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• The most prominent IO in the contemporary world, The united nations (UN).
After the collapse of the league of nation at the end of world war ll. Countries that
worried about another global war began to push for the formation of a more
lasting international league. The result was the creation of the UN although the
organization is far from perfect, it should be emphasized that it has so far
achieved it's primary goal of averting another global war.


• A global diplomatic and political organization dedicated to international peace

and stability. There are currently 193 UN member united state.


1. General Assembly - United Nation general assembly is the chief policy-making and
representative body of UN.

2. Security Council - The primary responsibility of maintaining peace and secure in the world
lies with the united nation security council (UNSC)

3. Economic and Social Council of UN (ECOSOC) - The council is the principal UN forum for
discussing economicand social issues for formulating police recommendations.

4. Trusteeship Council - One of the main organs of the UN, was established to supervise the
administration of trust territories as the transitioned from colonies sovereign nation.

5. International Court Of Justice - The ICJ is the chief judicial organ of the United Nation

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