Conditional Identity-Based Broadcast Proxy

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1, JANUARY 2016

Conditional Identity-Based Broadcast Proxy

Re-Encryption and Its Application to Cloud Email
Peng Xu, Member, IEEE, Tengfei Jiao, Qianhong Wu, Member, IEEE,
Wei Wang, Member, IEEE, and Hai Jin, Senior Member, IEEE

Abstract—Recently, a number of extended Proxy Re-Encryptions (PRE), e.g. Conditional (CPRE), identity-based PRE (IPRE) and
broadcast PRE (BPRE), have been proposed for flexible applications. By incorporating CPRE, IPRE and BPRE, this paper proposes a
versatile primitive referred to as conditional identity-based broadcast PRE (CIBPRE) and formalizes its semantic security. CIBPRE
allows a sender to encrypt a message to multiple receivers by specifying these receivers’ identities, and the sender can delegate a
re-encryption key to a proxy so that he can convert the initial ciphertext into a new one to a new set of intended receivers. Moreover, the
re-encryption key can be associated with a condition such that only the matching ciphertexts can be re-encrypted, which allows the
original sender to enforce access control over his remote ciphertexts in a fine-grained manner. We propose an efficient CIBPRE
scheme with provable security. In the instantiated scheme, the initial ciphertext, the re-encrypted ciphertext and the re-encryption key
are all in constant size, and the parameters to generate a re-encryption key are independent of the original receivers of any initial
ciphertext. Finally, we show an application of our CIBPRE to secure cloud email system advantageous over existing secure email
systems based on Pretty Good Privacy protocol or identity-based encryption.

Index Terms—Proxy re-encryption, cloud storage, identity-based encryption, broadcast encryption, secure cloud email


P ROXY re-encryption (PRE) [1] provides a secure and flexi-

ble method for a sender to store and share data. A user
may encrypt his file with his own public key and then store
Efforts have been made to equip PRE with versatile capa-
bilities. The early PRE was proposed in the traditional pub-
lic-key infrastructure setting which incurs complicated
the ciphertext in an honest-but-curious server. When the certificate management [2]. To relieve from this problem,
receiver is decided, the sender can delegate a re-encryption several identity-based PRE (IPRE) schemes [3], [4], [5], [6],
key associated with the receiver to the server as a proxy. [7], [8] were proposed so that the receivers’ recognizable
Then the proxy re-encrypts the initial ciphertext to the identities can serve as public keys. Instead of fetching and
intended receiver. Finally, the receiver can decrypt the verifying the receivers’ certificates, the sender and the proxy
resulting ciphertext with her private key. The security of just need to know the receivers’ identities, which is more
PRE usually assures that (1) neither the server/proxy nor convenient in practice.
non-intended receivers can learn any useful information PRE and IPRE allows a single receiver. If there are more
about the (re-)encrypted file, and (2) before receiving the receivers, the system needs to invoke PRE or IPRE multiple
re-encryption key, the proxy can not re-encrypt the initial times. To address this issue, the concept of broadcast PRE
ciphertext in a meaningful way. (BPRE) has been proposed [9]. BPRE works in a similar
way as PRE and IPRE but more versatile. In contrast, BPRE
allows a sender to generate an initial ciphertext to a receiver
set, instead of a single receiver. Further, the sender can dele-
 P. Xu is with the Services Computing Technology and System Lab, Cluster
and Grid Computing Lab, School of Computer Science and Technology, gate a re-encryption key associated with another receiver set
Huazhong University of Science and Technology, Wuhan 430074, China, so that the proxy can re-encrypt to.
and the State Key Laboratory of Integrated Services Networks, Xidian The above PRE schemes only allows the re-encryption
University, Xi’an, China. E-mail:
procedure is executed in an all-or-nothing manner. The
 T. Jiao and H. Jin are with the Services Computing Technology and System
Lab, Cluster and Grid Computing Lab, School of Computer Science and proxy can either re-encrypt all the initial ciphertexts or
Technology, Huazhong University of Science and Technology, Wuhan none of them. This coarse-gained control over ciphertexts to
430074, China. E-mail: {M201272784, hjin} be re-encrypted may limit the application of PRE systems.
 Q. Wu is with the School of Electronics and Information Engineering,
Beihang Univerisity, Beijing 100191, China, and the State Key Laboratory To fill this gap, a refined concept referred to as conditional
of Information Security, Institute of Information Engineering, Chinese PRE (CPRE) has been proposed. In CPRE schemes [6], [7],
Academy of Sciences, Beijing 100093, China. [8], [9], [10], [11], [12], [13], a sender can enforce fine-grained
E-mail: re-encryption control over his initial ciphertexts. The sender
 W. Wang is with Cyber-Physical-Social Systems Lab, School of Computer
Science and Technology, Huazhong University of Science and Technology, achieves this goal by associating a condition with a re-
Wuhan 430074, China. E-mail: encryption key. Only the ciphertexts meeting the specified
Manuscript received 18 July 2014; revised 22 Feb. 2015; accepted 17 Mar. condition can be re-encrypted by the proxy holding the
2015. Date of publication 26 Mar. 2015; date of current version 16 Dec. 2015. corresponding re-encryption key.
Recommended for acceptance by Y. Xiang. A recent conditional proxy broadcast re-encryption
For information on obtaining reprints of this article, please send e-mail to:, and reference the Digital Object Identifier below. scheme [14] allows the senders to control the time to re-
Digital Object Identifier no. 10.1109/TC.2015.2417544 encrypt their initial ciphertexts. When a sender generates
0018-9340 ß 2015 IEEE. Personal use is permitted, but republication/redistribution requires IEEE permission.
See for more information.

We define a practical security notion for CIBPRE sys-

tems. Intuitively, without the corresponding private keys,
one can learn nothing about the plaintext hidden in the
initial or re-encrypted CIBPRE ciphertext; an initial cipher-
text can not be correctly re-encrypted by a re-encryption
key if the ciphertext and the key are associated with differ-
ent conditions. We formally define these security req-
uirements via the standard indistinguishability under
selective-ID and Chosen Plaintext Attack (IND-sID-CPA).
We model the adversarial deployment environment via a
game between a challenger and an attacker trying to break
Fig. 1. The worldwide revenue forecast for cloud Business Email a CIBPRE scheme. Both the challenger and the attacker
(unit: Million) [17]. are modeled as probabilistically polynomial time (PPT)
algorithms. If the attacker has only negligible advantage to
a re-encryption key to re-encrypt an initial ciphertext, the win in this game, then the CIBPRE scheme is IND-sID-
sender needs to take the original receivers’ identities of CPA secure.
the initial ciphertext as input. In practice, it means that the We propose an efficient CIBPRE that is provably secure
sender must locally remember the receivers’ identities of all in the above adversary model. We prove that the IND-sID-
initial ciphertexts. This requirement makes this scheme con- CPA security of the proposed CIBPRE scheme if the under-
strained for the memory-limited or mobile senders and effi- lying identity-based broadcast encryption (IBBE) scheme is
cient only for special applications. secure and the Decisional Bilinear Diffie-Hellman (DBDH)
assumption holds. Our proposed CIBPRE scheme enjoys
1.1 Our Contribution constant-size initial and re-encrypted ciphertexts, and elimi-
In this paper, we refine PRE by incorporating the advan- nates the constraints of the recent work in [14].
tages of IPRE, CPRE and BPRE for more flexible applica-
tions and propose a new concept of conditional identity- 1.2 Cloud Email System: A Promising Application
based broadcast PRE (CIBPRE). In a CIBPRE system, a Cloud email system allows an enterprise to rent the cloud
trusted key generation center (KGC) initializes the system SaaS service to build an email system. It is much cheaper
parameters of CIBPRE, and generates private keys for and scalable than traditional on-premises solution. In 2014,
users. To securely share files to multiple receivers, a the Radicati Group [17] showed the worldwide revenue
sender can encrypt the files with the receivers’ identities forecast for cloud Business Email, from 2014 to 2018. Fig. 1
and file-sharing conditions. If later the sender would also shows that the cloud Business Email market is expected to
like to share some files associated with the same condi- generate nearly 17 billion by 2018.
tion with other receivers, the sender can delegate a re- In 2012, the Proofpoint Group [18] used an economic
encryption key labeled with the condition to the proxy, model that estimates opportunities for quantifiable cost sav-
and the parameters to generate the re-encryption key is ings of cloud email system compared with traditional on-
independent of the original receivers of these files. Then premises email system. The Proofpoint model calculates
the proxy can re-encrypt the initial ciphertexts matching expenses for both systems at the time of acquisition as well
the condition to the resulting receiver set. With CIBPRE, as over a four-year period, such as software licensing costs,
in addition to the initial authorized receivers who can hardware and storage costs, service expenses, operational
access the file by decrypting the initial ciphertext with expenses. Table 1 summarizes savings using the economic
their private keys, the newly authorized receivers can model. Note that Network Attached Storage (NAS) and
also access the file by decrypting the re-encrypted cipher- content-addressable storage (CAS) in this table are two
text with their private keys. Note that the initial cipher- different technologies which are usually applied in many
texts may be stored remotely while keeping secret. The storage systems.
sender does not need to download and re-encrypt repeti- Cloud email system is a promising and important appli-
tively, but delegates a single key matching condition to cation due to its advantageous features. We build an
the proxy. These features make CIBPRE a versatile tool to encrypted cloud email system with CIBPRE. It allows a user
secure remotely stored files, especially when there are dif- to send an encrypted email to multiple receivers, store his
ferent receivers to share the files as time passes. encrypted emails in an email server, review his history

