Lead On Liver Parameter Rana SP

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J. Appl. Toxicol. 21, 269–274 (2001)


Exposure of Rana ridibunda to Lead

II. Impact of Lead on Various Parameters of
Liver Metabolism of the Frog Rana ridibunda
Angelos K. Vogiatzis and Nikolaos S. Loumbourdis*
Department of Zoology, University of Thessaloniki, GR 54006 Thessaloniki, Greece

Key words: frog; Pb; liver; glycogen; glucose; fat; protein; lactate.

There are no data at present on the impact of lead (Pb) on amphibian metabolism, although declines
of amphibian populations due to man-made changes in the environment have been recorded in recent
years. We studied the impact of Pb on the liver metabolism of the frog Rana ridibunda by measuring
the hepatic levels of glycogen, lactate, total fat, protein and glucose. Liver is one of the primary target
organs of Pb bioaccumulation. Frogs were exposed for 4, 10 and 30 days to 14 mg l−1 of Pb (in the form
of Pb(NO3 )2 dissolved in water) and compared with matched controls. The level of glycogen in the liver
increased until day 30. The increase of the metabolite was time-dependent because there was a positive
correlation (r = 0.994, P = 0.006) between glycogen concentration and the days of Pb exposure. Lactate
concentration declined continuously up to day 30. Liver fat content decreased from day 10 to day 30. Protein
concentration declined continuously until day 30. Glucose concentration increased up to day 30. Glycogen
concentration was correlated negatively with liver fat content (r = −0.474, P = 0.005), liver protein content
(r = −0.562, P = 0.0004) and lactate concentration (r = −0.472, P = 0.005), whereas it was correlated
positively with the Pb burden of the liver (r = 0.578, P = 0.0005). The frog appeared to face a metabolic
stress over the 30 days of Pb exposure, without being able to control it. We concluded that the increase of
liver glycogen concentration was due to gluconeogenesis via lactate and lipolysis. Further experimentation
on key gluconeogenic and lipolytic enzymes over the 30 days of Pb exposure would elucidate the mechanisms
that may lead to such phenomena. Copyright  2001 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.

elimination is very slow and there is hardly any microbial

INTRODUCTION degradation.2 In vertebrates, over long periods of Pb expo-
sure, the metal is mainly accumulated in bone, whereas
Over the last century a great number of flora and fauna over short-term exposure it is accumulated mainly in soft
species were extinguished or are under a constant threat tissues (kidneys, liver and the gastrointestinal tract) as well
of extinction. Anthropogenic factors are the main causes as in red blood cells.3
of this phenomenon, with environmental pollution holding The effects of Pb in living organisms are numerous and
the sceptres. Nriagu1 stated that environmental pollution very important. Lead toxicity causes haematological, gas-
from heavy metals “is spreading like a silent epidemic”, trointestinal, and neurological dysfunction in mammals.
a fact that is indisputable. Severe or prolonged exposure may also cause chronic
Lead (Pb) has probably the widest distribution in the nephropathy, hypertension and reproductive impairment.
human environment.2 It has been widely used in ancient Lead inhibits enzymes, alters cellular calcium metabolism
times in the manufacturing of drain pipes, cookery pots, and slows nerve conduction.4
weapons and machinery. In modern times, Pb environ- In our first study regarding Pb, we examined Pb bioac-
mental pollution is caused mainly by the industry of cumulation in various tissues of the frog Rana ridibunda.5
batteries, sewage sludge applications in agriculture, min- This frog is widely distributed in Europe. It is very com-
ing and smelting activities and vehicle and industry mon in the Balkans with a wide distribution in Greece.6
exhausts, with the latter being fundamental in atmospheric The purpose of that study was to evaluate the effect of Pb
pollution.2 Institution of the EU directive regarding the
in this frog under controlled conditions. Adult frogs were
removal of vehicles from countries of the EU using leaded
fuel after 1 January 2000 is an attempt to control such exposed for 4, 10 and 30 days at a constant concentra-
pollution. tion of 14 ppm Pb (mg l−1 ) in the form of Pb(NO3 )2 . We
Plants take up Pb from the soil. In animals, it accumu- studied the accumulation of Pb in the liver, kidneys, skin
lates through the food chain over many years because Pb and gastrointestinal tract (GI tract), as well as the impact
of Pb on hepatic δ-aminolevulinic dehydratase (δ-ALAD).
* Correspondence to: N. S. Loumbourdis, Department of Zoology, Uni-
At the end of the 30 days of exposure all tissues accumu-
versity of Thessaloniki, GR 54006 Thessaloniki, Greece. E-mail: lated Pb, whereas the hepatic δ-ALAD decreased by 90%
Loubourd@bio.auth.gr compared with control values.5
Received 17 January 2000
Revised 1 March 2001
Copyright  2001 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd. Accepted 1 March 2001

