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AEX a timise Workbook with answer key A2 | for Schools Unit 1Time out Progress check and Cumulative progress 1 Unit 2 Thats entertainment! Progress check and Cumulative progress 2 Unit3 What's for dinner? Progress check and Cumulative progress 3 Unit4 On your we Progress check and Cumulative progress 4 Unit 5 Technology talks Progress check and Cumulative progress 5 Unit 6 Teen fashion Progress check and Cumulative progress 6 Unit 7 The future of learning Progress check and Cumulative progress 7 Units ies only agame Progress check and Cumulative progress 8 Unit 9 Whatever the weather Progress check and Cumulative progress 9 Unit 10 Looking after yourself Progress check and Cumulative progress 10 Unit 11 The World of work Progress check and Cumulative progress 11 Unit 12 Home time Progress check and Cumulative progress 12 Vv HY Reading and Writing [OPTIMISE] | Listening PRACTICE TEST metre ‘Answer key Jeremy Bowell 116 120 Time out READING | 3-option muttiple matching | SStudent Book pages AS GBD Read a paragraph from an article about hobbies in Britain and choose T (True) or F (False). 1 Travelling is the number one hobby in Britain. T/F 3 Collecting things is a popular hobby. 2 The article talks about a popular sports competition on British TV, TF ler ETS pa GH) Rena the ontine article betow quickly. Which teenager has the most hobbies? HB) tend tne article agnin, For each question, chaose the correct answer. Brian sam ‘Who says he does love computer activites? 3 ‘Who says he enjoys doing a water spor? ‘Who talks about watching sport? ‘Who enjoys doing a hobby with their family? ‘Who learns how to make someting from het hobby? ‘Who talks aout doing activites with fiends? Who has kil that i useful at home? pepopeek an aaa a 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 Three teenagers talk about their hobbies ‘ om, es 3 Adam Brian Bee wo | don't spend a fot of tine Ie been to fourcounties. During) My rien ike RBBTGRAES, walching TV,but|dohave some | the summer my famiy andlove taking to ther fiends onine and {VF TV shows. Ono of traveling o RIGA cous. My Bld shopping, but | dont, them is The Great Bish Boke parents spend months BRAG fl prefer tobe outdoors playing Off Inver miei it's a baking ourholdey, We usualy take the sport ts fun to a club and ‘competition and baking is my forry to France and then drive play in competitions, That's why favourite hobby. | ove it when through Europe. Every day, we I RBBB of tenis cub. ‘my favourite person wins! | BAG ‘explore the countryside or visit the | Somatimes, | win! When I'm not get ideas from the show and ‘sights in a clty, and at night we. Playing tennis, | go to the cinema I've made some amazing cakes. stay at a campsite, My favourite ‘with my friends or to a stadium My mum says she's eally icky countrys Spain because love towatch a footbal match. i's to havo a'son who is better at ‘sniming and the beaches there realy fun wien the match a making cakes than her ‘ae the best ve ever seen. love exciting and our team wins, butt ‘raving ist so great when they lose! W@W Keaa the online article about hobbies again. Match the highlighted words in the article to the following words and phrases with the same meaning. 1 preparing 5 available through the internet____ 2. from another country 6 most liked 3 many times 7 part of a group or club. 4 become part ofa group or club 8 computer games y \ ii] GRAMMAR 1 | Present simple, adverbs of frequency, imperatives [iL stot Bock ge rrr Unie Uden BOOK age 150) GBD match to make sentences. 1 Gabriel usally starts 2) tennis on Sundays. | 2 Marla visits = bt the enema on Fridays. 4 Alsecten pays ¢) at school tay 4 My cousin des his {her grandparents every Saturday. | Sespereenee ae eee WD Pur the words in the correct order to make sentences. 1 goes / Joanna / after /to bed / never /10pm 2 computer / don’t /You / games / play / day / every 3 go/ My / Saturday / shopping / on / parents / often, 4. three / goes / Mike / a week / times / usually / cycling 5 on//holiday / photos / We / take / always 6 the museum / sometimes / at / visit / the weekend /T WW) waren te pictures (A-F) to the sentences (1-6). 1 Close the door when you leave. 4 Be careful when you climb in the mountains. __ 2 Remember ta look before you cross the road, ___-—-«5 ‘Don't forget totext me when you're home. _ 3 Please wear a coat because its cold outside, ___6 Please take lots of photos atthe party. fan x GED complete tne sentences with the words in the box. collect | magazines | photogeaph rock climbing | swimming | tent 1 Mike and Andy every country they visit, 2. Have you got a Can Tee it? postcards from of your new house? 3 Iprefer to stay in a when Tgo on holiday I's lots of fun, 4 The girls don't usually read They prefer to go on the internet. 5 They go at the beach every weekend in summer 6 Tlove going to the mountains to go. W) choose ine correct words. 1 Marcos the best painter / paint in ou art club 2. Whats your favourite type of music / musician? 3 This is a photographer / photograph of our holiday in Greece GBD Rewrite tne sentences with the ‘sin the correct position. 1. My mother favourite hobby is painting, TT eae 2. Please look after Anna camera, Itis new. 3 Do you know Mike brother and sister? 4 Greg daughter is only three years ol. 5 Would you like to see my sister holiday photos? ‘This is Jim book. He needs it for his homework eee OE KUa CEO SECC) Gite ( 1) VOCABULARY | Topic vocabulary | Word formation | Phrasal verbs ‘Students Bok page Vocab reference, Students Book page 168 4 My brother plays the guitarist / guitar in his bedroom every night. 5 We don't play video games / gamers at school 6 There are three music / musicians in the band. Choose the best verb to complete each sentence. 1 Ineed to__ the train at the next station. aye tunel yet back. 2 Can you___ my cat while I'm on holiday? aygetback by lookafter—¢) get off 3 Please the TV.1 want to listen to the radio. aytumon ——-b) get off © tum off ‘4 Welcome! Please __and have a drink, a)getback —b)turnon come in 5 Talways feel tired when T___home aftera climbing holiday. ayturnon _b)comeround _«) get back 6 __ the TV-My favourite show starts in a minute, a)Getoff Turon) Lookafter ‘S Students Book page 9” 5 Grenimar reference Unit Students Book page 151)) W) Feead the text below and choose the correct ‘word or phrase to fill each gap. My favourite hobbies are swimming and camping, (1)___ the summer, we always go (2) _a camping holiday. We stay (3) __the sea. (4) _ ‘the morning, Tove swimming (5) __ the sea. Irs very quiet and there aren't usually any people (6) the beach. (7) __ lunchtime, we often go toa café (8) __ the village. My favourite café is (9)___ of the park. (10) night, we sometimes ‘wallcalong the beach, 1A On Bin cat 2 Ato Bin Con 3 Abetween —B near con 4am BOn cat 5 Ain Bon cat 6 Aof Bin Con 7Am BT cat 8 A inside Bin cat 9 Ainfront — Bbetween _—€ outside 10 Aln BT cat WEST eM eeeetcneacatrt: eo contacacus v | )Stident’s Book pages) GED 100k at the first set of pictures in Exercise 2, then match a picture to each set of words (1-3). 1 barbecue, garden, family____—-2 bike ride, cycling, park_ 3 plenie, friends, park C{})o! Listen to five conversations, There is one question for each conversation. For each conversation, choose the correct answer (A, B or C). | 4. Where are the children? __ 5 What time is the party? _ GD Match tne student's answers (a-f) to the examiner's questions (1-6). 1 What's your name? 2. Where do you come from? 3 What do you usually do at the weekend? 4, How old are you? 4) I'm from Cambridge. 5 How many people are in yourfamily? __e) There are four. Me, my parents and my brother Sam. 6 Who is your best friend? 9) It’s Barry Thompson. ayTm 14. ‘by Tusually go shopping with my friends. «6 It’ Martin, because he's very funny. W) Write questions using the prompts. Practise asking the questions. Use you or your, 1 What / name? 2 Where/ live? 3 What /hobbies? 4. What /favourlte sport? 5 What / usually /in/ summer holiday? 6 How often / video games? x Mateh to make sentences. Lets meet at You can ty Joand Pat go ‘The bus stop isin front -My favourite museum isin Please turn “They show the best flms at LANGUAGE INUSE | openci Student's Book, page 11 1 2 3 4 5 ° 7 8 W For each question, write the correct answer. Write one word in each gap. Time out WD) write your answers to the questions in Exercise 2. Then practise saying, the answers. a) to the swimming pool at the weekend, yon the TV ~ my favourite show is starting. (©) new activities atthe club. 4) London, ¢) night, so let's go then. 1 ov'aUER wutsive te Late, 8) on the beach and talk. ny of the caf family, During the day, we go sightseeing, (2) things to see here! Then, (3) going to try (4) Mexican restaurant, the park at night too, but it closes at midnight. Bye for now, Ben London is a great city! I'm having a ft of fun here (1) ‘the evening we have dinner at ‘a nice restaurant, We go a different one every night and tonight we're Our hotel is in an amazing place. There is a famous park in 6) of it. Every morning after breakfast we go for a walk in 6) and you can see people riding horses there! You can visit my re so many (fo WRITING | “SStudets ook pages 12-13 vy Ricemuas turn cunt 0) GBD Read the exam task. Tick the three possible responses to the points In the task. Choose from a to f. You are going on a picnic in the park with your English friend Alex tomorrow. ‘Write an email to Alex. In your email: ‘+ say what time you want to meet «tall him what food you can bring ‘+ say what you can do in the park, Write 25 words or more. a) There's a café in the park and we can get our lunch there, aS by A lot of people ride skateboards in the park. _ (©) Why don’t we bring a football and play? S 4) I think the park opens at 9 o'dlock, but ‘we can check = ¢) Ican make some nice sandwiches and a fruit salad, — {) Let's meet at half past 10.15 that OK with you? __ WD Read the emails in response to the task in Exercise 1 and then answer questions 1-4. Bie, Wo can meet at 11 o'clock. Is that OK? ''m bringing sandwiches, fruit and some drinks, \Wo can bring our skateboards and rde through the park, What do you think? ‘See you tomorrow! Bis sex, | | don't want to go to the park inthe morning. We can play cricket ~ it funt Byol Civele the camect anewor 1. Email A / B includes information for all three bullet points. 