Cloud-Based Archiving versus On-Premises Archiving [18]

Number Storage Technology On-Premises Costs, SaaS Costs, Total Cost Savings
of Users Including Labor Including Labor Through Proofpoint SaaS
5,000 NAS $2,108,300 $1,097,488 48%
10,000 CAS $23,259,600 $1,986,232 92%
20,000 CAS $45,829,200 $3,634,976 93%
30,000 CAS $69,357,200 $5,454,975 93%

encrypted emails, forward his history encrypted emails of encryption, and are secure against chosen-plaintext
the expected subject to multiple new receivers. Moreover, attacks and chosen-ciphertext attacks, respectively. In
the cost of an extra email header to achieve this goal is the addition to fine-grained data sharing, an extra advantage
constant. Compared with existing approaches such as pri- of these CBPRE schemes is that it allows one to share
vacy good privacy (PGP) protocol [15] and identity-based data with multiple users in a more efficient way.
encryption (IBE) [16], our CIBPRE-based system is imple- Several other optional properties have been achieved in
mentation-friendly and more efficient in communication. recent PRE schemes. The PRE schemes in [13], [24], [25] are
In PGP, a sender first verifies a receiver’s certificate and equipped with an extra property that the receiver of a
encrypts an email by the receiver’s public key; then the ciphertext is anonymous. The schemes in [26], [27] achieve
receiver decrypts the received email with his private key. multi-use bidirectional re-encryption. A ciphertext can be
IBE avoids the certificate verification of PGP. Using IBE, a re-encrypted multiple times. Moreover, a re-encryption key
sender directly encrypts an email using a receiver’s email realizes the bidirectional share between two users. Specifi-
address. Though both PGP and IBE keep the security cally, if Alice delegates a re-encryption key to a proxy for
of cloud email, their performances are less than CIBPRE. re-encrypting her ciphertexts to Bob. The re-encryption key
When a sender wants to send an encrypted email to multiple can also enable to re-encrypt Bob’s ciphertexts to Alice.
receivers, the size of the ciphertext generated by CIBPRE is These two PRE schemes are provably secure under the cho-
constant. In contrast, both PGP and IBE cause the size linear sen-ciphertext attack respectively in the random oracle and
with the number of receivers. When a sender wants to for- standard models. In contrast, the PRE scheme in [21] is
ward a historically encrypted email to multiple receivers, multi-use unidirectional PRE schemes in which bidirec-
CIBPRE only requires the sender to generate a re-encryption tional re-encryption is forbidden. The work in [28] defines a
key (with constant size) and send the key to cloud, and then general notion for PRE, which is called deterministic finite
the cloud re-encrypts the email and generates a constant size automata-based functional PRE (DFA-based FPRE), and
ciphertext for these receivers. In contrast, with PGP or IBE, proposes a concrete DFA-based FPRE system. The recent
the sender must fetch the historically encrypted email from work in [29] proposes cloud-based revocable identity-based
the cloud and decrypt it, and then re-encrypt it again to these proxy re-encryption that supports user revocation and dele-
receivers one by one. Therefore, CIBPRE is very suitable for gation of decryption rights.
building encrypted cloud email systems and our proposed
CIBPRE scheme is more convenient than PGP and IBE to 1.4 Organization
keep the security of cloud email system. Section 2 reviews the IBBE scheme in [30] and its provable
security. Section 3 defines the concept of CIBPRE and its
1.3 Related Work semantic security. Based on the IBBE scheme in Section 2,
The first PRE scheme was proposed by Blaze, Bleumer and an instance of CIBPRE is proposed in Section 4. Its semantic
Strauss in [1]. Following this seminal work, a number of security is proved in Section 5. Section 6 compares the
PRE schemes [19], [20], [21], [22], [23], [24], [25] have been performance of existing PRE schemes. Section 7 shows the
proposed in the traditional public key setting. These PRE CIBPRE-based cloud email system and its advantages.
schemes need certificates to prove the validity of public Section 8 concludes this paper.
keys. A user has to verify the certificates before encrypting a
In order to avoid the overhead to verify public keys’
certificates, several IPRE schemes [3], [4], [5] have been Our CIBPRE scheme exploits a known IBBE scheme,
presented by incorporating the idea of identity-based referred to as the D07 scheme, proposed by Delerabl ee in
encryption [16]. The scheme in [3] is proven secure in the [30]. The the D07 scheme is proven secure and has the short
random oracle (RO) model in which a hash function is private keys and ciphertexts.
assumed fully random. In contrast, the scheme in [4]
is proven secure in the standard model. The scheme in [5] 2.1 Bilinear Map
is proven secure in a stronger security sense, i.e., indistin- Our constructions are built from bilinear maps reviewed
guishability against chosen-ciphertext attack in the stan- below. Let G and GT be two multiplicative groups with
dard model. prime order p, and let g be a generator of G. A bilinear map
The above PRE schemes only allow data sharing in a is a function e^ : G  G ! GT with following properties:
coarse-grained manner. That is, if the user delegates a re-
encryption key to the proxy, all ciphertexts can be re-  Bilinearity: for any ðu; vÞ 2 G2 and ða; bÞ 2 Zp 2 ,
encrypted and then be accessible to the intended users; else e^ðua ; vb Þ ¼ e^ðu; vÞab holds.
none of the ciphertexts can be re-encrypted or accessed by  Non-degeneracy: e^ðg; gÞ is a generator of GT .
others. This issue is addressed in the recent CPRE  Computability: for any ðu; vÞ 2 G2 , e^ðu; vÞ can be
schemes [6], [8], [9], [10], [11], [12], [13] allowing fine- efficiently computed.
grained data sharing. The schemes in [8], [12], [13] are
proven secure against chosen-ciphertext attack. The con- 2.2 D07 Scheme
ditional identity-based PRE (CIPRE) schemes in [6], [7], The D07 scheme consists of algorithms SetupIBBE ,
[8] combines the underlying ideas of CPRE and IPRE. ExtractIBBE , EncIBBE and DecIBBE . Let N 2 N be the maximal
Similarly, the two conditional broadcast PRE schemes size of receiver set for one IBBE encryption. These algo-
in [9] combines the notions of CPRE and broadcast rithms work as follows:

