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Designation: C42/C42M - 13, oreanaronas, Standard Test Method for emer Tar Os Snr Obtaining and Testing Drilled Cores and Sawed Beams of Concrete’ Sper ep encase cng ic hen veo apron "hs standard has een apne or ae by agencies of he US. Drparonen of Det Scope* 1.1 This test method covers obtaining, preparing, and test- ing cores drilled from concrete for length or compressive strength or spliting tensile strength determinations. This test ‘method is not applicable to cores from shoterete [Nene Test Method CIADMCIGDSM is applicable for obtaining repatng, and testing cores fom sotree. ‘Note 2—Appendix X1 provides recommendations for obtaining and testing sawed beams for Bera pesfannance 1.2 The values stated in either SU units or inch-pound units are to be regarded separately as standard, The values stated in cach system may not be exact equivalents; therefore, cach system shall be used independently of the other. Combining values from the wo systems may result in non-conformance with the standard, 1.3 The text of this standard references notes and footnotes that provide explanatory material. These notes and foatnotes (excluding those in tables and figures) shall ot be considered 1s requirements ofthe standard, 14 This standard does not purport to address the safety concerns, fans, associated with its use. It isthe responsibility lof the user ofthis standard 10 establish appropriate safety and health practices and determine the applicability of regulatory limisations prior to use. 2. Referenced Documents 2. ASTM Standards? (€39/C30M Test Method for Compressive Strength of Cytin- Arica! Conerere Specimens Covent nd Constee Assess an she ds repel of Suomi Cent ction sprovel Jn, 2013. bib Feary 2013. vil ‘For referenved ASTM stad, vist the ASTM website, wars ons. oF| yt AST Cute Sa wr A nk AM C7SICTEM Test Method for Flexural Strength of Concrete (Using Simple Beam with Third-Point Loading) C174/C174M Test Method for Measuring Thickness of Con- crete Elements Using Drilled Concrete Cores (C4961C496M Test Method for Splitting Tensile Strength of Cylindrical Concrete Specimens C6ITICSIIM Practice for Capping Cylindrical Concrete Specimens (C62 Test Method for Density, Absorption, and Voids in Hardened Concrete 0670 Practice for Preparing Precision and Bias Statements for Test Methods for Construction Materials C82VC82IM Practice for Examination and Sampling of Hardened Conerete in Constructions C123VC1231M Practice for Use of Unbonded Caps in Determination of Compressive Strength of Hardened Con- crete Cylinders (C1S42/C1542M Test Method for Measuring Length of Con- crete Cores C1604/C1604M Test Method for Obtaining and Testing Drilled Cores of Shotcrete nificance and Use 3.1 This test method provides standardized procedures for ‘obtaining and testing specimens to determine the compressive, splitting tensile, nd flexural strength of in-place concrete 32 Generally, test specimens are obtained when doubt ‘exists about the in-place concrete quality due either to low strength test results during construction or signs of distress in the structure. Another use ofthis method is to provide strength information on older structures, 3.3 Concrete strength is alfected by the location of the ‘conerete in structural element, with the conerete a the bottom tending be stronger than the concrete at the top. Core strength is also affected by core orientation relative wo the horizontal plane of the concrete as placed, with strength tending to be lower when measured patallelt0 the horizontal A Summary of Changes section appears atthe end of this standard Aly cazicaam - 13 plane.” These factors shall be considered in planning the locations for obtaining. conerete samples and in comparing steength test cesulls 3.4 The strength of concrote measured by tests of cores is alfected by the amount and distribution of moisture in the specimen atthe time of test. There is no stindard procedure to condition @ specimen that will ensure that, at the time of test, it willbe in the identical moisture condition as conerete in the structure, The moisture conditioning procedures in this test ‘method are intended to provide reproducible moisture condi- tions that minimize within-laboratory and between-laboratory variations and to reduce the effects of moisture introduced during