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1 Functions of Several
p. 934
Functions of Several Variables

 Let = ( , ) be the value of at the

general point ( , ).
 The variables x and y are independent
 z is the dependent variable.
 The domain of the function f is a subset
of ℝ . The range of the function f is a subset of ℝ.
Functions of Several variables

 If a function f is given by a formula and no domain is
specified then the domain of f is the set of all pairs (x, y) for
which the expression ( , ) is a well-defined real number.
Example 1 (p.934) Find the domain of the following functions.

a) , = b) , = ( − )
= , | + + 1 ≥ 0, ≠ 1 = , | <
Functions of several variables
 Graphs

 The graph of a function of two variables is a surface S with

equation = ( , ).
Example 3:
Sketch the graph of the function
, =6−3 −2
The graph of has the equation = 6 − 3 − 2
or 3 + 2 − = 6 which represents a plane.
Functions of several variables

Example 4. Sketch the graph of , = 9− − .


The graph has equation = 9− −

or + + = 9, ≥ 0.

The graph of f is the top half of the sphere

with center the origin and radius 3.

Functions of several variables

Example 5. Find the domain, range and sketch the graph of
, =4 + .
 , is defined for all possible ordered pairs of real
numbers , , so the domain is the entire xy-plane.
 The range is the set of all nonnegative
real numbers.
 The graph of , has the equation
=4 + .
This is an elliptic paraboloid.
Functions of several variables
 Level curves

 A level curve , = is the set of all points in the

domain of at which takes on a given value .
Example 7. Sketch the level curve of the function , =
6 − 3 − 2 for the value of = 12.
The level curve is the curve with equation 6 − 3 − 2 = 12
or 3 + 2 + 6 = 0. This is a line in the xy-plane.
Functions of several variables

Example 8. The level curve of the function
, = 9− − for = 0.
The level curve is 9 − − = 0 or + = 9.
This is a circle with center (0,0) and radius 3.
Example 9. The level curve of the function
, =4 + + 1 for = 5.
The level curve is 4 + + 1 = 5 or 4 + =4
or + = 1.
This is an ellipse with semi-axes 1 and 2.
Level curves

Functions of several variables

Def: A function of three variables is a rule that assigns to each
order triple ( , , ) in a set ⊂ℝ a unique real number
denoted by ( , , ).
Example 10. Find the domain of the function
, , = ln − + .
The domain of the function is = , , | > . This is a half-
space consisting of all points that lie above the plane = .
Example 11. Find the level surface of the function
, , = + + for = 4.
The level surface is + + = 4. This is a sphere with center
O(0,0) and radius 2.
Functions of several variables

Def: A function of n variables is a rule that assigns to
each n-tuple ( , , … , ) in a set ⊂ ℝ a unique real
number denoted by ( , , … , ).

 Exercises: Ex 1 – 12 (P 946)
 Exercises: Ex 47 – 50 (P 949)
p. 951
Limits and Continuity

 Notation lim

( , )=

or ( , ) → as ( , ) → ( , )
Limits and Continuity

 The Def.1 says that
 The distance between ( , ) and can be made arbitrarily
small by making the distance from , to ( , ) sufficiently
 If any small interval ( − , + )
is given around , the we can find
a disk with center ( , ) and
radius > 0 such that maps all
the point in (except ( , )) into
the interval ( − , + ).
Limits and Continuity

 If the limit exists, then ( , ) must approach the same
limit no mater how , approaches ( , ).
 If there are two different paths of approach along
which, the function ( , ) has different limits then

( , ) does not exist.

Limits and continuity




Functions of n variables
 lim
 ( , , )= means that for every number > 0 there
( , , )→( , , )
is a corresponding number > 0 such that if ( , , ) is in the
domain of and 0 < − + − + − < then
, , − < .
 The function is continuous at ( , , ) if
lim ( , , )= ( , , )
( , , )→( , , )

 Exercises: Ex 3 – 16 (P 960)
 Exercises: Ex 21 – 28 (P 960)
p. 961
Partial Derivatives
 Suppose that = , .

 We let only vary while keeping fixed, = . Then we
let = ( , ) i.e. is a function of a single variable .
If has a derivative at then we call it the partial
derivative of with respect to at ( , ) and denote it by
, = ′( ).

Partial Derivatives

 Similarly, the partial derivative of with respect to at
( , ) and denote it by , is
Partial Derivatives

Partial Derivatives

Example 1. Find partial derivatives of the function.
a) , = −3 +
b) , =
c) , = ∫ cos
d) , = cos

Example 2. Use the definition of partial derivative to

find (0,0) if , = + .
Interpretations of Partial Derivatives

 The equation = ( , ) represents a surface S.
If , = then the point ( , , ) lies on S.
 The vertical plane = intersects S in a curve
which is the graph of the function = ( , ).
 The vertical plane = intersects S in a curve
which is the graph of the function ℎ( ) = ( , ).
 The partial derivatives ( , ) and ( , ) are the slopes of the
tangent lines and at the point P to the traces and of S
in the planes = and = .
 ( , ) is the rate of change of with respect to when is fixed.
 ( , ) is the rate of change of with respect to when is fixed.

Functions of n variables

 The partial derivative of the function with respect

to the ith variable is found by regarding ,…,
, ,…, as constants and differentiating
with respect to .
Functions of n variables

Example. Find partial derivatives of the function.
a) = − ln( + 2 + 3 )
b) = /
Higher Derivatives

 is a function of two variables ( , ). The second partial
derivatives of are the partial derivatives of the partial
derivatives of .
 Notation
Higher derivatives

Example . Find the second derivatives of , = +2 .
Partial Differential Equations

 A partial differential equation is a differential equation that
contains unknown multivariable functions and their partial
 Laplace’s equation has the form
+ =0

Solutions of this equation are called harmonic functions.

 The wave equation has the form

Ex. Show that = arctan is a solution of Laplace’s equation.


1. Functions of several variables
2. Domain and Range of Functions of several variables
3. Level curves
4. Limits and Continuity
5. Partial Derivatives
6. Higher order partial derivatives

 Exercises: Ex 9 – 36 (P 970)
 Exercises: Ex 45 – 50 (P 970)
 Exercises: Ex 53 – 66 (P 970)

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