 SetupIBBE ð; NÞ: Given a security parameter  2 N security means that no PPT adversary can know which one
and N, this algorithm probabilistically constructs a of two plaintexts is linked with an IBBE ciphertext, if the
bilinear map e^ : G  G ! GT , where G and GT are adversary does not know the private keys of the ciphertext’s
two multiplicative group with prime order p and receivers. The IND-sID-CPA security are formally defined
jpj ¼ , randomly chooses two generators ðg; hÞ 2 G2 as follows.
and a value g 2 Zp , chooses a cryptographic hash
Definition 1 (IND-sID-CPA Security of IBBE). An IBBE
function H : f0; 1g ! Zp , finally outputs a master scheme is IND-sID-CPA secure, if any PPT adversary B has a
public key PKIBBE ¼ ðp; G; GT ; e^; w; v; h; hg ; . . . ; hg ; HÞ
negligible advantage AdvIND -sID-CPA to win in the following
and a master secret key MKIBBE ¼ ðg; gÞ, where game:
w ¼ gg and v ¼ e^ðg; hÞ.
 ExtractIBBE ðMKIBBE ; IDÞ: Given MKIBBE and an iden-  Initialization phase. Adversary B chooses a set S  of
tity ID, this algorithm outputs the private key challenge identities (with jS  j  N) that he wants to
1 attack, and sends S  to challenger C.
SKIBBE ¼ ggþHðIDÞ .  Setup phase. Challenger C runs algorithm SetupIBBE
 EncIBBE ðPKIBBE ; S; mÞ: Given PKIBBE , a set S of some to generate a master public key PKIBBE and a master
identities (where jSj  N) and a plaintext m 2 GT , secret key MKIBBE , and sends PKIBBE to adversary B.
this algorithm randomly picks k 2 Zp , and outputs  Query phase 1. Adversary B adaptively issues the fol-
an IBBEQciphertext C ¼ ðc1 ; c2 ; c3 Þ, where c1 ¼ wk , lowing query multi-times.
c2 ¼ h IDi 2S
ðgþHðID ÞÞ
and c3 ¼ vk  m. - Private Key Query QSK IBBE ðIDÞ: With the con-
; C; SÞ: given PKIBBE , an straint ID 2 = S  , challenger C runs algorithm
ID ExtractIBBE ðMKIBBE ; IDÞ to generate the private
identity ID and its private key SKIBBE , an IBBE ID
key SKIBBE , and sends SKIBBEID
to adversary B.
ciphertext C ¼ ðc1 ; c2 ; c3 Þ, and a set S of some identi-
ties (where jSj  N), this algorithm computes  Challenge phase. Adversary B gives two challenge
plaintexts ðm0 ; m1 Þ to challenger C. Challenger C gen-
1 erates a challenge IBBE ciphertext C  EncIBBE
eðc1 ; hDg ðID;SÞ Þ  e^ðSKIBBE
K ¼ ð^ ID
; c2 ÞÞ IDi 2S IDi 6¼ID ðPKIBBE ; S  ; mb Þ (where b is randomly chosen in
f0; 1g), and sends C  to adversary B.
with  Query phase 2. Adversary B continuously issues
0 queries as in Query Phase 1.
Y  Guess phase. Adversary B outputs a guess b0 2
Dg ðID; SÞ ¼ g 1  @ ðg þ HðIDi ÞÞ f0; 1g. We say that adversary B wins if b0 ¼ b. And let
V -sID-CPA ¼ jPr½b0 ¼ b  1 j be the advantage to
IDi 2S IDi 6¼ID AdvIND
1 win this game.
 HðIDi ÞA Based on the General Decisional Diffie-Hellman Expo-
IDi 2S IDi 6¼ID nent (GDDHE) assumption [30], the D07 scheme is proven
IND-sID-CPA secure in the RO model, as stated in the fol-
and finally outputs a plaintext m ¼ cK3 . lowing lemma.
In a typical implementation scenario of the D07 scheme,
there are a sender, a KGC and some receivers. The KGC Lemma 1. Suppose the GDDHE assumption holds. The D07
runs algorithm SetupIBBE to generate a master public key scheme is IND-sID-CPA secure in the RO model.
PKIBBE and a master secret key MKIBBE , and then runs algo-
rithm ExtractIBBE for each receiver to generate their private 3 DEFINING CIBPRE AND ITS SECURITY
keys. To securely broadcast a plaintext to these receivers, A CIBPRE system consists of algorithms SetupPRE ,
the sender runs algorithm EncIBBE to generate an IBBE ExtractPRE , EncPRE , RKExtractPRE , ReEncPRE , Dec-1PRE and
ciphertext and sends it to these receivers. The consistency of Dec-2PRE . In a typical implementation scenario of a CIBPRE
the D07 scheme guarantees that these receivers can decrypt system, a KGA runs algorithms SetupPRE and ExtractPRE
out the plaintext by running algorithm DecIBBE . In addition, respectively to set up a CIBPRE scheme and generate
the provable security of the D07 scheme, which will be users’ private keys according to their identities. A sender
introduced in the next subsection, guarantees that except runs algorithm EncPRE to encrypt a plaintext, and generate
for the sender, the KGA and these receivers, no one can an initial CIBPRE ciphertext which can be decrypted by
learn something about the plaintext in practice. In the aspect some intended receivers, and uploads the ciphertext to a
of performance, since the generated IBBE ciphertext has the server. Let S be the set of these intended receivers. When a
constant size, D07 scheme obtains the high efficiency in receiver in set S is online, he retrieves the initial CIBPRE
communication cost. ciphertext from the server and runs algorithm Dec-1PRE to
decrypt out the plaintext. when a receiver in set S wants to
2.3 The D07 Scheme Security share the plaintext to several new receivers (who are not in
Delerablee [30] shown that the D07 scheme has ciphertexts set S), he runs algorithm RKExtractPRE to generate a re-
indistinguishability against the selective identity and encryption key and delegate this key to a proxy. Let S 0 be
chosen plaintext attack (IND-sID-CPA). The IND-sID-CPA the set of these new receivers. The proxy runs algorithm

ReEncPRE to re-encrypt the initial CIBPRE ciphertext and by its intended receivers. Therefore, to define the second
generate a re-encrypted CIBPRE ciphertext. When a receiver consistency, we must define what is a correctly re-encrypted
in set S 0 is online, he retrieves the re-encrypted CIBPRE CIBPRE ciphertext, and define who can correctly decrypt
ciphertext from the proxy and runs algorithm Dec-2PRE to the ciphertext.
decrypt out the plaintext. The formal definition of CIBPRE is For any re-encrypted CIBPRE ciphertext of an initial
as follows. CIBPRE ciphertext by a re-encryption key, the second con-
sistency defines that the re-encrypted CIBPRE ciphertext
Definition 2 (CIBPRE). Let N 2 N be the maximal size of
is correct, if the generator of the re-encryption key is an
receiver set for one CIBPRE encryption or re-encryption. A
intended receiver of the initial CIBPRE ciphertext, and the
CIBPRE scheme consists of following algorithms:
initial CIBPRE ciphertext and the re-encryption key has
 SetupPRE ð; NÞ: Given a security parameter  2 N the same condition. Also it defines that the correctly re-
and value N, this algorithm outputs a master public encrypted CIBPRE ciphertext can be correctly decrypted
key PKPRE and a master secret key MKPRE . by the receivers who are defined by the re-encryption key.
 ExtractPRE ðMKPRE ; IDÞ: Given MKPRE and an iden- We next define the IND-sID-CPA security of CIBPRE.
tity ID, this algorithm outputs the private key SKPRE ID
. Roughly speaking, the security means that no PPT adver-
 EncPRE ðPKPRE ; S; m; aÞ: Given PKPRE , a set S of some sary can decide which one of two plaintexts is encrypted
identities (where jSj  N), a plaintext m and a condi- by an initial CIBPRE ciphertext, if he does not know the
tion a, this algorithm outputs an initial CIBPRE private keys of the intended receivers both of the initial
ciphertext C. CIBPRE ciphertext and its re-encrypted CIBPRE cipher-
; S 0 ; aÞ: Given texts. In other words, without the corresponding private
PKPRE , an identity ID and its private key SKPRE ID
, a set keys, an initial CIBPRE ciphertext and its re-encrypted
CIBPRE ciphertexts leak nothing about their encrypted
S 0 of some identities (where jS 0 j  N) and a condition
a, this algorithm outputs a re-encryption key dID!S0 j a .
The IND-sID-CPA security of CIBPRE defines an attack
 ReEncPRE ðPKPRE ; dID!S0 j a ; C; SÞ: Given PKPRE , a game between a PPT adversary and a challenger. The attack
re-encryption key dID!S0 j a , an initial CIBPRE cipher- game consists of several phases. In the initialization phase,
text C and a set S of some identities (where jSj  N), the adversary commits a set S  of challenge identities and a
this algorithm outputs a re-encrypted CIBPRE cipher- challenge condition a that he wants to attack. In the setup
text C. phase, the challenger sets up a CIBPRE scheme. In the chal-
; C; SÞ: Given PKPRE , lenge phase, the adversary chooses two challenge plain-
an identity ID and its private key SKPRE , an initial texts; the challenger randomly chooses one of these two
CIBPRE ciphertext C, and a set S of some identities plaintexts, encrypts the chosen plaintext by the committed
(where jSj  N), this algorithm outputs a plaintext. S  and a to generate an initial CIBPRE ciphertext (it also is
 Dec-2PRE ðPKPRE ; ID; SKPRE ID ~ S 0 Þ: Given PKPRE ,
; C; a challenge ciphertext in the attack game), and asks the
ID adversary to decide which one of these two plaintexts is
an identity ID and its private key SKPRE , a re-
encrypted CIBPRE ciphertext C and a set S 0 of some
~ encrypted. Before and after the challenge phase, the adver-
identities (where jS 0 j  N), this algorithm outputs a sary is allowed to query some identities’ private keys and
plaintext. re-encryption keys. It means that the adversary can collude
As usual, a CIBPRE scheme must satisfy the following with some users in practice. But the adversary can not query
consistencies: the private keys of the challenge identities in set S  and the
private keys which can decrypt the re-encrypted CIBPRE
 For any initial CIBPRE ciphertext C EncPRE ð ciphertext of the challenge ciphertext. If the adversary has
PKPRE ; S; m; aÞ and any private key SKPRE ID
no advantage to make a correct decision, then we say that
ExtractPRE ðMKPRE ; IDÞ, if ID 2 S, then algorithm the CIBPRE scheme is IND-sID-CPA secure. The details are
; C; SÞ always outputs as follows:
the plaintext m.
 For any re-encrypted CIBPRE ciphertext C~ Definition 3 (IND-sID-CPA Security of CIBPRE). We say
ReEncPRE ðPKPRE ; dID!S0 j a0 ; C; SÞ and any private that a CIBPRE scheme is IND-sID-CPA secure, if any PPT
0 adversary A has a negligible advantage AdvCIBPRE; A to win
key ID
SKPRE ExtractPRE ðMKPRE ; ID0 Þ, where in the following game:
dID ! S 0 j a0 RKExtractPRE ðPKPRE ; SKPRE ; S ; a0 Þ,