specimen preparation, 35 The measured compressive strength of a core will generally be less than that of a corresponding properly molded tnd cured standard cylinder tested atthe same age. For a given concrete, however, there is no unigue relationship between the strengths of these two types of specimens (see Note 3). The relationship is affected by many factors such as the strength level of the concrete, the in-place temperature and moisture histories, the degree of consolidation, batch-to-batch riability, the srength-gain characteristics of the concrete, the condition of the coring. apparatus, and the care used in removing cores. None 3A proved is avail for estimating the eauivalet elder strength fom a measured core strength” [Nowe 4—n the absence of core strength requirements of an appliable building code eof ther eonrctal ole docment tht ma ever the project, the specter of fest should establish in the pet speics Hons te aeeptanos enter for sore stents. A example of apne ‘ster for ce srngth is provided in ACL SIG which ae teed #0 ‘alunte cores taken to investigate Tow senglh test resus of stand rod einer ding consrstion,Ascondng to ACI SIS, te cones represent hy the cores i considered sturaly equi the average ftength of tee cores eat least 5 of the speci sength no Single core srength less thin 75° ofthe specify nent, 3.6 The specifier ofthe tests” referenced inthis test method Js the individual responsible for analysis or review and eeptance of core test results. Nate S—Forinvesigation of ow suengih est els, ACI 318 defines the specifier of the tes asthe Heed design professional 3.7 The apparent compressive strength of conerete as mea- sured by a core i affected by the length-diameter ratio (L/D) of the core as tested and this must be considered in preparing core specimens and evaluating test results 4. Apparatus 41 Core Drill, for obtaining cylindrical core specimens \with diamond impregnated bits attached 10 a core barrel Nev, A. Core Tests: Easy 6 Rei, Net Easy 1 nee" Cicete “Gide for Ofuinng Cores and Inrpreting Compresive Seth Ress. scx HAs ic tt, PR DO, Fn HM > lng Coe Roqurenuns oe Staal Const an Coma" ACT 4.2 Saw; for timming ends of cores. The saw shall have 2 ‘diamond or slicon-carbide cutting edge and shall be capable of ‘eulting cores without introducing cracks or dislodging aggre- zate particles, 4.3 Balance, accurate to a least 5 x (0.01 Ib] 5. Sampling 5.1 General: 5.1.1 Samples of hardened conerete For use in the prepare tion of strength test specimens shall not be taken until the ‘concrete is song enough to permit sample removal without tlisturbing the bond between the mortar and the coarse aggre- gate (See Note 6 and Note 7). When preparing strength test specimens fom samples of hardened conerete, samples that have been damaged during removal shall not be sed unless the ‘damaged portion(s) are removed and the lengths of resulting test specimens satisfy the minimum length-diameter ratio requirement in 7.2, Samples of defective or damaged conerete that cannot be tested shall be reported along with the reason ‘that prohibits use of the sample for preparing strength test specimens [Note 6—Prctice C32(0823M provides guidance onthe deeloprent ‘of a sampling plan for eerie in constructions. Note ot posible wo spect 4 minimum age when concrete is sung enough to withstand damage dating veneval,Decause de seat a any age depends on the cuit Mistery and seength grade of the ‘concrete porte concrete shoul ot be remo before is 1 days oH he not practicable, removal of cones can proceed the ci surfaces do no display erosion of the moran and the exposed ‘oats aggregate pales are eine Hemi he motes est ‘methods ay be tse etna the level of engi development prior to utempting removal of concrete samples. 