In the present study we represent our results regarding freezer (−25 ° C) until required for the experiments. Tis-
the liver metabolism of the exposed frogs of the first sues were handled with plastic forceps and kept in plastic
study. We measured the hepatic levels of glycogen, lactate, bijou boxes.
total fats, protein and glucose. This frog, owing to its
wide distribution, can well serve as a bioindicator of
environmental pollution, because it meets all the criteria Biochemical procedures
listed by Lower and Kendall,7 a fact that we have shown Small liver samples were thawed rapidly and boiled
already in previous studies.5,8 – 10 in 3 ml of 30% KOH for 30 min. Two 1-ml samples
Many frog populations are declining and extinction from each liver were analysed for glycogen with the
has occurred in a few populations, caused by man- anthrone reagent12 using saturated Na2 SO4 , which acted
made changes in the environment, including heavy metal as a co-precipitant to improve glycogen recovery13 against
pollution.11 Data about Pb and energy metabolism are multiple glucose standards. Glycogen concentration was
either scarce, especially related to anurans like Rana ridi- expressed as mg g−1 wet tissue.
bunda, or none. In the present study our main goal was to The estimations of glucose and lactate concentrations
examine the effects of Pb on the liver metabolism of Rana were performed by the following procedures: 150–250 mg
ridibunda in order to enrich our knowledge on the impact liver samples were homogenized with a pestle and mor-
of this particular heavy metal on the energy metabolism tar on ice with the addition of 10% HClO4 (10 : 1, v/w).
of the frog. The homogenate was centrifuged at 5000 rpm at 4 ° C
for 10 min; 1 ml of the supernatant was neutralized with
ca. 0.6 ml of 3 M KHCO3 and centrifuged at 5000 rpm
EXPERIMENTAL at 4 ° C for 10 min. In the supernatant we estimated the
concentration of lactate and glucose using the method of
Hohorst14 and the glucose GOD-POD colorimetric testing
Test organisms kit (Sigma kit no. 510), respectively. Lactate and glu-
cose concentration were expressed as µm g−1 wet tissue.
Experiments were conducted during the active period Total fats were estimated by the Folch et al. method15
of the animals in the summer of 1996. Adult female and expressed as a percentage of wet weight tissue. Liver
frogs, Rana ridibunda, were purchased from a local dealer proteins were determined by the Lowry et al. method16
who collected them from unpolluted areas of Macedo- using the supernatant of homogenized and centrifuged tis-
nia, Northern Greece. To acclimatize, frogs were kept in sue with the addition of phosphate buffer (10 : 1, w/v) at
plastic boxes (35 × 23 × 23.5 cm) in dechlorinated tap- pH 7.2.
water at a depth of 2–3 cm for 6–7 days prior to the
experiments. The water was changed every 3 days and
boxes were cleaned thoroughly. Frogs were fed larvae of Statistical analyses
Tenebrio molitor, raised in our laboratory under controlled
The normality of the studied parameters was checked
conditions. A total of 68 frogs were used in this study.
using the Kolmogorov–Smirnov test, and because they
Animals were divided into the experimental group (33
all followed a normal distribution the statistical analyses
animals) and the control group (35 animals).
were based on parametric tests. Values of the studied
parameters in each group were compared by analysis
Exposure experiments of variance (ANOVA) and post hoc comparisons were
based on Dunnett’s multiple comparison tests. For the
Each group was placed in a plastic tank (120 × 65 × correlation between the studied parameters we applied
60 cm) presoaked overnight in 10% HNO3 (analyti- Pearson’s r correlation. The comparisons of the studied
cal grade). The concentration of the diluted Pb in the parameters between groups were based on Student’s t-
experimental group was 14 ppm. This concentration cor- test (two-way) for independent samples. Differences were
responded to 1/10 of the 96 h LC50 for Pb.5 The Pb(NO3 )2 deemed statistically significant at P < 0.05. Statistical
was prepared as a stock solution in deionized water. analyses were carried out with SPSS 7.51 for Windows.
Animals of the control group were kept in clean water
throughout the experiment. Before the addition of Pb in
the experimental group, a sampling of animals of both
groups (experimental and control) was done, which cor- RESULTS
responded to 0 days of exposure. At the end of the 4th,
10th and 30th day of Pb exposure, three animal samplings Animals exposed to Pb were active during the experiment
in each group were made. and we did not observe any deaths or changes in animal
behaviour during the 30 days of Pb exposure.
Tissue preparations We have not found any statistically significant differ-
ences between the gross morphological characteristics of
Animals were sacrificed by a sudden strike at the head. the experimental vs. control animals (Table 1).
They were weighed to the nearest milligram and body In control animals, all the biochemical parameters stud-
length was measured to the nearest millimetre. Liver sam- ied remained unchanged over the 30 days of the experi-
ples were dissected and weighed to the nearest milligram, ment (Table 2). In contrast, we noticed several changes in
and the hepatosomatic index (HSI) of each animal was the experimental animals due to their exposure to Pb.
estimated (HSI = liver weight/body weight × 100). Sam- Glycogen concentration in the liver appeared to increase
ples were chilled in liquid nitrogen and then kept in a with the days of Pb exposure (Table 2). This increase
Copyright  2001 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd. J. Appl. Toxicol. 21, 269–274 (2001)