2 The information in email A /B isn't what the bullet points ask for. 3 Email A / Bis less than 25 words in length 4 Bmail A / B completes the task successfully. WW) Read the exam task and underline the key words. In your email: ‘= say whore you want to mest + ask hor what time to meet * say which film you want to see. Write 28 words or more, ‘You are going to the cinema with your English friend Toni tomorrow. Write an email to Tori. W) Read the exam task in Exercise 3 again and complete the plan. Detail My notes Point1 | say where to meet Point 2 | ask what time to meet Point 3 | say which itm PROGRESS CHECK GED complete the sentences with the words and prases in the box, There are two extra options you do not need, ‘collect | come in| get off guitarist] join look after | magazines | member | painting tur off My sister reads about musie and clothes, Listen to the really good. Please watching the film, How much is it to the photography club? Please camping, Isa beautiful _ Please last stop. Are you a. in this band. She's ‘the TV when you finish my tent when you go ‘Whois the artist? ‘the bus here.This is the of the tennis club? Cumulative progress 1 WD) choose the best answer to complete each sentence, ‘When ___ the meeting start? a) do by does are ‘The plenicis_ Saturday afternoon. ayat bon in My friends at the festival today. a)are byis ©) has 4 Jake and Alice __ swimming They love the water a)nevergo —_byoftengo _) go often 5 We can meet __ the festival and goin together. a)inside by between —_c) outside We have breakfast __ morning, Its very important. all by ever © every My___husband comes from France ajsister——D)sister's sisters’ My tent is near the trees. Its ___ the biue tent and the green tent 4) between byalong, ©) inside 23456789 10 11 12 GE) Choose the best answer (A, B or C) to complete the conversations, 1 Canyou give me back my guitar? A Itisn't very good. B Ihave guitar lessons. € Thaven't got it at the moment How often do you have a barbecue? A Every weekend, B My dad usually cooks the food. € It takes about an hour, Don't forget our meeting at 2:30 pm this afternoon. A No Idon' think so, B See you there! Please come round in the morning, 4 Do you like this musician? A Yes, I want to listen to more of his songs. B No Tdon' know it. C No. I prefer the painting. 5 Tean't find the entrance, A It’s under the magazines, B Its in front of the museum, € It’s at the picnic. 2 READING | ine article siden BOK pages GBD Read the article on page 13 quickly. What is it about? W) vnaertine the important words in each sentence. 1 ‘The International Youth Festival happens in the summer: 2. The festival is ina different country every year 3 Allthe singers and dancers are from Britain, W) dnaertine the important words in the question. Then read the first paragraph of the article again and choose the correct answer A-C. ‘What happens atthe festival? A Young people play games. B Young people from every country go there. Young people can try doing different types of things. WD Read tne articte and the questions. For each question, choose the correct answer, 1. What does the first paragraph say about the 4 What can you lear at the festival? British festival? ‘A how to write forthe theatre ‘A Many young people travel to go to this Festival 23 Tie tpl anciesiroment B ‘There are exactly 200 activities for young people to do, Cow tithe abenarstadent € Visitors from other countries can only wateh the shows. § Why are the ‘workshops’ useful? 2 Who puts on the plays at the festival? ‘A. They aren't expensive A actors of all ages B People can find out what they are B famous actors go0d at. © theatre groups © They help to find singers for the 3. What can you do if you play an instrument? next festival A play ina concert B take part ina competition meet some well-known musicians GW complete the sentences with the highlighted words in the article. 1 There is a big music_ in our city that lasts for a week every August. 2 My favourite TV. ‘are cartoons and adventures. 3 There are some excellent {in this band. 4 Can you play a musical eo 5 There are lots of good_on at ourlocal theatre. 6 Last summer, my favourite singer played three__in our town, FE: 10 days every July, hundreds of young, people from Britain and around the world come to Kingston upon Thames in south-west London, to act, dance, play or sing at the International Youth Arts Festival. With over 200 things to see and do, itis an important festival of art, music, theatre and dance for young people in the world. ‘Iheatre 1s usually a part of the festival. Acting groups ‘with young people from five to 26 years old put on (play and SH6WS for children, feenagers and adults. Some of them are famous, like the plays of writers like William Shakespeare, and some of them are very funny. Music is a big part of the festival, Each year, there are op, rock and hip hop S0nGeH, with both new and well-known AHUSIGIAN. Do you sing or play an instetinght? Why not enter the music competition? ‘Workshops’ are a very important part ofthe festival ‘That sentenainmet! Workshops are similar to lessons, for students to learn how to sing, dance, rap, write plays, or make clothes, not to learn maths or science. Many young people don’t have the possibility to learn about music, theatre and dance because private lessons are very expensive. But workshops are a great way for them to discover the things they like and what they are good at. ‘And perhaps their future 1s to be singers, dancers or actors at this amazing festival. 8 GRAMMAR 1 | Present simp GBD choose tne correct words. ‘Lucas: Hi Ella. What (1) do you do / are you doing at the moment? ae neo asco? Students Bk Ge 16) 9 Grammar reference, Unit 2, students Book page 151 Lucas: Yes, they're quite good. They (6) are / ‘re being very popular Ella: Not much. I (2) watch /’m watching a Ella: Ob, look... they (7) show / are showing film online Its the last Star Wars film. ‘anew adventure film at the cinema this Lucas: I (3) love /’m loving Star Wars films. week. It's got great reviews. Ella: Really? (4) think //m thinking they're Lucas: (8) Do you want/ Are you wanting to g0 quite good. ut I (5) prefer / and see it? ‘im proferring tho Hany Poster Sims. Ella: Yes. great idea Complete the sentences with the correct form of the verbs in brackets, ‘Tom Holland usually ‘na play in London. GBD Read the definitions and write the correct ‘word. The first letter is there to help you. 1. Where artists show their paintings to the publi sees ere 2 A place where musicians play. c h 3 A place where people go to use computers. ae c 4 A place where you can see a play with singers and musio bh 5 Where you can watch a play. t__ 6 A building where you can look at old things. W complete the sentences with the prepositions in the box. {atin out 0] wi] 1 Heis acting__aplay in NewYork at ‘the moment 2. Ldon't like staying, night. Its boring at home. 3 Lots of people want to look ‘Picasso paintings in the exhibition, ona Saturday the a WeFo TUT Ya eee "Students Book page 17 > Vocabulary reference, Student Bok, page 163, 1 Thomas often (go) to the theatre with his parents. 2 My favourite actor. (make) a new film in London this month, 3 My friends (have) a barbecue today: but I can't go. 4 Carrie (want) to see the new adventure film this weekend, 5 My grandad never ___ (play) video games, ott (not rain). Let's goto the beach, 7 Raluca (come) from Romania, but she (ive) in France, 8 {act) in flms, but this week he =) ry | Word patterns | 4 My grandparents don't often go inthe evenings. They usually stay at home. le 5 At the weekend, I sometimes play board games my cousins. 6 My brother really loves listening rock music. WD choose tne best word to complete each sentence. 1 "There ae os of newspaper __ about the new Salvador Dah exhibition a) articles b)programmes _) screens 2 Can Toorrow your MP3 olsen to a) board ) game 9 player 3 The new cinema has the largest __ in the ‘country. Its amazing, a)screen BY TV. 9 picture 4 Most of the TV_Twateh are British or American, a)stories bp projects © programmes 5 My friends and I prefer playing __games to video games, a)screen ——_b) board ©) classical ‘Tha’ entertahnment! GRAMMAR 2 | Present continuous for future use ‘> Stiden’s Book, page 19) Grammar reference) Unit Stident® Book, page 182 GHD compete the sentences using the present simple or the present continuous form of the verbs in brackets, 4 Oscar _______ (move) to Madrid next week. 2 Megan____________(meet) her cousins from Australia for the first time on Saturday. 