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Republic of the Philippines NATIONAL POLICE COMMISSION NATIONAL HEADQUARTERS, PHILIPPINE NATIONAL POLICE £5 DIRECTORATE FOR LOGISTICS sz Camp BGen Rafael T Grame, Quezon City DL_LPPD 2023.0331.0303 SUBJECT IMPLAN: “LIGTAS SUMVAC 2023” Logistical Guidelines TO See Distribution DATE = 'WPR 0 3 2023 1. REFERENCE: Memorandum from TADCO with subject: "LIGTAS SUMVAC 2023” Operational Guidelines dated March 17, 2023. I. SITUATION: This pertains to the operational guidelines and procedures to be undertaken by all PNP Offices/Units in maintaining peace and order, enforcing the law and ensuring the implementation of Minimum Public Health Standards (MPHS) during ‘Summer Vacation (SUMVAC) starting from April 1 to May 31, 2023 wherein several events will be observed such as Holy Week from April 3 to 9, 2023 and fiestas. The PNP, as the national police force in the Philippines, shall take primary roles in ensuring safe, secure, and orderly observance of Holy Week and other related activities during the SUMVAC period. lll, MISSION This Implementing Plan sets forth the guidelines in the logistical preparedness during the SUMVAC in line with the operational plan of the PNP. Logistical preparedness is the essential support function for ensuring that equipment, staff, and communications methods are in place in time for the successful implementation of the said plan. Likewise, logistics planning has to be flexible and thorough in its consideration of possible contingency arrangements. IV. EXECUTION A. Concept of Operations: All tasked offices/divisions shall accomplish the mission by observing the concept of 5 Ps -Predict, Prepare, Prevent, Perform, and Post action and Assessment, “Life is Beautiful... Kaligtasan Nyo, Sagot Ko. Tulong-tulong Tayo.” Zoe DL_LPPD 2023-0331-0393 interoperability, personnel mobilization, division of labor, feedback mechanism, and proper utilization of all available logistical resources in the implementation of their respective task. The concerned units/offices are mandated to use the 5 Ps Framework, adapted in this IMPLAN, as guidelines with the end goal of achieving a safe, secure, and peaceful SUMVAC, as enumerated: PREDICT 1. Maximum Utilization of Mobility Asset; 2. Intensified conduct of mobility patrols; 3. Intensified police operation and law enforcement; 4, Emergency responses; 5. Poor radio signal/connection; 6. Inaccessible areas by land vehicle; 7. Poor internet connectivity; 8. Fortuitous Event; and 9. Augmentation of additional PNP Security Forces EI 1 REPARE Conduct inventory status of move, shoot, communicate, and investigate equipment; 2. Determine the ideal requirements for transportation and communication equipment; 3. Conduct preventive maintenance on equipment; 4. Identify landing zones/helipad for emergency cases; 5. Conduct Inventory on Crowd Dispersal and Control Management; 6. Account Genset equipment status; and 7. Account and check the distribution of combat operations equipment/protective gadgets, PREVENT 1. Deployment of suitable vehicles according to the peculiarity of location; 2. Equip all personnel involved in police operation with the necessary equipment such as firearms and protective gadgets/equipment; 3. Designate drivers according to their skills and type of vehicle; 4, Ensure serviceability of mobility assets. PERFORM Deploy a number of vehicles based on the requirements needed; Regularly check/inspect serviceability of equipment; Provide POL based on the ideal requirement; Designate Quick Reaction Team dispatcher, Provide reserve drivers in vehicles on stand-by mode, ready for emergency response; and Provide temporary billeting facilities. OReNs 2 “Life is Beautiful... Kaligtasan Nyo, Sagot Ko. Tulong-tulong Tayo." DL_LPPD 2023-0331-0383, POST ACTION and ASSESSMENT 1 N Conduct Physical accounting and inspection on the serviceability of equipment utilized; Compute FOL expenses; Conduct debriefing; Initiate after-activity critiques to determine the success level of the logistics plan implemented; and Determine specific logistical lapses for future logistical operations improvement. Further, the following guidelines shall be implemented by the Directorate for Logistics: Provision of mission-essential logistical equipment a) DL shall oversee through RLRDD the provision of land, air, and watercraft assets, as well as information and communication systems and other essential equipment, to help ensure the successful implementation of SUMVAC Operational plan; and 'b) DL shall