who has been in the teaching

profession for at least 10 years, and has earned the highest degree possible which is a
doctorate degree. He/She has mastered the craft of teaching and has raised it to a level
of an art.

TRUE 2. Career planning is fixed plan of teachers for their future in the profession.

Justification: As a teacher, you have a career planning in order to improve ourselves.

We have to carefully plan our career, because career planning is a lifelong process,
which includes choosing an occupation, getting job, possibly changing careers and
eventually retiring.

TRUE 3. A cadet can practice their teaching skills in the field even without a license
to teach.

Justification: A cadet is a college student or a student teacher that can practice their
teaching skills in the field even without a license, bacause cadet is nearly about to
complete the required academic requirements including student teaching practicum
for a teacher education degree to become a teacher.

FALSE 4. Just set any goals you have, even if they seem impossible.

Justification: Nothing is impossible, but you must set one goal to achieve it in order
to build your self-esteem and self-confidence. We know that every goals you want,
there are barriers and challenges you encounter that would stop you pursuing any
goals. Barriers that come up often cause an individual to leave behind of their goals.

FALSE 5. It is important to highlight all of your accomplishments in making your


Justification: In the resume, you should highlight any special accomplishments you
have achieved, not all of your accomplishments because if you write all of your
accomplishment the HR or the interviewer will take time to read all your
accomplishment. You must put the special accomplishment you achieved in order to
make your resume pleasant and easy to read.

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