C EncPRE ðPKPRE ; S; m; aÞ V and SKVPRE ID  Initialization phase. Adversary A chooses a set S  of

ExtractPRE ðMKPRE ; IDÞ, if ID 2 S a ¼ a 0
ID0 2 challenge identities (where jS  j  N) and a challenge
S , then algorithm Dec-2PRE ðPKPRE ; ID ; SKPRE0 ID0
; condition a that he wants to attack, and sends S  and
eC; S Þ always outputs the plaintext m. a to challenger C.
 Setup phase. Challenger C runs algorithm
The first consistency is straightforward. It means that any SetupPRE ð; NÞ to generate a master public key
initial CIBPRE ciphertext can be correctly decrypted by its PKPRE and a master secret key MKPRE , and sends
intended receivers. The second consistency is a somewhat PKPRE to adversary A.
sophisticated. Its main idea is to define that any correctly re-  Query phase 1. Adversary A can adaptively issue the
encrypted CIBPRE ciphertext can be correctly decrypted following two kinds of queries multi-times.

- Private Key Query QSK PRE ðIDÞ: With the cons- This new part will be used to realize the capability
traint ID 2 = S  , challenger C runs algorithm ”Conditional” of CIBPRE. In addition, it provides some
ExtractPRE ðMKPRE ; IDÞ to generate the private new algorithms, which are respectively to generate a re-
, and sends SKPRE ID
to adversary A. encryption key, re-encrypt an initial CIBPRE ciphertext
- Re-Encryption Key Query QRK PRE ðID; S ; aÞ: With
and decrypt a re-encrypted CIBPRE ciphertext. The
the constraint that adversary A can not query both decryption of an initial CIBPRE ciphertext is the same
0  0 0
QRKPRE ðID; S ; a Þ and QPRE ðID Þ for any S ,
SK with the D07 scheme.
 0 0 The proposed CIBPRE scheme is as follows:
ID 2 S and ID 2 S , challenger C runs algo-
rithm ExtractPRE ðMKPRE ; IDÞ to generate iden-
 SetupPRE ð; NÞ: Given a security parameter  2 N
tity ID’s private key SKPRE , and then runs and value N (the maximum number of receivers in
algorithm RKExtractPRE ðPKPRE ; ID; SKPRE ID
; each encryption), this algorithm probabilistically
S ; aÞ to generate a re-encryption key dID!S0 j a , constructs a bilinear map e^ : G  G ! GT , where G
finally sends dID!S0 j a to adversary A. and GT are two multiplicative group with prime
 Challenge phase. Adversary A gives two challenge order p (jpj ¼ ), randomly chooses ðg; h; u; tÞ 2 G4
plaintexts ðm0 ; m1 Þ to challenger C. Challenger C and g 2 Zp , chooses two cryptographic hash func-
generates a challenge ciphertext C  EncPRE tions H : f0; 1g ! Zp and H0 : GT ! G, finally out-
ðPKPRE ; S  ; mb ; a Þ (where b is randomly chosen in
puts a master public key PKPRE ¼ ðp; G; GT ; e^; w; v;
f0; 1g), and send C  to adversary A.
h; hg ; . . . ; hg ; u; ug ; . . . ; ug ; t; tg ; . . . ; tg ; H; H0 Þ and
 Query phase 2. Adversary A continuously issues
queries as in Query Phase 1. a master secret key MKPRE ¼ ðg; gÞ, where w ¼ gg
 Guess phase. Adversary A outputs a guess b0 2 and v ¼ e^ðg; hÞ.
f0; 1g. We say that adversary A wins if b0 ¼ b. And let  ExtractPRE ðMKPRE ; IDÞ: Given MKPRE and an iden-
AdvIND -sID-CPA ¼ jPr½b0 ¼ b  1 j be the advantage to tity ID, this algorithm outputs the private key
win this game.
SKPRE ¼ ggþHðIDÞ .
 EncPRE ðPKPRE ; S; m; aÞ: Given PKPRE , a set S of some
From above definitions, it is easy to see how the capabili- identities (where jSj  N), a plaintext m 2 GT and a
ties “Identity-based” and “Broadcast” were defined in the condition a 2 Zp , this algorithm randomly picks
concept of CIBPRE. The capability “Conditional” definition k 2 Zp , and outputs an initial CIBPRE ciphertext
is sophisticated. We explain it with more details. Note that C ¼ ðc1 ; c2 ; c3 ; c4 Þ, where
both algorithms EncPRE and RKExtractPRE take a parameter
of condition as one of inputs respectively to generate an ini- Q
k ðgþHðIDi ÞÞ
tial CIBPRE ciphertext and a re-encryption key. And one c1 ¼ wk ; c2 ¼ h IDi 2S ;
can arbitrarily choose a specified condition in each running gþHðIDi Þ
a k IDi 2S HðIDi Þ
of these two algorithms. Suppose an initial CIBPRE cipher- c3 ¼ v  m; c4 ¼ ðu  t Þ
text has the specified condition a, and a re-encryption key
has the specified condition a0 . The second consistency
defines that a ¼ a0 is one of sufficient conditions to correctly  RKExtractPRE ðPKPRE ; ID; SKPREID
; S 0 ; aÞ: Given PKPRE ,
re-encrypt the initial CIBPRE ciphertext by the re-encryp- an identity ID and its private key SKPRE ID
, a set S 0 of
tion key. In addition, the IND-sID-CPA security defined some identities (where jS j  N) and a condition
that if a 6¼ a0 , the re-encryption key can not be used to break a 2 Zp , this algorithm randomly picks ðk0 ; sÞ 2 Zp 2 ,
the initial CIBPRE ciphertext. In other words, if a 6¼ a0 , the and outputs a re-encryption key dID!S0 j a ¼ ðd1 ; d2 ;
re-encryption key can not be used to correctly re-encrypt d3 ; d4 Þ, where
the initial CIBPRE ciphertext.
0 k0  ðgþHðIDi ÞÞ
d1 ¼ wk ; d2 ¼ h IDi 2S 0 ;
d3 ¼ H0 ðv Þ  hs ; d4 ¼ SKPRE
 ðu  ta ÞHðIDÞ :
Referring to the concept of CIBPRE, roughly speaking, both
the initial CIBPRE ciphertext and the re-encrypted CIBPRE
ciphertext are the IBBE ciphertexts. But it is different with
 ReEncPRE ðPKPRE ; dID!S0 j a ; C; SÞ: Given PKPRE , a re-
an IBBE scheme that CIBPRE provides algorithms to trans-
encryption key dID!S0 j a ¼ ðd1 ; d2 ; d3 ; d4 Þ, an initial
form an IBBE ciphertext (corresponding to an initial CIBPRE
CIBPRE ciphertext C ¼ ðc1 ; c2 ; c3 ; c4 Þ, and a set S of
ciphertext) into another IBBE ciphertext (corresponding to
some identities (where jSj  N), this algorithm out-
an re-encrypted CIBPRE ciphertext). Moreover, the trans-
formation is correct if it satisfies the consistencies defined puts a re-encrypted CIBPRE ciphertext C~ ¼ ð~ c1 ; c~2 ;
by CIBPRE. Therefore, in order to construct a CIBPRE c~3 ; c~4 ; c~5 Þ, where c~1 ¼ d1 , c~2 ¼ d2 , c~3 ¼ d3 , c~4 ¼ c4 and
scheme, we refers to the D07 scheme which was reviewed
in Section 2. Compared with the D07 scheme, the pro- Q V
Dg ðID;SÞ IDi 2S IDi 6¼ID
posed CIBPRE scheme associates a D07 IBBE ciphertext c~5 ¼ c3  ð^
eðc1 ; h Þ  e^ðd4 ; c2 ÞÞ
with a new part to generate an initial CIBPRE ciphertext.

