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A Community Learning Project Tutoring Grade 2 pupils in

their Mathematics Subject

Ancheta, Janevie
Bitagan, John Michael
Derit, Alyssa Jaimee
Domingo, Richelle Vhien
Sarong, Joycebel

-Academic Year 2022-2023-

I. Executive Summary

According to the preliminary findings of the Family Income and Expenditure Survey

(FIES) in 2021, 18.1 percent of Filipinos are considered to be living in poverty, which is

measured as the percentage of people whose per capita income is insufficient to cover their basic

food and non-food needs.Some parents find it difficult to spend enough time on their children's

education. As a result, their kids are far behind in learning things that they should have learned

by a certain age. At the young age of 7 to 8, pupils in grade 2 ought to be working on math

operations with more advanced techniques. In light of this circumstance, the tutoring intends to

teach the fundamental mathematical operations in a more engaging setting for 1 hour each day
while using visual aids, rewards, flashcards, and tests to evaluate the pupil's development.This

project seeks to help low-income families or parents by providing voluntarily free tutoring while

also enhancing the pupil's development and comprehension of the fundamentals of mathematics.

II. Project Background

Social scientists have acknowledged the significance of an individual's family's

socioeconomic status (SES) as a factor affecting children's academic achievement since at least

the mid-1960s (Coleman et al., 1966). It is widely accepted in the research literature that pupil’s

that are socioeconomically disadvantaged do worse on examination of schools achievement than

more advantaged classmates. Due to the fact that both parents are employed and there is no one

to mentor this pupils in their academic pursuits, having a low socioeconomic position can

impact a student's success in school. Which according to Zhang (2003) children in low-income

environments are significantly more likely to be absent throughout their academic careers,

increasing the achievement gap with their more wealthier peers.

In many cultures, the oldest form of teaching was provided by children in-home tutors or

private instructors (Shahanan, 1998). Tutoring is a form of educational support whether one-on-

one or in small groups. It possesses study abilities and information in the subject matter to apply

that knowledge to educate others. Learning abilities, confidence, and subject comprehension can

all be enhanced by working with a tutor. Unlike a crowded classroom, tutoring gives students the
one-on-one attention they require to succeed. Pupils who struggle to stay up, whether they are

under or over-challenged, benefit from tutoring.

Math tutoring programs intended to improve fundamental mathematical operations have

been developed over the past 20 years. Children use math in their daily lives. Mathematics

teaches pupils how to use and comprehend shapes, as well as how to solve problems, measure,

and develop their spatial awareness. In second-grade mathematics, children start working with

larger numbers and get a better knowledge of place value. Additionally, students are taught how

to measure, operate with money, and tell the time. For a variety of complex psychological,

educational, and societal factors, some children find it difficult to develop the intellectual

abilities required for school participation. Respectively, they face the risk of being illiterate,

underemployed, and unprepared in the future.

Given this, it's essential to understand how volunteer tutoring improves every pupil's

academic performance, particularly those students who have low socioeconomic status and are

struggling with financial concerns. By efficiently tutoring grade 2 math without the families of

the pupil’s needing to pay for tutors, a solution can be found that will benefit tutors and students

alike. The tutors will gain by being able to broaden their knowledge of study skills and acquire

up a range of abilities that will be in demand with prospective companies, while the students will

gain by learning the fundamentals of math operations that they can apply in their daily life.

Through this project, we aim to provide grade 2 students who are struggling financially due to

the socioeconomic situation of their family access to free tutoring so they may understand the

fundamentals of mathematics.roject
III. Solution and Approach

Project Goals Key Deliverables

1. To Conduct Individual a. Prepare Visual Aids
Tutoring to Grade 2 b. Give Reward on every
Pupil’s correct answers
c. Playful Environment
2. To Prepare Grade 2 Pupils a. Use Mathematical Flash
for Arithmetic Operations Cards
b. Utilize Quizzes for
Practices and Assessment


Target Date: Feb 6 2023 (Monday)

No. of Days 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

No. of Hours 1h 1h 1h 1h 1h 1h 1h 1h 1h 1h
V. Project Financials

Item Amount
Manila Paper 0.00
Paper 0.00
Pencil 0.00

Candy 0.00
Card Board/ Flash 0.00

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