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Clinical assessment
-gather different factors

Reqs of Assessment of measures

a. reliability
-consistency (of the findings) in measuring what is supposed to measure
-results remain the same or similar over multiple attempts
-bcs of circumstances and participants, they consider

*valid (accurate) & reliable (consistent/correlated)

*internal reliability - assess internally
*external reliability - uses inter-rater reliability (use and
interpret the data in similar way, scoring system)

b. validity
-test measures what it claims to measure

*content validity - when a test has content validity, the

items on the test represent the entire range of possible
item should cover (if the items/content is relevant)
*criterion-related validity - test is said to have criterion-
related validity when it has demonstrated its effectiveness
in predicting criteria or indicators of a construct
*concurresnt validity - measures are obtained concurrent
(what is being experience during the test)
*predictive - measures are obrain at the time after the test
*construct validity - if it demostrates an association
between the test scores and the prediction
*face validity - researches base on appearance or face value

c. standardization - i.e bell curve

Assessment tools

1. clinical interview
-the client drops by to have a consultation
2. symptoms questionaires
-quick wat to determine a person's symptoms
3. personality inventories
-questionnaires meant to assess people's typical ways of
thinking, feeling etc with specific answers that person
4. projective tesst
-ambigous stimuli
-interprets their answers base on their response to stimuli
-base on their mental capacity
6.neuropsychological test
-cognitive decifits
7.Brain-Imaging Techniques
-if chanfes in the nervous system reflect emotional
Changes in assessment
a. resistance
-person becomes selective with their answers
b.evaluating children
-speaking to the child as if they can understant you, but they
cannot yet describe their feelings yet
c.evaluating individuals across cultures
-differences between the person being assessed
-mistranslation, cultural-biases

How diseases classified?

DSM-5 and ICD-11

*DSM used to health providers (covers mental health

*ICD coversmedical condition

Diagnosis - labeling we attach to a set of symptoms that

tend to occur together

Clinical Diagnosis - define set of symptoms

Symptoms - indication of disorder, change from normal

function, sensation or appearance

Syndromes - list of symptoms that tend to co-occur within


Clinical Diagnosis

Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders - V

- based on research findings
-advantages: professionals to communicate with one
another and discuss their clients, can be use to study and
explain mental disorders (avenue for research), can be use
to design their treatment program that fits their clients'
-disadvantages: labeling, refers to naming and identifying
differences among individuals that may have negative
association; diagnostics labes have powergul social and
political effect, clinicians and research try to apply the
labels as fairly possible, clinicians and researches also see
room for improvement in the treatment of culture because
different culture have distincts ways of conceptualizing
mental health disorders

Module 6 oct 11

Sleep wake disorders

-medicals disorder of sleep patterns of a person or animal
Polysomnography - test


difficulty getting to sleep, remaining asleep or excessive sleepiness
1.Insomnia Disorder
-difficulty falling asleep
-problems stayinga asleep
-feeling restless despite getting enough sleep

2. Hypersomnolence Disorder
-excessive sleepiness o sleeping longer that typical or frequent
falling asleep during the day

-episodes of irresistable attacks of refreshing sleep occuring daily,
accompaniedby episodes of bried loss of muscle tone (cataplexy)

4. Breathing-related sleep disorders

-breathing disorders occur during sleep that leas to excessive
sleepiness or insomnia

5. Circadian Rhythm Disorder

-discrepancy between the sleep-wake schedule require by a person
-leads to excessive sleepiness and insomnia

-not with sleep itself
-abnormal events that occcur either during sleep or during twilight
time between sleeping and waking

1. Disorder of Arousal
-partial awakening from deep sleep
-partially or totally unconscious
-inappropriate or absent responsivenessto the efforts of others
to intervene or redirect them

2. Nightmare Disorder
-awakened by extended and extremely frightening dreams
-cause significant distress and impaired functioning
-Sleep terror (you are not awakend by frightening dreams)

3. Rapid Eye Movement Sleep Behavior Disorder

-episodes of arousal during REM
-result in behaviors that can cause harm to the individual or others

4. Restless Leg Syndrome

-urges to move the legs as a result of unpleasant sensations
-creeping, tugging or pulling

5. Substance Induced Sleep Disorder

-severe sleep disturbance that is result of substance intoxication or

Substance Related and Addictive Disorders

Psychoactive Substances
-changes mood, behavior or both

a. Substance Use
-when it starts to interfere
-ingestion of psychoactive substance in moderate amounts
-ie drinking coffee, taking drugs, smoking cigarettes
b. Substance Intoxication
-drunkness or getting high
-impaired judgement, mood changes and lowered motor ability (ie
problems walking or talking)

c. Substance Abuse
-how much of a substance is ingesed is prob5tic
-ie drinking more glasses, injecting heroin
-significantly it interferes with the user's life
-distrupt your education, job or relationships

Drug Dependence
-we use the term addiction routinely when we describe peopl
who seem to be under the control of drugs, there is some
disagreement about how to define addiction,or substance


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