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Assessing and Addressing Cardiovascular Health

in People Who Are Transgender and Gender
A Scientific Statement From the American Heart Association
Endorsed by the American Academy of Physician Assistants
The American Medical Association affirms the educational benefit of this document.

Carl G. Streed Jr, MD, MPH, Chair; Lauren B. Beach, PhD, JD, Vice Chair; Billy A. Caceres, PhD, RN, FAHA;
Nadia L. Dowshen, MD, MSHP; Kerrie L. Moreau, PhD; Monica Mukherjee, MD, MPH; Tonia Poteat, PhD, PA-C, MPH;
Asa Radix, MD, PhD, MPH; Sari L. Reisner, ScD; Vineeta Singh, MD, FAHA; on behalf of the American Heart Association Council
on Peripheral Vascular Disease; Council on Arteriosclerosis, Thrombosis and Vascular Biology; Council on Cardiovascular and
Stroke Nursing; Council on Cardiovascular Radiology and Intervention; Council on Hypertension; and Stroke Council

ABSTRACT: There is growing evidence that people who are transgender and gender diverse (TGD) are impacted by
disparities across a variety of cardiovascular risk factors compared with their peers who are cisgender. Prior literature
has characterized disparities in cardiovascular morbidity and mortality as a result of a higher prevalence of health risk
behaviors. Mounting research has revealed that cardiovascular risk factors at the individual level likely do not fully
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account for increased risk in cardiovascular health disparities among people who are TGD. Excess cardiovascular
morbidity and mortality is hypothesized to be driven in part by psychosocial stressors across the lifespan at multiple
levels, including structural violence (eg, discrimination, affordable housing, access to health care). This American
Heart Association scientific statement reviews the existing literature on the cardiovascular health of people who are
TGD. When applicable, the effects of gender-affirming hormone use on individual cardiovascular risk factors are also
reviewed. Informed by a conceptual model building on minority stress theory, this statement identifies research gaps
and provides suggestions for improving cardiovascular research and clinical care for people who are TGD, including
the role of resilience-promoting factors. Advancing the cardiovascular health of people who are TGD requires a
multifaceted approach that integrates best practices into research, health promotion, and cardiovascular care for this
understudied population.

Key Words:  AHA Scientific Statements ◼ cardiovascular disease ◼ intersectionality ◼ minority stress theory ◼ social determinants of health
◼ stigma ◼ transgender

ransgender and gender diverse (TGD) populations a heightened focus on the health of TGD populations in
comprise a large and growing population in the recent years, significant gaps in research and optimized
United States (see Table 1 for glossary of terms1). and responsive clinical care remain. In the fiscal year of
Although estimates vary, ≈2% of high school–aged 2018, 19.8% of National Institutes of Health–funded
youth2 and 0.5% to 0.6% of adults3 in the United States SGM research projects included transgender popula-
identify as TGD. As noted in the National Academies of tions, whereas 1.6% included individuals who are gender
Sciences, Engineering, and Medicine Report on Sexual diverse (eg, nonbinary, gender nonconforming). Most of
and Gender Minority (SGM) health,4 people who are TGD these studies focused on HIV infection, mental health,
face significant health disparities over the life course and substance use; it is notable that none had a focus on
compared with their peers who are cisgender. Despite cardiovascular outcomes.5

© 2021 American Heart Association, Inc.
Circulation is available at

e136 August 10, 2021 Circulation. 2021;144:e136–e148. DOI: 10.1161/CIR.0000000000001003

Streed et al Cardiovascular Health in People Who Are Transgender and Gender Diverse

Table 1.  Glossary of Terms

Cisgender A term used to describe people whose gender identity is congruent with what is traditionally ex-

pected based on their sex assigned at birth.
Gender diverse A term used to describe people whose gender identity is not constrained by binary concepts of
Gender expression The ways in which a person communicates femininity, masculinity, androgyny, or other aspects of
gender, often through speech, mannerisms, gait, or style of dress. Everyone has ways in which
they express their gender.
Gender identity A person’s inner sense of being a girl/woman, a boy/man, a combination of girl/woman and boy/
man, something else, or having no gender at all. Everyone has a gender identity.
Gender minority A broad diversity of people who experience an incongruence between their gender identity and
what is traditionally expected based on their sex assigned at birth, such as people who are trans-
gender and gender diverse.
Gender modality Refers to the correspondence (or lack thereof) between one’s assigned sex at birth and one’s
actual gender and/or gender expression. The 2 primary, and most well known, gender modalities
are cisgender and transgender.4a
Gender nonbinary A term used by some people who identify as a combination of girl/woman and boy/man, as some-
thing else, or as having no gender. Often used interchangeably with “gender nonconforming.”
Gender nonconforming A term used by some people who identify as a combination of girl/woman and boy/man, as some-
thing else, or as having no gender. Often used interchangeably with “gender nonbinary.”
Queer Historically a derogatory term used against LGBTQ people, it has been embraced and reclaimed
by LGBTQ communities. Queer is often used to represent all individuals who identify outside
other categories of sexual and gender identity. Queer may also be used by an individual who feels
as though other sexual or gender identity labels do not adequately describe their experience.
Sex assigned at birth Usually based on phenotypic presentation (ie, genitals) of an infant and categorized as female or
male; distinct from gender identity.
Sex Biological sex characteristics (chromosomes, gonads, sex hormones, and genitals); male, female,
intersex. Synonymous with “sex assigned at birth.”
Man who is transgender Someone who identifies as male but was assigned female sex at birth.
Woman who is transgender Someone who identifies as female but was assigned male sex at birth.
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LGBTQ indicates lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, and queer or questioning. Data adapted from Caceres et al.1

