Awesome Combat Rules

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Awesome Combat- Super CQC

The Game Turn

In the game of Awesome Combat, there are two phases to a turn. One player must
complete all phases of his turn before another player can. The first phase is the
movement phase. This is where the player moves his models and changes their
stance. The second phase is the shooting phase, where soldiers pull out their guns
and shoot other soldiers. So one player must first move his models, then shoot with
them, before another player can move & shoot his models.


There are two kinds of basic movement in Awesome Combat, walking and
running. A soldier that walks during the move phase can move 6" in any direction.
Running allows the soldier to move 12", but may only use secondary firearms. It need
not be a straight line, and the soldier need not move the full distance. Movement is
measured from the base of the soldier to the destination, including distance around

Climbing ladders- Sometimes a soldier will need to climb to a higher elevation,

perhaps for a sniper to achieve a better view of the battlezone. Often this will require a
ladder. Ladders are required when ascending cliffs or walls, etc. climbing a ladder is
as simple as moving the soldier up the number of inches of movement it has. For
example, a medic walks 3" to a ladder, and then climbs up the remaining 3" it has left.
When running, halve the remaining distance.For example, an assault marine runs 4" to
a ladder. It has 8" of movement left, which is halved because he ran. He can therefore
move 4" up the ladder. If a soldier ends his move on a ladder, it can be difficult to make
the model physically stay attached to it. You can put a dice next to the soldier with the
number of pips representing the number of inches up the ladder it is.


There are 3 different stances your soldier may take in game, these being Upright,
Crouched, and Prone. Each has its own advantages and disadvantages. Soldiers may
only change stances at the beginning of the movement phase.

Upright- Used when getting somewhere quickly, the soldier stands up and moves to
his location. The soldier may move normally and shoot normally. The soldier must be
represented by a model at least 1.25" high.

Crouched- The soldier moves at half pace, though he must be represented by a

model between .75" and 1.25" high. Thrown items are reduced to half range. The
soldier's Noise is reduced by 1".

Prone- The soldier may only move up to 1" and may not run. The soldier's aim is
increased by 2, and Snipers get +1 to the headshot roll. The soldier is represented by
a model less than .75" in height. His Noise is reduced by 3".


The soldier's greatest weapon is his ears. A sniper's only clue to someone
sneaking up on him is the sound of a twig snapping, the easiest was to locate the
action is to listen for the sound of a grenade exploding. Noise in Awesome Combat is
caused by many actions, by moving, firing weapons, jumping, etc. Noise is
represented by a distance, the maximum audible range, in inches. if a model is within
hearing range of an enemy soldier, he will be allowed to perform an action out of
phase. This means he will be able to move, shoot, or assault the noise maker during
the opponent's turn. If a soldier creates 8" of Noise, any enemy soldier within 8" of him
will be able to either shoot him, move towards him, or assault him if in range. The
soldier may also elect to move away from the noise-causeing soldier, or not react at
all, if that is the players desire. Noise is calculated at the close of every phase of every
players turn. Use a die to represent the soldier's current Noise.

Causes of noise:

If a soldier:

Walks: +1" Noise

Runs: +3" Noise
Fires: See weapon profiles
Throws grenade: +5" Noise
Is Crouching: -2" Noise
Is Prone: -4" Noise
Is a Sniper: -2" Noise

These are all cumulative, and will last until the end of the players turn. Any Noise
values less than zero are counted as zero.

In the shoot phase, a soldier may use any one, and only one, of its firearms. The
soldier can fire at any enemy soldier in range of the weapon he is using and in sight of
the firing soldier. Range is calculated by measuring the distance in inches between
the bases of the models representing the soldier. A soldier is in sight if you can see
him with a 'model's eye view'. To get a model's eye view, crouch down and look from
behind the firing soldier at the target soldier. If you can physically see the target, the
soldier may shoot it. This is where the main benefits of Crouch and Prone are, as they
make it more difficult to see an opponent.

