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Project Proposal

Adopt a School

Submitted by:
Carolene Nayagam
Project Manager
+91 8390988758

Schools are considered as temple of knowledge. Private or government schools both

impart the knowledge. However, there is a great difference between the two
schools. Private schools are definitely better than government schools as they would
provide better infrastructure, teacher to student ratio, have a clean & hygienic facility,
provide better environment for students with options of personality development and
extracurricular activities. Government schools however lack in offering all these
features. But for those who cannot afford private schools, getting their children in
government schools is better than no schooling at all.
Considering important parameters like the type of facilities, the batch size, quality of
teaching, budgets and administrative support, the private schools offer the best
facilities with heavy school fees. The biggest difference parent finds between private
and government schools is medium of learning. The mode of communication of many
private schools is English. It attracts parents whereas children in government
institutions are taught in regional language.


● Government schools are free but they provide the minimum required
infrastructure to meet the basic needs.
● Most of the government schools lack important infrastructure like Science
laboratory, Computer laboratory, Library and basic sports facilities.
● Government institutes provide good salary to their teaching and management
faculties. However, the quality of teaching is not always up to the mark as most
of the teachers are under qualified and not well trained.
● The batch size in government schools is undefined as the main idea is to
accommodate as many students as they can. The larger batch size affects the
quality of education.
● With poor infrastructural facilities in Government schools, maintaining better
hygiene and sanitation to safeguard the health of students is neglected.
● The administrative support is really poor in the government schools. There is no
proper authority to answer the queries of parents and students.
● Lack of attention to child psychological problems and timely counseling of
● Government school teachers do not have a good rapport with the parents.
Parents are not well informed about their child’s progress as PTA meetings are
not organized on a regular basis.
Human Rights Watch reported that more than 1.5 billion students are out of school
already. Widespread job and income loss along with economic insecurity among
families are likely to also increase child labour, sexual exploitation and child marriage
among other woes.
Private and prominent public schools have launched online learning programs whereas
underprivileged students are left completely in the dark, increasing the educational
gap even further. The Covid-19 pandemic moved education online and showed us the
glaring digital divide in education in India.
More than 65% of students across India study in Government schools but dropout
rates increased in these schools alarmingly in class III to V, its 50% for boys, 58% for
In an attempt to curb the spread of COVID-19, the government decided to completely
close schools and educational institutions since March 2020 till present. School
closures impact not only students, teachers, and families but have far-reaching
economic and societal consequences. The education for underprivileged students has
come to a complete standstill. They have no School, Lectures, Teachers, Books or even
basic stationeries.
● For many of the underprivileged families, food and other essential items has
taken higher priority than their children’s education.
● Most of the parents who were sole breadwinners in the families, lost their jobs
and are in search of employment.
● Many parents are in debts and are trying to repay loans and debts they have
taken during the pandemic period (often in the form of unpaid rent, money
taken for medical purposes, or for just to feed their families).
● Early marriage of girl child- There have been cases where parents got their
daughters married during the pandemic in order to be relieved from the
● Families have zero budgets for stationeries and other essential items for these
● Some of the children helped in household chores and even accompanied parents
on handcarts and vegetable stalls.
● Children have forgotten what they studied at school due to the academic gap
and lack of access to digital education.
● School teachers follow the lesson calendar (syllabus) assigned by the
Educational Department. They are focused on completing the syllabus, whereas,
it is observed that students are unable to follow the course due to academic
● Since the basics are unclear, students have lost interest in studies, resulting in
more dropouts.

