Smart Goals 6260

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Dr. Salome Kapella Mshigeni



Syeda Hafsa Kazmi

California State University- San Bernardino

Topic name- To destigmatize mental health issues for students of California State University, San

1. Specific- To destigmatize mental health issues like depression, anxiety, panic attacks, and
post-traumatic stress disorder by conducting 20-minute educational workshops about
identifying the above mental health issues and coping mechanisms for the students of
California State University, San Bernardino.

2. Measurable- The aim is to destigmatize mental health and increase mental health dialogues to
25% from the current baseline. The aim of destigmatization of mental health on the campus
will be measured at the start and end of one year program with the help of a questionnaire to
be filled out by the students.

3. Achievable- These sessions will be conducted on the 1st of every month from March 2023 to
March 2024 on the campus. We will serve coffee and donuts after the workshop for the

4. Realistic- 75% of students who struggle with depression and anxiety are reluctant to seek
help. This increases the risk of harmful outcomes, such as dropping out of college, poor
academic performance, suicide, and substance abuse. Hence, it is important to educate
students about the steps they can take in case of mental health issues they are facing.

5. Time phased- This program is a 1-year program that will have 20-minute workshops being
conducted on the campus on the 1st of every month from March 2023 to March 2024.

6. Full Goal Sentence- To destigmatize mental health issues like depression, anxiety, panic
attacks, and PTSD and increase mental health dialogues to 25% from the baseline by
conducting 20-minute educational workshops on the 1st of every month from March 2023 to
March 2024. The workshops will be about identifying the above mental health issues and
coping mechanisms for the students of CSUSB with refreshments at the end. The end goal
will be measured by a questionnaire given to students before and after the 1-year program.

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