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Dart games are fun and challenging at the same time.

The game requires absolute hand

dexterity, an eagle-eye for an eyesight, and extreme concentration to achieve your target. Focus, in dart
games are of utmost importance due to the game’s mechanics and the dartboard’s design. Without
immense focus invested in this game and a copious amount of time in training, achieving victory in dart
games will be as impossible as going to the Sun without a spacesuit. Just as we invest focus in dart
games, we must also invest our focus in life.

Our life story can be embodied as a dart game. The dart itself are our efforts, and the dartboard
our goals with the bull’s eye our ultimate dream. Just like how we utilize different kinds of dart for
different situations, we use different efforts, skills, and whatever arsenal we have to achieve or at least
maximize our effort in achieving our goals. That is where the focus comes in to help us in achieving our
dream as efficient as possible. In my own subjective view, focus is defined as a process of removing
unnecessary things that are obstructing you, and investing all your efforts into a single thing, or in this
case, the ultimate goal.

To achieve the ultimate dream, first and the most important thing you must do is that you must
the have will to achieve whatever your goal is, and infuse all your focus in it. Second, based on the
current situation you have right now, use the right arsenal to achieve this dream. The weapons in this
case are your talents, skills, or even your academic inclination to a specific body of knowledge. The third
and the final step are to put all your focus into the talent that you have and hone it to perfection and
then apply all of your experience and learning to your goal. Using that immense focus will surely hit your
bull’s eye or your ultimate dream. In conclusion, just as how one person exert absolute focus when
playing a dart game and win, in life we must also remove ourselves from distraction and concentrate in
honing our talents to achieve the ultimate goal that we dream.

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