● The education provided in a model school should have a holistic and integral
touch on physical, emotional and aesthetic development apart from academics.
● Necessary infrastructure will be provided in such schools not only for satisfying
teaching needs, but also for sports and co-curricular activities. There will be
sufficient scope for sports, recreation and outdoor activities. Facilities like
playground, gardens, auditorium etc. will be provided in Model schools. A good
library with books and magazines for students and teachers will be provided.
● These schools will have adequate ICT infrastructure, Internet connectivity and
full time computer teachers. Special emphasis may be given on teaching of
Science, Math and English. If required, bridge-courses may be introduced for
weak students.
● These schools will be provided with Arts and Music Teachers besides subject
specific teachers as per the usual norms. These schools will also create facilities
for activities emphasizing Indian heritage and art & craft.
● The Teacher Pupil Ratio should not exceed 1:25 and the classrooms will be
spacious enough to accommodate at least 30 students. However, the classroom
students’ ratio will not exceed 1:40.
● The schools will have to follow the National Curriculum Framework and its
subsequent versions as adopted by the Government of India from time to time. At
the same time, the curriculum should cast the local culture and environment and
learning should be activity based.
● The school curricular should include the material/items that inculcate leadership
qualities, team spirit, participation abilities, development of soft skills and ability
to deal with real life situations.
● Health Education and health check-up will be introduced in these schools.
● These schools will have facilities to cater to disabled children and should have
special teachers.
● Field trips and educational tours will be an integral part of the curriculum.
● Each school should have one counsellor to address the educational, emotional
and behavioral requirements of students.
● The schools may provide for NCC training for students to inculcate the value of
nationhood among them, as also to make them appreciate a disciplined way of
● Selection of Principals and Teachers will be through an independent process to
be developed in consultation with State Governments.

To develop a Model school with objectives to provide access to high quality school
education through Student Centric Activities, Stakeholders Capacity Building &
Infrastructure Development of School.


Infrastruct Support to
ure Student in Education
Developme Academic on Wheels
nt & Non
BaLa,Build Capacity
ing as Teacher Builiding -
Learning Training School
Aid Managme
Child nt
& Health

1. School Infrastructure Development

To develop the existing basic school infrastructure such as ICT Laboratory, Science
Laboratory, Health Check –up Room, Library Room, Kitchen Shed, Play Ground, Drinking
Water Facility, Sanitation Facility, Power Facility (Regular and Solar), Sanitary pad vending
machine with Incinerator, etc.
2. Student Learning

The Foundation/Bridge Course/Remedial Groups

The Foundation/Bridge Course is specially designed with the objective to help the
students lagging behind in their academics. In this course, the focus is given on
students with learning disabilities, in order to incorporate them into the mainstream.

The primary purpose of mainstreaming is to include students with disabilities within

the traditional classrooms while giving them the same opportunities as other students
to access instruction, gain knowledge, grow as an individual, and to participate in the
academic and socializing environments that a school has to offer.

This course includes basic concepts of Mathematics, Science, Environmental studies,

General Knowledge and Basic English language skills along with the regional language.
There are different activities designed for the students based on their levels as well as
some activities which focus on inclusiveness and specialized skills such as social skills,
soft skills, life skills, emotion regulation, etc.

To track the progress of the students there are three major assessments conducted
namely Baseline, Midline and Endline at the beginning of the course, mid-term and at
the end of the academic course respectively.

Technology based Learning Platform

We will provide technology based learning platforms to every student so that every
student will get an opportunity to learn their academic syllabus digitally with
Technology Platforms Like, Big Screen (Projector / TV) and App like InstaShala, Digital
Library etc.There is no need for smart classroom devices. Using a TV set and
Android phone we can convert any room into a smart classroom.
Nutrition & Regular Health check-ups
The mid-day meal policy was started by the government to increase the enrolment in
the schools of the children who belong to disadvantaged sections of the society, to give
nutritional support to the children and to address hunger and malnutrition. However,
the mid-day meal does not provide complete nutrition as it does not include a balanced

Schools can encourage good nutritional habits by:

- Developing a food policy

- Ensuring children are provided with right amount of protein, vitamins,
carbohydrates and fats through fruits, whole grains and dairy products.
- Regular health check-ups of students to assess normal development of the child

Child counseling and Mental Health

Child counseling and therapy for kids can aid children who have problems such as
anxiety, depression, bipolar disorder, attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD),
and conduct disorder.