of 4.1 and 16.7 per 1000 people relative to men who

CARDIOVASCULAR OUTCOMES AMONG are cisgender and 3.4 and 13.7 relative to women who
TGD POPULATIONS are cisgender. The overall analyses for ischemic stroke
A growing body of research demonstrates that TGD and myocardial infarction demonstrated a similar inci-
populations may be at disproportionate risk for poor car- dence across groups. More pronounced differences for
diovascular outcomes.1 Within the Behavioral Risk Fac- venous thromboembolism and ischemic stroke were
tor Surveillance System (BRFSS), multivariable analyses observed among transgender participants who initiated
of cross-sectional self-reported data revealed that men estrogen-based hormone therapy during follow-up. The
who are transgender had a >2-fold and 4-fold increase evidence was insufficient to allow conclusions regard-
in the prevalence of myocardial infarction compared with ing risk among transgender participants who initiated
men who are cisgender and women who are cisgender, testosterone-based hormone therapy.7 Additional stud-
respectively. Conversely, women who are transgender ies and data sources (eg, the STRONG cohort [Study of
had >2-fold increase in the prevalence of myocardial in- Transition, Outcomes, and Gender],8 the TransPop study
farction compared with women who are cisgender but [US Transgender Population Health Survey]9) are, as of
did not have a significant increase in comparison with submission, still being composed and analyzed to allow
men who are cisgender.6 for interpretation of the prevalence and incidence of
In analyses assessing the effects of hormone ther- cardiovascular outcomes.
apy on cardiovascular outcomes, data consistently In addition to these recent outcomes data, a grow-
demonstrate elevated risk for venous thromboembolism ing body of research demonstrates that TGD popu-
among people who are transgender receiving estrogen- lations experience disproportionate risk for poor
based hormone therapy. In a retrospective cohort study cardiovascular health across multiple behavioral and
using electronic health record (EHR) data, people who social determinants of health.1 To improve the health
are transgender receiving feminizing hormone ther- of people who are TGD, more studies investigating not
apy were found to have a higher incidence of venous only cardiovascular risk factors, but also mechanisms
thromboembolism, with 2- and 8-year risk differences responsible for cardiovascular disparities are urgently

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Streed et al Cardiovascular Health in People Who Are Transgender and Gender Diverse

Figure 1. Gender minority stress and

resilience model.
Minority stress and resilience factors in
people who are transgender and gender
diverse. Dashed line indicates inverse
relationships. Copyright © 2015 by American
Psychological Association. Reproduced with
permission from Testa et al.14

needed. The objective of this scientific statement is or resilience-promoting factors that influence the health
to synthesize the literature describing cardiovascular of TGD populations.11 Building from MST, Figure 2
health, and emerging cardiovascular risk factors and therefore presents an expanded conceptual model. The
outcomes, as well, among TGD populations by using Intersectional Transgender Multilevel Minority Stress
a theory-informed approach. The scientific statement Model depicts how stigmatization at the intersections
uses Life’s Simple 7 to describe traditional cardiovas- of multiple marginalized identities and multilevel social
cular risk factors that shape cardiovascular health and determinants of health across the life course contribute
explores evidence on emerging cardiovascular risk to higher general and minority stressors impacting TGD
factors thought to impact the cardiovascular health of cardiovascular health. Furthermore, the model depicts
TGD populations.10 The final section focuses on modi- how resilience-promoting factors at the individual,
fiable factors that can strengthen resilience-promot- interpersonal, and structural levels can counteract the
ing efforts to improve cardiovascular health equity for effects of transphobic violence and stigma to promote
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TGD populations. TGD health equity.

A growing body of empirical research has demon-
strated the harmful impact of minority stress on CVD
EXPANDING MINORITY STRESS THEORY: among several minority groups including racial and eth-
nic minority adults17,18 and sexual minority adolescents.19
Research has been limited on the relationships between
CARDIOVASCULAR HEALTH minority stressors and CVD for TGD populations.20 Fur-
Minority Stress Theory (MST) has historically served as thermore, research exploring resilience, the ability to
the leading theory to explain broad-ranging TGD health bounce back from adversity, has been primarily focused
disparities.11 The Gender Minority Stress and Resilience on individual-level factors and mental health out-
Model (Figure 1) depicts how distal and proximal minority comes.11,21,22 Resilience-promoting factors may decrease
stressors experienced by people who are TGD contrib- cardiovascular risk (eg, physical activity) and may coun-
ute to TGD health disparities.12–14 Distal stressors include teract or buffer the effects of stigma (eg, social support).
gender nonaffirmation (eg, being called by incorrect pro- Ultimately, it is reasonable to expect that similar mecha-
noun or name) and stigma, discrimination, rejection, and nisms linking minority stress and resilience-promoting
victimization based on gender identity.2 Proximal stress- factors to cardiovascular health in other populations
ors include internalized stigma or transphobia, negative apply to people who are TGD.
expectations, hypervigilance, and concealment of gender
identity.15,16 Taken together, distal and proximal minority
stressors are hypothesized to contribute to higher overall LIFE’S SIMPLE 7 CARDIOVASCULAR RISK
stress levels, which in turn reshape cardiovascular health FACTORS
behaviors, and increase the likelihood of broad-ranging
poor mental and physical health outcomes, as well, in- Tobacco Use
cluding cardiovascular disease (CVD). Tobacco use is a well-established risk factor for CVD.
MST has been critiqued for not adequately captur- The prevalence of tobacco use among TGD popula-
ing the effects of stigmatization at the intersections of tions has been evaluated in several studies with con-
multiple marginalized identities, structural-level factors, flicting results, in part, because of different sampling