5.1.2 Except as provided in 5.1.3, cores containing embed- ‘ded reinforcement, excluding fibers or other embedded objects shall not be used for determining strength of concrete 3.1.3 IF It is not possible to prepare a test specimen that rmeets the requirements of 7.1 and 7.2 and that is free of ‘embedded reinforcement or other metal, the specifier of the {ests is permitted to allow testing of cores with embedded metal Gee Now 8). Ifa core tested for strength contains embedded ‘metal, the size, shape, and location of dhe metal ssithin the core shall be documented in the test report. None 3 The presence of tes! reinforcement exer han Hes or oer ‘meds metal in core can aft the meine songth" Thee re innit data derive rlble conection factors hat eon be applic 0 the measured strength o account for em rentncement perpen Tar othe core ani testing of cores conning embeded ence is permis couiecrng judgments required tases the sinifcance of the ross The spectro the tests show not pemit acre he ested fo steogi if bar rwinforement or eer elangated embeded eta ‘objet i oriented close parle 6 the coe ais 5.2 Core Drilting—When a core will be tested to measure ‘concrete strength, the cote shall be riled perpendicular to the Gaymie. RD, fst of Hori Reig Selon the Sten of| ae! Cyd” obi aa Petes four of the Annan Caner once Socety Working Pury. “Coucete Coxe Tosing wore fy cazcaam - 13 surface and atleast 150 mm (6 in. away from formed joints or obvious edges ofa unit of deposit (see Note 9). This minimum tistance does not apply to the formed boundaries of structural members, Record the approximate angle between the longitu tinal axis of the drilled core and the horizontal plane of the concrete as placed. A specimen drilled perpendicular to a vertical surface, or perpendicular to a sloping surface, shall be taken from near the middle of a unit of deposit when possible, If cores are obtained for purposes other than determination of strength, drill cores in accordance with the instructions pro: vided by the specifier of the ests. Record the date core was Urilled. If known, record the date when conerete was placed. Nowe 9 The intent 1 avo ding coves non representative concrete tat my exist nea Formed joins ore Boublary of wit a plaseren 3 Slab Removal—Remove a slab suficiently large to secure the desired test specimens without the inclusion of any concrete that has been cracked, spalled, undercut, or otherwise damaged. DRILLED CORES 6. Measuring the Length of Drilled Cores 6.1 Cores for determining the thickness of pavements, slabs, walls of other structural elemeats shall have a diameter of at least 4 mim [3.70 in.] whem the lengths of such cores are stipulated 0 be measured in accordance with Test Method C174C174M, When core length for determining the thickness of a member is not required to be measured in accordance with Test Method C174/C174M, core diameter shall be as directed by spectier of tests 62 For cores that are not intended for determining structural «dimensions, measure the longest and shortest lengths on the cut surface along ines parallel to the core axis. Record the average length to the nearest 5 mm {4 in} 7. Cores for Compressive Strength 7. Diameter: TAA Except as provided in 7.1.2, the diameter of core specimens for the determination of compressive strength shall be at least 94 mm [3.70 in.] or atleast two times the nominal ‘maximum size of the coarse agaregate, whichever is larger, 7.1.2 IF limited member thickness makes it impossible to jobiain cores with Iength-diameter ratio (L/D) of a least L0 or if elear distance between reinforcement is limited, core diam. eters less than 94 mm (3.70 ine] ate not prohibited. Ifa core iameter les than 94 mm [3.70 in.) is used, report the reason, Note 10—The compressive sueagths of wminal 3-m 2a} dame «ter cares re know oe somewhat we and toe variable han those Df nominal 100m [in| diameter cores. in iGon, smaller ater ore, appa tbe more sive W the eet of the length Samet 72 Length 7.2.1 Except as provided in 7.2.2, te preferred length of the capped or ground specimen is between 1.9 and 21 times the "Danie FM and Nacieg J “fe of Core Dime on Conte ‘one Senge” ACY Marat oud S91, No.5, Sepenbes-Osr 15, diameter Ifthe ratio of the length to the diameter (L/D) of the ‘core exceeds 21, reduce the length of the core so thatthe ratio ‘of the capped or pround specimen is between 1.9 and 2.1, Core specimens with length-diameter ratios equal to or less than 1195 require corrections to the measured compressive strength (Gee 7.9.1). A strength correction factor is not required for L/D greater than 1.75, Acore having a maximum length of less than 95 % of its diameter before capping or a length less than its diameter after capping, rimming, or end grinding shall not be tested 7.2.2 If the compressive strengths of cores are to be com pared with specified strengths based on standard concrete ‘cubes, cores shall be tested with L/D. after end preparation, in the range of 1.00 to 1.05 unless oiherwise directed by the specifier of the tests. Ifthe strengths of cores with L/D =1 are {0 be compared with specified concrete cube strength, do not apply the correction factor in 7.9. 