A trained school counselor can help children in all ways, be it academic, social,
behavioural or emotional. They will work in collaboration with the teachers, parents
and special educators to create a healthy learning environment that makes them feel

Extracurricular Activities
We focus more on extracurricular activities which boost Confidence, Competence
and Creativity of students

1. Competition, Events and Celebrations

2. Student Government
3. Academic Teams and Clubs
4. The Debate Team
5. The Arts
6. Internships
7. Culture Clubs
8. Volunteer Work and Community Service
9. The Student Newspaper
10. Inviting Guest Speakers, Counsellors, Career coaches
11. Sports Activities, Team building, Houses
12. Life Skills
13. Community service
14. Outdoor event and educational trips

3. BaLA

We will implement BaLA in the identified school. BaLA (Building as Learning Aid) is a
method that encourages quality education through infusion of the right resources in and
around the school environment. Furthermore, it has proven to be an effective tool in
addressing very high failure and dropout rates at the primary level. Traditionally, school
buildings were regarded as more of a bricks and mortar structure to provide shelter to
children for their classroom activity. Innovative use of physical space and treating it as
a learning resource has never been seriously explored. The importance of this approach
is that it can also be introduced into existing school building components. Therefore, in
a school that is envisaged as such, a floor can no longer be just a floor, but can be a way
of understanding fractions, or a window may be more than a normal window and a child
may find the Hindi alphabet. Let them prepare for writing skills, or a colorfully designed
corridor can help children estimate distances correctly. Through this method the whole
learning process becomes interesting and thus motivates children not to miss classes. It
is high time to prioritize such schools and meet their demand on a one to one basis.

Development of infrastructure as per BaLA guidelines: -

In BaLA's intervention, the schools will use dimensions, textures, shapes, angles, and
movements to learn the basic concepts of language, science, mathematics, and the
environment to create a truly enjoyable and memorable learning experience. Can be
used to communicate and collaborative learning.
This resource will complete the learning process and complement the textbook
information, which goes beyond providing wall space for posters and decorations. It will
include the ideas of activity based learning, child friendliness and inclusive education for
children with special needs (CWSN). At the core, it would serve as a resource for
teaching-learning processes.
Teacher training, activity-based, and multi-layered flexible methods of blended
To attract the attention of children in the classroom, teachers will be trained on various
teaching methods under the BaLA model. They will act as a change agent to enhance the
classroom environment, where students present their findings on game-based, activity-
based learning, inquiry-based learning (research on concepts, project-based learning),
etc. To attract the attention of children in the classroom, teachers will be trained on
various teaching methods under the BaLA model. They will act as a change agent to
enhance the classroom environment, where students present their findings on game-
based, activity-based learning, inquiry-based learning (students research topics and
present their findings on concepts, project based learning and jigsaws), etc. The
classroom infrastructure will help in regular orientation and building cognitive skills of
children. Teachers are the major stakeholders and regular follow up with them on
training that is conducted is critical. The teachers will share their views and observations
on increasing the learning level of the students and their engagement in the new activity
based learnings.

4. Teacher Training
For conducting online, offline teacher training on activity based learning methods,
preparation of lesson plans and techniques to digitize it, use of various technology
platforms in teaching and other such topics as per requirement.

5. Teacher Support Fellows

We will place teacher support peers in the proposed model school; He/She will assist
teachers to play a mentor role in overall school progress through adoption of
technology-based learning methods and planned activities.

The major focus is given on subjects like English, Math and Science along with extra-
curricular activities for holistic development.

During the pandemic as education was switched to online mode, many students lost
touch with their studies and were unable to attend classes. Hence, their basics remain
unclear. As the schools reopen, these students who are lagging behind in studies lose
interest and also lack confidence to learn and study with the entire class. Remedial
groups help such students to cope up with the regular syllabus along with establishing
their foundation in major subjects. An educator of Spherule Foundation will conduct
Foundation course during the school hours or after school.

6. School Management Committee

We will build SMC capacity and increase people participation and ownership in overall
school development and help sustain it over the long term.
7. Interaction with Parents
Parent teacher meetings will be held on the importance of quality education and
regular interaction will be held with parents / guardians to ensure children continue
with education.
Parents will be provided regular training by the implementing partner on the
methodology involved in teaching their children, to ensure that they are on the same
page. Parents will share their thoughts and comments and measure improvement.

