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Name/s: Ashley Garay, Vince Batacan, Josh Maravilla, Samantha Padua, Alyssa Gocon

Grade & Section: 12 Atlantis

Subject: MSCS
Date: 14 May 2023

Preservation of UAE’S Flora and Fauna: International

Agency for Renewable Energy (IRENA)

The International Renewable Energy Agency (IRENA) is an intergovernmental

organization that promotes the widespread adoption and sustainable use of renewable energy
worldwide. It was established on January 26, 2009, and is headquartered in Abu Dhabi, United
Arab Emirates. IRENA serves as a global platform for cooperation, information exchange, and
policy advice on renewable energy. Its primary objective is to facilitate the transition to a
sustainable energy future by promoting the development and deployment of renewable energy
technologies, increasing energy access, and fostering renewable energy investment and capacity

The agency provides a wide range of services and initiatives, including:

1. Policy Advice: IRENA offers guidance and support to member countries in formulating
policies, regulations, and strategies to integrate renewable energy into their energy

2. Capacity Building: IRENA provides training programs, workshops, and technical

assistance to enhance the capacity of member countries in renewable energy planning,
project development, and technology deployment.

3. Knowledge and Data: IRENA conducts research, collects data, and disseminates
knowledge and best practices on renewable energy technologies, markets, and policies to
support informed decision-making.

4. Technology Collaboration: IRENA facilitates collaborative efforts among member

countries and stakeholders to accelerate the development and deployment of renewable
energy technologies through initiatives such as technology roadmaps and innovation
IRENA has 165 member countries as of my knowledge cutoff in September 2021, and it
works closely with governments, industry, academia, and other international organizations to
promote the transition to a sustainable and renewable energy future. The International Renewable
Energy Agency (IRENA) is important for several reasons:

1. Global Renewable Energy Promotion: IRENA plays a crucial role in promoting the
development and deployment of renewable energy worldwide. By providing policy
advice, capacity building programs, and technical assistance, IRENA helps countries
adopt sustainable energy practices, reduce greenhouse gas emissions, and
mitigate climate change.

2. International Cooperation: IRENA facilitates collaboration and knowledge sharing

among its member countries, as well as with industry stakeholders and other international
organizations. This cooperation fosters innovation, technology transfer, and the sharing of
best practices, ultimately accelerating the global transition to renewable energy.

3. Renewable Energy Market Facilitation: IRENA works to create an enabling environment

for renewable energy investments and market development. Through its research,
analysis, and data collection efforts, IRENA provides valuable insights into renewable
energy technologies, markets, and policy frameworks, which helps governments and
investors make informed decisions and overcome barriers to renewable energy adoption.

4. Energy Access and Sustainable Development: IRENA recognizes the importance of

renewable energy in achieving sustainable development goals, including universal energy
access, poverty eradication, and socioeconomic advancement. By promoting renewable
energy solutions and assisting countries in developing their renewable energy sectors,
IRENA contributes to a more equitable and sustainable energy future.

5. Climate Change Mitigation: Renewable energy is a crucial tool in mitigating climate

change by reducing greenhouse gas emissions. IRENA's efforts in advancing renewable
energy deployment and policy support align with global climate objectives, such as those
outlined in the Paris Agreement. By accelerating the transition to renewable energy,
IRENA contributes to global efforts to combat climate change and achieve carbon

Overall, IRENA plays a vital role in advocating for renewable energy, supporting its
member countries, and driving the global energy transition towards a more sustainable and
low-carbon future.

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