3 Tickets for the concert next week (sell) very quickly 4 The film (start) at 8:15 pm. 5 Olivia and Holly _ sti (lay) chess later today, 6 My broduer (olny) in a concert in Liverpool lonuetew aight W, complete the conversation with the correct form of the verbs in brackets Millie: Have you got any plans forthe weekend? Ryan: Yes 1(1)________ (meet) Will and Julia on Saturday. Millie: What (2) ___ ra ee (ao)? Ryan: The Southsea Rock festival (3) (happen) this week, We (4) (want) to go on Saturday. ‘The Amazons (5) (hay), Minie; Where (6) they ESR AON gag) Ryan: At the Underground Café~ o you (want) to come with us? 10) (not aun) | {ts possible. My cousins from Paris ° (visit) us this week. Ithink we (10) igo) out with them on Saturday. OK. Well 1 hope you have fun. En ome DStudent’s Book, page 18 Eau GBD natch the adjectives (a-f to the adjectives with the same meaning (1-6). a unhappy __ a) attractive 2 interesting vynew 3 good-looking __ ©) excellent \| 4 modern = __ @) noisy 5 loud gs ©) exciting, 6 amazing = _ 1) sad OB iiiecsenee: Sua tins abost hand thesradc Lar ee ee amnesia Sea acne See peony ERPS oe castes GW) Io Listen to al of the conversation between Katie and James about the bands at the music festival For each ‘band, choose an opinion feeling, There | are three extra leters you do not need. Bands Opinions/Feetings 1 TheCarltons = __ A attractive 2 ThePlasticCups ___B strange 3 LonelyPhones excellent 4 TheTeaLions ___D_ modern 5 MexicoSun _E interesting F noisy G short H unhappy y SPEAKING | Question: Sade Book page GED complete the questions using the present simple or the present continuous form of the verbs in brackets. BUY CONCERT TICKETS | So phere ey Z ‘what {you /do) next weekend? Hay a you / spend) your free time? ———— (you / go) anywhere this weekend? select venue How often (you / see) your friends? 9 What ___ {you / do) every weekend? ‘What activities __ (you / prefer) to do? ‘Which activity —_ (you / enjoy) the most? 16 authenoulmen' [2] Match the answers below with some of the questions In Exercise 1 2) Tole a wee uml almys one tbematthe weekend and someines cnc daring the week, (Queston _ 0) Yeu Ida Tow ltning tole and Yenoy cen oo Toten make omethng spect for my family (Question _} © prefer to goto the beach or play sport when the weather is good. In winter, I prefer to spend time at home and play video games. (Question) 4) That's a difficult question because I ike lots of activities! I enjoy playing different sports, ‘going to concerts, reading and drawing. (Question _) «) Labways have homework to do, but I usually see my friends and I play in a band every Saturday. (Question _) 4) My friends and I are having a party at my house on Saturday night and I'm really looking, forward to it (Question __) ANGUAGE IN USE | 3-option multiple-choice cloze dent Bo0k page GBD Read the sentences and think about possible answers for the gaps. 4 They're afilm at the 2 Tmgoing to me to a book. 3 Wearent ata__tonight - we're cooking at home. 4 Andy lots of video games at the gaming 5 My mum's favourite singer is Sata. tonight. 6 He wants to ‘an expensive painting from an art __ 7 atthe you can alot about the 17 century, We have tirkote ta 2 play at the WD Now took at the words below and use them to complete the gaps in Exercise 1 Write the verbs in the correct form. | borrow | buy | eat | learn | perform | play | see | watch | cate | cinema | concer | gallery [ibrary | museum |restaurant| theatre For each question, choose the correct answer. <9 ER CU Cry Pa oT A Do you have a video camera, a smartphone or an MPS (1) __with a video camera? It you do, why don’t you use it to make films on your own or with your tends? Find information about fimmakina onine ~ there are many useful websites that vou can 2|___at for ideas and advice. f you are making afm with your trends, (@)___who does what, for example, wo is acting in te flm and who is going to fim it \Whon everyone has ther (4) __ think about your story. It can be funy, scary or exciting! “Thon, star fling and remember to (6) __ fun. When your fm is ready, show it to your fends and family on a big TV @) _. And don't forget the popcorn! 1 Alaptop —_Bplayer C game 2 Alook Bsee C watch 3 Aanswer Bell Caecide 4 Aboss Brmanager Cjob 5 Ado Bhave C make 6 screen Bprogramme show ” WRITING | Guided writing (a note) | > Students Book, pages 22-23 Read the email from your English friend, Sam, Hi, ‘What are you doing this weekend? Do you like playing board games? I'm having a board games hight with some school friends on Saturday. We're ‘meeting at my house at 7pu. Emily’ bringing pizze. an you come? GED Read the exam task. Tick the three possible answers to the questions Sam asks. 1 Tlive ina small town called Arden, — 2. This weekend I'm staying at home I don't have any plans. as 3 really like playing board games! — 4 No, m1 not very good at sport = 5 T'mfree on Saturday evening, Write a note to Sam and answer the questions. Write 25 words or more, so I love to come. a 6 Tmtree all day in summer. a W) wien is tne vest answer, A or B? BB sam, Frm going to the beach with my family. | like ‘svimming in the sea. | don’t know Emily Frm sorry | can't come. Have fun! This weekend, I'm going to my grandparents ‘on Sunday, but I'm free on Saturday. | really love playing board games, so 'd love to come to your board games night. B ise, See you then! WW) Read the note from your English friend, Ashley, Underline the three questions in the note. Read the note from your English friend, Ashley. Hi to come with us? Speak soon. ‘What are you doing on Sunday afternoon? My brother is playin« He plays plano, I’ at the New Theatre. Do you know where that is? Would you like a classical concert WJ Read the exam task in Exercise 3 again and complete the table. Write a note to Ashley and answer the questions. Write 26 words or more. Detail My notes: ‘Question 1 | say what you're doing on Sunday afternoon Question 2 | say y'you know where the theatre is Question | say if you would tke 10 ‘go with them PROGRESS CHECK ‘as etaonsni{ 2 | GD complete the sentences with the words in the box. There are two extra words ‘you do not need, ‘There are some new paintings at the art __. Treally want to see them. One day, Iwould like to___ina Hollywood flim. ‘There's a really interesting newspaper ahout the best singers, ‘My parents love going to listen to music. halls to [se atcle| concert] galery] hip ho [ooking | museum opera | player progamme | 5 Hannah often spends hours things in the museum, 6 Idon't have a DVD online these days. 7 Mike and Dan are really good dancers, 8 The children are watching a TV monkeys. watch films WD) complete the sentences with the correct form of the verbs in brackets, 1 Over 12 milton people (live) in Cairo, 2 The theatre at 2pm. 3 The actors 0 on stage now. 4 ___ {you play) the guitar in the concert this evening? (open) (get) ready to Cumulative progress 1 2|2 4 5 6 ‘Overa thousand people (wait) outside the entrance to the concert, ‘Lots of people _ (think) she isa really good singer What __ (you listen) to? It’s really loud. My sister _—__ (practise) tne violin every afternoon after school 7R O10 41 19 WE) Read the text below and choose the correct answer to fill each gap, 4 you probably (2)__Zendaya Coleman, She is a famous American ‘actor, singer and dancer. Zendaya acts (9) __ lols of TV programmes, including Zapped and KO Wnclemouer She (8) (her music, At the moment, she (6) singing 190, and ots of peopl lsten ‘a SpiderMan fim. She ls playing @ gi Galler Michole one of Sper Man's frends, Zendava aso likes lathes and owns her own clothes company, So how doos she relax? She loves gona (7)___ with her family in Los Angeles and sho often (@)__ her dog, Noon, fora walk. 1 Aon 2 A ate knowing 3 Ain 4 A isloving cin 6 A makes C is making 7 A over Cto 8 A istaking C takes What's for dinner? ALM men ‘SStUdent Book pages 26227 Marrero GED Read the sentences and decide whether they are talking about the present or the past. 1‘They have two of Hollywood's most famous stars as customers present / past 2 Josh and Alice decided to start a business present / past 3 The next year, they opened the Social Bite café present / past 4. It sells healthy food, sandwiches, soups and salads. present / past 5 He then ate a sandwich and gave the café £1,000 present /past WD Pina tne nightightea words in the article and match them to the people (a-e). 1 they (paragraph 2) __ 1a) George Clooney and Leonardo DiCaprio, 2. them (paragraph 2) —_ 1b) George Clooney 3 they (paragraph 3) _ 6) the cafe's 4 me (pasagseph 9) 4) pope wha don’t have a place to live 5 its (paragraph 3) __ ) customers W) Read the magazine article about a special kind of café. Five sentences have been removed from the text. For each question, choose the correct answer. There are three extra sentences which you do not need to use. ‘A They do not need it because they're rich E They wanted to find answers to some of them. | B These go to people who cannot buy their own food. F Now you can find four more across Scotland. € Not many people want to eat fast food, G But there are too many people who need help D Many of them sleep outside on city streets, HLItS like lots of places that you can find in any city, WB Fina words in the articte which match these definitions. 1 buying and selling things for money (paragraph 1) = 2 good for you (paragraph 2) 3 cold meals of vegetables, sometimes ‘with cheese and meat (paragraph 2) 4 these people prepare food (paragraph 2) 5 these people buy things (paragraph 2) 0 Whats foraliner THE CAFE THAT CHANGES LIVES osh Littlejohn and Alice Thompson from Edinburgh, Scotland, are changing the way people think about food and business. In 2011, Josh and Alice decided to start a business but not to make lots of money. There were problems in their city. (1)_ fT he next year, they opened the Social Bite café. (2) ___It sells healthy food, sandwiches, soups and salads, but it also tries to help people who don't have a home. (3) __ The café also helps the cooks and waiters who work there too. Around 25% of staff at Social Bite café have nowhere to live, and customers can also pay for an extra drink or meal when they visit the café. (4) ___ Every day, the Social Bite café also gives food to around 150 homeless people and opens the café in the evenings for them to come and eat and get help. he café has become very popular. (5) ___ Two of Hollywood's most famous stars are customers. And which film stars? Both George Clooney and Leonardo DiCaprio visited the café in Edinburgh when they were in Scotland. George Clooney said, ‘I ike what they're doing, | think it's a very important cause.’ Hé then ate a sandwich and gave the café £1,000 to continue doing Its good work. a 2) CTY TAGS epeeesunot EOE ALLEN v Complete the text using the past simple form of ‘the verbs in brackets. ‘When she was a teenager, my grandmother ()________ (work) in the kitchen ina big, house in London, She (2)__(start) swork very early every morning, At 5:00 am, she (3)______ (bake) thie bread and after that, she (4) (cook) breakfast for the rich amily and (@) lean) the house, ‘Then, she (6) __(walk) to the local market. She (7)___________(need) to buy al the food for lunch and dinner. Sometimes the (invite) important ——_| people to have dinner there It was a very difflult job, but my grandmother (9) (ike) it. She (10) learn) a ot about food, cooking and life and has lots of interesting stories to tel WD) Pur the words in the correct order to make (EJ complete the questions with the words in questions. the box. 4 did /for / Who / tonight / you / invite / dinner ? [Wat 2) When Whee ho | Way did you buy the present for? 2. buy /Where / you / did / cakes / those ? 3 for/ What / you / did / dessert / order ? 2a id you go last night? A: To the supermarket, 4 the/ open / did / When / restaurant ? 3 Q: __was the name of the café? ‘A: Chocolate cake 5 cupcakes / Which / buy / did / you? 4 Q ____ did you go to the restaurant? ee ‘A: Last week. 6 we/ on/ cook / What / the /can / barbecue ? 5 Q: id you bring cakes to school? A: Because it was my birthday. 6 Q: __canwe eat tonight? A: Chicken and salad, Ree TT Varo > Students Book, page 29 > Vocabulary re bulary | Word formation | Col GBD complete the sentences with the words in the box. [cereal none oll [onion [sat | steak | sawberies [tomatoes 1 Marie often puts {in her tea to make it sweet. 2 Many people in Britain have _with milk or yoghurt for breakfast. 3 and oranges are my favourite frut. 4 Do you always put___on your meals? 5 They usually fry the fish in vegetable _ and serve it with potatoes, 6 Good quality is my dad's favourite meat 7 Ws best to buy in summer when they are red and sweet, 8 Raymond's French soup with bread and cheese is delicious. Whats for dinner? W) compete the text with the correct form of the words (verb or adjective) in the box. [oa] A QUICK. AND EASY DINNER First ofall, (1)__an onion ina litte ofl for a few minutes. Then cut some tomatoes and add them to the pan. While this is cooking. (2) some pasta for about 10 minutes. When the pasta is ready, put itn a dish with the tomato sauce, put some cheese on top and (3) itin the oven for 20 minutes. You can serve it with (4) ‘chicken and some freshly- 6) Dread, W) choose the best word to complete each sentence. 1 Ttry to___my homework every evening 4 We often ___lunch in the park in the summer, fier dinner a) make bdo ‘have ayao vy make ‘take 5 I__a terrible mistake with this dish. 1'm going to 2 Can you teach me how to__a cake? start again, a) have vy dake ©) cook a) did bymade 9 took 3 Ymhungry. Ihope the waiter__ourorder soon, 6 If we have time, we can_the train a) takes ‘b)ymakes: ©) does to Switzerland, a) make byhave otuke y CTTW GPa nee crece nnn 3 ‘> Students Book page 31) > Grammar erence, Unit3 Students Book, page 153 GD write te past simple form of the iregular verbs. 1 g0 6 come 2 buy 7 meet 3 eat 8 getup 4 drink 9 take 5 do 10 make W complete the sentences with affirmative, negative or question forms of eight of the past simple verbs in Exercise 1. 1 Saskia ‘kg of oranges from the market today because they were very cheap. 2 Ryan early on Sunday morning because he was tired and wanted to sleep, 3 Rhona her sandwiches because she wasn't hungry. 4 Where you ‘on your bike on Sunday? 5 We S lots of interesting people at the pasty on Friday. 6 Hannah ‘a lot of milk when she was a child. 7 Sergio's really kind. He breakfast for everyone in the house yesterday. 8 Buthe ‘the washing-up. Everyone else did that after breakfast. W) write four sentences using the past simple form of some of the verbs in exercises 1 and 2, B TS week eeetcnt) > Student’s Book, page 30 vy GBD Reaa the first two questions and possible C}Jot Listen to Abi and Ingmar talking answers forthe listening exam task. about cooking holidays and choose the Underline any key words that you think correct answer, cyouswill hear 1 Abi spent a week in Tiisten to Abi and Ingmar talking ‘A Tyo. about cooking holidays and choose B avillage. the correct answer € aschool 4 Abispent aweek in 2 The teachers on the course were A Lyon {A twayvuny woinen B avillage B a father and his daughter © aschool Daniel and his father 2, The teachers on the course were 5 On Ingmar’ cooking holiday, there werent any {A two young women. Tessons about B a father and his daughter. ‘A making biscuits. € Daniel and his father. B baking bread. € baling cakes. 4 Ingmar thought his cooking Holiday in Italy W choose the best words to complete a ‘A. was easy when he started student's notes for the questions in B was funny when he finished. Brereiaesls © was difficult when he started 1 Ingmar / ADI... a week .. where / when? 5. On Ingmar’s cooking holiday is favourite 2 Teacher / Student: why / who? thing was ‘A making fiends WW) Read the rest of the questions and possible B learning to cook. answers in Exercise 4. Underline any key € eating the food ‘words and write short notes predicting ‘what you will hear, v GB) write questions using the prompts. W complete the answers to the questions in 1. What / favourite food? Exercise 1 for you. | eon edee 1. My favourite food is. SPEAKING | Questions Stents Boo page? 2. What /like / breakfast? 2 For breakfast, Ilike eee es 3 Thad___ 3. What /have / dinner / last night? 4 Teat fastfood about 5 Iprefer because 4 How often / eat / fast food? ~ ~ ®B) Answer tne question. Give opinions and examples to support your answers. ‘Tell me about the food you like to make. 5 Which / prefer / as or burgers? WJ Practise saying your answers, Be careful of ‘your pronunciation. x WUT eee “Student's Book, page 33 GHD compete tne sentences with the correct words, 1 Do you prefer salad__or _soup? 2 Tate alot of pizzas in Ttaly lotof ice cream! 3 Ididn't eat the steak 'm vegetarian. I don't eat meat. 4 We baked a lange cake ate it with a cup of tea, 5 She needs to buy milk and bread. she's going to the supermarket. 6 Iwanted to have dessert, 1 was full GH) write one word in each gap to complete the email Last week, there was a food festival in the city square. It happens every year (1) its great fun, It was really small when (2)__started 10 years ago, (3), now it's really popular. ‘There are lots (4) tents with different foods. This year, my favourite was the cheese tent where there were over 200 different cheeses! Lots of restaurants also had small tents where you could have lunch and dinner. On (5) firs ight, we went toa vegetarian restaurant tent. dit know which dsh to choose — cheese pe 0) pasta. I deciaed to nave the pie and it was the best thing late at the Festival. hope you can come next year. Paul eet : eae - : | Hoan, f 25) v GBD Read the exam task and the student plans. Which plan, Aor B, is the best one for ‘the exam task? ‘Students Book, pages 34235 WRITING | Guided writing (a note) Read the note from your parent. Remember we've having a barbecue tomorrow. Would you like to make the salad? Let's have some dessert too, What about ice cream? How about inviting a friend? White a note to your parent and answer the questions. Write 25 words or more. o Detail My notes Tse anguaae Gueston i | saa [yes Yes. Tan Question 2 | dessert | notice cream Take Question3 [invite [friend Can Tinvite 2 a Detail [My notes Useful language im Question |salaa | verbs: make, prepare Yes, foods tomatoes, onion, Lettuce Question? [dessert | chocolate cake How about? / Would youike 7 /Falprefer Question [invite [friends classmates cousins | Td ke wo ask/invite W complete the example answer with words from the plan, More than one answer may be possible. se yes, 110 t Favetrte, sola with tomatees and leHuce. I don't really Want ice cream PL ne cares since i to@ Ho classmates. 1s that ok? Pete WD) book at this writing task and complete the notes (1-8) with your own ideas. Read the note from your fiend, Rowan, Hi Rowan! ae Tes my birthday this weekend. fn having a oo) dimer. Would you AIR Ae ipeat sant Vee eo en as what should we do? Detail My notes ‘Useful language ‘Question 4 | (4) = come to bithday cer? | Yes ra@ _____twcome Question? | | Foot: Tike | rot aie ie food is Question | 4 afemands? © How (7) a ean Taltike to W) write a note to Rowan and answer the questions, Write 25 words or more. PROGRESS CHECK GBD choose the correct words, tsualy put milk nd Honey on my coreal/ steak t breakfast, My grandmother stil bakes ols her own tread every week Lots of people enjoy grilled / boiled eggs: ha iannve ah ‘A popular alin digs pasa with fresh tomato / potato sauce, ‘he chet fled / bole the cain ile Cie tea al ies onde io roast al this efor about minutes Sheep's milk makes the best honey / yosnurt 8 My favourite way to cook meat isto bake / ere 9. Some people thnk that ove Honey / ots el Gree 410 Wehad gui /giled chicken witha green sola for tanh W) complete the sentences and questions with the past simple form of the verbs in the box, ‘a cake in our cookery class this afternoon, Annie to.go to the new restaurant on. (Church Road for dinner, wh you. that honey from? It’s delicious ‘They. at the menu for along time before they ordered. Who you at the café this afternoon? We to the café today because it was closed Tm really hungry. 