Exercise 4

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Case Study
To do an interview or case study about a leader or successful social worker of an organization
itself which does community development work.
1) To study about a leader or a successful social worker
2) To understand the importance of community development
3) To learn the skill of interviewing or doing a case study

A community is a group of people living or working together in the same area. People
in communities might go to the same schools, shop in the same stores and do the same
things. They also help each other and solve problems together. If it's a bigger
community, the people in it might not always go to the same places, but they might
like or believe in the same things.

Community development is a process where community members are supported by

agencies to identify and take collective action on issues which are important to
them. Community development empowers community members and creates stronger
and more connected communities.

Social service, also called welfare service or social work, any of numerous publicly or

privately provided services intended to aid disadvantaged, distressed, or vulnerable
persons or groups. The term social service also denotes the profession engaged in
rendering such services.

A leader can be defined as someone who has the ability to perceive how things can be
improved and who can influence people to move towards the attainment of goals. To put it in
simple terms a leader is a dynamic individual who focuses on teamwork along with leading
the team to produce effective results.
Some of essentials qualities of a leader:
1. Mission
2. Vision
3. Strategy and decisions
4. Understand the Organisational culture
5. Interpersonal skills

Interview is a process of didactic communication with pre-determined and serious

purpose designed to interchange behaviour and involving the asking and answering
the questions.
How do we conduct an interview?
1) Prepare your questions.
2) Take notes
3) Ask the right questions
4) Be a good listener

Name- Nabhan Moideen
Age- 27
Company – Accenture
Position -Associate manager , leading a team that works for automation


1)What are the most important values you demonstrate as a leader?

The most important value that I have is my integrity. I demonstrate honesty and trust in all
my actions to establish credibility as a leader. By having this conviction behind my words
and actions, those who I lead are gain bought into the direction I take them.

2)What would be your greatest weakness?

When I delegate duties to others that I know I can do better.  However, if I don’t delegate,
then I could end up with more work than I can handle myself. I’ve taken courses in time
management and learned how to effectively handle tasks to overcome this weakness.

3)How often do you feel it’s necessary to meet with your team?

I feel that I should meet with my team at least once a week on a set time and day of the week.
Communication among team members is critical, and this will give the team an opportunity
to get together on a regular basis and talk about their challenges and best practices. Also,
when our team reaches a milestone, a new project begins, an award or promotion is given, or
when there is a challenging situation, I would want to bring the team together. Everyone will
get the same message that way, and we can celebrate successes or come together in
challenging times.

4) How do you motivate your team?

I find out what motivates them individually so I can speak to how a goal or change is going to
benefit them. I ensure that I have the right amount of positive and constructive feedback to
help them perform effectively. My actions always match my words so when I speak to my
team with conviction; they are on-board with performing their best.

5)What is the most difficult part of being a leader?

In some ways, although you are part of a group, you are alone. It’s a leader’s responsibility to
see the end goal and vision of an organisation to lead others towards it. When others do not
see it the same way, you have to be the lone voice to bring them back on track.

Learning Outcome

Interviewing my brother-in-law gave me a great idea of how leaders work and

what methods they use to run their projects smoothly. Different leaders have
different ways of working with their colleagues. Leaders have strengths and
weaknesses too but their ability to handle it all is what makes them a good

Good leaders add value to the company by fostering a collaborative environment and
welcoming new ideas. Leadership interview questions help recruiters get greater insight into
a candidate’s way of working. These interview questions can also reveal the leadership
potential of candidates, even if they’re interviewing for entry-level roles.

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