Fig. 2. The proof of Theorem 1.

with with 0
0 Y
Y Dg ðID0 ; S 0 Þ ¼ g 1  @ ðg þ HðIDi ÞÞ
Dg ðID; SÞ ¼ g 1  @ ðg þ HðIDi ÞÞ IDi 2S 0 IDi 6¼ID0
V 1
IDi 2S IDi 6¼ID
1 Y C
Y  HðIDi ÞA;
 HðIDi ÞA: IDi 2S 0 IDi 6¼ID0
IDi 2S IDi 6¼ID
computes K 0 ¼ H0c~ðKÞ 3
, and finally outputs plaintext
m ¼ c~5  e^ðK 0 ; c~4 Þ.
; C; SÞ: Given PKPRE , an The consistency of the proposed CIBPRE scheme is
ID guaranteed by the following Theorems 1 and 2, which are
identity ID and its private key SKPRE , an initial
CIBPRE ciphertext C ¼ ðc1 ; c2 ; c3 ; c4 Þ, and a set S respectively proved in Figs. 2 and 3.
of some identities (where jSj  N), this algorithm
Theorem 1. For any initial CIBPRE ciphertext C
EncPRE ðPKPRE ; S; m; aÞ and any private key SKPRE ID

1 ExtractPRE ðMKPRE ; IDÞ, if ID 2 S, then algorithm Dec-
    ID  HðIDi Þ
K ¼ e^ c1 ; hDg ðID;SÞ  e^ SKPRE ; c2 IDi 2S IDi 6¼ID
; C; SÞ always outputs the plaintext
with Theorem 2. For any re-encrypted CIBPRE ciphertext C~
0 ReEncPRE ðPKPRE ; dID!S0 j a0 ; C; SÞ and any private key
ExtractPRE ðMKPRE ; ID0 Þ, where dID!S0 j a0
Dg ðID; SÞ ¼ g 1  @ ðg þ HðIDi ÞÞ
; S 0 ; a0 Þ, C EncPRE ðPK
IDi 2S IDi 6¼ID V PRE ;
1 S; m; aÞ and SKPRE
ExtractPRE ðMKPRE ; IDÞ, if ID 2 S a ¼
Y a0 ID0 2 S 0 , then algorithm Dec-2PRE ðPKPRE ; ID0 ; SKPRE ;
 HðIDi ÞA ~ S 0 Þ always outputs the plaintext m.
IDi 2S IDi 6¼ID

and finally outputs plaintext m ¼ K. Before the security proof of the proposed CIBPRE scheme,
ID0 ~
 Dec-2PRE ðPKPRE ; ID0 ; SKPRE ; C; S 0 Þ: Given PKPRE , an we first review the DBDH assumption. This assumption is
identity ID0 and its private key SKPRE , a re- very popular in the security proof of cryptographic
encrypted CIBPRE ciphertext C~ ¼ ð~ c1 ; c~2 ; c~3 ; c~4 ; c~5 Þ, schemes. It has been used in many famous cryptographic
and a set S 0 of some identities (where jS 0 j  N), this schemes, e.g., [31], [32]. This assumption also will be used
algorithm computes in our security proof. It is defined as follows.

  Definition 4 (The DBDH assumption). Let G and GT be two

0 0 
K ¼ e^ c~1 ; hDg ðID ;S Þ multiplicative groups with prime order p, and let g be a genera-
Q 1 tor of G. The DBDH problem on the bilinear map
 ID0  IDi 2S0 V IDi 6¼ID0 HðIDi Þ e^ : G  G ! GT is defined as the advantage of any adversary
 e^ SKPRE ; c~2
A to distinguish the following two tuples ðga ; gb ; gc ; e^ðg; gÞabc Þ

Fig. 3. The proof of Theorem 2.

and ðga ; gb ; gc ; e^ðg; gÞr Þ, where a, b, c and r are randomly cho- test adversary A’s ability in breaking the IND-sID-CPA
sen in Zq . Let AdvIND DBDH;A be the advantage. We say that the
security of the proposed CIBPRE scheme. So in this
DBDH assumption holds, if for any PPT adversary A the game, adversary B aims to utilize adversary A’s ability to
advantage AdvIND break the IND-sID-CPA security of D07. The details of
DBDH;A is negligible.
this game are as follows:
In addition to the DBDH assumption, the security of our  Initialization phase. Adversary A chooses a set S 
proposed CIBPRE scheme also relies on the IND-sID-CPA of challenge identities (where jS  j  N) and a
security of the D07 scheme. In other words, the IND-sID- challenge condition a that he wants to attack,
CPA security of the proposed CIBPRE scheme will be and sends S  and a to adversary B, then adver-
reduced to the DBDH assumption and the IND-sID-CPA sary B forwards set S  to challenger C. In addition,
security of the D07 scheme. Let ? denote to abort an algo- adversary B prepares the following two tables:
rithm. The proof is as follows. - LSK to store the identities which’s private
Theorem 3. Suppose that the DBDH assumption holds. Since the keys have been queried by adversary A.
D07 scheme is IND-sID-CPA secure in the RO model, the pro- - LRK with columns ðIdentity; ReceiverSet; Re-
posed CIBPRE scheme is IND-sID-CPA secure in the RO EncryptionKey; ConditionÞ to store the related
model. information of the re-encryption keys queried
Proof. Suppose that there is an adversary A having advan- by adversary A.
tage AdvCIBPRE;  Setup phase. This phase consists of two parts: firstly
A to break the IND-sID-CPA security of
challenger C generates D07’s master public and
the proposed CIBPRE scheme. To prove this theorem, we
secret keys for adversary B; secondly adversary B
will construct an adversary B, who leverages adversary
generates the proposed CIBPRE scheme’s master
A to break the IND-sID-CPA security of the D07 scheme
-sID-CPA . Moreover, we will prove public key for adversary A. In this two parts, three
with advantage AdvINDD07;B hash functions are modeled as random oracles
that AdvIND-sID-CPA ¼ AdvIND-sID-CPA ð1  T  AdvIND
D07;B CIBPRE; A  DBDH;A respectively by challenger C and adversary B. So
T  AdvIND -sID-CPA Þ holds, where value T will be defined above master public keys do not contain any hash
D07; A
latterly. function in this proof. The details are as follows:
Let C be the challenger defined in D07’s IND-sID-CPA - Challenger C runs D07’s algorithm SetupIBBE
security. Next, we will describe a game among adversary ð; NÞ to generate a master public key PKIBBE
A, adversary B and challenger C. In this game, challenger and a master secret key MKIBBE , where
C tests adversary B’s ability in breaking D07’s IND-sID- PKIBBE ¼ ðp; G; GT ; e^; w ¼ gg ; v ¼ e^ðg; hÞ; h;
CPA security; adversary B also serves as a challenger to hg ; . . . ; hg ; HÞ and MKIBBE ¼ ðg; gÞ. Since the

hash function H is modeled as a random ora- - Private Key Query QSK PRE ðIDÞ: To answer the
cle in this proof, challenger C sends the query “ID”, if ID 2 S  , adversary B responds
reduced master public key PKIBBE ¼ ðp; G; ?; if there is a tuple ðID0 ; S 0 ; ; a Þ in table
GT ; e^; w ¼ gg ; v ¼ e^ðg; hÞ; h; hg ; . . . ; hg Þ to
LRK has ID0 2 S  and ID 2 S 0 , adversary B
adversary B. And challenger C provides hash responds ?; otherwise, adversary B forwards
query service QH the query to QSK IBBE ðIDÞ and obtains SKIBBE ,
IBBE ðIDÞ for adversary B and
models the hash function H as a random ora- returns SKPRE ¼ SKIBBE and adds ID into

