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WEEK 7 prepare the place where mass was to be said.

" Indeed, it was the first

mention of Mass being celebrated since arriving in the islands they had
The primary sources can be classified into the following just named "the archipelago of San Lazaro." However, Pigafetta never
categories: claimed that Limasawa Easter Sunday mass was the first that was held
in the Philippines as we were taught in our grade school Philippine
 Contemporary Records:
        A few noted historians now no longer refer to the Limasawa mass
        These primary sources are instruction documents, stenographic as the first Mass held in the country. However, they referred to it as the
and phonographic records, business and legal papers, first “recorded” Mass in the Philippines. Hence, the first Mass may
autobiographies, etc. They may even be in the form of appointment have been unrecorded, but historians did not officially affirm this
notifications and direction from a foreign office to the ambassador theory. The 500th Anniversary of that March 31, 2021 event should
(Aggarwal, n.d.). Generally, such records have a minimal chance of have been referred to as the "Easter Sunday Mass" at Limasawa.
error, but it is essential to ascertain their authenticity.
        How this supposed error came to be and who might have caused
        The business and legal letters consist of the bills, journals, leases, and perpetuated it do not seem to be of any importance anymore.
wills, and tax records, which provide insights into the work of firms and When this error is pointed out, correction by concerned authorities
persons (Modules, n.d.) Autobiographies are credible sources of must be in order. However, this phenomenon would pose an academic
history because they are close to the events they deal with challenge as a subject for a master's degree thesis on a historical
(Discussion, n.d.) Autobiographies are also nonprejudicial. "whodunnit!"

 Confidential Reports:         The voyage of Magellan from San Lucar de Barrameda to "the
archipelago of San Lazaro" spanned for one year, six months, and a
        Confidential reports are not intended for a general audience and couple of weeks. It would be preposterous to conclude that no other
are less reliable than contemporary sources (Modules, n.d.) These masses were held before that in Limasawa and even claimed it as the
reports are generally in military and diplomatic dispatches, journals, Philippines' first-ever Mass because it was unrecorded or Pigafetta
diaries or memoirs, and personal letters. failed to record it. After all, masses occur with regularity every Sunday.

        Between Magellan's voyage up to their arrival in Zubu (Cebu),

 Public Reports: Pigafetta only recorded five masses being held. Hence, other masses
must have been held throughout the voyage, but Pigafetta must have
        Public reports are meant for the general public, and are much less
also failed to record them. We also have to consider that Magellan's
reliable (Modules, n.d.) They have three types, each of which
crew is composed of three priests.
possessing a different degree of reliability. Newspaper reports and
dispatches, which depend upon the agency from which it originated         While along the coast of Verzin (Brazil), Pigafetta wrote the
and the newspaper in which it is published, is reliable. Memoirs and following: "mass was said twice onshore, during which those people
autobiographies are written for the public at the close of life when the (natives) remained on their knees." In the Patagonian port of San
author’s memoirs are fading and unreliable. Official histories of the Julian, he wrote the following: "April 1 (1520) Palm Sunday,
activities of government or business house are also an important kind Magallanes summoned all his captains, officers, and pilots, to go
of public report (Discussion, n.d.) They possess incriminating material ashore to hear mass…." The fourth instance was when they were in
and are less reliable. Limasawa, and the fifth was when they reached Zubu.

 Government Documents:         However, Magellan anchored and stayed in Humunu (Homonhon)

for eight days, from Sunday to Sunday, departing on March 25, 1521.
        Numerous government documents are also a source of vital After months of floating in the Pacific seas, they finally landed on a
importance to historians. These documents include statistics about the Sunday. Pigafetta did not record anything on this day. He also did not
fiscal, census, and essential matters that historians can reference. All record their second Sunday in Homonhon, which was Palm Sunday.
these reports have first-hand importance but require proper evaluation
before use (Modules, n.d.).         While in the port of San Julian, Pigafetta recorded a mass on
Palm Sunday, which fell on April 1, 1520 (a year earlier), but he did not
mention holding a mass on Easter Sunday. Pigafetta mentioned the
 Public Opinion: Easter Sunday mass in Limasawa but did not record Palm Sunday on
their last full day in Homonhon.
        As expressed in editorials, speeches, pamphlets, and letters to
the editor, public opinion is another important source available to the         Was Easter Sunday mass ever celebrated without observing
historian. Still, its authenticity must be corroborated by other evidence Palm Sunday? Or was Palm Sunday observed without a mass on
because public opinion may not always be reliable. Easter Sunday?

 Folklores and Proverbs: Here is the chronology from Pigafetta's memoirs:

        Folklores reveal the stories of legendary heroes and are an  "At dawn on Saturday, March 16, 1521, (feast of St. Lazarus) we
essential source of history. They tell us about the aspirations,
superstitions, and customs of the people among whom the stories came upon a highland at a distance… an island named Zamal
developed (Discussion, n.d.). Folklores include “Alla-Uddal” the hero
(Samar)… the following day (March 17, Sunday) the captain-
general desired to land on another island (Humunu)…
        To use these folklores, the historian should possess a thorough
knowledge of the history of the period and have the ability to uninhabited… to be more secure and to get water and have some
distinguish between the legendary and authentic elements. Similarly,
rest. He had two tents set up on shore for the sick."
proverbs can give us an idea, but scholars must know the customs and
traditions (Modules, n.d.).
 "On Monday, March 18, we saw a boat coming towards us with
nine men in it. This marks our first human contact with
"First Mass" in Limasawa: Fact or opinion? Europeans, giving signs of joy because of our arrival… At noon

Written by Buddy Gomez on August 17, 2019 on Friday, March 22, those men came as they had promised."

        That "First Mass" celebrated on Philippine soil was neither in  "And we lay eight days in that place, where the captain every day
Agusan nor Southern Leyte.
visited the sick men who he had put ashore on the island to
        Was the Mass on Easter Sunday ever celebrated without first
observing Palm Sunday, which was a week before it? recover."

        Let us establish a chronology to resolve an argument over         The masses recorded by Pigafetta had two things in common:
geography. Magellan came to Homonhon before Limasawa. The  they were both observed onshore with the presence of the natives.
National Historical Institute's (NHI) concluded that "the first-ever
Christian mass on Philippine soil on March 31, 1521, was celebrated in         Homonhon, which is a barangay of the Municipality of Guiuan in
the island of Limasawa." It is a conclusion the NHI reached after a Eastern Samar, may have been neglected as the true venue of the first
"rigorous evaluative analysis and appraisal of primary sources" of the Sunday mass in the Philippines, which may have occurred either on
chronicles of Antonio Pigafetta, which is "the most complete and March 17, 1521 or March 24, 1521 (Palm Sunday), possibly due to
reliable account of Magellan's expedition." failure in historiographic interpretation.

        Pigafetta (English translation from Blair & Robertson) wrote the

following: "Early on the morning of Sunday, the last of March and
Easter day, the Captain-General sent the priest with some men to

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