7.3. Moisture Conditioning—Test cores after moisture con- ‘ditioning as specified in this test method or as directed by the specifier of the tests, The moisture conditioning procedures specified in this test method are intended to preserve the moisture of the drilled core and to provide a reproducible moisture condition that minimizes. the effects of moisture ‘gradients introduced by wetting during drilling. and specimen preparation 73.1 Alter cores have been drilled, wipe off surface drill water and allow remaining surface moisture to evaporate When surfaces appear dry, but not Tater than 1 h ater dlling, place cores in separate plastic bags or nonabsorbent containers find seal to prevent moisture loss, Maintain cores at ambient temperature, and protect cores from exposure o direct sunlight Transport the cores 10 the testing laboratory as soon as possible. Keep cores inthe sealed plastic bags oF nonabsorbent ‘containers at all times except during end preparation and for a mum time of 2 h to permit capping before testing 7.3.2 If water is used during sawing or grinding of core cen, complete these operations as soon as possible, but no later than 2 days after drilling of cores unless stipulated cherwise by the specifier of esis. After completing end preparation, wipe of? surface moisture, allow the surfaces to ‘ry, and place the cores in sealed plastic bags or nonabsorbent ‘containers. Minimize the duration of exposure to water during ‘end preparation 7.3.3 Allow the cores to remain in the sealed plastic bags or ronabsorbent containers for at least $ days after last being welled and before testing, unless stipulated otherwise by the specifier of tests, Nowe 11—The waiting evod of atleast $day intended to reduce moisture grunts inodced when the wore i died ce wetted daring "wing or ending 73.4 When direction is given to test cores in a moisture ‘condition other than uchieved by conditioning according to 73.1, 732, and 7.3.3, report the alternative procedure, 74 Sawing of Ends—The ends of core specimens to be tested in compression shall be flat, and perpendicular to the longitudinal axis in accordance with Test Method C39/C30M, necessary saw the ends of cores that will be capped so that prior to capping, he following requirements are met Gy cazicaam - 13 74.1 Projections, if any, shall not extend more than S/mim (0.2 in, above the end surfaces 7.4.2: The end surfaces shall not depart from perpendiculae- ity to the longitudinal axis by a slope of more than 1:8d [oc 110.34] where dis the average core diameter in mm [or inches}. 75 Calewlated DensityHt the core will be tested for strength, measure the mass ofthe core just before capping o© ust before testing if bonded eaps are no used. Divide the mass by the volume of the core calculate trom te average diameter and length determined in 7.7. Recon the caleulated density to the nearest 20 kg/m’ [1 Ivf Nort 12—The iment of 7.5 so obtain an approximate density ofthe spesimen, which an poside atonal tsigh on messed sent Rt ‘ample. ower than expected ent can ea ation ofa chins tro ta thre wo uch a ia te cnet, or Bal Ie cance was Sot coed propery, ll of which cam allt the cormpreive frenathBecatne the moistire coment of the core i no knoe and Deca the cculaed volume approxima th cau dew ot ended fer evahnling comple wih ipcied density requ ens Sepa cers shook be taken or hippos and the specie tf the sete sould infiete the poser far measuring dena fr txample, Test Method C52 could be specified for oral eight 7.6 Capping—I the ends ofthe cores do not conform to the perpendiculariy requirements of Test Method C39/C39M, they be sawed or ground to moet those requirements or capped with bonded caps in accordance with Practice C617/C617M. If the ends of the cores donot conform to the planeness requirements of Test Method C39/C39M, they shall he sawed tr ground to meet those requirements or capped with bonded caps in acordance with Practice C617/C617M or tested with tunbonded caps in accondance with Practice C1231/C1231M. If cores are capped in accordance with Practice C617/C617M, the capping device shall accommodate