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Trash, may be a new world?

Today, I am in a revolutionary exhibition that is called “kNOwtrash”, the exhibition is

made by Neil and Ruth Thompson, two siblings that are very interested in all types of
recycling materials. In their exhibition can see all paths to transform rubbish in new
goods to preserve Earth’s resources.

The first part shows that in the nature there is no waste, in words of a very important
scientist “matter is never destroyed only it transforms”, it is an example of the circle of
live in the nature. We have to learn how is the best way to make new items with old

In the second part, they tell us about manufacture products, such as plastics, those
products are used for a short time and then, just thrown away. For example, in Britain
each person throws away an average of 500 kilograms of waste a year.

In the third part, we can learn about all products here are made by developing
countries, items like Brazilian handbag and toy airplane, they made out of drink cans,
another sun hat made out of newspaper.

I really enjoyed seeing this exhibition and I learn a lot, currently, we must recycle more
and more due to huge amount rubbish, if we do not care with nature, probably, the
world will not be the same in a few years.

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