8. STEM Labs
Innovation Lab is a dedicated lab space & programs where young minds can give shape
to their ideas through hands-on do-it-yourself mode, and learn innovation skills. Young
children will get a chance to
● Renovation of the Lab area and furniture work, where this STEM Lab setup shall
be installed.
● work with tools and equipment to understand the concepts of STEM (Science,
Technology, Engineering and Math).
● focus on enquiry-based learning, igniting innovation, future technologies at the
same time focusing on current science curriculum,
● interact with Hands-on learning kits, Demo models for demonstration and
observation purposes,
● perform DIY (Do-It-Yourself) activities focused on individualistic concepts.
Spherule during this process will facilitate the development of STEM labs in government
schools via seeking permission from respective departments of the state/local
government, provide training sessions to teachers so that they are well equipped to
handle the STEM curriculum and deliver them to students, and ensure timely installation
of the STEM lab equipment in the selected schools. Further Teacher training program
shall be conducted to ensure teachers get well versed with the usage of tools and

9. Digital Classroom
The Digital Classroom is a “technology-enabled” learning environment where student
learning and interaction with the instructor and peers is fully supported through the
strategic use of Information and Communication Technologies (ICTs). Students’ learning
experience will be empowered and made interesting with digital/multimedia
information, while simultaneously increasing teacher accountability and teaching
Therefore, Spherule in the purview of the above will focus primarily on:
● Renovation and Furniture work as per the requirement of setup
● Facilitating installation of several components such as a Computer, Projector,
Interactive Whiteboard, Audio, TV and Multimedia Content bringing together all
these components into a Compact Portable Teaching device for Teachers.
● Seeking permission from government departments to allow timely installation
and utilization of digital classroom components
● Organizing initial training sessions for teachers to help them use, deliver and
manage digital learning experiences for students.

10. Fun Playground

Play is critical for kids to develop the emotional, social and creative thinking skills they’ll
need when they’re adults. Play allows them to engage with their surrounding
environment and with others in their community in a fun context. It enables them to
explore ideas and different ways to behave, testing their boundaries and growing in the
process. Additionally, if this process is propped up by installing multi-play systems,
swings and sporting equipment, play can be made more fun, enjoyable and
comprehensive. There it is proposed that SPHERULE engages and aids school authorities
to set up multi-play grounds and ensure their immersion in the daily timetable of a
child’s learning process.

11. Sanitation and Hygiene

The provision of school hygiene and sanitation ensures the rights of students to
acceptable hygiene practices, safe water supply, latrines and a healthy school
environment in general.

A sanitation worker will be appointed by Spherule Foundation, who will ensure the
school premises, corridors and toilets are cleaned on regular intervals. This will result
in regular attendance of students and staff as there will be a clean and healthy
environment to study and associate with.

If required, basic renovation for the toilets will be done.

Few other basic and prioritized renovation work shall be carried out as per the need of
respective schools.

End line
Involving SMC
Committee in
Model School Monitoring &
Interventions Evaluation
Rollouts process
Preparation of
School Selection Model School
& Baseline Study Plan with
involvement of
SMC, Parents,
Teachers &

Project Timeline: -
Activities Quarter 1 Quarter 2 Quarter 3 Quarter
School Selection, Baseline study, SMC Meeting
and Model School Intervention Planning
School Infrastructure Development(ICT Lab,
Science Lab, Health Check-up Room, Library,
Kitchen Shed, Play Ground, Drinking Water
Facility, Sanitation Facility, Electricity facility
(Regular and solar)
BaLA, Building as Learning Aid
Student Facilitation(Technology based
Learning Platform, Remedial Classes and
Extracurricular Activity)
Teacher Training(Training on Activity based
Teaching Methodology, Preparation of Lesson
Plan and Techniques to digitise it and Training on
Uses of different Technology platform in
Teacher Support Fellows

Capacity Building -School Management

Parent Interaction

Monitoring and Evaluation frame:

We involve the School Management Committee in Model School Planning and we

encourage them to monitor all the proposed interventions closely, along with this we have
set an intervention wise monitoring mechanism system.

