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NIM : 220711010156


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1.What is the meaning of consti tuti on?

2.Explain the importance of consti tuti on to the state (country)!

3.Describe the history of Indonesian Consti tuti on briefl y!

1. A constitution is a document or set of written rules that establishes the foundations of a
country's government or political institutions. The constitution contains the basic principles,
structure and functions of a country's government, as well as the rights and obligations of
The constitution usually contains provisions regarding the division of powers between the
central and regional governments, regulation of relations between government institutions,
human rights, the judicial system, as well as mechanisms for amendments or amendments to
the constitution itself.
2. The constitution is very important for the state because it has several very vital functions,
Determines the structure of government: The constitution determines the structure of the
country's government, both in terms of the division of powers between the central and regional
governments, and in terms of the relationship between government agencies. A clear and orderly
government structure will facilitate the implementation of government duties and functions.
Defines the rights and obligations of citizens: The Constitution guarantees basic rights of citizens
such as the right to freedom of religion, the right to freedom of speech, and the right to justice. In
addition, the constitution also stipulates the obligations of citizens towards the state, such as
paying taxes and carrying out military service duties.
Maintaining political stability: The constitution maintains political stability by regulating
government decision-making and preventing conflicts between governmental powers and
Guarantee the rule of law: The constitution guarantees the rule of law and provides a legal basis
for the state to carry out certain actions or policies. This ensures that all government policies and
actions are within established legal boundaries.
Establish a mechanism for amending the constitution: The Constitution also stipulates a
mechanism for amending the constitution, so that it is able to adapt to the times and the needs of
society without violating its basic principles.
3. Indonesia's constitutional history began in 1945, when Indonesia proclaimed its independence
from Dutch colonialism on August 17, 1945. At that time, Indonesia was still in a state of war
against Dutch troops who were trying to regain control of the territories they had colonized. On
August 18, 1945, the PPKI (Committee for Indonesian Independence) formed a constituent body
to draft a new Indonesian constitution (UUD). In these PPKI sessions, various issues were
discussed such as drafting the constitution, forming a provisional government, and forming state
bodies. On August 18, 1945, the Indonesian Independence Preparatory Investigation Agency
(BPUPKI) was formed, whose task was to draft the Indonesian constitution. Then, on August 29

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