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Streed et al Cardiovascular Health in People Who Are Transgender and Gender Diverse

Figure 2. The intersectional transgender multilevel minority stress model.
CVD indicates cardiovascular disease; HDL, high-density lipoprotein; LDL, low-density lipoprotein; and SGM, sexual and gender minority.

techniques, methods to measure tobacco use, and athletics, or extracurricular activities.26 The lack of par-
ways of identifying people who are TGD. The US Trans- ticipation in physical activity has been attributed to a
gender Survey, a nonprobability survey conducted with tendency to feel unsafe or uncomfortable in school
28 000 people who are TGD, found that 23.6% of re- environments, especially those segregated by gender.26
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spondents currently smoked cigarettes,23 a rate higher Similarly, adults who are TGD report participating in
than the US population (17.6%). However, analyses less physical activity than adults who are cisgender.27,28
of data from the 2014 and 2016 BRFSS, and the Data from the 2014 to 2016 BRFSS report that men
PATH study (Population Assessment of Tobacco and who are transgender have a higher odds of reporting
Health), as well, did not demonstrate a higher preva- no exercise compared with people who are cisgender
lence of current or former cigarette smoking in people even after adjusting for socioeconomic factors and
who are transgender.24,25 Applying MST, analyses of state.28 Furthermore, research has found that 23% of
the US Transgender Survey revealed that experiencing older adults who are TGD reported low physical activity
discrimination accounted for significantly higher odds levels.27 It is notable that adults who are TGD taking
of cigarette smoking and dual cigarette use (ie, using gender-affirming hormone therapy are more likely to be
both cigarettes and vaping). Furthermore, participants engaged in physical activity than those who are not, and
who believed they were visually gender nonconform- the best predictor of participating in physical activity is
ing had greater odds of cigarette smoking, vaping, and high body satisfaction.29 Although physical activity re-
dual use than those who reported they were visually mains an essential modifiable factor of cardiovascular
gender conforming.23 Tobacco use remains one of health, ensuring a safe and welcoming environment is
the most clinically significant modifiable risk factors a critical component of being able to engage in such
of CVD for people who are TGD and should be con- protective health behavior.
sidered in the context of minority stress and gender
Caloric intake, nutritional value, and access to ad-
Physical Activity equate nutrition are modifiable factors in cardiovas-
The measurement of physical activity levels in people cular health, and are an expanding field of research
who are TGD is an understudied area. Survey data sug- in people who are TGD across the lifespan.30 Survey
gest that adolescents who are TGD are less likely than data of adolescents who are TGD found less frequent
their peers who are cisgender to participate in regu- intake of fruit and milk and more frequent intake of
lar physical activity, physical education classes, school fast food and soft drinks than of peers who are cis-

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gender.26 In addition to inadequate nutrition, adoles- meeting BMI cutoffs to access this care may cause addi-

cents who are TGD disproportionately self-report un- tional undue stress for people who are TGD.

