Activities in Media Literacy

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Lhance Angelo M. Abarra Prof. Josephine L.


BSED-II/E023 March 27, 2023

Q1. Using your own words, define and explain media literacy.

In order to make community members less susceptible to those

who control information, media literacy means giving them the chance to

critically analyze mass media products. The capacity to use critical

thinking to evaluate and comprehend media messages is referred to as

media literacy. Media literacy is a critical ability kids must acquire to

identify false information and create their own interpretation of the

messages being provided to them in a society where media and

advertising predominate.

Task 1

1. This message or this information became actual since an article

with credible information from a reputable source was shared on

social media, the message was placed online, and maybe the poster

heard the quotations from the information source. This post was too

unbelievable because, as the agency stated, the bat was the start of the

pandemic, and another unbelievable information was the digitized

RNA. The agency didn't confirm any technology that might end the

pandemic except for the well-known vaccine experts. Messages or

information from other sources were too unrealistic, such as the use of

paper money.

2. No, since if I saw it, I would search for a trustworthy source rather

than just believing the social media post I saw, especially given that it

was about raising public awareness of health issues for all people. The

messages on health awareness that I might see in my social media

feeds are definitely founded on reality, despite the fact that I always

assume that I must have heard it on the radio, television, or read it in a


3. If I come across posts online that spread irrational messages on

social media, I will either look for a more trustworthy article or

source to support the claims made in the post, or I will immediately

report the post in question in an effort to stop the spread of false

information on social media.

4. Others will believe the posts they see and become alarmed, and

because they are not thinking critically and are simply reading the

article, every news story they hear or read may seem to be based on

facts to them. I believe that some people will also look for other

trustworthy articles that might explain the facts that other people post

fake news and warn other people not to believe those posts.

Q2. There are possible reactions to this post. Some believe in a

right way. Others might question its veracity. Which is likely your

reaction? Which of the two reactions would speak of a media literate


When I see it, my first instinct could be to doubt its

truthfulness because the poster used fewer reliable sources to

support the message. I'll also cast doubt on it as a media-savvy

person. To determine whether the material is accurate and current,

he or she will look for more reliable sources of information.

Task 2
In modern age,
visual media
information and

Our opinions,
beliefs, and
attitudes are
Media The value of
knowledge to
society and the

influenced by the necessity of
media. ongoing learning.

Our culture and

society are

Task 3

I had preconceived notions about China and America as a result of the

news stories. A territorial conflict between China and the Philippines was

highlighted in certain headlines. I have the notion that every time the

Philippines' ally, the United States, aids in claiming the land, China

would threaten to wage war against the United States if it continues to

assist the Philippines. With this, I reasoned and saw plainly that the

disputed land belonged to the Philippines. I believe there are no hostile

forces working against the ally nation, particularly if the debate is usually

biased in favor of one side.

Q3. Create a flowchart showing the processes or steps on how to

properly examine the media. Explain briefly your point.






In order to properly account for their reporting techniques and

identify people included as interview subjects, we begin by summarizing

the programs or publications. We might go one step farther and pinpoint

the main players, conflicts, subjects, and themes. We may now start
comparing what we have discovered to other stories on related subjects

using the notes we have taken thus far. We may also record the issues,

perspectives, and people who we believe are left out of these news

stories, as well as alternative methods to present the tale. We identify

trends that demand more focus. We now choose the direction in which to

direct the critique. We may concentrate on the themes that are frequently

featured on the first page or the proportion of quotes from male and

female experts. We attempt to interpret the significance of the patterns we

have studied. We may evaluate the pros and cons of the news medium

under investigation and form critical opinions based on our own frames

of reference. We can also identify what we like and hate about the articles

and coverage we looked at, as well as what looks strong or weak or

absent. We must actively endeavor to build a media landscape that

supports democracy in order to be truly media literate.

Task 4
Task 5

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