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Nuvia Rios

1. The Benefit of Taking Kindergarten Outdoor

2. The Benefits of Taking Kindergarten Outdoors - YouTube

3. This video goes over the benefits of having an outdoor class. Students are able to use

their surroundings as a learning tool and supplement subjects they are learning in class.

For instance, exploring their surroundings for animals while they learn about habitats.

Students are also able to feel less restrictive and use nature itself to be more comfortable

sitting in less restrictive ways.. Having a classroom outdoors allows teachers to adapt

learning space to meet the needs of students. I actually had a bible study outdoors once

in Mexico and it blew my mind. I will be honest I am one to doze off but just being in

direct sunlight and feeling the wind on my face opened me up to listen to what was

actually being said. I no longer felt like I was listening to a lecture but instead involving

myself in a discussion among friends.

4. Do you believe there are fewer distractions or more outdoors? Do you believe this has

made a change in students feeling included? Can being outdoors be adaptable to different

learning styles?

Nuvia Rios

1. 4 Strategies for Sparking Critical Thinking in Young Students

2. Promoting Critical Thinking in the Early Elementary Grades | Edutopia

3. Young learners can often be thought of as being too young to engage in critical thinking

but the video goes over how to gently introduce it and present it. One form of
encouragement is friendly debate by engaging their interest and encouraging curiosity.

This can lead to discussions and opinions being shared. Teachers can als encourage

critical thinking by involving the student in their question allowing the assignment to

become personal. Lastly ,opening doors for students can encourage some students that are

more timid to tread the waters. For example, participation cards allow voices to be heard

that might not be heard in a traditional response.

4. How do you think sentence starters help a student join discussion? How can you keep

debates from feeling like a personal attack? Does a student have to be interested in a

subject to learn it?

Nuvia Rios

1. A Daily Support System for Students


3. Pairing students with an adult that is not their teacher can greatly benefit a student's social

and emotional needs. Having a daily check in encourages a student to recognize what they are

experiencing and feeling. It as well allows them to have accountability and set goals to

accomplish with someone to help them realize if they are. Recognition from their mentor for

good behavior can also motivate them.

4. Is there a difference if the teacher would be the mentor? Does a reward system for good

behavior always work? What are some disadvantages to a reward system for good behavior?

A. Nuvia Rios

B. The Sensory Room: Helping Students With Autism Focus and Learn

D. A sensory room helps students with autism. A sensory room can help a student become

calm and stabilized. When students get their sensory needs met they can be much better

learners. Sensory rooms can be utilized to become more grounded. Sensory rooms can

relieve stress and include a range of motions that can bring peace. I strongly agree with

the benefits of a sensory room. My son and I always take study breaks and it always

involves a form of sensory change. Whether we go outside or find a more peaceful room,

the change of pace or action changes the way I feel and helps me pick up what I am

studying faster.

E. does having your sensory needs met lead to better learning? Are sensory needs only

physical? Do only autistic individuals benefit from sensory rooms?

a. Nuvia Rios

b. Making Students Feel Safe


d. A trauma informed approach to teaching leads to better learning. Taking a

proactive approach to trauma leads to students feeling nurtured and supported. If

students feel safe academically they can blossom because their most essential

necessity is being met. A student can not focus on education when there are

bigger problems.

e. Can safety lead to academic failure? Why does a trauma approach benefit

individuals that believe they have no real trauma? How does a check in and

checkout system help someone who is having a bad day?

A. Nuvia Rios

B. How Puppets Can help Kids Express Emotions


D. Puppets can help students to learn social and emotional skills. Puppets can create

a fun experience as well to lead to students to become aware and express their

emotions. Creating their own puppets leads students to have a sense of ownership.

The use of puppets helped students to find self soothing strategies and self

awareness. Furthermore, the use of puppets also helped students to connect with

each other.

E. Do you think feeling a little silly helps break down barriers? Do you think saying

things through a puppet is easier than expressing them as yourself? How does

awareness lead to being a better student?

a. Nuvia Rios

b. 60 second Strategy: Jitter Sticks


D. Jitter sticks help students expend their energy and activate the brain. The jitter stick

movements allow freedom of expression by coming up with their own movement. The students

can be more focused during classwork. I agree that movement can help learners. It can help get

everything out and as well be a form or tool to help you memorize something. For instance, if the

jitter stick said precipitation and you did a movement that reminded you of rain , then you could
consequently memorize something based on a movement that connected you to the actual

definition of something.

a. Nuvia Rios

b. Prioritizingteacher self care


d. Tap in and tap out strategy allows teachers to self care. In order to be at their best

sometimes teachers need a minute to recuperate or recharge and deal with whatever they

are dealing with. Having a text thread available where another teacher can come in and

help allows the teacher to perform and teach at their best after taking care of themselves.

I agree that having time to yourself can help you be a better educator . if you do not take

care of yourself , you can not be the support you need to be.

e. Does support change how you experience a negative emotion? Does collaboration allow

you to take care of yourself more often than not,if you feel alone? Why is it so hard to

communicate when help is needed?

A. Nuvia rios

B. Creating a Dedicated Space for Reflection


D. Having a peace corner can help students from lashing out. Going to school does not mean

that real problems get left behind. Having a break allows students to self regulate with timers.

Students entering this space and filling out a sheet that helps them recognize emotions and

evaluate actions can help them achieve better outcomes when overwhelmed?
E. How does having a second to yourself change the outcome of your actions? Does recognizing

how you feel change your emotions? Does recognizing your emotions change your actions?

a. Nuvia rios

b. Learning to Measure the Size of a Problem


d. When students manage the size of the problem they are able to match their reaction to the

size of their problem. Students able to identify and sort the measure of what may be

happening to them can help their reaction be less reactive. If students can take a second

they can react appropriately and help students self manage.

e. Why does looking at the bigger picture change your reaction? Does a comparison of

problems help you react less severely? When facing a severe problem does it justify a

reaction being severe?

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