safe weight management behaviors (ie, fasting, diet

pill use, laxative abuse) and being diagnosed with an Lipid Profile
eating disorder compared with peers who are cisgen-
der.31 After reviewing the literature, there remains a Lipid profiles are one of the most well-studied cardiovas-
clear methodological gap exploring dietary intake, va- cular risk factors among TGD populations over the life
lidity and reliability of nutrition assessment methods, course. An observational study of TGD youth assigned
and nutritional interventions for people who are TGD male at birth recruited before any hormonal intervention
across the lifespan.30 found no differences in total or low-density lipoprotein
cholesterol.48 However, lower levels of high-density lipo-
protein (HDL) cholesterol were detected, independent of
Weight Management BMI, race, or socioeconomic status between TGD youth
BRFSS data reveal a significantly higher prevalence and a National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey
of self-reported body mass index (BMI) >25 kg/m2 comparison group.48 Studies conducted among people
among people who are TGD compared with adults who who are TGD taking hormone therapy have revealed that,
are cisgender (72.4% versus 65.5%).32 Given the ef- similar to people who are cisgender, hormone therapy af-
fects of estrogen and testosterone on fat distribution, fects the lipid profiles of people who are TGD.38 Cross-
muscle mass, and visceral fat,33–37 the effects of gen- sectional comparisons of youth who are transgender
der-affirming hormone therapy have been investigated. receiving hormone therapy compared with cisgender
A recent investigation found that the lean mass of men controls showed that adolescent men who are transgen-
who are transgender on hormones was higher than der had lower HDL cholesterol than matched adolescent
among BMI-matched women who are cisgender, but women who are cisgender, whereas adolescent women
lower than that of BMI-matched men who are cisgen- who are transgender had higher HDL cholesterol than
der.38 Studies reporting associations between hormone adolescent men who are cisgender38; no differences in
use and BMI have had mixed results. A systematic re- total or low-density lipoprotein cholesterol or triglycer-
view of studies evaluating the effects of testosterone ides were noted.49
use on BMI in men who are transgender revealed sig- An analysis of 2014 to 2017 BRFSS data found
nificant increases (1.3%–11.4%) in BMI.39 Follow-up no differences in self-reported hypercholesterolemia
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in these studies was between 6 months and 2 years, between TGD and cisgender adults; gender-affirming
and most men who are transgender used injectable hormone use is not measured in the BRFSS.6 Among
testosterone undecanoate. However, a US longitudinal adult men who are transgender, testosterone therapy
study investigating BMI changes over 7 years did not has been consistently associated with decreased HDL
demonstrate an increase in BMI among men who are cholesterol ranging from 3.4% to 23.4% and increased
transgender.37 In adolescents, the use of testosterone triglycerides ranging from 17.5% to 44%,47,50,51 with some
similarly shows contradictory results.40–42 studies also noting increases in total and low-density lipo-
Among women who are transgender receiving estro- protein cholesterol ranging from 3.6% to 18.7%.51,52 The
gen, 1 study found that compared to BMI-matched men lipid and lipoprotein levels following testosterone therapy
and women who are cisgender, percent lean mass was were still in the desirable range.
lower and higher, respectively.38 The effect of estrogen Among women who are transgender, the effects of
use on BMI among women who are transgender is estrogen therapy on lipid profiles are discrepant with
unclear; European studies have shown an increase in favorable, unfavorable, and no changes being reported.
BMI,42–46 waist circumference, and weight,44 whereas In sensitivity analyses conducted to decrease con-
several US studies have not demonstrated an increase founding between age and hormone regimens, larger
in BMI.40,41,47 These results may be attributable to dif- decreases in lipids were observed in women 30 to 45
ferences in duration of follow-up, and to differences years of age who are transgender who were receiv-
in hormone prescription practices across regions, as ing transdermal estradiol plus daily cypionate acetate
well: cyproterone acetate and gonadotropin releasing compared with their age-matched peers receiving oral
hormone analogs are often used in Europe, whereas estradiol plus cypionate acetate.45 In contrast to the
spironolactone is used in the United States for andro- reported favorable effects of estrogen therapy on lip-
gen blockade. ids, a meta-analysis showed that estrogen therapy was
It is notable that access to gender-affirming surgical associated with an increase in triglycerides without
interventions often comes with BMI cutoffs, which may significant changes in total cholesterol or other lipo-
affect diet, exercise, and weight management among peo- protein fractions.53 It is speculated that the increase in
ple who are TGD. Although accessing gender-affirming triglycerides was driven by the use of oral estrogens,
care has been associated with improved quality of life, because sensitivity analyses showed an increase in tri-

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glycerides of 28.2 mg/dL ([95% CI, 0.5–55.9 mg/dL] studies reporting small but not clinically significant

I2=0%) with oral estradiol compared with a decrease elevations in systolic blood pressure among men who

of 4.8 mg/dL ([95% CI, –21.2 to 11.6 mg/dL] I2=0%) are transgender.49,58 Likewise, a recent retrospective
with transdermal estradiol.53 The differential effects cohort study that examined EHRs of men and women
between oral and transdermal estradiol on triglycerides who are transgender (N=4402) found no significant
is a phenomenon that has been previously reported associations between hormone use and hyperten-
in postmenopausal women who are cisgender.54 Col- sion in men who are transgender.59 Among women
lectively, there do not appear to be adverse effects who are transgender, a higher blood concentration of
of estrogen therapy on blood lipids and lipoproteins testosterone was associated with higher odds of hav-
in women who are transgender, with the exception of ing hypertension.59 However, data from BRFSS have
possible increases in triglycerides and decreases in noted lower rates of hypertension among men who
HDL cholesterol depending on the type of antiandro- are transgender than among men who are cisgender.6
gen coadministered with estradiol. In addition, investigators found that women who are
In summary, changes across lipid profiles in people transgender who had received a progestin prescrip-
who are TGD attributable to gender-affirming hormone tion had lower odds of having hypertension.59 To date,
therapy are measurably small and of unknown, if any, there has been limited investigation of potential social
clinical significance. Future studies should focus on ana- determinants of hypertension in people who are TGD,
lyzing the effects of hormone therapy on lipid profiles which thereby remains an important area for future
among older people who are TGD. research.


