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Presented by Arlene Sioson

For Jean Paul Sartre

agent is endowed wi , e a c h
th unlimited
freedom. This unlimi
freedom connotes tw t e d
realities- we are eith o p o s sib le
er free or
not free. Free to do a
and not free to do a ll th in g s
ll we desire.

B u t it h a s a g r e a t e r p
ositive scheme,
n o t j u s t t h e a n g le o f
facticity for
S a r tr e . H e p r es e n ts h
freedom as amountin i s n o t io n o f
choices, and indeed n g t o m a k ing
ot being able to
a v o id m a k in g ch o i ce s
Absolute freedom, therefore, means the act
of free will to choose- and we cannot avoid
the act of choosing. Sartre's conception of
choice can best be understood by reference
to an individual's original choice.
Example, you choose to be a religious. A religious person is
morally upright because there are certain standards of
living especially when we correlate it with ethics.
when our original choice is to live in a moral life, therefore
everything follows! It will create a domino effect in a sense
that if you choose to live a good life, then all your choices
are good in any way. In fact, this choices are not made out
of the influenced by the environment. But take note, these
choices are personal choices.
These are not merely simple choices but holistically a
choice to create a personal project. Sartre views the
whole life of an individual as expressing an original
project that unfolds throughout time. The human person
shall unveil his/her personhood through his/her own
choices. This is not a project which the individual has
proper knowledge of, but rather one which man may

Specific choices are therefore always

components in time of this time-
spanning original choice project. We
are truly free because we have the
ability to decide on our own. Freedom
is indeed absolute because it is a
freedom of spontaneous choices!
Is it possible for you to do all the things you listed? How?
Nothing is impossible for someone whose eyes are fixed to
his/her goals. If it is possible, then we can do it. How?
Through CONSISTENCY and PERSEVERANCE. These are the
keys to empower freedom to an individual even to the self.
We shall make consistent choices in life and we
persevere in the decision we make.

What can you say if you are unable to do all these? If there
are things we cannot do, maybe there's a message for us
beneath those lapses. We cannot do things certainly
because there are other people who can do it for us. Jean
Paul Sartre didn't want us to feel bad about the limitations
that we have, but he wants us to transcend our limitations
to go beyond the freedom that is in us..
What do you think are the hindrances that could stop
you from doing all these? Name some and explain.
One word, limitations: intellectual capacity, physical
incapability, emotional stability, spiritually weak,
morally disturbed. These are the hindrances, but man
is bigger than all of these. Man is free from all these

If you cannot fulfil your bucket list, does it mean

failure toyour whole life? Think deeply. Elaborate your
answer. There's no such thing as failure in life.
Whatever we do, whatever choices we make, whatever
projects in life are to be made if we fail, we have the
CHOICE to stand up and continue the journey. After all,
we are free. We shall live our life, not in bad faith, but
with AUTHENTICITY. Authentic life is a life projected by
existentialism. We exist and make our own essences

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