1 anything for ‘breakfast this morning ‘Where's our food? The waiter ur order 45 minutes ago, What you about the meal wwe had last night? My sister about 20 people to her birthday party at the pizza restaurant Cumulative progress 1 2 3/4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 GW) write one word in each gap to complete the text. a December 2010, 12-year-old Alec Johnson (2) very excited about Christmas. He asked his dad for a ‘mobile phone and a laptop. But his dad didn't listen (3) him, He didn think his (4) ‘heeded all those things. ‘And he wanted Alec to understand this, Alec and his family lived in San Diego, California, Lots of homeless people live on the streets there Michael wanted Alc to (6) ___ something good. So, one Sunday morning, the family (6) egg and cheese snacks in their kitchen ‘One of Alec's friends, Luke, also came round. tohelp. (7) ‘hey went into the city centre to give them to poor people. ‘The snacks were very popular and Alec and 6) friend enjoyed helping other people They decided to do it every Sunday and they soon became known as the Burrito Boys. Soon, more of their friends joined them. They started a group called Hunger2Help, Kids Taking Action, and they go ) every Sunday and give clothes, water and hot food to poor people who need help. “The Burrito Boys look (10) ‘us. I'm reilly happy they are here to help. And I think it's great that ‘young people really care about us’ says Billa local homeless man, ll Racal I stents Bok pages 36-37 rd peg es GBD Read the article and look at the highlighted words. Then read the sentences 1-6 and ‘choose the phrases, a orb, that mean the same as the underlined word, 1 She sat on the board with her legs inthe sea. ‘When a big wave came along, she stood up ‘and surfed all the way to the beach. a) a small round boat that is used for ishing b) along thin piece of wood or plastic that we use to travel on water 2. Hans skied down the slope to the bottom. OF course, it was easier to go down than it was to walk back up to the top in the snow! a) the side of a hill or a mountain 'v) a road for cars on a mountain 3 This book is about a bay's thrilling adventures in the Amazon forest. Of course, there's alot of action and some scary moments. [love it! a) very funny b) very exciting set 4 Its terrible! The rubbish in the seas is dangerous and fish are dying. How can we help them? 4) can hurt fish ') cannot hurt fish 5 Ididn't want to get seawater in my eyes, so I put con my goggles before T went underwater. a) glasses that help you to see when you're swimming 'b) glasses that help you to see when you're studying, 6 Fiona dropped a glass on the floor and it smashed. "The pieces were sharp so she picked them up very carefully, fa) can cut you ) can break WOULD YOU LIKE TO TRI RY ‘You can use long B@aFE made of wood or plastic to ride on waves and snow. Some of the most popular places to surf are oceans because they ereate huge waves for surfers, And snowboarders love the excitement of going fast down a snowy mountain slOpé. Now, there's a new activity It isn’t on water or mountains ~ it's on the side of a volcano! It's called voleaie surfing or volcano boarding, Riders hike up to the top of a volcano and then go ‘down the side while sitting or standing on a special board. t's 2 {hilli ride to the bottom and they love it! You must be careful ‘as the board moves or you could fall off. People who love extreme adventure go boarding on volcanoes where they can see the lava lava is hot rock that comes out of the earth through the voleano. They find it really exciting, but, rom the voleano can be HanGeFOUs for their iders wear clothes that cover the whole body, helmets for their heads and 8696188 for the eyes because the sha rocks on the volcanoes can hurt them if théy fal. ‘Onyourvay WD Read tne biog posts about activity holidays. For each photo 1-3 write the name ofthe person who has done the activity. pps: 2 3 Read the blog posts again, For each question, choose the correct answer. Pete Jake Kyle 1. Who leamt how to do a new activity? A B c 2 Who shared a meal with people from the area? A B c 3. Who slept outdoors? A B © 4. Who did something useful for other people? A B c 5 Who didn't have a normal bath or shower? A B c 6 Who began his day early in the morning? A B c 7 Who prepared his meals on a fire? A B iS HOLMMAYS WYER Last autumn, Lenton an Inthe summer, | went toa suring [fn the spring, | spent two weeks feria holday Canada, f school Gorwal, Thro veo 12. no BURIABER F Seven, Wi flaw to aplace caled Nootka ff students rom al around the UK. ff | helped to bul footpaths Island with our Guide. There ‘We siayedina cheap hoteinear ff for chidcen who Ine nthe ‘sven BBO there, so the the beach, We went to bedearty ff mountains, There were eight plane landed ona ike, Itwes ff bocause every moming we cdf] [BUFBS rom across the word. an emazing Ble. Vie lent texereises at 7:00 onthe beach, ff We stayed ia vilage school end Under the stars on the beach ‘Then, we practised suing, After day we went fo build the and wont walking inthe forests. [J unch ina focal café, ve went ito with the local peopl. I ‘twas s0 quet He cooked on aff tne sea and went sunng agan. ff was realy hard, but loved every fro, vashedin the lake and tokt ff was great In the frst few eseons, If rinute oft On the last evening, stotis at right, dint chock my [fll ott my surooard alot, but ff they cooked a special dinner for hone once! then | improved, Imade some new Hus and we sang songs around & fends and now | can sur fi inthe forest ©) Matcn tne hightightea words in the article to definitions 1-6. a tip from one place to another small roads that you walk on someone who shows interesting places to visitors and tourists 1 place outside towns and cities the place where you take a plane people who are on holiday ae v [a] Cy Wi: Guin eretenniantcnem nen mscoses “> Studeht’s Book, page 38 > Gratnimar reference, Unit 4, Student's Book, page 153. GD compiete the sentences using the correct past continuous form ofthe verbs in brackets. “alt ina taxl on our way tthe aeport, 1 Atvamwe 2 Aman (vel) drinks outside the station, 3 What you) ast night whem T phoned you? i at (rain), but we didn't get wet because we were wearing jackets and boots i 5 Where. you. {walk) to when I saw you yesterday? i 6 No they (not alk) about this year’s holiday. i 1 Tne peopl om hepa (gut bored white they wore wnitng forthe pane toleave. 8 you ake) the cake when ele yesterday morning? WD complete the text with the words in the box. You will use two of the words twice, | | [ana because [but when Last year (2) swe were on hnoliday in Macedonia, we found this amazing café, It's in a tiny village called ‘Typejca, which is on the side of a hill above Lake Ohrid, The café is next to ‘the beach, so you can sit.at small tables ‘outside in the sun just a few metres from. the lake, (2) shen its raining, ‘yn ean sit inside Its really popular with tourists (3) __ local people (4) the food is delicious and the location is perfect. (6) __we {were waiting for our food, we took photos of the lake and ofthe pretty village, Last time, we both had coffee and cake. want to go there again next year | (6)_____Ireally loved the place vant fo try the local fish next time! v Ox cueibye accu) ree alncitee eal "> Students Book page 39. Votabulay ference, student 600k page 164 GBD Read the sentences and complete the crossword with the missing words, Down 1 Theres always more____ onthe motorway E atthe start of the holidays. 5 | a Frerretldng new tke prt | and bicycles over the river. ACROSS 7 2 Allthe vehicles goin a circle at the L Li 4 Hurry up! I dont want to the train, ‘There isn't another one today. - station, 6 There was a tong. because of the snow fon the motorway 30 onyourvay[ 4 WD) complete the sentences with the words in Choose the best word to complete the box. each sentence. ‘boat | guide [licence | machine | news | park 1 The plane __off 45 minutes late Ee ou ‘| aytuned— bhiock pad — 2 The x picted us from ool at $45 am 1 Younavetobe 17 nthe UKio gota 2 eee driving 2. Tleft the house early because the trafic said there were long delays. 3. Mark and Rosie turned __ the main road and stayed the night ina beautiful old village 3. We need to stop at a petrol soon. ot win ©) off ae esca tts ost Taxa arava a 4 We wanted to miss the traffic so we __off early. history of the castle @) came by set ©) went 5 It costs a lot of money to take a helicopter B Tes meant __ fon ook pa had coffe ed ala, _____ over London. a) on vyout on 6 tis usually quicker to buy one from the 6 You can't __in yet. Tm not ready ticket a) come v) went © picked 7 The car ‘was full this morning. 8 Wegoton a sailing, and went to lots oflittle islands. v TVW Ge emeeech eer “3 Students Bok page Grammar reference Unit Stodents Book page 154 _ (happen) many years ago. My friend Nick and | a) (2) (stay) in Prague. We decided to visit some old friends in the town of Jicin, At the bus station the next morning, while Nick (3) _ (buy) some food and water, | (4) ___ (ask) the woman at the information desk Which bus stop we needed. She (5) {tell) me to run to stop number 10,Thebus (6) (leave) in two minutes. (7) (find) Nick and we got on the bus. Two hours later, we arrived. We looked at the map in our guidebook and tried to find Masaryk Street. Our friends lived at number 23, But the map wasn't very good. While we (8) cae (walk) through the town, we (9) (get) lost. After 30 minutes, we Goes ind) Masaryk Street and rang number 23, o ‘A woman answered the door. 2 We asked her about our friends. ‘Are you sure they live in Décin?” she asked. ‘DBin? Not Jigin?” ‘We were in the wrong town! LISTENING | Gap fil Silden Book page 40 y GBD 61s xisten to a tour guide speaking about (EJ hos Listen again and choose the correct bus tour and write one word in each gap. numbers. 