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• People with high frequency hearing loss have trouble hearing high frequency or high
pitched sounds. Sound travels by waves, and high frequency sounds have many waves.
People measure the frequency of sound waves in hertz (Hz). Humans can hear sounds
from 20 to 20,000 Hz. High frequency hearing loss is a hearing disorder that can affect
people of all ages. Exposure to harmful sounds that are loud or long lasting can cause
high frequency hearing loss, but this is not the only cause. Hearing loss can also happen
as people get older, as a result of a condition called presbycusis. Doctors and hearing
specialists, or audiologists, also refer to high frequency hearing loss as noise-induced
hearing loss.Some people may have temporary high frequency hearing loss, while
others may have permanent damage. High frequency hearing loss may occur in one or
both ears

• Orang dengan kondisi gangguan pendengaran frekuensi tinggi umumnya mengalami
kesulitan mendengar suara dalam kisaran 2.000 s/d 8.000 Hz . Gangguan pendengaran
frekuensi tinggi terjadi ketika sel-sel pendengaran sensorik dalam rumah siput mati atau
rusak. Sel-sel ini bertanggung jawab untuk menerjemahkan suara yang telinga di kumpulkan
menjadi impuls listrik. Yang akhirnya ditafsirkan oleh otak sebagai suara yang dapat dikenali.
Suara frekuensi tinggi dirasakan di bagian bawah koklea, sedangkan sel-sel rambut yang
merasakan suara frekuensi rendah terletak di dekat bagian atas. Karena itu, gangguan
pendengaran biasanya mempengaruhi frekuensi yang lebih tinggi sebelum mempengaruhi
frekuensi yang lebih rendah.
klasifikasi dan diagnosis
• Diagnosis of high-frequency hearing loss is made after a hearing test in a sound-
treated booth at a hearing clinic. A hearing instrument specialist or audiologist
usually will conduct the test. The results are plotted on an audiogram. If a person
has high-frequency hearing loss, your audiogram will show a slope to the right,
indicating a person has trouble hearing frequencies between 2,000 and 8,000 Hz.
A person may have mild, moderate, moderately severe, severe or profound
hearing loss. (See degrees of hearing loss to learn hearing loss severity is
measured.) In the example below, the person has moderately severe high-
frequency hearing loss that is slightly worse in the right ear.
treatment dan usaha preventif

• Treatment options for high frequency hearing loss are limited. Once a
person has damage to their hair cells, eardrum, or inner ear bones,
repair is not possible. Doctors and audiologists can recommend hearing
aids for people with high frequency hearing loss. Another treatment
option is electric acoustic stimulation. This treatment combines a
cochlear implant under the skin near the ear with a hearing aid worn in
the ear. This allows a person to recognize low and high frequency
sounds. Alternatively, a doctor may recommend a cochlear implant
alone. Specialized implants are available for people with severe high
frequency loss and preserved hearing in the low frequencies.

High frequency hearing loss is a common hearing disorder with many complications,
including progressive hearing loss. The leading cause of high frequency hearing loss
is exposure to loud or excessive noise. Doctors cannot repair the damage to a person’s
hair cells, eardrums, or inner ear bones. However, they can offer strategies and
recommend hearing aids to improve hearing. In severe cases, surgery may be
appropriate. People can prevent noise-induced high frequency hearing loss. People
working in noisy environments should consider wearing protective ear devices to
preserve their hearing.


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