Few studies have evaluated the prevalence of diabe- CONSIDERATIONS
tes in people who are TGD. In the 2015 BRFSS, no
difference in the prevalence of self-reported diabetes HIV Infection
between women who are transgender and men and Rates of CVD are significantly higher for people living
women who are cisgender was detected; men who are with HIV than for uninfected peers and persist even
transgender had lower odds of self-reported diabetes after sustained viral suppression with effective anti-
than men who are cisgender.55 However, a study from retroviral therapy is achieved.60 This risk is particularly
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the Netherlands found that men and women who are relevant for adults who are TGD who experience a dis-
transgender had a higher prevalence of diabetes than proportionate burden of HIV. The most recent labora-
people who are cisgender, both before and after us- tory-confirmed HIV prevalence estimates indicate that
ing hormone therapy.56 A systemic review assessing 14% of women who are transgender and 2% of men
the effect of testosterone on insulin resistance, over- who are transgender are living with HIV, respective-
all, found no apparent negative effect of testosterone ly.61 Racial disparities in HIV infection among women
on insulin resistance, with only 2 of 13 studies show- who are transgender are also marked, with 44% of
ing increased insulin resistance, whereas the majority Black women who are transgender and 25% of Latina
showed no effects (10 studies), and 1 study demon- women who are transgender with HIV, respectively.61
strated improvements in insulin sensitivity.57 For women Disaggregated data on people who are TGD with HIV
who are transgender receiving estrogen, 5 of 8 studies are limited. However, existing research suggests that
showed increased insulin resistance, whereas 3 found people who are TGD with HIV may be at even high-
no effect.57 Another study showed that insulin sensi- er risk for CVD than people who are cisgender with
tivity and post–oral glucose tolerance test incretin re- HIV.62 Understanding this difference in CVD among
sponses decreased with estrogen treatment.46 Overall, those living with HIV requires additional research fol-
research exploring the effects of gender-affirming hor- lowing best practices for research among people who
mone therapy on the acquisition of diabetes provides are TGD.
contradictory results and points to the need for more
research using longitudinal data.
Vascular Health and Function
Vascular dysfunction, featuring endothelial dysfunction
Blood Pressure and large elastic artery stiffening, is a key antecedent
Evidence of elevated blood pressure in TGD popu- in the development of CVD and independently predicts
lations is limited. Most research on hypertension in cardiovascular events.63 In addition to traditional clinical
adults who are TGD has focused on the impact of hor- CVD risk factors, psychosocial and physiological stress
mone therapy on blood pressure. Multiple systematic responses are associated with vascular dysfunction
reviews indicate that findings are inconclusive with (Figure 2).64 However, to our knowledge, no data exist

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Streed et al Cardiovascular Health in People Who Are Transgender and Gender Diverse

that describe vascular dysfunction among people who diabetes, and CVD.45 A recent review of sleep among

are TGD independent of studying the effects of gen- SGM populations found that only 4 studies had been

der-affirming hormone therapy. Although estrogen and conducted that examined sleep health among adults who
testosterone treatment, in general, are associated with are TGD.72 A qualitative study of 40 adults who are TGD
enhanced endothelial function and reduced large elas- living in New York City found that >35% of participants
tic artery stiffness (or increased arterial compliance) in attributed sleep problems to gender identity concerns.73
adults who are cisgender,65–67 limited data are available In addition, a study of adults who are TGD found that
regarding vascular function in adults who are TGD and, internalized transphobia and sexual victimization were
to our knowledge, no data regarding vascular function positively associated with sleep disturbances, whereas
are available for youth who are TGD. resilience-promoting factors (ie, community connectedness)
Cross-sectional comparisons between men who are were negatively associated with sleep disturbances.74 The
transgender receiving testosterone cypionate compared study of sleep in adults who are TGD is an emerging area
with age-matched women who are cisgender found of research that warrants further investigation.
reduced endothelial function measured via brachial artery
flow-mediated dilation.68 In a cross-sectional study, arterial
stiffness, measured via brachial-ankle pulse wave velocity Alcohol
and carotid augmentation index, showed higher brachial- Studies of TGD alcohol use are sparse, and a 2018
ankle pulse wave velocity (ie, greater stiffening) in men systematic review found methodological weaknesses
who are transgender receiving testosterone than in men and limited measurement of alcohol use outcomes in
who are transgender not receiving hormone therapy.52 people who are TGD. Data from the 2017 Youth Risk
Because there were no differences in carotid augmenta- Behavior Surveillance System showed that youth who
tion index, a measure of large elastic artery stiffness, the are transgender were more likely than youth who are
significance of a higher brachial-ankle pulse wave veloc- cisgender to report lifetime alcohol use.2 Additional
ity, a measure of muscular artery stiffness, is unclear. research reports elevated patterns of alcohol use for
In contrast to data in men who are transgender, TGD versus cisgender youth,75 and a clear association
endothelial function has been reported to be enhanced between past-year experiences of bullying and alcohol
and arterial stiffness reduced in women who are trans- use for youth who are TGD, as well.75,76 Furthermore,
gender receiving hormone therapy. Brachial artery research in adults who are TGD has demonstrated ele-
flow-mediated dilation was higher in women who are vated levels of alcohol use compared with the general
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transgender treated with estrogen than in age-matched population, including distinct patterns of use based on
men who are cisgender, but was similar to women who gender identity, sex assigned at birth, and sexual ori-
are cisgender.69 In the only study that we are aware entation. One recent study that broke down the odds
of to examine endothelial function at the microvascu- of binge drinking among adults who are TGD by sex
lar (ie, resistance vessel) level, women 30 to 60 years and gender identity found lower odds of self-reported
of age who are transgender receiving estrogen had binge drinking in men who are transgender than in
a greater forearm blood flow response to acetylcho- men who are cisgender, higher odds of self-reported
line, an endothelial-dependent vasodilator, than age- binge drinking in women who are transgender than
matched men who are cisgender.70 in women who are cisgender, and lower odds of self-
Furthermore, people who are TGD who had under- reported binge drinking in gender-nonconforming
gone gender-affirming surgery and were receiving adults with a recorded female sex than in women who
hormone therapy had reduced brachial artery flow- are cisgender.38 Although data remain limited, studies
mediated dilation compared with women and men who have detected elevated rates of drinking in TGD popu-
are transgender who had not undergone surgery but lations and demonstrate that victimization and minority
who were taking hormone therapy.71 In secondary anal- stress are associated with higher levels of alcohol use
yses, the results remained the same when separating among TGD populations.
by gender identity. However, the sample sizes in the
surgery group likely lacked the power to detect differ-
ences.71 Overall, studies of vascular dysfunction among LIMITATIONS OF EXISTING RESEARCH
individuals who are TGD are limited to adults receiving Lack and Limitations of Existing Data
hormone therapy, and these studies are in turn limited
in number, size, and scope. The current lack of standardized gender identity data
across various sources limits our examination of the
prevalence, incidence, and disparities in cardiovascular
Sleep health among TGD populations. Existing population-
Inadequate sleep duration and poor sleep quality have based surveys rely on self-report of cardiovascular
been identified as risk factors for incident hypertension, outcomes, which lack clinical factors and biomarkers

