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Of Pregnancy

01. Germinal Period

(Weeks 1-2)

Conception occurs when a sperm fertilizes an egg and

forms a zygote, which begins as a one-cell structure.
The mother and father’s DNA is passed on to the child
at the moment of conception.

Embryonic Period
(Weeks 3-8)

The embryonic period begins once the zygote is

implanted in the uterine wall. It lasts from the third
through the eighth week after conception. Upon
implantation, this multi-cellular organism is called an

Fetal Period (Weeks

When the organism is about nine weeks old, the embryo

is called a fetus. At this stage, the fetus is about the size
of a kidney bean and begins to take on the recognizable
form of a human being as the “tail” begins to disappear.

Post-Natal Period

The Post-Natal period includes everything that happens

after the baby is born. It is usually acounted in order to
register the changes in the bodies of pregnant women.

Samuel Echeverría 3ºA

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