1 Toor name: Brighton Past and _ 1 The tours are hours 15 minutes /4 hours 50 minutes 2 They started building the Pavilion in 1787 / 1877. $5 ‘They finished bulldng iin 1092 / 1822. i} 4 The 1360 is 116/162 metres high. 2. Name of driver: 3 Length of pier: _ im. HE) Cis: tiston again. For each question, write the correct answer in the gap. ‘Write one word ora number ora date or a time. You will heara tour guide talking to a walking tour. ame oftour (Brighton Prstane__Brsent—_— Name of tour guide: (2). Building of Royal Pavilion: (8) fom 1787 fo Length ofpler (A) moog Aativty afer larch: (5) | z : a a ae Tu {Coty 1) el ‘if 4) > Student's Book, page 42 GBD Pur the words in the correct order to make phrases asking someone to repeat. 4 Lwouldn't mind going on a cycling holiday 3 Travelling by coach isn't very comfortable, don't/ sorry /1/ understand /1'm ‘mean /What / you /do/? 2. Cruises are good for older people, but not for teens. Did you bring the backpack? explain /you/ please / Could /? that / could / again / Please / say / you /? 2 Onyourway [4 WD Answer the questions for you. 1 What do you always take with you when you go on holiday? 2, What do you like to do when you are on holiday? 3. Where is your favourite place to go on holiday? Why? | 4 What do you like to buy when you are on holiday? Which of these things do you take on holiday? Explain why. 1 When I goon holiday always take GD choose the best answer. WD) Read the article. For each question, choose the correct answer. 1 Check that you have your __ before you go to the airport co - - a) paper bypassport. ey plans Northern adventure 2 My brother can't come with us on because In Apri 2016, 10 adventurous scents from he's studying for his exams. Edinburgh, Scotland, began a 100 km (1) __to the a) ip bybreak «holiday | North Pole, They @) lots of exorcise to prepare 3 We__ sightseeing unti it got dark and then theirbodies forthe adventure before they left. They we had dinner skied across ice and (3)__in very cold weather ae = eee for 10 days to get there, They didn't take a lot with er ee ae them = only a backpack each, During ther trip, — they ate local (4) ___ prepared by the Inuit people. a) carry bysit ©) stand When they (§) at the North Pole they were all 5 Comeon! Lets __ the city! feeling very (6) but also very ted, aye byexpiore © waver 6 Our friends are waiting for us at the bus __ 1 A tour B holiday C journey 2) port by centre station «2 Adid Bimade —C went 3 A for Bsnow — C wind 4 Amens —Bbowls dishes 5 Asmrved — Boame ——_C finished 6 Acxcited —-Baifficut —_C favourite eg cia Z * 4 33) WRITING | Guided x Sua ook AAS) UTA CHE LS GBD Read tne exam task and student answers A and B. TST = ‘Then complete the checklist for A and B. Te hi rom ® [Fr -eE| Read this email from your friend, Julio. Hello Julio, We went with plane. We flew from madrid, It wasnt very long. | don’t like aeroplans. Guido TET = we “io Hi Julio, mountains, Huvr long aid ie toke? ''m on holiday in the Pyrenees Spain. We arrived Carla yesterday. We flew to the city of Girona and the flight took about two hours. Where did you go on holiday ‘this summer? How did you get there? I want to Mykonos. tsa Greekisland and twos amazing. We flew'to Athens ‘and then took a boat to the land. Because the sea was warm and clean, Teould swim every day ‘All the questions are answered Ws easy to understand what the Write 25 words or more. Write an email to Julio and answer the questions. ‘writer means, ‘There are no spelling mistakes. ‘A.word needs a capital letter W) keaa the example answer. There are five mistakes. Correct them. because itis a nant os ‘There is an apostrophe missing from a contraction, ‘There is a mistake with a preposition, roe] From wes Hi Julio, i |Lwent in mexico, We travelled there by plane. The fly was five hours. ‘We stayed in a big hotel next the beach and ate fish every day. | didnt want to leave. Ricardo W) waite your email in answer to Julio's email. QE} Now check your email using the Write 25 words or more. checklist below. {L] thave answered al the questions clearly. (Dts easy to understand what f mean, {LJ thave checked for speling mistakes. [J tnave checked my punctuation [7] thave checked my grammar ee eee PROGRESS CHECK GD nisien to make sentences eee con seray ana: Rea eteere (he b)statlon at 030 inthe morning Theme took Oe aaa ee rei a ‘When the trafic Daves vival oud bs ay ae cia allag Deal vrata are altee ‘There was a lot of traffic, so they decided to turn f) off over two hours late, realy enjoyed tne hlcptr 8 offon one noe Tes oot oe ood ce bese ae et aren 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 Niece tt coe, ee al a Wap otaied tance a)inside ___b) outside ¢) above, ‘ACOs ltt wo loge baa ay walked To werewate Rete re ee te al peep ee wes finding 9 Ande ee cat con keith ot s)in ont ot above ont TSH Vienne Hele ae ‘pinging owes anges rece lmeranerinn Din oat ey ai torn wai tee rc et aes one i pu kn ed eu a Stora: sue Voie ovale Cumulative progress 1 2 3 4/5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 Write one word in each gap to complete the text, Do you know any strange tourist attractions? Last week, we asked our readers this question. Our favourite reply was fom 18-year-old Margarit ‘rom Mexico City. ‘Last summer, my family and were (2) __liay in the USA. We flew to Boston to visit my cousins, While we (2). staying there, | (3) to really strange museurhy One afternoon, | (4) ‘walking back to my cousin's house wien I saw a poster for the Museum of Bad Art. There was a funny picture ofa ‘dog onthe poster, The museum is quite dificult to find because it's below ‘theatre and it opens (5) the same time asthe theatre. But it was (6) ity cousins! house so | decided to go, When | got (7) ‘the woman inthe ticket office said | could go @) for fee. Inside there were different exhibitions | spl ‘an hour there and | looked (9) some relly awful and funny Pe of armas pple ae paces Bu Tae nnteretg mise en ‘every picture was important tothe person (10) 36 shidens Bok p99 48 49 GD Look at the texts (1-3) and write the correct name of the text type. [al nen etme Hi Max ) ‘Are you going to the technology exhibition on Saturday? Anna is | ‘meeting me there, Do you want to come with us? Jack asta a oro welt bout Cera een poker Ase Tt aun fl ee, Museum trip _Your parents must complete. ie forms, Ple WD Por each text in Exercise 1, tick the sentence that is correct. 4-4) Jock In going to the exhibition, ’b) Anna isn't going to the exhibition, ©) Jack is sure that Max is going to the exhibition, 2. a) Ben must talk to Mr Jones fn their lesson, 'b) Mr Jones teaches Ben at 12 o'clock. ©) Ben can see Mr Jones when school finishes, 3 a) Students should fill in the forms themselves, 1b) The forms can be given to the school on Friday. 6) The students arrive back from the museum on Friday. Gl lsc) lel al. Ee W) complete the sentences with a name from Exercise 1. 1 ___ should say what his plans are for Saturday. 2. Jack is definitely going to the exhibition with i _ should decide when to go see es _ is available at midday. 5 should return the forms to the school 6 Only can complete the forms. Hue oY Wu HiZoe, 1've uploaded my concert photos. I think the band looks great! ‘What do you think? I've Shared ‘them on Instagram, 1 What stwuld Zoe do? A tell Ron about the concert B give Ron her opinion about the photos C ask Ronif she can see the concert photos id@6-making club Tuesday, Thursday 7pm Call Francis after 6pm for formation ~ 021 049 S64 2. A Phone in the evening for dotals about the club, B Find out when the club meets in the week, © Ask Francis how to start a cub. T= = 5 From you were telling me about yesterday? Can you give me a link to the new {HBSS I think it sounds really cool. Thanks! 3. What should Cate do? A tell Dean about a new website B send Dean an internet address € thank Dean for some information 4 film people often watch on a computer small computers you can carry around —__ put something on social media for others to see have a conversation with someone online (©) For each question, choose the correct answer. faeries) CPSU CnC acai Eva Coe uae Cat 10% discount for first repai 4A New customers can get something repaired at the weekend, B New customers can buy new computers at a discount during weekdays € New customers can get something fixed at a cheaper price Hi Molly Sorry, | can't go to the video-game club tomorrow. it OK ifwe -g0 on Saturday instead after my music lesson? one) be ———— 5A Sammy doesn’t want to go with Molly. B Sammy prefers music to video games. © Sammy wants to change their plans. To: ara . rk |don'tknow what to get Tom for his birthday next week cat aord anything eopenive Areyouttee oii now?" 6 What should Lara do? A ell Nick ifshe Is able wo talk 10 him B let Nick know what she has bought for'Tom's birthday € look for something to buy that doesnt cost alot GD Fina words in the texts which match these definitions, a place on the internet with information about a particular subject after you have sent a file or song from your computer to a website 37 GD choose the correct words. ‘There were some / any people at the station waiting for the train. ‘A few / Much people were checking their phones on the bus. How many / much did your new laptop cost? ‘Alot of / Many my friends listen to music online, ‘There aren't a few / many computer games that I ike. Do you know if many / much people read newspapers? ‘Sheana took any /a few photos of Barcelona at the weekend, haven't got much / any'likes‘for my last YouTube video yet. W) Look at the table about how teenagers use their phones. ‘Then choose the best answer to complete each sentence, ‘Amy Chung [Petra ‘Emails sent 0 2 5 Photos shared | 12 En 2 ‘Messages received | 15 2 7 Songs streamed | 9 15 4 ‘Apps downloaded _|1 o a ‘Time online Shows [éahous | 7.8 hours 1 Chung shared ___photos with his friends. 