To calculate a shot, you must first roll a die to see if the soldier has hit the target.
Compare the result to the soldier's Aim. If the die rolled higher than the soldier's Aim,
he has hit. If not, he misses and the shot has no effect. Remove 1 from the weapon's
Clip Size. If he hits, roll a second die and compare it to the target's Armor. If the roll
plus the strength of the weapon fired is greater than the target's armor, the shot has
caused a wound on the target. Remove 1 from the target's Wounds value. If the target
runs out of wounds, it has been killed and is removed from the game. Continue until
the clip is empty or there is nothing left to shoot at. If the clip is empty, the soldier may
not use that weapon again until he reloads it.

If a soldier is shot at and is still alive at the end of the phase, he becomes aware and
may act as if he heard an opponent.

Reloading- If a soldier has emptied a clip in one of his weapons, he may not use it
again until it is reloaded. He may reload in any phase of the controlling player's turn,
but may do nothing else that phase. After that phase is complete, he may resume
normal play. A soldier may reload a clip that is not empty, so that he has a full clip for
the next shoot phase. When a soldier reloads, remove one from the number of clips
remaining for that weapon.

Out of Ammo!: If a soldier expends all of the clips for a weapon, he may not use that
weapon for the rest of the game.
Soldier Classes

There are 3 Soldier Classes in Awesome Combat. Each has its own specialization and
characteristic profile.

The Soldier Profile:

Aim (AI): The accuracy of the model.

Wounds (W): The number of hits a model may sustain.
Armor (AR): the toughness of the model.

Assault Marine: The assault marine is the squad's killing machine. Powerful weapons,
heavy armor, and very noisy. Subtlety is forgotten as they shred the opposition.
5 4 8

Medic: Medics have relatively weaker weapons than the assault marine, but are able
to heal others and themselves.
5 3 6

Sniper: Snipers excel at hiding and systematically eliminating the enemy from a
distance, where they can shoot without worrying about being shot back.
3 3 5
Special: Covert ops- Snipers fire from such distance that the target will have little
clue as to where the shot came from, and have no option but to dive for cover. A
soldier hit by a sniper rifle can only react by moving.

Soldiers bring all kinds of equipment to the field, from knives to guns to
bandages. in Awesome Combat, every solder may carry 3 items, a primary weapon, a
secondary weapon, and a support tool. The following are the default items for each of
the soldier classes:

Assault Marine:
Primary weapon: Assault Rifle
Secondary weapon: Basic Pistol
Support tool: Grenades

Primary weapon: Assault Rifle
Secondary weapon: Basic Pistol
Support tool: Bandages

Primary weapon: Sniper Rifle
Secondary weapon: Basic Pistol
Support Tool: Grenades

Weapon Characteristics

Weapons, like soldiers, have characteristics. They are as follows:

Type (T): This denotes the weapon as either primary (P), secondary (S), or
support tool (T).

Clip Size (CS): This is the number of shots the soldier can fire before having to
reload. A value of '-' means the weapon never needs to reload.

Number of Clips (NC): This is the number of clips the soldier can carry for that
Noise (N): The amount of noise generated when the weapon fires.

Strength (S): The power of the shot, used to determine if the shot wounded.

Range (R): The maximum range of the weapon.

points (P): The point value of the weapon.

Specials Rules:

Headshot!: When firing sniper rifles, roll an extra die after rolling to wound. If the
die shows a 6, the sniper has scored a headshot. The target is killed instantly, no
matter how many wounds it had remaining.
Thrown: The weapon is literally thrown by the user at the target. This weapon
may be used even if the soldier cannot see the target, but can hear them.
Template: Pick a spot within range and put a round 3" diameter circle on it. All
soldiers underneath are hit. Recommend: Games Workshop Blast template.

List of Default Weapon Characteristics:

Assault rifle--T CS NC N S R P
P 3 3 4 3 12" 0

Basic pistol--T CS NC N S R P
S 1 3 2 1 8" 0

Sniper Rifle--T CS NC N S R P Special- Headshot!

P 1 4 6 4 40" 0

Grenade--T CS NC N S R P Special- Thrown, Template

T - 2 8 4 6" 0

Special Tools: Special tools are items that take up the support tool slot but are not
used to directly damage opponents.