Activity Performance Indicators Monitoring

School Brand New development or renovate the 1.ICT Laboratory development
Infrastructure existing structure of following activities stages monitoring and student
Development departments, wise Lab uses reports
1.ICT Laboratory 2.Science laboratory development and
2.Science Laboratory/Stem lab stages monitoring and class wise and
3.Health Check-up Room student wise Lab uses reports
4.Library 3.Health Check-up Reports
5.Kitchen Shed 4.Library Book Records and uses
6.Play Ground details
7.Drinking Water Facility 5.Kitchen shed development stages
8.Sanitation Facility monitoring and finalization Report
9. Electricity facility (Regular and solar) 6.Play Ground development Monitoring
10.Smart Classroom number of Games facilitating Report
7.Monitoring on Drinking water system
setup and continues water quality check
8. Monitoring on new or renovation of
separate Toilets for Girls and Boys.
BaLa,Building Actual development of different learning Monitoring the process of learning aids
as Learning Aid aids by painting and related other activities development
Student 1.Technology based Learning Platform Continues Monitoring on Students
Facilitation 2.Remedial Classes academic and Non academics Progress
3.Extracurricular Activity
Teacher 1.Training on Activity based Teaching Monitoring and close reporting on
Training Methodology online or offline sessions organised
2.Training on Preparation of Lesson Plan different planned topics.
and Techniques to digitise it
3.Training on Uses of different
Technology platform in Teaching

Teacher Support Number of activities assisted to the Monitoring of uses of Technology in

Fellows teachers to in technology based teaching student teaching facilitation
School SMC Capacity building Training on their Monitoring the SMC Members
Management role in overall Scholl development participation in overall Scholl
Committee development activities
Parent Involvement of parents in their kids Monitoring the involvement activities
Interaction educational activities


Baseline Survey at schools

● Official visits to Education Department and government schools.
● We have all official permissions to adopt a school in
Pune,Mumbai,Delhi,WestBengal,Gurgaon and Bhubhneshwar.
● Selection of school for implementation of project.
● Student data collection

Baseline Survey in the communities

The students studying in these two schools reside in the nearby communities and
labour camps. During the survey it was observed that most of the students were
playing around in the communities while their parents were out for work. The older
siblings were expected to take care or baby sit their younger siblings. Some of the
children helped in household chores and even accompanied parents on handcarts and
vegetable stalls. In families with two or more sibling, there was a challenge for students
to attend online classes conducted by the school. Classes for students between 1st to 8th
grade was considered unimportant as they were promoted to next grade without any

● InstaShala Platform

During COVID times to cater the needs of underprivileged children we developed a

free learning platform . With this platform we are providing
recorded videos of teachers, after every chapter there is an assessment exam as well.
Recorded videos can be accessed by children who don't have dedicated devices and
using family phones. Currently volunteers, educators and some govt school teachers are
helping us by sending their recorded videos and assessment questions. Many students
are learning across Maharashtra and West Bengal with this platform. The goal is to
provide a free digital platform.
● Collaborating with Municipal Corporation Schools

▪ Stationery distribution and Mobile Data recharge

The children living in marginalized communities and urban slums often study in
Municipal Corporation Schools in the vicinity at a walking distance from the slums. After
official communication with the Education Department and school authorities it was
understood that majority of the students lost touch with the school and the virtual classes
conducted by the teachers. Students were unable to access online classes as they could
not afford mobile data recharge.
The team conducted baseline surveys and collected student data from the schools.
These students were provided with Year-long Stationery kits and Mobile data recharge
so that their studies are unhindered. More than 5000 students received Stationery kits
at various locations- Pune, Ratnagiri, Nasik and Kolkata.
▪ Digital Training for Teachers
▪ Assistance in Mathematics, Science and English subject at school

Most of the students are poor in subjects like Mathematics, Science and English.
Our educators provide assistance to teachers at Government schools by teaching
these subjects to students at school using various teaching aids.
● Community classes
Foundational and Bridge courses run for students in communities and schools
and teaching methodology is a blend of both digital and traditional education (in
community centers and schools)
National Science Day event at our community centres and schools at Delhi,
Pune, Ratnagiri, Nandurbar & Kolkata)

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