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PART 1: INTERVIEW (Ask 2-5 questions about ONE topic)

1. Eating out
a How often do you go out for lunch/dinner?

b Where do you usually go to eat out?

c  Do you like spicy food?

d  Are you allergic to anything?

2. A late night

a How often do you stay up late?

b What things can you stay up really late doing?

c What reasons why you might not get home till after one?

3. Getting better
a What activities or skills are you very good/OK at?

b What activities or skills have you tried to do, but aren't good at?

c What activities or skills have you never tried?

4. Places to see & Express preferences and give reasons

a Between a beach and mountain, which place do you prefer to go on holiday? Why?

b Which sort of holiday would you rather go on? Relaxing in a resort, going on a cruise, or a trip
into the nature?

5. Living abroad
a Have you ever lived abroad?

b   Would you like to spend a long time in another country? Why/Why not?

c   What advice and information would you want to get before you go?

6. A bright future
a What are your future plans and intentions?

b When are you going to do them?

c What do you do to achieve them?

7. Living the dream

a Where would your dream house be? What would it be like?

b   If you could take time off to study, what would you most like to learn about?

c   Do you think you have too many possessions, just the right amount or not enough?

8. A great show
a   How often do you go to the cinema? What kind of films do you like to watch?

b   How do you usually watch TV? Live or on demand? Which TV programmes do you like?

c In what kind of programme do people get voted off?

d Can you think of three big Hollywood blockbusters?

9. A five-star review
a   Do you ever read online reviews? If so, what for?

b   Do you ever write reviews? If so, have you ever written a really good/bad one? Why?

10. Headline news

a   How closely do you follow the news?

b   Where do you get information about what's happening in the world?

c   What news sections do you read most often? Are there any you never read?

11. Apologise and make excuses

a   When was the last time you had to apologise? Why?

b What do you say to promise and thank in that situation?

12. Money issues

a Have you have borrowed or lent money?

b Do you agree that it is best never to borrow or lend money? Why?

13. Kings of the road

a   Have you ever had to pay a fine?

b   Did you pass your driving test first time?

c   What's the worst traffic jam you've ever experienced?

d   Have you ever had a bike or car stolen?

14. Make phone calls

a When was the last time you made a phone call to a place? What place to? 

b What do you say exactly to express your reason for calling in that situation?

15. Ideal societies

What would you do if:

a … you had a million dollars?

b … you could travel through time?

c … you ran your school, university or company?

d … you ruled the world?

e … you owned a sports team?

f … you were living alone in a big house?

16. Offer and accept or decline

a When was the last time someone offered to do something for you? What was it? What did you
say exactly to accept or decline in that situation?

b When was the last time you offered to do something for someone? What happened? What did
you say exactly to offer help in that situation?

17. Talking to strangers

a When was the last time you talked to a stranger? What happened?

b What did you say exactly to start the conversation with him/her?

18. What’s the truth?

a Do you post on social media? If so, how often?

b Do you believe everything you read on social media?

19. It’s so annoying

What are FIVE things you complain about most? What do you feel about each thing?

1. Describe some different places to eat out. You should say:
• What is one place you could suggest? How would you define them and why do you think they
are good? (How are the food, services, prices, atmosphere, etc?)
• What is one place that you wouldn't go to if they were suggested and why?

2. Describe where you live. You should say:

• Do you live in a house or in a flat?
• How many places have you lived in? Why did you move?
• How happy are you with the place you live now? Say at least one thing that would improve it.
• What's the area you live in like? (How is it? safe, peaceful, green, noisy, etc.)

Has it changed while you have lived there?

3. Describe a night out. You should say:

• When & where did you go? Who did you go with?
• What was it like? Did you have any problems?
• What time did you get home?
• What happened the next day? Or how did you feel the next day?
4. Describe a thing or a new skill you’re learning. You should say:

• What new skill are you learning?

• How and when did you start doing it?
• How often do you do it?
• How are things going?

- Are you getting better or having any problems?

- Is there anything special you're doing to help you improve?

5. Describe your first day at school or work. You should say:

• What happened on your first day at work/school?

(on the first day at your part-time job, high school, Greenwich university, dancing class, English
class, etc.)
• How did you feel? Why?

6. Talk about your travel experiences and recommend a place to go on holiday.

You should say:
• What place have you ever been to?
• What tourism activities were there? How were they?
• Do you recommend it? And who for? (students, a young family, a couple, etc.)

7. Talk about rules and customs. You should say:

What rules and customs should people know when they visit or stay in your country?
• greetings
• staying at/ visiting someone’s home
• things that are impolite
• Others

8. Talk about an accident or mistake. You should say:

• When & where did it happen?
• How did you manage to do that? (What were you doing at that time? What caused the accident
or mistake?)
• What were the consequences?
• How did you feel about it?

