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Formatting Data


Add & Remove Column

Number Format

Paste & paste Special

1. Left align the “Sales Data” of Data 1 Worksheet.

2. Create a custom number format that displays the date in "2020

March 18" for the Order Date column in the "Shipping Data"


3. On the “Raw Data” worksheet, fill the First name column from the

Patient name column using Flashfill.

Data Validation

4. Configure cells C2:C10 of the “Apps Data” worksheet to allow only

whole number from 1 to 5. Also you should display a Stop Error

showing “Invalid” as title and the message as “App Rating should

be given from 1 to 5”.

5. Using Subtotal feature of Excel, calculate the total Number of

Containers and Total Margin on the "Shipping Data" worksheet

also the totals should be displayed below the data. (Sort the data

according to Container Type if necessary).

6. Use an Excel feature to remove duplicates from the range


7. On the “Sales by City” Worksheet E3:G6, Use the fill series feature

to Complete the sales projections using a linear growth rate of

“1000” Per Year.

Conditional Formatting

8. Create a conditional formatting rule that uses a 3-color scale

format style to display the minimum in Yellow, Medium in Light

green and the maximum in Green, On the “Store Summary”

worksheet, in cells C2:C18.

9. Modify the conditional formatting rule in the "Store Summary"

worksheet to format cells B2:B18 that have sales above 10000.

10. Create a conditional formatting rule that highlights 5 highest

values in deaths column of "Corona Pandemic" worksheet, in Red

pattern colour and 50% Gray Pattern Style.

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