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Streed et al Cardiovascular Health in People Who Are Transgender and Gender Diverse

relevant to current measures of cardiovascular health. Social and Clinical Determinants of

Existing longitudinal studies of cardiovascular health Cardiovascular Health

do not collect gender identity data, thereby invisibilizing
individuals who are TGD and limiting the opportunities How social determinants of health and minority stress
to report objective measures (eg, laboratory values) of influence CVD risk factors and outcomes has been well
cardiovascular health. Analyses of claims-based data characterized among marginalized racial and ethnic pop-
sets erase the possibility of examining cardiovascular ulations.79 However, qualitative and quantitative research
health across gender identities beyond the binary cat- studies exploring how these pathways influence cardio-
egories of man/woman and transgender man/woman. vascular health among people who are TGD are only
Although community-informed studies exist, such as now being conducted. Empirical studies have found that
the Patient-Centered Outcomes Research Institute– stigmatization of people who are TGD vary by other in-
funded PRIDE study (Population Research in Identity tersectional stigmatized and marginalized characteristics
and Disparities for Equality),77 they are limited by using (eg, race, class). However, limited research has examined
self-reported data rather than objective clinical mea- social determinants (eg, social and community contexts)
sures. EHRs that appropriately collect gender identity of cardiovascular health among people who are TGD.
data often lack complete clinical data and do not allow In addition, there is evidence that gender-affirming
for generalizability of health outcome results beyond hormones reduce psychosocial and behavioral risk fac-
the health system or clinics examined.78 It is important tors in people who are TGD. Therefore, the potential car-
to recognize that EHR data exclude people who are diovascular effects of gender-affirming hormone therapy
TGD who are not engaged in health care, or who feel should be evaluated against the benefits for mental
uncomfortable disclosing their status as transgender health, health behaviors, and downstream physiological
or gender diverse to clinicians.78a In addition, many health effects (Figure 2).
EHR systems lack the ability to capture sociocultural
factors relevant to understanding cardiovascular health
(eg, MST processes). Overall, however, EHR data rep- Suggestions for Research and Clinical Practice
resent an advance in the absence of other sources of Primary prevention of CVD relies on the accuracy of
objective measures of cardiovascular health. prediction models and the data utilized to create them.
However, current prediction models (eg, Pooled Cohort
Risk Assessment Equation) are limited because of prior
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Testing of Mechanisms research using binary categories of male and female that
There is a lack of understanding about mechanisms exclude people who are transgender.4,49 Although popu-
that link TGD-specific stressors to cardiovascular lation-based studies have provided a greater understand-
health. Insufficient evidence concerning the causal ing of the cardiovascular health of people who are TGD,
pathways responsible for elevated cardiovascular risk the data on relevant social and clinical determinants for
inhibits the development and testing of interventions to people who are TGD remain scarce. Only 3 cardiovascu-
improve cardiovascular health. Despite increased CVD lar cohorts currently have plans to collect gender identity
risk, no evidence-based interventions for CVD risk re- data (ie, CARDIA [Coronary Artery Risk Development in
duction specific to people who are TGD currently ex- Young Adults Study], HCHS/SOL [Hispanic Community
ist. Longitudinal research is needed to better charac- Health Study/Study of Latinos], and the RURAL study
terize pathways from distal and proximal stressors to [Risk Underlying Rural Area Longitudinal]). Current and
cardiovascular outcomes and to identify psychosocial future National Institutes of Health–funded cardiovascu-
and behavioral targets for interventions to improve the lar cohort studies should include standardized measures
cardiovascular health of people who are TGD over the of gender identity and expression that will permit data
life course (Figure 2). harmonization to achieve larger samples of understudied
Qualitative research is needed to understand how groups within TGD populations.78
cultural and neighborhood-level contextual factors influ- Several steps should be taken to increase the trust
ence the health of diverse TGD subpopulations. Increas- that people who are TGD have in the research commu-
ing knowledge about group-specific attitudes and beliefs nity (Table 2). An important mantra in doing any research
regarding health behaviors is needed to enhance the focused on minoritized and marginalized populations
acceptability of interventions designed to improve the should be “nothing about us without us.” Consequently,
cardiovascular health of people who are TGD. These research teams conducting TGD research should reflect
interventions should account for the influence of inter- the diversity that exists within the population. Research-
personal and structural drivers of cardiovascular health ers should also partner with TGD communities during
in people who are TGD, including intersectionality of mul- all stages of the scientific process to increase trust in
tiple marginalized social identities (eg, being both TGD research and ensure that research agendas are informed
and a person of color). by and aligned with community needs.80

