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One can learn many things as they go on in their lives.

Whether it may be in the

professional, scholarly, or young, as well as youthful stages of life. And many of us learn things

at different speeds and rates since we all have different ways of. As well as us humans having

numerous as well as extensive, interpretations for various things. These things can be the

knowledge of the “American” lifestyle; how it all started and how things have changed

throughout the course of time.

Many things that are large have also impacted us as citizens of the United States of

America. Such as presidents and what they do, proposed and complete while and after their

position as presidents of the United States of America.

They also change the course of history and impact our lives, either in the positive and/or

negative way; as well as the shorter and longer runs of time, for the citizens under the current

presidents of the time.

My new knowledge and rather, my favorite select few excerpts of primary sources are

two from this class, history. These would consist of how the primary sources, work and teach at

the same time. And are a great piece of literature and knowledge, both Herbert Hoover on the

New Deal and Liberty, which was a report released in 1936. Herbert Hoover was the thirty first

president of the United States of America. And the primary source called, “Herbert Hoover on

the New Deal and Liberty (1936)”.

The primary source really goes into detail about Theodore Roosevelt brought the word

and term, “New Deal” and “liberty” to the public foreground, and rather more of public interest.

And Roosevelt explaining how the sense of freedom from government, which is rather powerful.

And how these two concepts gave the newer and upcoming years a chance to excel and proceed

in the future. Really just knowing how items in the present change further as time continues and
as society at that time was moving forward from what ever they have been experiencing at the

time that was a negative. The history, with regards to this country and on “Herbert Hoover on the

New Deal and Liberty (1936)”, was important since it made clear many drastic changes that

would occur to the country of the United States of America.

So we can see that some of the parallels between the politics of 1936 and the politics of

2020, were truthfully just the opportunities that were available at the time, as well as how politics

would function during todays and the periods age.

Now since this was first of the two primary sources, which was “Herbert Hoover on the

New Deal and Liberty (1936)”, we saw how this primary source changed and made impacts on

the United States of America; as well as how these are great selections and answered questions

such as how the presidency of Herbert Hoover in the United States of America, changed the

history of the country.

As well as questions such as how it the presidency of Herbert Hoover as well as the

implantation of the “New Deal” (1936), made a large contribution in the American society in the

course of life, both seen back in 1936 when it was first being implemented as well as in today’s

age were and are truthfully just the opportunities that were available at the time.

We will now have a look at our second primary source for this essay which would be

loosely hinted and briefly mentioned earlier on, Theodore Roosevelt.

“Theodore Roosevelt on “The New Nationalism (1910)” begins by explaining that he was

rather invigorated as he delivered the outline for a “bold new progressive agenda” which

continued in and progressed in 1912, as Theodore Roosevelt failed at the presidential run under

his newly created progressive party, which was more frequently called and know more so as the

“Bull Moose Party”.

“Theodore Roosevelt on “The New Nationalism (1910)” was an outline he delivered for

the Bull Moose party as for the new bold and rather, progressive agenda that Theodore Roosevelt

created and practically built from scratch. We can then see that Theodore Roosevelt said that one

of the chief factors in progress it’s the destruction of special privilege. He explains it by saying

that it's the essence of any form of struggle for healthy liberty.

We can consider reflecting now on how this can affect the societarian lifestyles, as well

as ways of living for the standard and regular citizen of the United States of America.

This would be how Theodore Roosevelt shows and demonstrates the changes in society

in the course of life, as mentioned and shown earlier by the newest word and definition, “New

Deal” and “liberty” to the public foreground, and rather more of public interest. And Roosevelt

explaining how the sense of freedom from government.

This can affect our lives, more specifically “Theodore Roosevelt on “The New

Nationalism (1910)” since I’m sure if this was occurring in today’s age, then I think he would try

his best to resolve it as much as possible; that is, the reaction and of the United States of


If Theodore Roosevelt defines, “The New Nationalism” as “...the national need before

sectional or personal advantage". I think that most definitely this would change radically and

most drastically, the government of the United States of America by creating different

viewpoints and even opinions on what Theodore Roosevelt proposed and brought up in his

outline that he delivered.

I personally think that being an “American”, while being in this class has taught me on

how the social norms as well as how this country was brought up, raised, changed, and

manipulated to have it as it is now today in the modern world of the twenty first century.

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