5 Amy spent time online ab alittle vplots Qalotot a) many wyalittle any 2 Petra downloaded __ apps. 6 Chung sent __ emails. a) many ba few alittle a)afew vyalittle 9) many 3 Amy didn't send __ emails. 17 Petra didn't stream _ songs. a) many vyany some a) any ya few © many 4 Petra received __ messages. '& Amy shared __ photos. | ayalotof —_-b) some ©) much, a) some ) much, alittle v | GBD complete the words in the sentences. The first letter is there to help you. YoU eos teaeetu tl "> Students Book page 13 Vocabulary fren Students Book, page 165 Ppa MOU | eg Te ht ey treet hee ips Tumelyfose_______ tan wien ole W) decide which word does not go with the first word. 1 player=CD/ MP3/ DVD /mobite 5. phone mobile DVD / ell /camera 2 web~address /page/ file /site 4 computer file /sit /sotware/ personal Technology tks ler ae es 1. Excuse me, I need toa phone call 4 Gerard doesn't usually ___conversations with, a) make by open 9 send people he doesn't know. 2. Alinis staying in to__a lm ay take by watch, ©) start a) start ieweed, — OS yatch 5 Do you prefer to buy software from a shop or __ 3 Can you __a photo of me in front of is Som gees, the palace? a)download by make take Sy aber by take aap 6 Can you wait while T__ Ricky a text message about tonight? a) send b) take 9) make GRAMMAR 2 | ‘Std Book page 53. Grammarreernce Unit's, ident Book page 155 xy 15} Pye een ae — GD complete the sentences using the comparative or superlative form of the adjectives in brackets. 41.-My new laptop is much 5 Bveryone says this is (fast) than my old one. (easy) messaging app to use. 2. This is one of (g00d) 6 There areso many Dlogs T know. (interesting) blogs to read than that one 3 Tusually spend a lot oa a Ts__(expensive) mobile (ong) online than my parents do. phone you can buy. 4. Their new website looks 8 Rock musi (popular) {attractive) than their last one. ‘than jazz music. WD) Look at tne information about different tablets. Then write sentences using the prompts and the ‘comparative or superlative form of the adiectives in brackets. SaphoraX2__ [Wave 4.1 Kiwi7 ‘Screen size | i9em ‘22cm Bem Howheavy? | 6508 4655 0758 Price, £150 £129 e179 ‘How popular? | 355,000 sold | 1.2 million sold | 856,000 sold ‘Example: Saphora X2 / Kiwi 7 (small) 5 Saphora X2 / Kiwi 7 (light) The Saphora X2 is smaller than the Kiwi z 1. Wave 4.1 (cheap) 6 Kiwi 7 (expensive) 2. Kiwi 7/ Saphora X2 (popular) 7 Wave 4.1 /Saphora X2 (big) 3 Saphora X2/Wave 4.1 (heavy) 4 Wave 4.1 (popular) (a) LISTENING | 3-opti ) Students Book page 52) GBD choose tne correct words. 1 Are you prefer / Do you prefer to use a computer or books in the lasstoom? 2 Iget best /the best advice from my friends 3 Do you prefer to talk / talking on the phone or sending text messages? 41 don't read comic books. I prefer watch / to watch funny videos online 5 prefer reading interesting books to / or surfing the net 6 Online shopping is fun! That's why /‘That’s reason I preterit, Mas oeN eet} 3 y's phone? <})ts-¥ou will hear people talking in five Ane eel ere different situations. For questions 1-5, thoose the right answer (A, B or C). 1 What time was the party? nm eeeee “Student's Book, page 54 WD complete the sentences with the words in the box. [eer] espe | ster interestng [ihr [most boring] worse | 1 Ttake photos with my new camera. The pictures are much from this cameral 2 prefer using a tablet. I and ‘than a laptop. 3 T'mgoing to the cinema, Ihtope the film is more__than the one I saw last week. 4 Thought a new printer last month. It was the ‘one in the shop. 5 We usually play football, 'm not good but my brother's than me! 6 Iwent toa match. Itwas the ‘match I've ever seen, I went home early. WD) Use the words to make questions about preferences. 1 you/ prefer /tablets /PC8/? 2 you/ ike / chat online /? 3. you/ prefer / go out / stay at home /? TTT soe Student's Book, page 55, y GED cnoose tne correct word. OKC amg Wo 2 Tlike ourproject ut thetr hers is beter. 3 ‘Are al the students here?”No, only some of them they 4: These / Those git over there are my sisters 5 This is a/ the great fim, Have you sen it before? 6 Tdon't have much / many photos ofthe scoot iis 17 This / That building past the supermarket i where my dad works mere are oniy afew / tot ontine sites tat shop at 9 This phone is OK but prefer an the oer one 10 Come here. Lucy and look at these /those shoes Do yu lke them? W) complete the conversations with one ‘word in each gap. Use articles, pronouns, possessives and quantifiers, ‘Az s this your phone? B:Yes. its 2. A: Isaw a great film last night. B: What was called? 3 A:Can you call Monica back? B:Thaven't got umber, 4 A: How often do you check your emails? B:Icheck, every day, 5 A: Which do you think is better? B smaller one. 6 A: We haven't got time, B: OK let's hurry ‘Technology als WB) Waite your answers to the questions in Exercise 2. WD) For tnese questions, write the correct answer in each gap. Write ONE word in ‘each gay rm To: Oa ari as ai ae Hi Olivia | was really busy last week so | am sorry, | didnot email you sooner, How are you and how were (1}__exams? hope | you did well! We haven't had ours yet, 50 1™m studying hard, but need a breakt There's (2) new comedy film | want to see. Iwaiched the advertisement for it on YouTube and it’s really funny! @) you like to come to the cinema with (4) (on Saturday? Maybe we could get (5) to eat first. Text me and let me know. (6)___ is my new mobile number ~ (07922 788906. Don't lose it! sally a WRITING | Picture story > Student's Book, pages 56-57. GBD choose the best answer (a, b or). 1. She chatted with her friend___she went to bed last night a) before bY next ©) afterwards 2 They saw the film and __ they talked about it. b) afterwards ¢) next she 3 My friend Sue called me at Spm then__ aly I aybefore —_b) next o later 4. We drove for hours and_we arrived at midnight a) fest by snatly _e) next 5 only met them once, __,Tnever saw them again ayAfterthat byLater —_€) Before WD Pur ine events (A-D) in the correct order (0-4) and then answer the question. A. That's why they decided to watch videos, B They found some really funny ones on YouTube. € twas a cold and rainy Saturday. D So they couldn't go out. i 28 pare: Shee a | ‘Which is the introductory sentence that sets the scene? GB) Now rewrite the story from Exercise 2 Make sure you write 35 words or more. | Do the following to make the story longer: ‘give names to the characters | ‘= use linking words where possible ‘+ add your own ideas to the story | WP book at tnis exam task and pictures, Make notes to answer questions 1-5 4. Where does the story happen? 2. How can you make the characters interesting? 3. Which tenses should you use? 4. Which words or phrases from this unit could you use? 5 How many words do you need to write? Look at the three pictures. Write the story shown in the pictures. Write 95 words or more. @ Plan Pian your story. Use the table to help you. Who Where | What Picture 1 a Picture 2 Picture 3 GB Write write your story in an appropriate style, Write 35 words or more. GD Check Before you nand in your story, ‘complete this checklist. (11 rve totiowea my writing plan, [Ly tve writen an introductory sentence (Ei rve written about tne three pictures. [Lj re used the correct tenses. [7] ree used tining words [Ly te used a good range of vocabulary (Bj rve written 354 words [ve checked my speling grammar and punetoation PROGRESS CHECK GBD choose the best answer to complete cach sentence. HE Choose the correct words. ‘Todd lef the room because he needed toa phone call, 1 How much / many texts do you a)make ——byalve ©) open receive every ay? Mario downloaded some new to edit photos 2 Ned doesn't usually send any /some ayscreens —_b) fle ©) sofware Con pe RG Please the fle on your desktop, Pepa Oa the shop, 2) ke, Pee LN ‘The new computer was alot fast / Please turn off your __ phones when you're in the exam. fabtee HRA Ted bn a) mobile by tablet MP3 ia hoae (get (ow /eauch oncy Can you __ my photo in front ofthe bridge? left after she bought her new phone. a) make by take do ‘These digital cameras are cheap / ‘There are lots of good websites that let you _ music, cheaper than they were to years ago. Hy peed cy hing en tir etre twas the most / more expensive ‘Turn on the __ player and we can wateh the film, Peiatente Pe ae ‘i ah ‘There aren't many / any students aa 2 ee ‘without smartphones, but there are Chris often __ conversations with people he meets i hee the street. a) sends b) opens starts ‘The __in the new driving game are very realistic. a)graphics by screens ¢) files Can you ___me a text when you leave the party? a) make dyaive send Cumulative progress 1 2 3 4 5/6 78 9 10 1) 12, WE) Read the text below and choose the correct word to fill each gap. A truly connected world (Do your parents ever ask you where you are going when you go (1)? Do they sometimes askyou to go tothe shops because thereisn' @) ik, bread or e995? Are they ever angry because you forget to Zum something of? Yes? Soon, al these problems wil bo over when wo stat using the inte for these tings ‘These days, (@) __of the things that we buy and use can be ‘connected tothe internet. Fist, there were smariphones and smart TVs. Recent, the heating, tho ights and windows in a home have all bean able to be connected tothe intemet. And now, you can buy a fridge that automaticaly (4) __photos of ‘everything inside it whenever you close it and sends ths photo fo your smartphone, But thal’ not. vary year, a milion more things are becoming connected (8) __ the internet. Mecicine boxes that tll you when to take your medicine and (6) __a message to your doctor wen you don't, aid cars that tell our homes when we are getting (7) _home, so they can tum on the heating or prepare a hot bath for us. ‘Now parents can connect their children to the internet. There are @ number of diferent smart watches for children that ‘can (8) _ their locations to their parents’ mobile phones. But how popular wil this new technology be with children and teenagers? 