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Name: Java, Ryan C.

Narrative Report

The General Service Office (GSO) in a municipality plays a crucial role

in ensuring the effective and efficient delivery of services to the public.
This report aims to provide a narrative of the activities and
accomplishments of the GSO in a municipality over the past year.

The GSO is headed by a General Services Officer who oversees the

work of a team of dedicated staff. The team includes administrative
staff, janitors, maintenance workers, and security personnel. All staff
members are committed to ensuring that the services provided by the
GSO are delivered to a high standard.

The administrative staff plays a critical role in the smooth operation of

the GSO. They are responsible for maintaining records, processing
requests, and facilitating communication between the GSO and other
departments within the municipality. In the past year, the
administrative team has implemented new systems and procedures to
improve the efficiency of their work.

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