Table 1—Mean values (±SEM) of gross morphological characteristics of adult female Rana
ridibunda exposed (experimental group) or not (control group) to 14 ppm of Pb for 0, 4, 10
and 30 days (n = number of animals)

0 days in Pb 4 days 10 days 30 days

Experimental group
n 8 8 8 9
Body length 256.75 ± 4.03 248.75 ± 4.24 251.75 ± 5.72 246.44 ± 5.84
HSIa 3.02 ± 0.49 2.37 ± 0.16 2.92 ± 0.25 2.84 ± 0.18
Control group
n 9 8 9 9
Body length 250.11 ± 3.22 254.78 ± 5.02 253.33 ± 3.82 250.25 ± 4.39
HSIa 3.58 ± 0.28 2.97 ± 0.25 3.16 ± 0.42 3.12 ± 0.17

HSI = hepatosomatic index.

Table 2—Mean values (±SEM) of glycogen (mg g−1 ), lactate (µm g−1 ), fat (% of liver weight),
glucose (µm g−1 ) and proteins (mg g−1 ) in the liver of Rana ridibunda exposed (experimental group)
or not (control group) to 14 ppm of Pb for 0, 4, 10 and 30 days

0 days 4 days 10 days 30 days

Experimental group
Glycogen 21.59 ± 5.32c 36.29 ± 6.52d 41.84 ± 9.82e 87.55 ± 7.83∗
Lactate 3.34 ± 0.49b,c 2.93 ± 0.36d 1.99 ± 0.36 1.78 ± 0.22∗
Fat 8.10 ± 0.87c 6.39 ± 0.85 7.19 ± 0.58e 4.47 ± 0.74∗
Glucose 3.65 ± 0.44b,c 5.15 ± 0.26∗ 5.78 ± 0.78∗ 5.22 ± 0.46∗
Proteins 112.67 ± 3.46a,b,c 89.94 ± 1.55∗ 93.51 ± 3.94∗ 85.52 ± 3.67∗
Control group
Glycogen 27.53 ± 3.94 30.35 ± 3.49 32.84 ± 3.28 27.39 ± 4.45
Lactate 3.26 ± 0.42 2.74 ± 0.45 2.52 ± 0.44 3.56 ± 0.59
Fat 9.36 ± 0.56 8.88 ± 1.03 7.76 ± 0.84 8.57 ± 1.21
Glucose 3.39 ± 0.24 3.12 ± 0.21 2.25 ± 0.17 2.48 ± 0.22
Proteins 118.05 ± 5.84 109.37 ± 3.41 111.21 ± 5.21 110.43 ± 5.74

