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Dr. Salome Kapella Mshigeni


Knowledge + Attitude + Practice Questions

Syeda Hafsa Kazmi

California State University- San Bernardino

Knowledge Questions
Research Question 1 (Based on Knowledge)- Among college students, is there a difference in
knowledge regarding sleep quality due to alcohol consumption?

1 - Drinking alcohol may result in poor sleep quality.

4 - Strongly Agree

3 - Agree

2 - Disagree

1 - Strongly Disagree

2 - To the best of my knowledge, I am aware of the different resources available on our campus
to help students cope with poor sleep quality as a result of alcohol consumption.

4 - Strongly Agree

3 - Agree

2 - Disagree

1 - Strongly Disagree

3 - To the best of my knowledge, I am aware that alcohol consumption may result in a decrease
of REM (Rapid Eye Movement) and sleep quality. REM is the phase of sleep in which most
dreams occur.
4 - Strongly Agree

3 - Agree

2 - Disagree

1 - Strongly Disagree

4- Alcohol consumption may lengthen one’s time to fall asleep (Sleep latency)
4 - Strongly Agree

3 - Agree

2 - Disagree
1 - Strongly Disagree

Attitude Based Question

Research Question 2 (Based on Attitude)- Among college students, is there an age difference in
understanding the importance of alcohol reduction in order to improve sleep quality?

1- I do feel that alcohol consumption has an impact in affecting one’s sleep quality

4 - Strongly Agree

3 - Agree

2 - Disagree

1 - Strongly Disagree

2 - I feel that physical activity plays an important role in helping individuals with their alcohol
reduction efforts

4 - Strongly Agree

3 - Agree

2 - Disagree

1 - Strongly Disagree

3 - I feel that staying hydrated plays an important role in helping individuals with their alcohol
reduction efforts.

4 - Strongly Agree

3 - Agree

2 - Disagree

1 - Strongly Disagree

4 - I feel that health education plays a major role in helping individuals with their alcohol
reduction efforts to improve their sleep quality.

4 - Strongly Agree

3 - Agree

2 - Disagree
1 - Strongly Disagree

5- I feel that social events have a negative impact on one’s effort in reducing alcohol consumption
to improve sleep quality

4 - Strongly Agree

3 – Agree

2 - Disagree

1 - Strongly Disagree

Practice Based Question

Research Question 3 (Based on Practice)- Among college students, are there gender differences in
the number of alcoholic drinks consumed and the quality of sleep achieved?

1 - There are differences in genders when it comes to alcohol reduction efforts to improve sleep
4 - Strongly Agree

3 - Agree

2 - Disagree

1 - Strongly Disagree

2- There are gender differences between the number of drinks consumed and the number of night
time awakenings

4- Strongly Agree

3 - Agree

2 - Disagree

1 - Strongly Disagree

3- There are gender differences in receiving support from healthcare professionals regarding
alcohol reduction to improve sleep quality

4- Strongly Agree

3 – Agree

2 – Disagree
1 - Strongly Disagree

4- There are gender differences in sleep quality, based on the number of alcoholic
drinks consumed.

4- Strongly Agree

3 - Agree

2 - Disagree

1 - Strongly Disagree

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