9. Retell a crime story in the news. You should say:

(You’ve read news about a crime which impressed you. Now retell it.)

10. Tell a time when you make a complaint. You should say:
• What was your complaint?

- Who are you complaining to?

- Why are you complaining?
• How far are the companies/people responsible in that case? 

(What happened in the end? Did they take the responsibility?)
• Were you satisfied in the end?

11. Talk in detail about a film or TV programme. You should say:

• What is the name and genre?
• When and where was it made/ filmed?
• When and where was it first shown?
• Who are the actors and their characters?
• What happens in it? What’s the best scene?
• What’s it like?

12. Talk about and recommend some services. You should say:
• What are some services you often use?
• Review them and give recommendations.
13. Tell one time when you visit a doctor. You should say:
• What did you think the problem was?
• Did the doctor agree? Why/Why not?
• What advice did the doctor give?

14. Tell your travel experience on the road. You should say:
• When & where did it happen?
• Who were with you?
• What happened & what happened in the end?
• How did you feel?

15. Talk about different relationships. You should say:

• Who is the person and what is the relationship with him/ her?
• What’s the person like? (Give examples of his/her behavior and character/ personality.)
• How well do you get on with the person?

16. Describe one of your important life events. You should say:
• What is ONE of your important life events?
• When the events happened or are going to happen?
• Why are they so important?
• What difference did they make or will they make to your life?

17. Share ideas & make suggestions about an ideal society. You should say:
• What are your ideas & suggestions about an ideal society?
• Are there any possible consequences (good or bad things of that society)?
• Is it possible to achieve it? How might you achieve it?

18. Talk about a person who has had a big influence on the world, your country or your
personality. You should say:
• When did they live?
• Why were they important and how did they change things?

(Say what they did & also use third conditional)

19. You’re in a competency-based interview, describe a failure you had and what you learnt
from it OR describe a time you made a positive contribution to something.
You should say:
• What situation were you in?
• What action did you take?
• What were the results?

20. Choose two objects from categories a–e to describe.

a. a product you’d really recommend
b. a product you reviewed because it was so bad
c. the most important thing you have ever lost
d. something that’s very precious to you
e. the worst present you’ve ever received
You should say:
• How long did have you have it?
• Where did you get it from?
• What’s it like? (use many adjectives to describe it)
• What do or don’t you like about it?
• How much did it cost you?
21. Talk about an important life lesson that you (or someone you know) has learnt.
You should say:
• What happened?
• What lessons were learnt from that?
• What have things been different since then?

22. Imagine you’re working now and your job has been getting on your nerves recently. Talk
about your work & outline problems with your work.
You should say:
• How long have you been …?
• What do you like/dislike about your job?
• Why has the job been getting on your nerves?

1. What possible reasons do people give for moving or improving their flat/house?

2. Do you feel induction (welcome) meetings are a good idea when people join a new place
of work/study? What sort of things do people need to know on the first day at work or

3. Discuss how life has changed about children and parents.

a Do you think children play differently now compared to in the past?

b How is parents’ attitude to their kids’ playing now and before?

4. Discuss big issues of our time.

a   What are some of the biggest problems of our time? Why?

b   What do you think are the most important problems relating to science and technology

     at the moment?

5. Discuss business issues.

a   What are some common business issues for a company?

b   Do you know anyone who's set up their own business? How's it going?

6. Discuss living the dream.

a   Why might someone do one of these things?

- leave a well-paid job

- move abroad

- build their own home

- get rid of all their possessions

b   Which is the hardest to do? Why?

7. Discuss education.
What three things/ changes would make the education in Vietnam better?

8. Discuss education.
What might encourage people to study a language and what might put them off?

9. Discuss reviews.
a  How far do you trust reviews? Do you think you would know if one was fake? How?

b  Have you heard any stories about reviews affecting people's businesses or jobs?

10. Discuss money issues.

Do you agree money can talk? Are there situations money can’t talk?

11. Discuss environmental issues

a What are some environmental issues in your country or around the world?

Which do you think are the most serious?

b What are small changes we can make to help solve them?

12. Discuss what makes a good quality of life.

What things contribute to the happiness? Name 3 things and explain.

13. Discuss a different kind of interview.

a How are competency-based interviews different from other job interviews?

b Why is this kind of interview good?

14. Discuss personality

a What personality traits do you think are important:

• in a good friend?

• in a boss?

• in a partner?

b Do you think people can change the main characteristics of their personality? Why/Why not?

15. Discuss school problems & make recommendations.

a What are some problems facing your local school?

b Make some recommendations to solve them.

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