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Chapter 1

The Problem and Its Background


In today’s generation, the majority of people use modern technologies to serve

their clients efficiently and to make their job easier. However, some schools in the

industry manually store, fill and monitor the data and information of their students

which causes the School Administration/Staff to consume more of their time

especially when a piece of specific information is needed as possible.

Every institution needs a web-based monitoring system to speed up

information gathering by enhancing the processing system for searching reports on

student information, this Monitoring System will be able to address future school

transactions and will lighten the administrative staff’s workload.

As Fourth Year Computer Science students of Colegio De Porta Vaga, we

conclude to have a project which to create a Student Monitoring System, where the

School Administration workload would be lessened and would have easy access to

gathering students’ data. If a problem occurs or is seen on the students’ background,

the School Administration would be able to notify the parents/guardians of the student

through SMS. In this project, we use PHP, and HTML. As the whole project goes by,

we will ensure to tackle proper steps in collecting data to provide future readers more

knowledge about this topic and use it as one of their studies and expand it.
Background of the Study

Monitoring and storing students’ information is very important in every

institution particularly schools. However, storing student data/information manually

can consume the school administration time more. As the number of students

enrolled, the workload and responsibilities of the School Administration office

keeping, storing, filling student data increases.

Every information recorded trough paper works consumes time more. As the

technology evolves, storing and filling data on the school industry should also

improve by obtaining it easily. The Student Monitoring Sy stem is a project that is not

only to keep the details of the students such as name, class, age, address. Through this

project the School Administration would and can store other requirements of the

students that would lessen the time they will consume rather than filling, storing the

students information manually by paper works.

Statement of The Problem

1. How long will it take to manually collect and store the data?
2. How the Web-Based Student Monitoring system can minimize paper works?
3. How the system would track the past records of students?
1. Develop a student monitoring system is time-saving for teachers and the
personnel to take their student information.
2. Data stored in the system is easier to access
3. Records and past transactions stored in the system is easier to find

Conceptual Framework

CDPV Student
Monitoring System

Dependent Variable
Independent Variable

> Admin can monitor and

store data about the
student’s status,
performance, bad record,
transactions, etc.
Making a Web-Based
student Monitoring > Admin can easily notify
the students,
System for Colegio De
guardian/parents when
Porta Vaga there’s a problem.

> will lessen the time

consume on gathering
student information
Significance of the Study

This study will provide additional knowledge about Student Monitoring

System on how they can be more helpful and handy when it comes to monitoring

students on school.

School Administration – Reduce the workload of inputting and gathering data

Students - Reduce the time consumed on gathering information

Parents/Guardian - Would be immediately notified if there’s a problem

Teachers/Prof - Has an access to add, edit, delete and gather student information

Future Researchers - Can be used by the next generation of researchers who has

correlated topic.

Scope and Delimitation

A Student Monitoring System was frequently used by institutions particularly,

schools, college, universities to manage student information/data. The system store,

fill and display information such as, contact detail of the student, course, complains or

school behavior, subject enrolled, etc.

The scope of our study is to reduce the workload of the School Administration

on gathering information for future transactions such as, students’ performance,

validation if the student is enrolled, display any violation made by the student, and

other requirements that students can obtain would also be stored.

Definition of Terms

Terms here are conceptually and operationally defined for better

understanding of the readers.

HTML - Also known as HyperText Markup Language. Designed for web browsers

that is supported by JavaScript and Style Sheets.

PHP - Scripting language that is originally made for web design.

SQL - Also known as Structured Query Language, is a domain language used in

programming for managing data in relational database management system.

Database - A structured set of data held in computer, especially one that is accessible

in various ways.

SMS (Short Message Service) - Is a text messaging service component of most

telephone, World Wide Web, and mobile device system.

LAN – Also known as Local Area Network.

SCRUM – A framework for project management on software development. Also

used in research, sales, marketing, and other advanced technologies.

International Organization for Standardization (ISO) 9126 – An international

standard for evaluating system. Ensures the quality of the proposed system.