Circulation. 2021;144:e136–e148. DOI: 10.1161/CIR.0000000000001003 August 10, 2021 e143

Streed et al Cardiovascular Health in People Who Are Transgender and Gender Diverse

Table 2.  Suggestions for Research and Clinical Practice Since 2018, the ability to record sexual orientation and
With People Who Are Transgender and Gender Diverse

gender identity data has been required as one of the EHR


Cardiovascular research meaningful-use criteria, but culturally responsive care

Develop standardized sexual orientation and gender identity measures and requires additional steps to ensure appropriate collection
integrate these in current and future National Institutes of Health–funded and use of such data. In addition to recording affirmed
cardiovascular prospective cohort studies to allow for data harmonization.
name and pronouns, it is critical that clinicians obtain an
Integrate biobehavioral measures into cardiovascular research with TGD
anatomy inventory when appropriate. Assumptions about
Interrogate research methods and choose measures that avoid perpetuating
anatomy based on a patient’s identified gender may lead
discrimination (eg, reevaluate the use of body mass index as a measure of to poor clinical decision making in the diagnosis and
body composition). treatment of CVD. Therefore, all providers trained in car-
Leverage electronic health record data to increase understanding of TGD diovascular health must understand such issues.
cardiovascular health.
Partner with TGD communities for measurement development, study design
and conduct, and research dissemination to ensure that research reflects
the needs of people who are TGD, especially stigmatized groups. CONCLUSIONS
Develop and test multilevel interventions for cardiovascular risk reduction in
adults who are TGD.
People who are TGD experience significant stressors
Examine social and clinical determinants of cardiovascular health in adults
that affect cardiovascular health across the lifespan. In
who are TGD. addition to disparities across traditional risk factors for
Characterize the role of resilience in buffering the cardiovascular CVD, people who are TGD experience unique disparities
effects of stress in people who are TGD. in relation to TGD-specific factors that further impact
Clinical practice cardiovascular health and CVD. In addition, the use of
Ensure collection of sexual orientation and gender identity data in electronic gender-affirming hormone therapy may be associated
health records. with cardiometabolic changes, but health research in
Educate and train health care professionals on TGD health disparities and this area remains limited and, at times, contradictory. To
the proper assessment of sexual orientation and gender identity in health
care settings.
address knowledge gaps in the literature, longitudinal
Incorporate TGD content in the curricula of health profession schools and research that examines mechanisms that link social and
postgraduate training (eg, continuing education requirements). clinical determinants with cardiovascular health in people
Require continuing education on TGD health for all practicing clinicians that who are TGD across the lifespan is needed. Theory-driven
includes content on cardiovascular health disparities.
research that also attends to both general and TGD-
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Incorporate broader concepts of sex and gender in utilizing prediction mod-

els of cardiovascular disease.
specific vulnerabilities and identifies health-promoting
resiliencies will further inform future intervention tar-
TGD indicates transgender and gender diverse.
gets. Last, TGD health content must be incorporated in
health professions training, accreditation, and licensure
Clinical Training and Care requirements. There are exciting opportunities for future
research, clinical, and public health efforts to better un-
Many institutions acknowledge the paucity of educa- derstand and reduce cardiovascular health disparities
tion in TGD health. Yet, efforts to instill these topics among people who are TGD.
into clinical curricula has been subsumed by the larger
topic of SGM health inequity.81 Although broader SGM
content is needed, a curriculum that specifically encom- ARTICLE INFORMATION
passes the unique issues that affect people who are The American Heart Association makes every effort to avoid any actual or poten-
TGD can improve TGD-specific care: gender-affirming tial conflicts of interest that may arise as a result of an outside relationship or a
hormone therapy and surgical procedures, and personal, professional, or business interest of a member of the writing panel. Spe-
cifically, all members of the writing group are required to complete and submit a
anatomy-based preventive health.82 A collaborative Disclosure Questionnaire showing all such relationships that might be perceived
effort with organizational-level mandates across gov- as real or potential conflicts of interest.
erning bodies to improve clinical competencies and This statement was approved by the American Heart Association Science
Advisory and Coordinating Committee on April 25, 2021, and the American Heart
didactic education during training across the health Association Executive Committee on June 21, 2021. A copy of the document is
professions and specialties would serve to enhance available at by using either “Search for
effective clinical practice and compassionate care for Guidelines & Statements” or the “Browse by Topic” area. To purchase additional
reprints, call 215-356-2721 or email
people who are TGD. The American Heart Association requests that this document be cited as
Critical to improving TGD health and access to appro- follows: Streed CG Jr, Beach LB, Caceres BA, Dowshen NL, Moreau KL, Mukher-
priate health care is creating welcoming and compas- jee M, Poteat T, Radix A, Reisner SL, Singh V; on behalf of the American Heart
Association Council on Peripheral Vascular Disease; Council on Arteriosclerosis,
sionate spaces and clinical care teams (Table 2). Health Thrombosis and Vascular Biology; Council on Cardiovascular and Stroke Nurs-
care institutions and organizations must commit to this ing; Council on Cardiovascular Radiology and Intervention; Council on Hyper-
goal and measure their success by using national bench- tension; and Stroke Council. Assessing and addressing cardiovascular health in
people who are transgender and gender diverse: a scientific statement from the
marking tools that evaluate health care institutional poli- American Heart Association. Circulation. 2021;144:e136–e148. doi: 10.1161/
cies and practices to achieve equity and inclusion. CIR.0000000000001003

e144 August 10, 2021 Circulation. 2021;144:e136–e148. DOI: 10.1161/CIR.0000000000001003