Bandages: This tool allows a medic to heal himself or another member of the
squad. If a soldier is wounded, any medic within 6" may move into base contact with
him and use the bandages. The wounded soldier may restore 1 wound, but his
wounds may never exceed the number he started the game with. The medic
may also restore wounds to himself. Any models who have restored wounds or have
had wounds restored to them by a medic may not do anything else that turn, as they
are busy being bandaged up. This tool may be used once per turn.
Missions: All missions are played on a small table with a few buildings and lots of
cover. Try to have cover of varying heights, able to protect upright models, to so low
that one must be prone for protection. Multiple levels on buildings are great. Try to
include open areas as well, such as a road down the centre of the table. Squads
include any combination of the soldier classes up to the maximum number of soldiers
the mission allows. Squads deploy on opposite ends of the table.

Team Elimination: The objective is to destroy the enemy entirely. It is played in

squads of 4 soldiers each. This mission may include any number of opposing squads.

Plant the Explosive: Designate two objects as targets. One team must try to plant
a bomb on one of the targets by spending a turn within 3" of it without doing anything
else or being shot. When a bomb is planted, the other team will have 3 turns to diffuse
it by spending a turn within 3" of it without doing anything else or being shot.
Plant the Explosive is played in 2 opposing squads of 4.

Free for All: It's every man for himself! Every player controls a single soldier of
any class, the last one standing wins! Great for parties! Players must agree on
deployment spots, as there will be many!

Points: You may wish to use more powerful tools in your games, and they can be
purchased with points. Before playing a series of games, agree with your opponent on
how to accumulate points. You may choose to have points given to the squad that wins
the game, or to individual soldiers for kills, etc. If the points are given to the whole
squad, they may be split between the soldiers of the squad to purchase items. If points
are allocated to individual soldiers, then a soldier can only spend points he himself
has earned through kills, diffusing bombs, setting bombs, etc.

Soldiers may only own 1 weapon or tool for each item type (primary, secondary,
support). If a soldier has purchased a weapon, then chooses another weapon of the
same type, he is refunded the cost of the weapon he originally purchased. Soldiers are
not refunded for default weapons, as they are worth 0 points. Points are carried over
into other games against the same opponent.
Item List

The following is a list of items that can be purchased with points by a soldier.

Name T CS NC N S R P Used by

Semi-Automatic P 5 3 6" 3 12" 4 Assault Marine


Automatic Rifle P 8 3 7" 3 12" 6 Assault Marine

Burst Rifle P 2 5 9" 5 12" 6 Assault Marine, Medic

Gatling Gun P 15 1 12" 3 9" 10 Assault Marine

High-Calibre P 1 4 10" 5 55" 8 Sniper

Sniper Rifle Special: Headshot!

Rapid Sniper P 2 3 4" 4 35" 8 Sniper

Rifle Special: Headshot!

Semi-Automatic S 2 3 2" 1 6" 2 Assault Marine, Medic,

Pistol Sniper

Automatic Pistol S 3 3 3" 1 6" 3 Assault Marine, Medic,


High-Calibre S 1 4 5" 3 7" 3 Assault Marine, Medic,

Pistol Sniper

Shotgun S 1 5 12" 5 4" 7 Medic

Flash-bang T - 2 12" - 6" 4 Assault Marine

grenade Special: Thrown, Template, all models hit may not react in the
current turn or do anything in the following turn.

Smoke Grenade T - 2 2" - 6" 4 Assault Marine

Special: Thrown, Template, affected area blocks Line of Sight for
the rest of the game.
Name T CS NC N S R P Used by

Blood Transfuser T 1 4 0" 0 0" 5 Medic

Special- Works like Bandages, but restores target to full

Easy-Use MediPack T - 3 0" 0 2" 4 Medic

Special- Thrown, remains on ground. If a soldier spends a
phase on top of it, he is restored 1 wound and the MediPack is
removed from play.

Auto-Restore Kit T - 3 0" 0 2" 10 Medic

Special- Thrown, works like Easy-Use MediPack but restores
soldier to full wounds.

Silencer T - - -3" - - 5 Sniper

Special- Is alway in use. Noise values of all weapons with the
Headshot! rule carried by the sniper is reduced by 3"

Grenade Launcher P 1 3 6" 5 18" 12 Assault Marine

Special- Template.

Communications Special- Does not take up any item slots. If purchased, all
squad members receive the bonus. If one member of the squad
hears something, all squad members may react. Costs 15

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