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During the Christmas vacation, I did visit my cousins and we just played basketball together on that

time.We cooked some good ass barbeque and thas pretty much it I did rest tho a lot of rest

My mom grill some porkchops and me I watch her and bond together and just chill my ass t

Christmas eve

We did go to my titas house and spend Christmas there to And we did a little bit spend night together
with my cousins its really been a nice christmas eve cause its bringing back my childhood memories
we kinda did this when we were little and always been together but nowdays its kinda been busy
days for us since we been chasing our dreams and also we eat some really good meats and thats
pretty much it on my Christmas eve nothing really fancy happened

New year

Same same but little bit different my titos bought a fireworks thats really freakin loud asf and some
quitis idk the spell but its nostalgia and my lolas did come and ofc i ask then for some moneys they
gave me thousands hahaha

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