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12/04/2023 Intra Class Activity – NEWSPAPER REPORT ANALYSIS

Think Like Economist

Space for News Clip

12/04/2023 Intra Class Activity – NEWSPAPER REPORT ANALYSIS

Support document for preparation of your presentation. Try to reply these questions, we are sure

that you can knit a well-structured and effective presentation.

With reference to the Newspaper Article chosen, answer the following questions as per your


Q.1. What is the title of the newspaper report?

Q.2. What is the date and publication of the newspaper report?

Q.3. Who is the author of the newspaper report?

Q.4. What is the topic of the newspaper report?

Q.5. What is the main idea or thesis of the newspaper report?

Q.6. What sources does the newspaper report use? Are they credible and reliable?

Q.7. Who is/are the intended audience of the newspaper report?

Q.8. Does the newspaper report provide evidence to support its claims? If so, what evidence is presented?

Q.9. Which topic or policy from your subject could you relate to from this Newspaper report?

Q.10. What is the historical or cultural context of the newspaper report?

Q.11. What is the significance of the newspaper report? Why is it important?

Q.12. Does the newspaper report present a bias or a particular point of view? If so, what is it?

Q.13. Are there any underlying assumptions or premises in the newspaper report? If so, what are they?

Q.14. What is the impact of the newspaper report on society or the community?

Q.15. Does the newspaper report raise any ethical or moral issues? If so, what are they?

Q.16. Does the newspaper report offer any solutions or recommendations? If so, what are they?

Q.17. What are the visible and possible impact on the stakeholders?

Q.18. How does the newspaper report compare to other sources of information on the same topic?

Q.19. What questions does the newspaper report raise for further investigation or research?

Q.20. What is your overall opinion of the newspaper report?

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