Values at 0 days were significantly different statistically from values at 4, 10 and 30 days in Pb,
Values at 4 days in Pb were significantly different statistically from values at 30 days in Pb.
Values at 10 days in Pb were significantly different statistically from values at 30 days in Pb.

Values of experimental animals were significantly different statistically from values of control animals.

appeared to be time-dependent because we found a posi- with the value at 0 days of exposure. At the 30th day
tive correlation between liver glycogen concentration and of Pb exposure, lactate concentration was at the level
the time of exposure (r = 0.994, P = 0.006). Over the of the 10th day and it was significantly lower statis-
first 10 days of Pb exposure the increase of glycogen con- tically compared with the value at the respective days
centration in the liver of the exposed animals was slower in clean water (Table 2). At the 30th day of Pb expo-
compared with the rate of increase at the 30th day of Pb sure we found a negative correlation between glycogen
exposure. Therefore, we did not find any statistically sig- and lactate concentration (r = −0.706, P = 0.033). In the
nificant differences compared with the values at 0 days of experimental animals, lactate concentration was corre-
exposure or with the respective values of the control ani- lated negatively with the Pb concentration of the liver
mals (Table 2). The increase became more apparent after (r = −0.486, P = 0.004) and the glycogen concentration
the 10th day of exposure. At the 30th day of Pb expo- (r = −0.472, P = 0.005).
sure, liver glycogen content increased by almost 400% The liver fat content declined with exposure of the ani-
compared with the value at 0 days of exposure (Table 2). mals to Pb (Table 2). The decline became statistically
The liver glycogen concentration value at the 30th day significant after the 10th day of Pb exposure. At the
of Pb exposure was significantly higher statistically com- 10th day the fat content decreased by 11% compared
pared with the value at the respective days in clean water with the value at 0 days of exposure, whereas at the
(Table 2). In the experimental animals, glycogen concen- 30th day it decreased by 46%. The decline of the liver
tration was correlated positively with the Pb burden of the fat content at the 30th day was statistically significant
liver (r = 0.578, P = 0.0005). compared with the respective value of the animals kept
Lactate concentration decreased with the exposure of in clean water (Table 2). At the 30th day of Pb expo-
the animals to Pb (Table 2). The decline in the lactate sure we found a negative correlation between the liver fat
concentration became statistically significant after the 4th content and the glucose concentration (r = −0.752, P =
day of Pb exposure (Table 2). At the 10th day of Pb expo- 0.019). In the experimental animals the liver fat con-
sure the lactate concentration decreased by 40% compared tent was correlated negatively with the liver Pb content
Copyright  2001 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd. J. Appl. Toxicol. 21, 269–274 (2001)