actual core diameters and produce caps that are concentric with the core ends. Measure core lengths to the aearest 1 mm [0.1 in belore capping. I "unbonded caps ae used, the gap between the core and retaining rings shall conform to the requirements of Practice C1231/ cau. Note 13—To satisfy the maximum gap mit io Practice C1231 CIESTM the inser damoter the retaining rings cannot enced 107 of te average core diameter Smale career reaming ings may be nese for testing cores ith diameters snller than standaed cylinders. For "example she cove dmeter 95 mu [3.79 he side ate ft retiing sings cannot exceed 102 min [401 in} 1.7 Measurement the core will be tested with bonded caps, determine the average length before and after capping, tnd use the length alter capping to compute the length: \iameter ratio (L/D). If the core willbe tested with unbonded ‘aps or with ground ends, determine the average length of the prepared core before testing. Determine the average length of the core to the nearest 1 mm [0.05 in.| using the jaw caliper procedure of Test Method C1542/C1542M or the procedure in ‘Test Method C174/C174M, Determine the average diameter by averaging two measurements taken a ight angles to each other at the mid-height of the core. Report the average core diameter to the nearest 0.2 mm [001 in.] if the difference in core diameters does not exceed 2% of their average, otherwise report to the nearest 1 mm [0.05 in.] Do not test a core if the difference between the largest and smallest diameter execeds 5 % of their average 78 Testing—Test the specimens in accordance with Test Method C39/C39M. Test the specimens within 7 days after ‘coring, unless specified otherwise. 79 Calculation—Caleulate the compressive strength of ‘each specimen using the computed cross-sectional area based ‘on the average diameter of the specimen, 7.9.1 Ifthe ratio of length to diameter (L/D) of the specimen is 1.75 oF less, correct the result obtained in 7.9 by maultiplying by the appropriate correction factor shown in the following table (see Note 14): ato of Leng sang 1eDiameer (UD) conection Factor 178 098 Use interpolation to determine correction factors for LID values not given in the table, Noms 14—Corecton factors depend on vaious eons such as ‘mojstre condition, stengh evel, adele modus, Average vals or ‘conrscie diet length-iameter mi are eiten in the ble, Thse ‘conection factors appl olow-densiy oneete hing a density beeen ei an 1920 kgm {100 nd 120 TT ao normal dest cone ‘They are applicable woth dy and wet conree Fr stengths between 14 MPuand 2 MPa [2000 ps and 6000 ps Forstregths above 70 MP [10 ‘an pil test tno cores sho thay the cerecton factors may he est than the vals Tite above” 7.10 Report—Repor the resus as required by Test Method (€39/C39M with the addition ofthe following information: 7.10.1 Length of core as drilled to the nearest 5 mm [4 in], 7.10.2 If the core diameter is less than 4 mm [3.70 in.) provide reason for using the smaller diameter 7.10.3 Length of test specimen before and after eapping or ‘end preparation to the nearest Imm {0.1 in.) and average diameter of core to the nearest 0.2 mum [0.01 in,} ot 2 mm [0.1 in 7.10.4 Compressive strength to the nearest 0.1 MPa (10 psi when the diameter is measured to the nearest 0.2 mm [0.01 in.) nd to the nearest 0:5 MPa [50 psi} when the diameter is measured to the nearest 2 mm [0.1 in, after correction for Tength-diameter ratio when required, 7.10.5 Direction of application ofthe load on the specimen with respect to the horizontal plane of the concrete as placed, 7.10.6 The moisture conditioning history The date and time core was obtained and fist placed in sealed bag or nonahsorPent container, 7.10.62 If water was used during end preparation, the date nd time end preparation was completed sind core placed in sealed bag or nonabsosbent container, 7.10.7 Date concrete was placed, if known, 7.10.8 The date and time when tested 7.10.9. Nominal maximum size of concrete aggregate ®t Mand Max Giger, “it Coe Legh Diameter Ratio «on Cart Cone Set” ACT Mati Sour, WH, No 8 aly An Toatcpp 38-38 fly cazicaam - 13 7.10.10 The calculated density 1 the nearest 20 kg/m’ [1 svi 7.10.11 The location, shape, and size of embedded metal, if the specifier of the tests permits testing cores with embedded metal, 7.10.12 If applicable, description of defects in cores that could not be tested, and 7.10.13 Itany deviation from this test method was required, describe the deviation and explain why it was necessary. 