cle. He prepares a table LH for QH IBBE ðIDÞ with

table LSK .
columns ðIdentity; HashValueÞ to store the - Re-Encryption Key Query QRK PRE ðID; S ; aÞ:
queried identities and their responses. Adversary A queries the re-encryption key
- Adversary B randomly picks ðx; yÞ 2 Zp 2 , and from the identity ID to the identity set S 0 with
generates the proposed CIBPRE scheme’s the condition a. To answer this query, if there
master public key PKPRE ¼ ðPKIBBE ; u; ug ; . . . ; is a tuple ðID; S 0 ; dID!S0 j a ; aÞ in table LRK ,
ug ; t; tg ; . . . ; tg ; H; H0 Þ, where ug ¼ hg x
N N i i
adversary B responds dID!S0 j a to adversary
i i
and tg ¼ hg y for i 2 ½0; N. Since the hash A; otherwise, we have the following cases:
functions H and H0 also are modeled as two 1) ID 2 = S  : Adversary B queries QSK IBBE ðIDÞ
random oracles in this proof, adversary B to get the private key SKIBBE , randomly
sends the reduced master public key PKPRE ¼ chooses ðk0 ; sÞ 2 Zp 2 , computes the re-
ðPKIBBE ; u; ug ; . . . ; ug ; t; tg ; . . . ; tg Þ to adver- encryption key dID!S0 j a ¼ ðwk ;
sary A. And adversary B provides the hash 0
k H
ðgþQPRE ðIDi ÞÞ 0
h IDi 2S 0 ; QHPRE ðv Þ  h ;
query services QH PRE ðIDÞ and QPRE ðY Þ (where H

Y 2 GT ) for adversary A and models the hash

SKIBBE tðu  ta ÞQPRE ðIDÞ Þ, responds dID!S0 j a
functions H and H0 as two random oracles. to adversary A, and adds tuple ðID; S 0 ;
Indeed, QH H dID!S0 j a ; aÞ into table LRK .
PRE ðIDÞ is a copy of QIBBE ðIDÞ. Any T
query of adversary A to QPRE ðIDÞ will be for- 2) ID 2 S  , a ¼ a and S 0 LSK 6¼ ;:
warded by adversary B to challenger C, and Adversary B responds ?.
3) In the following three cases: a) ID 2 S  ,
any response from challenger C also will be T
forwarded by adversary B to adversary A. In a 6¼ a and S 0 LSK 6¼ ;; b) ID 2 S  ,
addition, adversary B prepares a table LH 0 for a 6¼ a and S 0 LSK ¼ ;; c) ID 2 S  ,
0 a ¼ a and S 0 LSK ¼ ;. Adversary B
QH PRE with columns ðGroupElement; HashValueÞ
randomly chooses d4 2 G and
to store the queried group elements and their
ðk0 ; sÞ 2 Zp 2 , responds the re-encryption
responses. Q
0 k0  ðgþQH ðIDi ÞÞ
 Query Phase 1. Adversary B can issue hash query key dID!S0 j a ¼ ðwk ; h IDi 2S 0 PRE ;
QHIBBE ðIDÞ and private key query QIBBE ðIDÞ
 h ; d4 Þ to adversary A, and
PRE ðv Þ
to challenger C. Adversary A can issue hash adds tuple ðID; S 0 ; dID!S0 j a ; aÞ into table
queries QH PRE ðIDÞ and QPRE ðY Þ, private key query LRK .
QSK and re-encryption key query  Challenge phase. When adversary A decides that
PRE ðID; S ; aÞ to adversary B. These queries work Query Phase 1 is over, he sends two challenge
as follows: messages ðm0 ; m1 Þ to adversary B. Adversary B
- Hash Query QH IBBE ðIDÞ: To answer the query forwards ðm0 ; m1 Þ to challenger C. Challenger C
“ID”, if there is a tuple ðID; X 2 Zp Þ 2 LH , generates the challenge ciphertext CIBBE 

challenger C responds X; otherwise challenger EncIBBE ðPKIBBE ; S ; mb Þ (where b is randomly cho-
C randomly chooses a value X 2 Zp , adds sen in f0; 1g), and sends CIBBE 
to adversary B.

tuple ðID; XÞ into table LH and responds X. According to the structure of the ciphertext CIBBE ,
- Private Key Query QSK IBBE ðIDÞ: To answer the

let CIBBE ¼ ðc1 ; c2 ; c3 Þ. And without loss of gener-
query “ID”, if ID 2 S  , challenger C responds k ðgþQH ðIDi ÞÞ
ality, let c1 ¼ wk , c2 ¼ h IDi 2S IBBE and
?; otherwise, challenger C responds SKIBBE ID
1 c3 ¼ vk  mb . Recall that in Setup Phase, adversary
ggþQIBBE ðIDÞ . B randomly chose ðx; yÞ 2 Zp 2 and set u ¼ hx and
- Hash Query QH PRE ðIDÞ: To answer the query t ¼ hy . Adversary B can extend the ciphertext
“ID”, adversary B forwards the query to 
CIBBE to a valid initial CIBPRE ciphertext by com-
QHIBBE ðIDÞ, and returns the response of PIDi 2S  H

QH puting c4 ¼ ðcx2  cya
2 Þ
. And let CPRE ¼
IBBE ðIDÞ. 0  
- Hash Query QH PRE ðY 2 GT Þ: To answer the
ðCIBBE ; c4 Þ. The ciphertext CPRE is a valid challenge
query “Y ”, if there is a tuple ðY; Z 2 GÞ 2 LH 0 , ciphertext which was defined in the IND-sID-
adversary B responds Z; otherwise adversary CPA security of CIBPRE, since we have
B randomly chooses a value Z 2 G, adds tuple PIDi 2S 

ðY; ZÞ into table LH 0 and responds Z. QH H ya

IBBE ¼ QPRE and c4 ¼ ðc2  c2 Þ
ðIDi Þ

ðIDi Þ !
kPIDi 2S  ð H Þ H
eðd4 ; hðgþQPRE ðIDÞÞ Þ  e^ðg; hÞ1 ; e^ ðu  ta ÞQPRE ðIDÞ ; hðgþQPRE ðIDÞÞ Þ holds
ðu  t Þ . Finally adversary B ADis ð^

sends the challenge ciphertext CPRE to adver- !
ðxþyaÞsðgþQH ðIDÞÞ 1
sary A. ) ADis e^ðh; hÞr ; e^ðh; hÞ
 Query phase 2. This phase is the same with Query
Phase 1.
 Guess phase. When adversary A outputs a guess In addition, it is clear that adversary A knows hxþya , hs
b0 2 f0; 1g, adversary B forwards b0 to challenger C. ðgþQH
We can find that adversary B successfully and effi- and h PRE . Now we compute the probability
ðxþyaÞsðgþQH ðIDÞÞ 1
ciently simulates A’s view in attacking the IND-sID-CPA of the event that ADis ð^eðh; hÞr ; e^ðh; hÞ QPRE ðIDÞ

security of the proposed CIBPRE scheme, except the re- holds. ðxþyaÞsðgþQHPRE
0 QH
encryption key query QRK PRE ðID; S ; aÞ in the following When eðh; hÞr ; e^ðh; hÞ
ADis ð^ PRE
three cases: xþya s
holds, it means that taking h , h and
T ðgþQH
 Case 1: ID 2 S  , a 6¼ a and S 0 T LSK 6¼ ;; h QPRE ðIDÞ
as input, adversary A can solve an
 Case 2: ID 2 S  , a 6¼ a and S 0 T LSK ¼ ;; instance of the DBDH problem by distinguishing e^ðh; hÞr
 Case 3: ID 2 S  , a ¼ a and S 0 LSK ¼ ;. ðxþyaÞsðgþQH