(r = −0.474, P = 0.005) and the glycogen concentration accumulation of Pb in the blood and tissues. Lead bioaccu-
(r = −0.474, P = 0.005). mulated in that study showed organ-specific distribution,
Glucose concentration increased with the exposure of with high levels in the blood followed by the kidney, gill,
animals to Pb. This increase was statistically significant liver and brain and comparatively lesser amounts in the
compared with the value at 0 days of exposure and became ovary and muscle tissues. Exposure of the freshwater fish
apparent from the 4th day of Pb exposure (Table 2). The Anabas testudineus to a sublethal (5 ppm) concentration
value of the glucose concentration at the 4th, 10th and of Pb(NO3 )2 for a period of 30 days during the prepara-
30th days was significantly higher statistically compared tory phase of its annual reproductive cycle reduced the
with the values at the respective days in clean water total lipids, phospholipids and cholesterol levels in the
(Table 2). liver and ovary tissues but the free fatty acid levels were
Protein concentration decreased and remained constant increased and lipase activity was elevated.
from the 4th day of Pb exposure onwards (Table 2). Hacker et al.22 studied the effect of a single i.v. injec-
The protein concentration in the liver of the animals tion of Pb(NO3 )2 in rats. Male Wistar rats were given
at the 4th, 10th and 30th days of Pb exposure was a single i.v. injection of Pb(NO3 )2 (10 µmol 100 ml−1 )
significantly lower statistically compared with the val- and were killed with matched controls 24 h, 48 h, 72 h
ues at the respective days in the group of the animals and 20 days after the treatment. Changes of liver car-
kept in clean water (Table 2). The liver protein con- bohydrate metabolism were studied histochemically by
tent was correlated negatively with the concentration of testing the following parameters: glycogen content and
Pb (r = −0.562, P = 0.0004) and the glycogen concen- activities of glycogen synthase, glycogen phosphorylase,
tration (r = −0.562, P = 0.0004) in the animals of the glucose-6-phosphatase, glucose-6-phosphate dehydroge-
group exposed to Pb. nase, 6-phosphogluconate dehydrogenase and glyceral-
dehyde-3-phosphate dehydrogenase. Between 24 and 48 h
after Pb(NO3 )2 injection there was a nearly complete
loss of liver glycogen whereas the activities of glycogen
DISCUSSION synthase and glycogen phosphorylase were diminished.
Seventy-two hours later the polysaccharide reappeared in
single hepatocytes and after 20 days the livers of the lead-
This study is the second part of an experiment on the treated animals not only had replenished their glycogen
effects of Pb on Rana ridibunda. In the first part we stores but contained even more glycogen than the matched
studied the Pb bioaccumulation in various tissues of the controls, whereas the enzymes responsible for glycogen
animal and hepatic δ-aminolevulinic dehydratase activity.5 formation and degradation restored their activities at nor-
In the second part we studied the Pb effects on liver mal levels.
metabolism of adult frogs. We could speculate with no doubt that in the frog Rana
In the present study, both groups (experimental and ridibunda what takes place is gluconeogenesis, which
control group) were homogenous because we did not becomes statistically significant after 4 days of Pb expo-
observe any statistically significant difference between the sure. Glucose concentration values in the experimental
gross morphological characteristics. group are significantly higher statistically compared with
We have not found any differences in the studied para- glucose values of matched controls, even from the first 4
meters of liver metabolism in the control group, therefore days of Pb exposure (Table 2). The negative correlations
we can speculate that all changes in the experimental between glycogen and lactate and fat content and glucose
group were due to Pb exposure. concentration in the experimental group support this idea.
Exposure to Pb resulted in Pb accumulation (µg g−1 Pb Degradation of fat to fatty acids and glycerol may lead to
dry weight) in the liver of frogs (0 days: 7.78 ± 5.23; gluconeogenesis via glycerol. By the end of the experi-
4 days: 29.58 ± 8.0; 10 days: 56.87 ± 6.27; 30 days: ment the fat liver content decreased to 50% compared
75.25 ± 6.08).5 The correlations between heavy metal with the values at 0 days of exposure (Table 2). Glucose
concentration in the liver and the studied parameters concentration exhibited a constant increase in the range
of liver metabolism substantiate our conclusions. The 41–58% compared with the value at 0 days of exposure
increase of intracellular Pb in the liver is responsible for in the experimental group (Table 2). Increase in gluconeo-
the critical changes observed. genesis most probably leads to glycogen synthesis because
In the previous study we showed that the ventral skin it is well known than Pb inhibits the action of glucose-6-
was the tissue with the highest Pb content after 30 days phosphatase, the enzyme responsible for glucose dimina-
of exposure to 14 ppm of Pb dissolved in the water that tion from the hepatocyte.23 – 25 An intracellular increased
the frogs were kept in (Pb in the form of Pb(NO3 )2 ). Lead concentration of glucose-6-phosphate results in inactiva-
cations entered the water-permeable skin and then via the tion of glycogen phosphorylase (inhibition of glycogen
blood circulation was distributed to the soft tissues of the degradation) and activation of glycogen synthase (glyco-
frog, such as the liver.5 Divalent heavy metal ions like Pb gen synthesis).26
mimic the action and pathways of entrance of non-toxic Protein liver content decreased during exposure in the
essential divalent ions such as Ca into the cell. It has been experimental group (Table 2). The decline that we found
shown that Pb enters into the cell using the Ca-pump or was in the range 17–24% compared with the value at 0
Ca ion channels of cell membranes, resulting in an efflux days of exposure. We also observed a negative correlation
of Ca ions.17 – 20 between the protein and glycogen content of the liver,
Tulasi et al.21 studied the exposure of freshwater fish as well as between the liver protein content and Pb
Anabas testudineus to several sublethal concentrations concentration in the liver of the animals in the experi-
of Pb (1.25, 2.5, 5, 10 and 20 mg l−1 , in the form of mental group. Gluconeogenesis via protein degradation
Pb(NO3 )2 ) for a period of 30 days. They found significant is a procedure that can take place in the hepatocyte.
Copyright  2001 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd. J. Appl. Toxicol. 21, 269–274 (2001)

