Decanting Point - SOP

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SOP for transhipment or decanting of fuels from Tankers (HPCL, India) to STCBL tankers situated at the
depot located at southern part of Bhutan such as Chamkuna, Sarpang, Nganglam, Samdrup Jongkhar
and Samtse.

1. Objective
The objective of this SOP is to ensure proper transhipment or decanting of fuels from
Tankers (HPCL, India) to STCBL tankers situated at the depot.

2. Application
This SOP shall apply to all drivers, helpers and technician/focal person for decanting who
are involved in transhipment or decanting of fuels at depots.

3. Procedure to be carried out at Mini Dry Port (MDP).

i. Indian tankers will enter into MDP for completing the tax formality; once the formality is carried
out, the tankers are to report at depot.

ii. Official from Logistics Unit will visit dry port along with necessary documents (Invoice, export
invoice etc) and complete the formality in order to release the tankers for unloading.

4. Checks before proceeding for decanting.

Once the HPCL tankers reports at decanting point; these tankers are checked on following:

i. HPCL tankers should have sealed locks or locks on lids of the chambers and on the box that has
hose that allow the outflow of fuel. The keys of the locks are only with official of HPCL &
STCBL without which the locks cannot be tempered.

ii. The valves of the loaded HPCL tanker should not be in down position rather be upright.

iii. Locks and seals of HPCL tankers, if tempered; the tankers are not be unloaded or sought for
further clearance from official, HPCL.

5. Procedure to be followed at Decanting facility of depot.

i. Indian tankers will report at the point where decanting or transhipment occurs.

ii. Tankers carrying fuel will be made to stand still just parallel to STCBL tanker for at least 20 mins
after which the dip is measured and crosschecked with the dip mentioned in the invoice or also
known as calibrated dip.



iii. Dip is checked along with the help of standard dip rod. The HPCL tankers is also thoroughly
checked for any water content with the help of water paste while checking the dip with the
standard dip rod.

iv. Once the dip is recorded; the valves are made down and decanting is initiated from one
compartment till last. In case of 18 Kl (4 compartment), 1 st 3 compartment are loaded and then
the 4th one is loaded later with top-up to all 4 compartments till its capacity.

v. Density is also checked with the help of hydrometer and thermometer thoroughly. The
permissible variation is +/- 3kg/m3. The density is calculated at 15 degree C with the help
of ASTM 53B conversion tables.

vi. Sample of the fuels are sent to Thimphu on the basis of availability of the sample box.

vii. Both dip and density are recorded in an excel sheet with correct tanker truck number and invoice
number and later printed for internal reference.

vi. HPCL tanker is connected to STCBL tanker with one end of hos pipe fitted to chamber
connecting the pump; the pump will than pull out the fuel into STCBL tanker with the help of
vertical pipe fitted to the other end of pump.

vii. It usually takes 1hr to unload a 12 KL tanker and 1hr 30 mins to unload an 18 KL tanker. The
duration of unloading will depend on factors such as monsoon, continuous supply in electricity,
condition of pump etc.

vii. HPCL tankers are also made to move forward & backwards at least for 3 times and at most for 6
times in order to drain out all the fuels from the tanker. These fuels are removed by bucket
through the hose and added in STCBL tanker as top-up.

vii. Once the STCBL tanker is loaded; the dip and density are checked, recorded in the challan along
with all other details such as invoice number, HPCL tanker number and then sent to Ramtokto,
Thimphu for unloading.

vii. A copy of challan along with receipt or acknowledgement initial and with date is sent back to
Phuentsholing for record purpose.

The above process is repeated on the basis of number of tankers that reports the decanting point on
regular basis.

6. Checks on STCBL tankers before sending to Thimphu.

Once the loading is completed; STCBL tankers are checked on following:

i. Tanker should have docs such as challan, movement order, valid bluebook, emission and fitness
ii. Tanker should have locks on lids of the chambers and on the box that has hose which allow the
outflow of fuel. The keys of the locks are to be only with the official at Regional Office and
Ramtokto, Thimphu without which the locks cannot be tempered.
iii. Presence of fire extinguisher (ABC type) in all the tankers are mandate.



7. Mandatory requirement at the decanting area.

Decanting point at depot should have all the following needs which will fulfil the standards of
decanting area.

i. Sand buckets filled with sand for emergency purpose.

ii. Fire extinguisher (ABC type) under shelf life.
iii. Earth pit test conducted parodically by expert or concerned official from Bhutan Power
iv. Earthing wire to be connected to both the tankers parallelly while decanting is in process.


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