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I.English Conversation saat penjemputan di Bandara :

a.Tour Guide : Good afternoon Ladies and gentlemen, Welcome to Indonesia, Who is tour
Leader in this group ?
b. Tour Leader : Yes me.. Tour Leader

a. TG : WELCOME TO Indonesia kalungkan WELCOME flower

Jabatan tangan Nice to meet you, May I know your name please ?
b. TL : Thank you very much. My name is Nelson

a TG : My name is RISMA.........Could i check your group Name list please ?

b T L : Yes ofcourse , here you are ( Serahkan name listnya )

a TG : Thanks ...How many person your group ?

b TL : My group is just 20 pax , alright Nelson..

a. TG : Please account the luggagges ( langsung hitung kopernya ) YES.THATS RIGHT

Well.lets we go to the special place ( Cari tempat yg nggak ramai
b. TL : Ladies and gentlemen lets go..... come in please !!!

a. TG : Saat menghitung koper langsung gantungkan luuggaes tagnya dikoper masing2

Well ladies and gentlemen, Any body go to the TOILET,please ?
b. TL : Any body go to the Toilet please, we have time 10 minutes..please
c. Client : Yes .WHERE IS THE TOILET ?
a. TG : Straight ON and turn to the right side( lurus dan belok kanan )
Sambil nunggu clientnya, Guide nelpon driver untuk Busnya segera kedepan
terminal 2 D. Setelah Client kembali langsung instruksikan ....
Ladies and gentlemen lets we go to the BUS

II. Teori untuk persiapan Praktek GUIDING didalam Bus

a. Introduction ….

Good evening ladies and gentlemen,

•On behalf of Sahid Tours &Travel ,we would like to introduce you our team today is Our
Driver name is Mr.EDDY, our co.Driver name is Mr.Eko and my self as your guide today
is .................(.nama siswa ybs )
b. Information about the History of Soekarno-Hatta Inter’l Airport

Well, ladies and Gentlemen,now I would like to Inform you

about the History of Soekarno Hatta International Airport
• The terminal development of Sukarno - Hatta International Airport at terminal Iwas
built starting on Desember 1980 until 5 years and was opened in 5 July 1985,and afterward
the second terminal at terminal II was opened 11 may 1992, It was built by ADP ( Aeroport
de Paris ) consultant from France .
• Today, most flight from all over the world use the Sukarno - Hatta as the
International gate way .The terminal development of Sukarno - Hatta International Airport
has always carried out by the combining modern architecture with the touch of Indonesian
culture, in order to characterize the product of culture taste and creation of the nation. The
typical long house of Kalimantan , for example characterize the identity of Phase 1 terminal,
while Terminal II unites different ornaments of various parts of Indonesia .In general, the
building in Sukarno - Hatta International Airport are cozily surrounded by the gardens.

c. Saat keluar dari Bandara menuju Jl.Tol Dr,Soediyatmo menjelaskan sejarahnya Jalan Tol
This Toll way was built on 1980 for conecting toll road from Jakarta to the Bandara
Soekarno Hatta International Airport. The fuchtion of this toll road are :

1. To save the time for to go to the Airport

2. Coneccting business between Jakarta,to West Java,Central Java and East Java .
3. To protection of traffic jam in Jakarta

Setelah itu menjelaskan Indonesia in General of Indonesia !

** Indonesia is the vast and beautifully diverse country stretching for more than 5.000 kms
across the equator. It would simply be impossible to see everything that this, the world’s
largest archipelago, has to offer in short length of time. Indonesian country divided into 5
bigest islands are :
1. Sumatera island formely call Andalas island
2. Java island formely call Java Dwipa island
3. Kalimantan island formely call Borneo island
4. Sulawesi island formely call Selebes island
5. Papua island formely call Irian island
Those are the island in Indonesia
Also we have many kind of Ethnic group like :
Aceh ethnic group, Bataknese ethnic group in North of Sumatera island, Javanese, Balinese,
Sasak Ethnic from Lombok etc.Also we have more then 700 languages.with different culture,
Art, etc
Pancasila as the principle of life in Indonesian country as well as :
1. Believe with the God
2. Humanity
3. ............................. ( Coba cari sendiri in English )
4. .............................................................................
5.Social justice for all of Indonesian people
The Currency of Indonesian country is Rupiah devided into two style are
Coin and Bank note style .( Langsung tunjukan mata uang dari Koin yang
terkecil sampai yang tertinngi nilainya, stelah itu baru mata Uang Rupiah
juga dari nominal yang paling terkecil sampai 100 Ribu Rupiah.

d. Selesai itu Passing sight :

In front of your Right side is The Ciputra Hotel with fasilities 4 stars
On your left side is The Tri Sakti University ,the famous private University in Jakarta .it has
some faculties like Dentis Faculty, Tourism Acedemy etc.
On your Right side is Taman Anggrek mall and Apertemen
Infront of your left side is Harapan kita hospital and also CANCER hospital

**Sekarang baru History of Jakarta, sekilas saja .................sampai di Jembatan semanggi

baru melewati Jl.Sudirman, well ladies and gentlemen now we are passing of Jalan Sudirman
or Sudirman street is the famous activities in here as the Central of International Business
centre, coneccting with jalan M,Husni Thamrin, and infront of you is Welcome statue was
built on 1961 untill 1962.The representing of two tineger bringing of flowers means To say
Welcome all of Asian Games to Indonesia...

e. Setelah selesai informasi itu lansung info, Ladies and Gentlemen our Hotel for your stay
now is Hotel Grand Hyatt has 5 stars with International facilities,.Alright Ladies and
gentlemen dont forget your belonging please bring it to the Lobby, Follow me
please....*( Langsung Ajak ke Lobby and bilang dg wisatawannya, Well,Enjoy your Welcome
drink.and have a seat.
We are going to The Registration at Front Office just a few minutes.

f.Langsung ke Front Office Hotel utk Registration dg Tour Leader travel Luar.
Selamat malam mbak say dari Travel Sahid untuk Registration Grup kami.
Harap dikasi Tahu Tour Leadernya : Please fill in this Registration Hotel. Dan Voucher
hotelnya serahkan kepada petugas Hotel :
Selesai Registration serahkan Name List tamu yang real dan minta kunci kamar sesuai
dengan jumlah wismannya base on twin sharing,Kalo jumlah grupnya 20 orang berarti kita
minta 10 romms karena 1 kamar isi 2 orang.dan juga Kupon untuk breakfast sebnyak jumlah
tamu 20 pax x 2bf..berarti 40 kupon,, bagikan saat membagikan kunci kamar sekalian setiap
wisman dikasi 2 kupon. Setelah selesai membagikan kunci kamar dan kupon breakfast
langsung diinfo letak Restaurannya agar tamunya tidak bingung..
Well, ladies and Gentlemen di location of the Restaurant is in the Lobby you can see The
Ramayana Restaurant.. ..Alright.. have anice stay and dont forget our program tomorrow
will be start at 09.00 O Clock at local time for Jakarta City Tour. Please set of your Clock tobe
the local time.thank You and see you tomorrow morning... BYR..BYE..Have a nioce rest.

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