Nevertheless, degradation of proteins to form glucose is genesis in the liver. The main difference between the
considered the ultimate action of an organism in order two experiments is that the frog seems to find a way
to provide energy. Another explanation for the decline to overcome the effects of Cd on its liver metabolism,
of protein liver content could be the proteinuria (loss of whereas in the case of Pb the frog cannot cope with the
proteins via malfunction of kidneys) that is observed in Pb increase of Pb in the liver, at least for the 30 days of the
toxicosis.27,28 Even so, we cannot eliminate the possibility experiment. We do not know what happens after this time.
of protein degradation due to glucose formation. One of the most important findings in this study
We do not know what the mechanism is that impels as well as in the study of the effects of Cd on the
the hepatocyte to gluconeogenesis. Data from international liver metabolism is the lipid depletion that occurs in
references regarding heavy metals and metabolism, espe- the frogs. The lipid depletion recorded in this study is
cially emphasizing the effects of Pb, are scarce if at all. indicative of exhaustion of the energy reserves, which
However, glucosuria may be the mechanism.28 may result in smaller eggs.29 This fact, in turn, will
In a previous paper we studied the effects of Cd on the give smaller tadpoles that may be exposed to a greater
liver metabolism of Rana ridibunda.10 Frogs were exposed range of predators.11 Moreover, a number of smaller
for 4, 10 and 30 days in 200 mg l−1 of Cd (in the form tadpoles will not be able to metamorphose in time,
CdCl2 ) dissolved in water. The level of glycogen in the resulting in their death. Tulasi et al.21 came to simi-
liver increased up to day 10, with a slight decrease at day lar conclusions. They suggested that Pb(NO3 )2 affected
30. Lactate concentration was constant until day 10 but the lipid metabolism of the fish Anabas testudineus
then increased at day 30. Liver fat content decreased from and that this might reduce the fecundity of the fish
day 10 to day 30. Protein concentration was elevated at because lipids are known to play an important role in
day 10 but decreased up to day 30. The frog appeared teleost reproduction as an energy source and a precursor
to face a metabolic stress (as in the case of Pb) over of steroids.
the first 10 days of Cd exposure. At the 30th day of To conclude, Pb seemed to cause serious alterations
Cd exposure the liver metabolism appeared to return to in the liver metabolism of Rana ridibunda, resulting in
normal conditions, most probably due to activation of enhanced lipolysis and glyconeogenesis. We believe that
the defensive mechanisms of the organism against Cd the present study is the cornerstone for further investiga-
toxicity, namely an increase in the liver metallothioneins tion. Detailed experimentation on key gluconeogenic and
and glutathione concentration. lipolytic enzymes over the 30 days of Pb exposure would
In the case of Pb we have a similar situation. Exposure enlighten more precisely the mechanisms that may lead to
of adult frogs to Pb results in lipolysis and gluconeo- such phenomena.


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