ensure that deployed personnel performing SUMVAC duties such as Holyweek duties shall have at least one short firearm. B. Tasks: 1. Executive Officer, DL a. Shall supervise and monitor the conduct of this activity; and b. Shall ensure the implementation of this IMPLAN 2. SMD a. Assistant Over-all Supervisor; b. Ensure provision of FOL, Personal Protective Equipment (PPE), Move, Shoot, Communicate, and other mission-ready equipment to concemed offices/units; ©. Coordinate with NSUs, PROs, and other concerned PNP units/offices for the logistical requirements needed for the activity guided by the 5 Ps; d. Monitor the distribution of FOL, Personal Protective Equipment (PPE), and other mission-ready equipment to concerned offices/units; e. Shall coordinate with the LSS, CES, MG, AIR UNIT and other concerned PNP offices re status of deployment of land, air, and watercraft assets as well as communication equipment that will be used during the SUMVAC period. ‘Life is Beautiful... Kaligtasan Nyo, Sagot Ko. Tulong-tulong Tayo.” ee DL_LPPD 2023-0331.0393, . Prepare weekly monthly reports for the status of the abovementioned logistical requirements for reference of the PNP Command Group and other concerned agencies; and g. Perform other tasks as directed. . LRMD a. Provide fund support and other logistical requirements as needed; and b. Perform other tasks as may be directed. }. ADMIN, DL a. Provide administrative assistance for the implementation of this IMPLAN; and b. Perform other tasks as directed. . Logistics Plans and Programs Division (LPPD), Infrastructure and Facilities Management Division (IFMD), RealEstate Management Division (REMD) and Bids and Awards Committee Support Division (BACSD) a. Provide necessary support and assistance for this IMPLAN; and b. Perform other tasks as directed. . LSS a. Shall undertake actions/initiatives needed to implement the 5 Ps in line with your office mandate; b. Shall account number of deployable mobility assets PNP Wide to be used during SUMVAC such as Holy Week and submit the list to SMD, DL; c. Shall account number of available PNP personnel deployable as drivers during the covered period ; d. Shall submit report to SMD re status of Mobility assets Deployed during the covered period; and e. Perform other tasks as directed . CES (Logistics Officer) a. Shall undertake actions/initiatives needed to implement the 5 Ps in line with your office mandate; b. Shall account number of communication equipment PNP Wide to be used during SUMVAC period and submit the list to SMD, DL; ‘Life is Beautiful... Kaligtasan Nyo, Sagot Ko. Tulong-tulong Tayo.” DL_LPPD 2023.0331-0393, c. Shall submit report to SMD re the status of Communication assets Deployed during the said period; and d, Perform other tasks as directed 8. MG (Logistics Officer) a. Shall undertake actions/initiatives needed to implement the 5 Ps in line with your office mandate; b. Shall account number of watercraft assets PNP Wide to be used during SUMVAC period and submit the list to SMD, DL; ¢. Shall submit report to SMD on the status of watercraft assets Deployed during the period; and d. Perform other tasks as directed. 9. AIR UNIT (Logistic Officer) a. Shall undertake actions/initiatives needed to implement the 5 Ps in line with your office mandate; b. Shall account number of Air assets of PNP together with their status, and list of landing zones/ helipad to be used during emergency and submit the same to SMD, DL; and c. Perform other tasks as directed 10. Other NSUs (Logistics Officer) a. Shall undertake actions/initiatives needed to implement the 5 Ps in line with your office mandate; and b. Perform other tasks as directed 14. PROs (RLRDD) a. Shall undertake actions/initiatives needed to implement the 5 Ps in line with your office mandate; b. Shall ensure availability of land and water assets, communication systems, and other essential equipment in a timely manner to be used during the SUVAC’s covered period; c. Perform other tasks as directed V. COORDINATING INSTRUCTIONS: Vertical and lateral coordination is highly encouraged. DL LPpD 2029-0991.0999 ‘Life is Beautiful. Kaligtasan Nyo, Sagot Ko. Tulong-tulong Tayo.” Vi. EFFECTIVITY: This Implementing Plan shall take effect immediately upon approval RONALDG@E OVAY Police Majpr Geheral The Directpr for Logistics Distibuton ‘Al OL Ovsons ‘din Ofcor NSUs (Logistics Officer) PROs (RLRDD) Copy furishee: ‘TADCO 0 ‘Life is Beautiful... Kaligtasan Nyo, Sagot Ko. Tulong-tulong Tayo.” Sal.

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