Streed et al Cardiovascular Health in People Who Are Transgender and Gender Diverse

The expert peer review of AHA-commissioned documents (eg, scientific Permissions: Multiple copies, modification, alteration, enhancement, and/or
statements, clinical practice guidelines, systematic reviews) is conducted by distribution of this document are not permitted without the express permission of

the AHA Office of Science Operations. For more on AHA statements and the American Heart Association. Instructions for obtaining permission are located

guidelines development, visit Se- at A link to the “Copyright Permissions Re-
lect the “Guidelines & Statements” drop-down menu, then click “Publication quest Form” appears in the second paragraph (
Development.” us/statements-and-policies/copyright-request-form).


Writing Group Disclosures

Other Speakers’ Consultant/

Writing group research bureau/ Expert Ownership Advisory
member Employment Research grant support honoraria witness interest Board Other
Carl G. Streed Boston University NIH NHLBI 1K01HL151902- None None None None None None
Jr School of Medi- 01A1†; AHA
cine 20CDA35320148†
Lauren B. Northwestern NIH (R01 HL149866†, None Rutgers None None National Northwest-
Beach Medical Social L60 MD011099†, K12 University LGBT Cancer ern Feinberg
Sciences HL143959†, P30 AI117943 CFAR* Network* School of
[D’Aquila])*; Northwestern Uni- Medicine
versity (Northwestern primary (research
care practice-based research assistant
program pilot grant)* professor)†
Billy A. Caceres Columbia Uni- None None None None None None None
versity School of
Nadia L. University of None None None None None None None
Dowshen Pennsylvania
Kerrie L. University of None None None None None None None
Moreau Colorado,
Downloaded from by on January 17, 2023

Monica Johns Hopkins None None None None None None None
Mukherjee University School
of Medicine
Tonia Poteat University of North None None None None None None None
Carolina at
Chapel Hill
Asa Radix Callen-Lorde None None None None None None None
Community Health
Sari L. Reisner Brigham and None None None None None None None
Women’s Hos-
pital, Harvard
Vineeta Singh University of None None None None None None None
California San

This table represents the relationships of writing group members that may be perceived as actual or reasonably perceived conflicts of interest as reported on
the Disclosure Questionnaire, which all members of the writing group are required to complete and submit. A relationship is considered to be “significant” if (a)
the person receives $10 000 or more during any 12-month period, or 5% or more of the person’s gross income; or (b) the person owns 5% or more of the voting
stock or share of the entity, or owns $10 000 or more of the fair market value of the entity. A relationship is considered to be “modest” if it is less than “significant”
under the preceding definition.

Circulation. 2021;144:e136–e148. DOI: 10.1161/CIR.0000000000001003 August 10, 2021 e145

Streed et al Cardiovascular Health in People Who Are Transgender and Gender Diverse

Reviewer Disclosures

Other Speakers’ Consultant/


research bureau/ Expert Ownership Advisory

Reviewer Employment Research grant support honoraria witness interest board Other
Geoffrey University of None None None None None None None
D. Barnes Michigan
Loren University of None None None None None None None
Bauerband Missouri
Magda Howard None None None None None None None
Houlberg Brown
Sean University of NIH/NICHD and University of Colorado (BIRC- None None None None None None
Iwamoto Colorado An- WH K12 Scholar studying effects of orchiectomy
schutz Medical and aging on vascular and metabolic health in
Campus transgender women)†; World Professional Asso-
ciation for Transgender Health (Pilot award study-
ing effects of feminizing gender-affirming hormone
therapy on biomarkers of coagulation and thrombo-
sis)*; NIH/NIDDK and Colorado Nutrition Obesity
Research Center (NORC pilot award studying
effects of aging and gender-affirming hormone
therapy on vascular and metabolic health in trans-
gender men)†; NIH/NCATS and Colorado Clinical
and Translational Sciences Institute (MicroGrant
studying the effects of aging and gender-affirming
hormone therapy on vascular and metabolic health
in transgender women)†; University of Colorado
Center for Women’s Health Research (Pilot award
studying effects of aging and gender-affirming
hormone therapy on vascular and metabolic health
in transgender women)†; NIH/NCATS and Colo-
rado Clinical and Translational Sciences Institute
(PENDING: Community engagement pilot award
to survey transgender and gender diverse Colo-
radan’s knowledge, attitudes, and practices sur-
rounding cardiovascular health and primary care)†
Downloaded from by on January 17, 2023

This table represents the relationships of reviewers that may be perceived as actual or reasonably perceived conflicts of interest as reported on the Disclosure
Questionnaire, which all reviewers are required to complete and submit. A relationship is considered to be “significant” if (a) the person receives $10 000 or more dur-
ing any 12-month period, or 5% or more of the person’s gross income; or (b) the person owns 5% or more of the voting stock or share of the entity, or owns $10 000
or more of the fair market value of the entity. A relationship is considered to be “modest” if it is less than “significant” under the preceding definition.

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