71 Precision: 7.11.1 The single-operator coefficient of variation on cores has been found to be 3.2%" for a range of compressive strength between 32.0 MPa [4500 psil and 48.3 MPa [7000 psi]. Therefore, results of «wo properly conducted tests of Single cores by the same operator on the same sample of ‘material should not differ from each other by more than 9 %'" of their average, 7.11.2 The mulli-laboratory coeficient of variation on cores has heen found to he 4.7 %'" for a range of compressive strength between 32.0 MPa [4500 psi] and 48.3 MPa (7000 psi]. Therefore. results of two properly conducted tests on cores sampled from the same hardened concrete (where a singe testis defined as the average of two observations (cores), cach made on separate adjacent drilled 100 mn [4i.] diameter cores), and tested by two diferent laboratories should not differ from each other by more than 13 %'" of their average. 7.12 Bias—Since there is no accepted reference material suitable for determining the bias for the proceduce in this test ‘method, no statement on bias is being made. 8. Cores for Splitting Tensile Strength 8.1 Test Specimens—The specimens shall conform to the sional requirements in 7.1,7.2, 74.1, and 7.4.2. Baus are not to be capped 8.2 Moisture Conditioning—Condition the specimens as described in 7.3, or as directed by the specifier of tests, 83 Bearing Surfaces—The line of contact between the specimen and each bearing strip shall be straight and free of any projections or depressions higher or deeper than 0.2 mm [0.0 in.], When the line of contact is not straight or contains projections oF depressions having heighis or depths greater than 0.2 mm [0.01 in, grind or eap the specimen s0 as to produce bearing lines meting these requirements. Do not test specimens with projections o depressions greater than 2.0 mm [0.1 in. When capping is employed, the caps shall be as as practicable and shall be formed of high-strength gypsum paste, Nove 1SFig. | illsaes a device suitable for applying caps tothe bearing sfaes of core specimens 8.4 Testing —Test the specimens in accordance with Test Method C496/C496M. Boll, GE, “Deven of Passo a Bis Sts ft Teg Die Cian ACen ils ASTER AST rad of Cone Cote eset in Pre CH * froze 4.5 mm [1/46 in] high pin oN 5 mm (3/16 in) sy S 4 rt Comte =074 ELEVATION FIG. 1 Sultable Capping Device for Spliting Tensile Strength “Test 85 Calculation and Report—Calculate the splitting tensile strength and report the results as required in Test Method (Cs96/C496M. When grinding oF capping of the bearing surfaces is required, measure the diameter between the finished surfaces. Indicate that the specimen was a core and provide the isture conditioning history as in 7.10.6, 86 Precision: 8.6.1 The within laboratory single-operator coeficient of variation for spliting tensile strength of cores between 3.6 MPa (520 psi] and 4.1 MPa [590 psi] has been found to be 5.3%." Therefore, esults of two properly conducted tests by ‘Ses, GW, "Porn Comet Conrte Cote iene Spe Poa Seg Hay Reach Pan, SURES, Natl Rois @y carrcsem—13 the same operator in the same laboratory on the same sample oof material should not difer by more than 14.9 %'" of their average. 8.6.2 The mult-luboratory coefficient of variation for split ting tensile strength of cores between 3.6 MPa [520 psi] and 4.1 MPs {590 psi] has been found to be 15.0 %." Therefore, results of two properiy conducted tests on the same sample of material of hardened concrete and tested by two different faboratries should not differ from each other by more than 42.3 %"" of their average 8.7 Bias—Since there is no accepted reference material suitable for determining the bias for the procedure in this test ‘method, no statement on bias is being made. 9. Keywords 9.1 compressive strength; concrete coring; concrete sawing: ‘conerete strength; enural strength; spliting tensile strength APPENDIX (Sonmandatory Information) X11 General XILL.1 There are insufficient data on the effets of various variables that could affect the measured flexural performance of sawed beams. Considerable resourees. are necessary. to provide the data necessary to develop a definitive test method tnd the accompanying precision