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1.Dispute in the west phillipine sea

-MANILA – President Rodrigo R. Duterte stated on Monday that the long-running conflict
between the Philippines and China in the West Philippine Sea (WPS) can only be resolved
through diplomatic dialogue and "not by force." Assuring the populace that he is not
ceding control of the WPS to China, Duterte made the comments.

2. Sabah reclamation
-The Philippines, posing as the Sultanate of Sulu's successor state, maintains a "dormant
claim" to Eastern Sabah on the grounds that the region was only leased to the British
North Borneo Company in 1878 and that the sultanate (and later the republic) never
ceded sovereignty over it

3. Proliferation of terrorist groups in the southern Phillipines

-The Marawi siege in 2017 was a turning point in the development of peace efforts in
Mindanao and contributed to the revival of negotiations that had mostly stalled at the


Exercise 10
1.You need to discuss in class the latest trends in biology. Your discussion should be
accurate and up-to-date.

~The media you choose will rely on how well you can use it. Use power point, for instance,
if you think it's a good way to start a conversation, or perhaps you can find a video clip
that encapsulates the most recent fashion. Furthermore take into account the location of
your conversation, namely whether it has the media facilities you require.

2.There is heavy storm in your area. Your family wants to know updates from the
government, but thereis a massive blackout. Network signals are unavailable too.

~ The time to plan beforehand, you can considerably reduce the effects of a strong storm.
The basic phases are involved in learn about the dangers and types of storms that may
occur in your area and also have a family emergency plan so that everyone is prepared
for any eventuality and understands what to do and where to go.

3.Your teacher in 21st Century Literature wants you to provide a point-by-point analysis of
Haruki Mukarami's Norwegian Wood.

~For me, I suggest that you try to make a list of those events in that order for yourself.
Just number them and make a few notes for each significant occurrence or turning point.
Once you have it, you may start writing a prose essay that lists each one in order. What
occurs and why it matters and alsl what happens next and how does it all develop.

4. You need to find where the absolute location 14°39'04.0°N, 120°58'18.4"E points in the

~You might enter the LAT or LON into Google Maps. Also, the formatting is simple to
search. This site on Corregidor Island is located around 400 meters northwest of the ferry
port, according to Google.You might also search up your coordinates in an atlas. You will
be in the Philippines on the east side of the South China Sea at 14N, 120E, which is 1,500
kilometers north of the equator and off the east coast of Asia.

5.For your report in Oral Communication, you need to analyze how the president will
deliver his upcoming State of the Nation Address. Your analysis must include his language,
gestures, and way of speaking.

~In my opinion, The president's speech is likely to be centered on the problems the nation
is currently facing and his style of speaking would highlight a persuasive speech to address
the need for the public to come together to solve the problems society is currently facing.
The president may begin with a smile in the introduction and the rest of the speech would
be depressing. Body gestures and facial expressions are also crucial to take into
consideration when giving a speech because they can reveal inner feelings.
Exercise 12
What are examples of media convergence?

~The examples of media convergence most is the portable gadgets like smartphones or
laptops, Macbook etc. That facilitate the production, dissemination, and exchange of
political content on platforms and within networks that accommodate interaction and

•The picture that stated below is an example of media convergence where the person is
doing an activity by using media and it affects that facilitate the production, dissemination,
and exchange of political content on platforms and within networks that accommodate
interaction and collaboration.
Exercise 14
1.What are the different types of information sources? Campare and contrast.

~Primary sources are the first kind of sources since they contain First-handed material that
was generated by the subject themselves. Secondary sources provide information that is
derived from primary sources, and third-party sources include summaries of both primary
and secondary sources.

2.Enumerate some example of indigenous information source in country.

~The indigenous or some examples of indigenous information is Folks or Traditional

media, Media expression conceptualized, produced, and circulated by indigenous peoples
around the globe as vehicles for communication.Like Radio or bombo radio in any

3.What is/are the difference(s) between an archieve and a library?

~Libraries gather and make available published resources so that people can stay
informed, advance scholarship, and also find amusement, In order to maintain institutional
and cultural memory and to ensure government accountability, while the archives gather
and make unpublished materials accessible.

4.Where else can you find information sources aside from the library,internet, and
indigenous media?

~Information may be found almost anywhere, including social media, blogs, personal
experiences, books, journal and magazine articles, expert opinions, newspapers, and
websites. Depending on the issue you are attempting to answer the different types of
information you require.

5.What is the relevance of studying the various types of media and information sources?

~For me As a student, These are the materials that are used to communicate with a broad
or public audience. Because the channel which we receive a message changes the
message, media sources are crucial.
dispute in the West Philiphine Sea
•President Rodrigo R. Duterte declared on Monday that the long-running conflict between
the Philippines and China in the West Philippine Sea (WPS) can only be resolved through
diplomatic dialogue and "not by force." Assuring the populace that he is not ceding
control of the WPS to China, Duterte made the comments.

2.Sabah reclamation
•The Sabah dispute, commonly referred to as the North Borneo issue, is a territorial
disagreement between Malaysia and the Philippines over a sizable portion of the state of
Sabah's eastern region. Sabah was formerly referred to as North Borneo before the
Malaysian federation was established.

3.proliferation of terrorist groups in the Southern Philiphines

•The most deadly Islamic separatist organization active in the southern Philippines is the
Abu Sayyaf Group (ASG), which says it wants to establish a free Islamic state in western
Mindanao and the Sulu Archipelago. The gang, which broke away from the Moro National
Liberation Front in the early 1990s, now engages in kidnapping.

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