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A Christmas Carol

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You are given the story, please do the following tasks!
1. Fill the gaps by listening to the audio story.
There was a mean-spirited, 1. ____________ man named Ebenezer Scrooge. He
was so 2. _________ that he was spending his Christmas Eve counting his
money with his 3. ________ Bob Crotchit. Bob asked “Sir, may I go home early
today? My family is waiting”. “Ha! No way! Sit down and work!” Scrooge
replied. After a while, his 4. ___________, Fred, visited him to invite him to a
Christmas party.
2. underline the wrong words and write the right ones
Later, two gorgeous men dropped by his house to ask for a direction to charity.
But all grumpy Scrooge said back was “Bah! Humbug!”. That night, Scrooge
feel asleep alone at his house while counting his money. But then, he woke up
to the visit of the Goose of Christmas Past. The Ghost took Scrooge to when he
was a lonely child. It also showed him when his fiancé Belle left him because of
his creep for money.
3. Fill in the gaps again
“Ah, please stop showing me this!” Scrooge said and he came back to his bed.
Then the Ghost of Christmas 5. ________ visited Scrooge. The Ghost took him
to the Crotchit’s family dinner. They were so happy even when they were so 6.
_______ and had crippled son. Scrooge said “how can they be happy when they
don’t have money?” after that, the ghost 7. _________ him to his nephew’s
Christmas party. “Merry Christmas! Oh, if only Uncle Scrooge was here with
us.” Scrooge’s heart was 8. ___________. Scrooge came back to his bed.
4. Complete the sentences
Finally, the Ghost of Christmas Yet to come led Scrooge to
__________________________. The people at the funeral were talking. “oh
I’m so happy that old greedy man died!” “Me too! ___________________ I’m
so happy.” Scrooge ask the Ghost who this dead man was, and the Ghost took
him to a graveyard. ____________________ was written “Ebenezer Scrooge”.
Shocked by this, Scrooge shouted, “please give me a chance to change my
fate!” Scrooge was ______________. Christmas day came, and Scrooge was so
happy he could change his fate. _______________________ to the Crotchit’s
house. He also went to Fred’s Christmas party. He lived the rest of his life by
giving back to the poor and treating others with kindness and warmth
A. He’s so unforgiving!
B. He sent a giant turkey
C. a scene of a man’s death
D. On the headstone of the grave
E. back in his bed

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