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1. What things do human beings do which harm the environment?

Humans impact the physical environment in many ways: overpopulation, pollution,
burning fossil fuels, and deforestation. Changes like these have triggered climate
change, soil erosion, poor air quality, and undrinkable water.

2. Do you think the weather in your country has changed over the past 10 years?
I would have to say yes, Due to global warming, the climate is increasingly
changing as hot weather lasts longer.
- Global warming is causing extensive climate changes in Vietnam, with the
summer lasting much longer compared to the past, which is irritating because I have
never been a fan of the heat. Extreme weather conditions such as typhoons or heat
waves are happening on a much more regular basis, too, so it does become a bit
more dangerous to reside in my country.
3. Do you believe global warming is a threat to humanity?
Absolutely yes, Risks for society will increase, including to infrastructure and low-
lying coastal settlements. Increased heatwaves, droughts and floods are already
exceeding plants and animals' tolerance thresholds, driving mass mortalities in
species such as trees and corals.
4. Is global warming caused by human beings?
Yes, The increase in CO2 content is mainly due to human activities such as burning
fuel, reducing agricultural land use that have caused global warming and aggravated

5. What do you think of the air quality in your town?

6. How much recycling do you do?

7. Do you use a reusable shopping bag?
Yes, very often. When I go shopping, I frequently reuse plastic bags and bring my
own bags. That might lessen the volume of plastic waste that pollutes the ocean and
8. Do you eat all the food you buy or do you throw some away?
Depends on the specific situation and the condition of the food. If I have leftover
food, I try to store it properly so that I can be eaten later or I can consider donating
it a local food bank or shelter.
9. Do you drive or use public transport?
Depending on a variety of factors, I might decide to drive alone if I need to travel a
long distance quickly, but for the most part, I always choose public transportation
when moving around the city because it is reasonably priced and comfortable.
10.Would you like to drive an electric car?

11.Would it be better if everybody cycled instead of driving?

12.Would it be good for the environment if everybody stopped eating meat?

13.What can individuals do to the help the environment?

14.What can governments do to help the environment?

15.What can big business do to help the environment?

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