1 Ain Bout 5 Aon 2A many. B some 6 A give 3 Aa B many : 7 A back 4 A takes B makes 8 A take > 4 [6] name Al \ Pee een 1 eee 2 i 1 | 5 : 5 ‘ w ‘Students BOOK paces 58-59 GBD complete the sentences with the correct inking words from the box. also] because | but | finally for example |o | then T would like to buy a new pair of boots Thaven't got much money. She looked for ages and found the perfect bag! She was so happy! Tlook at new fashions online and sn magazines. willbe at the library until Spm, can't go shopping this afternoon. W, Read the online articte about the different colours we wear. Five sentences have been removed from the text (below). For each question, choose the correct answer. There are three extra sentences which you do not need to use. ‘A Perhaps that’s why many police officers wear this colour uniform, B Also, try wearing two colours together © So make sure you support the right one! D However brown isn't very popular with teenagers F Because its a strong colour you only need to 5 Gina likes to wear very bright colours, _ yellow and pink, F You either work very hard on something or do 6 Choose the clothes you want to buy and eaning at click on “Buy’next to the item, G Finally, remember that clothes are like the cover 7 Alot of people shop online _ itis efonons Wises H For example, when you want to look your best. ‘Match the highlighted words in the text to pictures (1-6). fave you ever thought about the colour of-nothing’ person, ‘two opposite sple will dyou will look ss! Maybe that’s. vant girl, perhaps and honest Have you: about this y Caer (6) e lots of Ieit? Did y in ther colo1 sound like itis tru -yello think pec ‘what colours | youw ‘one of his socks and he doesn't know where itis. Brittany all of the dresses in the shop. WD) complete the email with the present perfect form of the verbs in brackets. esi = rom: (Jen eases] ses ec a HiManu, [rm having a great time in New York. There so much to do and so many grat shops. 1()___(go) shopping every day. 1{2)__{buy) two new T-shirts, ‘a skitand some beautfl shoes We @) (visit some ofthe most famous places incucing Manhattan and the Empire ‘State Bulging. 1) never —t@00) so mary tal bung before. We (6) {nat go) to onwral Park becauseit(@)——— (rain) every day. Buk doesn't mater We have gota few more days hee. mou ever__(wattch) American Football? My uncle (0) (9) us Some tickets to a game tomorow. realy don't understand it tal ‘See you next week. (8) {not forget i's your birthday and | (10) ~ find) someting just know yout ov. ‘See you soon, Jenny W) choose the correct words. 1 Efe: Have you ever / never shopped in 4 Sue: Have you ever / never lost your wallet? London? Mick: Yes, have. Iost mine on holiday ‘Alin; No, [haven't Tve ever / never been last year to London 5 Fal Have you ever / never bought anything “ave you ever / never worn a cop before? from that department store? 2 Yes, Ihave. [usually wear one when I Viad: No, Thaven't. Ive ever /never play tennis been there 3 Dev: Do you know where the men’s gloves are? 6 Hector: Have you ever / never worn an Kim; No I don't Ive ever / never been to this orange skirt? shop before Paula: Yes, Thave. Iwore one last week. — GBD Read the definitions and write the cormect words, The fist letter is there to help you, You can we histo py for something when you havent got cash. : 2. The shop assistant gives you this when you pay for something. 3A large shop with lots of different parts, a s 4 This person sponds money in a shop. 5 Another word for money. c_ 6 A large building with many different shops insides ¢ 7 The money T got back when I gave the assistant €5 for a magazine that cost €3.50,¢___ 8 This shop sells lots of different food, 9 An outside place for people to sell and buy things. mm ‘This person goes shopping. ¢_ W complete the sentences with the prepositions in the box. [Back [aown [ror am ton | 1 Iwrote, in my notebook. v GD compiete the sentences with the past simple or present perfect forms of the verbs in brackets. the homework for tomorrow 1 Marie___(be)to Paris five times. The last time she (buy) me this jacket. (wey une dress 2 Bile last year but she (not wear) it very often. soa ae Spiced gers a) to the shops this morning? T. (not hear) from him all day. 4 We _ (open) the shop last year We (sell) lots of T-shiris 51 (see) so many people wearing his Tshirts. think they i (get) them at the concert last week. CWP cence ‘> Student’s Book, page 63> Grammar reference, Unit 6 Student's Book page 156) 2. Every morning, Leanne puts her shoes before she leaves the house. 3 Ttook the dress 4 Don't forget to pay you leave the shop. 5 Take 6 Tnever pay with a credit card when I go shopping I prefer to pay. cash, to the shop. ‘that scarf before __ your shoes in the house, GW) complete the sentences with the correct form of the words in the box, [be Leateh (% 2) [do | for |g0 keep | save | 1 Where can the bus to the station? 2 Mum used to let me the change when T did the shopping, 3 Tomis ‘money to buy some more trainers. 4 Thate. shopping on Saturdays. I's so busy everywhere. 5 Mum asked ifwe could __ shopping on our way home. 6 Jenny saw some beautiful shoes in the shopping centre. 7 We the last bus home and went straight to bed. 8 Have you ever the shopping in London? WD) complete the conversation with the correct form of the verbs in brackets ‘Mitchell: I really like your new T-shirt, Where (pease you (get) i? Ella: TQ) a (buy) it last week at Vintage, te new shop on West Street, Mitchell: 1) (not be) there. What's it El a) (open) ‘two weeks ago and its realy cool, Mitchell: (5) you —____ buy) anything else there since then? Ella: No, Thaven't.1 (6) (be) really busy this week with the school magazine and fe ‘much time to go shopping, (not have) a7 | Student's Book, page 62.) GBD <1) Read the question and underline the ‘key words. Then listen to the conversation and choose the correct answer. What happened to the boy's wallet? A He lst it. B The driver took it. His grandad gave it to him, WD now read the conversation and underline ‘the words that helped you answer the question in Exercise 1. Kim; Have you found your wallet, Aaron? “Aaron: Yes, Ihave. Tt was on the bus. The bus driver found it under a seat. I'm really lucky. My grandad gave me that wallet, so it’ really important to me. Kim: I'mreally glad you found it. WW) ©)» ror each question, choose the correct answer: 1 You will hear a boy, Ben, talking to his mother. ‘What does she want Ben to do? ‘A buv cheaper sports kit B stop playing football C take better care of his boots v GBD Look at the pictures and answer the question, Do you like these different styles? Why / Why not? SPEAKING | Discussion (pictures) > Student’s Book, page 64 WD write your answers to the questions below. 1 Do you like to wear the latest fashion? Why / ‘Why not? 2. Who do you like to go clothes shopping with? 3. Where do you buy your clothes? 4 Do your parents disagree with you about the clothes you wear? THe cee mats) 2. You will hear a shop assistant talking to a ‘customer. ‘What isthe customer not allowed to do? ‘A return some clothes B take more than five pieces of clothing to try on € try on the rea Tshirt 3. You will hear two friends talking about a shirt. ‘What does the git] tell the boy to do with the shirt? A keep it B not returnit to the shop change it for one thatis the same 4 You will hear a customer ina shoe shop. ‘What isthe problem with the shoes? A. They're too small B She doesn't like the colour © The style isn’t attractive 5 You will hear two friends talking about a jacket ‘Why is the boy wearing the jacket? A Its his jacket. B He borrowed it. € Tt looks nice with the scart. WNT ae ‘5 Stlden’s Book, page 65 POR NemeNe eet Gi) water the sist part of each sentence 1-10 with the end a-j. 1 My friends and T usually go ___ adoff our jackets. 2. Lwant new boots so I'm saving ) cash for the dress. 3 Thanks very much and please keep —— _ Sonyour scarf as it's cold outside. 4 [have enough money in my wallet to pay in 4@) shopping on Saturdays. 5 Talways look for clothes that are for ——_ @the bus to the shops. 6 T's hot in here so let's take fy the change. 7 When my mum does — - @int, 8 Ifyou haven't got enough money for your coffee, Ican pay ____‘h) money for them, 9 don't want to walk, so let's catch —— i) the shopping, I always help. 10 You shoula put 1) salen the shops. I Compete the sentences with the correct words. 1 Mum uses her ¢ __whenever she buys something ontine. is always busy because there are so many shops there. ——— have tobe very polite to the customers, Tel ___ in ourtown isa nuge building 5 More and more people are choosing 0 Decause it's so easy to do fom nome 6 Ion! spend all of my p as soon as gett but my brother does. For each question, choose the correct answer. The new shoppers For the frst time in history, teenagers have so much ‘cash to (1)__ on themselves. Their parents give ‘them pocket money and some of them also have Jobs like babysitting, I's great when they can (2) __ ‘or the things they want themselves. Teenagers enjoy going shopping and (@}___on clothes. They also love (4) _ and spend a lot on computer ‘games and mobile phones, They've got ‘spending power’ and companies want thom to buy their products, To get teenagers to do this, companies (@ social media and calobyities. When ‘teenagers see their favourite stars on Instagram ‘wearing the (6) trainers, for example, they ‘want them too. 1A give B spend © have 2A pay B buy © take 3A costing B changing _trying 4A digital —-B technology internet 5A open —-B cash © use 6 A latest —-B earliest © expensive

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