In other words, suppose the exception in above three and e^ðh; hÞ . According to the defi-
cases never be found by adversary A. Then adversary B nition of the DBDH problem, we have that ADis ð^ eðh;
ðxþyaÞsðgþQH ðIDÞÞ 1
successfully breaks the IND-sID-CPA security of D07 hÞr ; e^ðh; hÞ
Þ holds with the proba-
scheme, if adversary A successfully breaks the IND-sID-
bility no more than AdvIND DBDH;A . Therefore, adversary A
CPA security of the proposed CIBPRE scheme. Next, we IND
compute the probability of adversary A to find the has the probability no more than AdvDBDH;A to find the
exception. exception of dID!S0 j a in Case 1. u
In the exception, adversary
Q B forges a re-encryption key
Lemma 3. In Cases 2 and 3, the probability of adversary A to find
0 k0  ðgþQH ðID ÞÞ 0 0
dID!S0 j a ¼ ðwk ; h IDi 2S 0 PRE i
; QH
PRE ðv Þ  h ; d4 Þ
the exception of dID!S0 j a is no more than AdvD07; A .
0 2
by randomly choosing d4 2 G and ðk ; sÞ 2 Zp . Suppose
Proof. Since d4 is randomly chosen in G, it is clear that there
adversary A totally queries QRKPRE T times. We next prove s0
that the probability of adversary A to find the exception is is a value s0 2 Zp having d4 ¼ SKIBBE
 ðu  ta ÞQPRE ðIDÞ . If
no more than T  ðAdvINDDBDH;A þ AdvD07; A Þ by follow- adversary A can find the exception in cases 2 and 3, it
ing the following two lemmas. Let ADis ðA; BÞ denote the means that adversary A can find that Q s 6¼ s. Recall
event that adversary A can distinguish event A and event 0 k0  ðgþQH ðIDi ÞÞ
that in dID!S0 j a , the part ðwk ; h IDi 2S 0 PRE ;
B. u
t 0
PRE ðv Þ h Þ indeed is an encryption of h . If adversary
s s
Lemma 2. In Case 1, the probability of adversary A to find the A can find that s0 6¼ s, Q
we have that ADis ðA; BÞ holds,
exception of dID!S0 j a is no more than AdvIND
DBDH;A . 0 k0  ðgþQH ðIDi ÞÞ 0 0
where ðwk ; h
A ¼Q IDi 2S 0 PRE ; QH
PRE ðv Þ  h Þ,
k s

Proof. Suppose adversary A can find the exception of 00 k00  ðgþQH ðID ÞÞ 0 00 0
T B ¼ ðwk ; h IDi 2S 0 PRE i
; QH k s 00
PRE ðv Þ  h Þ and k is
dID!S0 j a in this case. In Case 1, since S 0 LSK 6¼ ;, 
randomly chosen in Zp . Next, we prove that ADis ðA; BÞ
adversary A can decrypt out hs , we have that ADis ðd4 ; holds only when adversary A can break the IND-sID-
SKIBBE  ðu ta ÞQPRE ðIDÞ Þ holds. Since adversary A can com- CPA security of the D07 scheme.
H Since QHPRE is a random oracle, there is a value R 2 GT
putes hðgþQPRE ðIDÞÞ , we have 0
k00 s0 H0 k00
having QH PRE ðv Þ  h ¼ QPRE ðv  RÞ  h . So when ADis

s  ðA; BÞ holds, we Q have that ADis ðA0 ; B0 Þ holds,
ADis d4 ; SKIBBE
 ðu  ta ÞQPRE ðIDÞ holds 0 0 k0  ðgþQH ðID ÞÞ 0 00
!! where Q A ¼ ðw
;h IDi 2S 0 PRE i
; vk Þ, B0 ¼ ðwk ;
s k00  ðgþQ H ðID ÞÞ 00
) ADis e^ðd4 ; hðgþQPRE ðIDÞÞ Þ; e^ SKIBBE
 ðu  ta ÞQPRE ðIDÞ ; hðgþQPRE ðIDÞÞ
holds: h IDi 2S 0 PRE i
; vk  RÞ. It is clear that A0 and B0
are two ciphertexts generated by the D07 scheme. Fur-
thermore, since we have S 0 LSK ¼ ; both in Cases 2 and
Since e^ðg; hÞ is a public value, we have 3, it means that when adversary A takes S 0 as the set
! of challenge identities and takes 1 2 GT and R as two
ðgþQH ðIDÞÞ a QH
ðIDÞ ðgþQH ðIDÞÞ challenge messages, he can break the IND-sID-CPA
ADis ð^
eðd4 ; h PRE Þ; e^ ID
SKIBBE  ðu  t Þ PRE ;h PRE holds
security of the D07 scheme without knowing the private
of any ID 2 S 0 . According to the definition
eðg; hÞ1 ; e^ ðuta ÞQPRE ðIDÞ ; hðgþQPRE ðIDÞÞ
) ADis e^ðd4 ; hðgþQPRE ðIDÞÞ Þ^ holds: of D07’s IND-sID-CPA security, the probability of
adversary A to find the exception is no more than
AdvIND -sID-CPA in Cases 2 and 3. u
Since d4 was randomly chosen in G, there is a value D07; A
r 2 Zp having e^ðd4 ; hðgþQPRE ðIDÞÞ Þ  e^ðg; hÞ1 ¼ e^ðh; hÞr . According to above two lemmas, we clearly have the
And since u ¼ hx and t ¼ hy , we have following result.

The Complexity of Algortihms EncPRE , Dec-1PRE , RKExtractPRE , ReEncPRE and Dec-2PRE

EncPRE Dec-1PRE RKExtractPRE ReEncPRE Dec-2PRE

TR-CPBRE 1 Sþ7 1 2 S1 2 0 2S þ 7 1 8 S 2 4 3S þ 2 4
CIBPRE 0 3S þ 4 1 2 S 2 0 Sþ6 1 2 S 1 3 S 2

Symbols BM, ME and MI respectively denote bilinear map, modular exponentiation and modular inversion.
Symbols S denotes the number of receivers.

The Size of Initial Ciphertext, Re-Encryption Key and Re-Encrypted Ciphertext; and Whether the Original Receivers’
Identities Is Needed in Running Algorithms RKExtractPRE and Dec-2PRE

Size of Size of Size of Take S as Input ?

Initial Ciphertext Re-Encryption Key Re-Encrypted Ciphertext RKExtractPRE Dec-2PRE
TR-CPBRE 7:5jGj 6jGj 9:5jGj þ jGT j Yes Yes
CIBPRE 3jGj þ jGT j 4jGj 4jGj þ jGT j No No

Symbol S denotes the original receivers’ identities of an initial ciphertext.

Symbols jGj and jGT j respectively denote the binary size of groups G and GT .

Lemma 4. When adversary A totally queries QRKPRE T times, increased communication overhead for the proxy to send
adversary B successfully simulates adversary A’s view the corresponding S to all new receivers of a re-encrypted
in attacking the IND-sID-CPA security of our proposed ciphertext. Conclusively, CIBPRE avoids these constraints
CIBPRE scheme, except the probability no more than T  and makes the application more practical.
DBDH;A þ AdvD07;A
ðAdvIND Þ. Finally, we coded our CIBPRE scheme and tested the
time cost of algorithms EncPRE ; Dec-1PRE , RKExtractPRE ,
Since we suppose that adversary A has the advantage ReEncPRE and Dec-2PRE for different number of receivers.
AdvIND -sID-CPA to break our CIBPRE scheme, we have Table 4 shows the system parameters including hardware,
-sID-CPA ¼ software and the chosen elliptic curve. Table 5 shows the
that adversary B has the advantage AdvIND D07;B experiment results.
Adv CIBPRE;A ð1  T  AdvIND
 T  Adv
DBDH;A Þ to break
the IND-sID-CPA security of the D07 scheme. 7 CIBPRE-BASED CLOUD EMAIL SYSTEM
Since the D07 scheme is IND-sID-CPA secure in the RO
model, both AdvIND -sID-CPA and AdvIND-sID-CPA are negligible. Recall that CIBPRE consists of algorithms SetupPRE ,
D07;B D07;A
In addition, since the DBDH assumption holds, AdvIND ExtractPRE , EncPRE , RKExtractPRE , ReEncPRE , Dec- 1PRE and
-sID-CPA Dec-2PRE . The CIBPRE-based cloud email system consists
also is negligible. So it demonstrates that AdvIND CIBPRE;A of a trusted KGC (built by an enterprise administrator), a
must be negligible. In other words, the proposed CIBPRE cloud server and users. The CIBPRE-based cloud email
scheme is IND-sID-CPA secure in the RO model. system works as follows:

In this section, we compare our proposed CIBPRE scheme Configuration of System Parameters
with the related up-to-dated TR-CPBRE scheme [14]. To
compare the performances, Table 2 summarizes the number Hardware Intel Core 2 Duo CPU E5300 @ 2.60 GHz
of expensive algebraic operations in algorithms EncPRE , OS and Compiler Windows XP, Microsoft Visual C++ 6.0
Dec-1PRE , RKExtractPRE , ReEncPRE and Dec-2PRE . It shows Program Library MIRACL version 5.4.1
that our CIBPRE is slightly more efficient than the TR-
Parameters of bilinear map
CPBRE, with both CIBPRE and TR-CPBRE having the
constant-size initial ciphertext, re-encryption key and re- Elliptic Curve y2 ¼ x3 þ A  x þ B  x
encrypted ciphertext. Pentanomial Basis t m þ t a þ tb þ tc þ 1
One may note that CIBPRE is more convenient than TR- Base Field: 2m m ¼ 379
A 1
CPBRE in practice, since the CIBPRE does not take extra B 1
burden on storage and communication as TR-CPBRE does Group Order: q 2m þ 2ðmþ1Þ=2 þ 1
(showed in Table 3). TR-CPBRE takes the original receivers’ a 315
identities (denoted by S) of an initial ciphertext as input to b 301
run algorithms RKExtractPRE and Dec-2PRE . Hence it c 287
requires extra storage for each sender with the original The default unit is decimal.
receivers’ identities of all generated initial ciphertexts, and