Operating System (OS) – Manage computer hardware and software. It performs

basic task like processing computer’s memory, file and it’s the most important

software that runs on the computer.

Chapter II
Review of Related Literature
This chapter presents the related literature thorough and in-depth research by

the researchers. Its goals is to present the related literature and studies.

Related Literature

Edwards (2022), stated that the primary role of the Student Information

System was to store, sort, and organize all the records so that parents, instructors, and

students may access them. Reports can be created on a variety of subjects, such as the

number of students in the institution and the GPA of students. 

There were portals for K–12 that gave parents access to data on their students.

This enabled them to contact teachers and view information about attendance, school

activities, and students' behavior. This was also helpful to universities which allowed

teachers and students to speak privately.

A student information system simplifies administration for students by

tracking progress and updating profiles immediately. The unique ability of SIS is to

connect different departments in saving information, data, as well as resources in a

system that is easily accessible and extremely safe in the Student Information


Cosidon (2016), explained that most schools today use technologies to

accomplish the same goals of developing a Student Information System to make

student data accessible to school administration.

Records Management System

 According to Touray, R. (2021), it was assumed that an institution’s ability to

manage its records was a prerequisite for good administration. Its success is

dependent on effective records management practices that ensure the right records are

available at the right time when needed. Both personal and official records are crucial

because they offer accurate data on "who, what, when, and why" an event occurred. 

  Keeping records and storing information in an institution has become critical

in recent years, not only for historical purposes but also for current and future

managerial and policy development. Searching for a document that cannot be found

was the most common issue that many institutions face. It wastes time and energy for

both personnel searching and the user who needs it. 

It is easier to respond to an audit when records are managed by following a

proper retention policy. Excellent records management allowed an institution to be

efficient, because they're well sorted and labeled, making them easy to find.

  Which comes with the invention of a Monitoring System. It was software that

helped administrators effectively monitor their filing and records. This system was

responsible for institutions to monitor and can be used through electronic devices (like

mobile devices, laptops, and computers) easily and save more time on storing and

filling data (Paessler, 2022).

Student Attendance Monitoring

          Student Attendance Monitoring was a tool that helps, supports, and organizes

records for school monitoring of students’ attendance-related concerns, enhancing

student safety by detecting and recording students’ presence in the school institutions

with the support of the system updating whether they check in or out of the school

grounds. This will ensure that the school will have the database information to check

students’ information for authentication. 

The system helped manage student attendance in classrooms which was

beneficial to teachers. This was also a great way to let parents know that their child is

safe inside the school, making student security reliable through the system (Yuso,


 Student Monitoring System with Short Message Service (SMS)

           Back then, the school administration manually spreads information for school

events and reminders to students and parents through a printed memo. However,

trends in the era of mobile technology gave a wide range of convenience to consumers

in communication, particularly to students and teachers. (De La Cruz and Diaz, 2019)

developed a web-based student monitoring system with Short Message Service (SMS)

using SCRUM and passed the criteria based on International Organization for

Standardization (ISO) 9126. They used it as an opportunity to improve the

administration and shift from papers to online communications through social media

platform and Short Message Service (SMS) to communicate with parents who are

occupied with work or business that has difficulty accessing their kid’s information.
Through this, they made a way in which parents were informed about some details

such as students do not come early, failed subjects, and unpaid dues.
Name: _______________________________ Date: ______________
Year & Section: _______________________
Course: ______________________________

Rate you answers 5 as the highest score – 1 as the lowest score

Pre system
How is the overall processing time of acquiring your important document 1 2 3
4 5
How was the service of the registrar for your enrollment 1 2 3 4 5

How is the overall processing time of acquiring your important document with the use of the
Student Monitoring System 1 2 3 4 5

Would you recommend the use of the student monitoring system in your school 1 2
3 4 5



The instruments used to gather the data pertinent to this study were documentary analysis, direct
observation and ocularinspection, survey questionnaires, and interview guides.

/documentary analysis

1st year
1st sem Unit/s
English 103 3
Math 103 3
Filipino 103 3
Intelligent system 103 3

2nd sem


2nd year

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