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This assignment has the following deliverables:

 Revised literature review (max. 7 pages)

 Methods section including a table and timeline figure (max 10 pages)
 Revised bibliography (at least five peer-reviewed citations, but more is better; no
maximum page limit)

First, revise the literature review, as necessary:  

 All problems identified in the previous version (Assignment # 2) should be corrected.

 Narrow and focus the research question. Typically, when you start writing out the
methodology section, you realize that the scope of the project is too unwieldy.  The
solution is to narrow and focus the research question even more than you already

Next, add a methodology section.  This section should include the following topics:

 An explanation of the purpose of the research

 State and justify the mode of observation
 Specify the population
 Specify the sample size
 Specify and justify the units of analysis and units of observation
 Choose and justify the sample type and strategy
 A table that lists the variables for this study (you will build this out for the final draft)
 A discussion of each variable that describes and justifies:
o How you are conceptualizing this variable (cite the literature where appropriate)
o How you are operationalizing this variable (include scale of measurement). Be
sure to discuss validity and reliability strengths and weaknesses here
o Identifies (where applicable) the independent, dependent, and control variables
 A timetable that chronologically lists the tasks comprising the project, the duration,
and their contingencies. (To make a more sophisticated timetable, consult your
textbook and online resources to create a Gantt Chart. This is not required but might
be a desired extra step.)

As in Assignment #2, the literature review portion still should be no longer than 7 pages.
It should contain at least the same number of peer-reviewed journal articles  if not more
(especially if you have found more relevant articles since handing in Assignment # 2).
The methods section should also be no longer than 10 pages. In addition, you should
have an updated bibliography (which has no page limit).
Style Points:
Previous grammar, punctuation, and syntax errors or previous versions must be
Use 12pt. standard type font, double spacing, and 1” margins (as before).
Headings and subheadings should be used so that the line of argument is clear.
Page numbers should be used.  The methods section should follow the literature
review.  The table and figure should appear between the methods section and the
Tables and Figures (the timeline) must be numbered and titled.  The numbers should be
referenced in the text when the table or figure is discussed.

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