Time Cost of Algorithms EncPRE , Dec-1PRE , RKExtractPRE , ReEncPRE and Dec-2PRE

Number of Time Cost (Unit: CPU cycle)

Receivers EncPRE Dec-1PRE RKExtractPRE ReEncPRE Dec-2PRE
4 34397064 (13.230 ms) 79089153 (30.419 ms) 36721919 (14.124ms) 78398268 (30.153 ms) 123970236 (47.681 ms)
8 54009982 (20.773 ms) 88327408 (33.972 ms) 41353858 (15.905 ms) 86587345 (33.303 ms) 128471538 (49.412 ms)
12 74940619 (28.823 ms) 96779670 (37.223 ms) 49816676 (19.160 ms) 93755987 (36.060 ms) 136606496 (52.541 ms)

 Initialization. In this phase, the KGC generates the fID2 ; . . . ; IDn g (where n  N). Fig. 4a shows this
system parameters to initialize the CIBPRE-based phase. The details are as follows.
cloud email system. It chooses a security parameter
 2 N and a value N 2 N (the maximal number of 1) User ID1 sets S ¼ fID1 ; . . . ; IDn g, randomly
receivers of an email), and runs algorithm chooses a symmetric key x 2 X , chooses a subject
SetupPRE ð; NÞ to generate a pair of master public a of this email, runs algorithms C ¼ EncPRE
and secret keys PKPRE and MKPRE . It chooses a ðPKPRE ; S; x; aÞ and C 0 ¼ SEx ðF Þ, finally sends
secure symmetric key encryption scheme, i.e. AES ajjCjjC 0 jjS to the cloud server.
(the popular choice in practice). Without loss of gen- 2) The cloud server stores the received ciphertext
erality, let the chosen symmetric key encryption ajjCjjC 0 jjS.
scheme be ðX ; SEx ; SDx Þ, where X GT 2 PKPRE is 3) When user IDi 2 S is online, he retrieves the
the symmetric key space, SEx and SDx respectively ciphertext ajjCjjC 0 jjS from the cloud sever,
denotes the encryption and decryption algorithms and runs algorithms x ¼ Dec-1PRE ðPKPRE ; IDi ;
SKPREi ; C; SÞ and F ¼ SDx ðC 0 Þ to decrypt out the
both with a symmetric key x 2 X . Finally, it pub-
lishes ðPKPRE ; X ; SEx ; SDx Þ. email content F .
In the email system, we take users’ email 4) When user ID1 wants to read this email again, he
addresses as their identities. When running algo- retrieves the ciphertext ajjCjjC 0 jjS from the cloud
rithm EncPRE to encrypt an email, we take the subject sever, and runs algorithms x ¼ Dec-1PRE
ðPKPRE ; ID1 ; SKPRE1 ; C; SÞ and F ¼ SDx ðC 0 Þ to
of the email as the inputted condition. Though
an inputted condition must belong to Zp 2 PKPRE , it decrypt out the email content F .
is easy to map the subject of an email into Zp . So it is
convenient for us to suppose that all emails’ subjects Security. According to the IND-sID-CPA security of
belong to Zp . In addition, we suppose that all emails CIBPRE and the security of the symmetric key encryption
of a user have the different subjects. ðX; SEx ; SDx Þ, only users fID1 ; . . . ; IDn g can decrypt out the
 Key management. In this phase, when a new user joins email content F .
this system, the KGC generates a private key for Performance. In above steps, the capability “Identity-
him. Without loss of generality, let ID denote the e- based” of CIBPRE avoids user ID1 to fetch and verify the cer-
tificates of users fID2 ; . . . ; IDn g before encrypting the email.
mail address of the new user. The KGC runs algo-
The capability “Broadcast” of CIBPRE makes C having the
rithm ExtractPRE ðMKPRE ; IDÞ to generate the private
ID constant size.
key SKPRE , and sends it to the user in a secure chan-
nel which is established by the SSL/TLS protocol.  Forward a history encrypted cloud email. In this phase, a
 Send an encrypted cloud email. In this phase, a user user can forward a history encrypted email to new
can send an encrypted email to other users. And this users by generating a re-encryption key for these
email will be stored in the cloud server. If the user users and the subject of this email. Suppose user ID1
wants to review this email, he can fetch the wants to forward his history encrypted email
encrypted email from the cloud server and decrypt ajjCjjC 0 jjS to the new users fID02 ; . . . ; ID0n g (where
it. Suppose user ID1 wants to send the email content n  N þ 1). Fig. 4c shows this phase. The steps are
F (including the associated attachment) to the users as follows.

Fig. 4. Two main processes of CIBPRE-based cloud email system and their related notions.

1) User ID1 sets S 0 ¼ fID02 ; . . . ; ID0n g, runs algo- assumption, the instance of CIBPRE is provably IND-sID-
rithm RKExtractPRE ðPKPRE ; ID1 ; SKPRE ID1
; S 0 ; aÞ to CPA secure in the RO model. It indicates that without the
generate a re-encryption key dID1 !S0 j a , and sends corresponding private key or the right to share a user’s out-
dID1 !S0 j a jjS 0 to the cloud server. sourced data, one can learn nothing about the user’s data.
Finally, we compared the proposed CIBPRE scheme with
2) The cloud server runs algorithm C~ ¼ ReEncPRE
similar works and the comparison confirms the advantages
ðPKPRE ; dID1 !S0 j a ; C; SÞ to re-encrypt C, and gen-
of our CIBPRE scheme. We built the encrypted cloud email
erate the re-encrypted email ajjCjjC ~ 0 jjS 0 .
system based our CIBPRE scheme. Compared with the pre-
0 0
3) When user IDi 2 S is online, he retrieves the vious techniques such as PGP and IBE, our CIBPRE-based
ciphertext ajjCjjC ~ 0 jjS 0 from the cloud sever, system is much more efficient in the aspect of communica-
and runs algorithm x ¼ Dec-2PRE ðPKPRE ; IDi ; tion and more practical in user experience.
ID ~ S 0 Þ and algorithm F ¼ SDx ðC 0 Þ to
decrypt out the email content F . ACKNOWLEDGMENTS
The authors would like to thank the reviewers for their
Security. According to the IND-sID-CPA security of valuable suggestions that helped to improve the paper
CIBPRE and the security of the symmetric key encryption greatly. The first author is partly supported by the National
ðX ; SEx ; SDx Þ, the re-encrypted email ajjCjjC ~ 0 jjS 0 only can be
Natural Science Foundation of China under grant no.
decrypted by the users in S . According to the capability 61472156 and the National Program on Key Basic Research
”Conditional”, the re-encryption key dID1 !S0 j a only can re- Project (973 Program) under grant no. 2014CB340600. The
encrypt the history email ajjCjjC 0 jjS. It implies that the cloud third author is supported by by the Chinese National Key
server can not forward the other history encrypted emails to Basic Research Program (973 program) through project
any user. 2012CB315905, the Natural Science Foundation of China
Performace. In the above steps, the capability “Identity- through projects 61370190, 61173154, 61472429, 61402029,
based” of CIBPRE avoid user ID1 to fetch and verify the cer- 61272501, 61202465, 61321064 and 61003214, the Beijing Nat-
tificates of users fID02 ; . . . ; ID0n g before generating a re-encryp- ural Science Foundation through project 4132056, the Fun-
tion key. The capability “Broadcast” of CIBPRE makes the damental Research Funds for the Central Universities, and
generated re-encryption key having the constant size. the Research Funds (No. 14XNLF02) of Renmin University
In the CIBPRE-based cloud email system, the enterprise of China and the Open Research Fund of Beijing Key Labo-
administrator only needs to initialize the system and gener- ratory of Trusted Computing. Peng Xu is the corresponding
ate the private key for the newly joined user. In other words, author.
the enterprise administrator can be offline if no new user
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senior member of the IEEE and a member of the ACM.

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