dita, Until that data are generated, the following general recommendations are pro- Vided for obtaining and testing sawed beams. XILL.2 Testing beams sawed from existing concrete is not a preferred method of assessing the in-place flexural strength because of the ilfculty in obtaining the correct geometry and because of the risk of damage to the specimens by the sawing process, subsequent handling, and incorrect moisture condi- tioning. I in-place flexural strength needs to be assessed, the spliting tensile strength can be measured on gores in aceor- dance with Section 8 and published relationships between Alexural strength and splitting tensile strength can be applied.” If itis necessary to test sawed beams, the specter Of tests should provide instructions on the size of the beams, dimen- sional tolerances. and how beams are to be oriented in the testing apparatus X12 Test Specimens X1.2.1 Dimensions—A beam specimen for the deteemina- tion of flexural strength should have a square cross section, The «ross section can be 100 by 100 mm [4 by 4 in.| if the nominal ‘maximum aggregate size is 25 mm [1 in] or less; otherwise the cross section should be 150 by 150 mm [6 by 6 in.) Cross-sectional dimensions should be within = 2% of these nominal dimensions. Ifthe depth of the beam is controled by the depth of the structural element, the specifier of tests needs to specify the beam dimensions. The test specimen should be at Feast 50 mm [2 in.| longer than three times the nominal depth Se ir eumple Rabel, 1, “Teme Seng of Cone Juma of th Amer Cone tstte, Nl ML No Mar pe 1984p. 1168s Admsniatin. hptums faa anvaiprensinerngiens neering. teenies | En sae ‘When beams are required for measuring properties ether than flexural strength, such as toughness, beam dimensions shoule ‘conform to the requirements of the applicable test method. X1.22 Sawing and Inspection—Boams should be eut with water-cooled masonry sav, Test specimens can be damaged if sstving is not done carefully. Ensure that an adequate supply of water is used to Keep the saw blade cool, The sawed surfaces need to be parallel and square within the Timits provided by the specifier of tests. Mark the specimen so that its orientation in the structure can be identified. Check the sawn surface for the presence of cracks, which can be seen by surface drying the specimen and looking for dark lines that indicate water filled ‘racks, Do not test a beam if there isa eraek inthe loading span cr if there isa chip on the face that wll be loaded in tension “Take care in handling sawed beam specimens to avoid chipping ‘or eracking. Specimens may be rejected by the specifier of tests if they do not conform to the dimensional tolerances or they do rot conform to contact requirements (at load and support points) when placed in the loading apparatus. X13 Moisture Conditioning X1.3.1 The surfaces of sawed specimens need to be pro- fected from drying by covering them with wet burlap and plastic sheeting during transportation and storage. Relatively small amounts of drying of the surface of flexural specimens ‘ean induce tensile stresses in the extrome fibers that will ‘markedly reduce the measured flexural strength. Specimens should be tested within 7 days of sawing o as required by the specifier of tests, Submerge the test specimens in lime saturated water at 23.0 + 2.0°C [73.5 = 3.5 °F] for a least 40, bs immediately hefore testing. Test the specimens promptly after removal from water storage. During the period between removal from water storage and testing, keep the specimens rioist by covering with a wet blanket of burlap or other suitable absorbent fabric. X14 Testing, X14.1 Test the specimens in accordance with the applicable provisions of Test Method C78/C7SM except thatthe orienta tion of the beam in the testing apparatus should be in Aly cazicaam - 13 aceonfance with the requirements of the specifier of tess Ideally, the tensile surface during the test should be tensile surface as loaded in the structure, This will typically require the tensile surface to be a cut surface, and the measired Nexural strength may be less than the true flexural strength. On the bother hand, it may be preferable for the uncut surface to be the XUS Report XIS.1 The test resulls should be reported in accontance With the applicable provisions of Test Method C7S/C78M. X1.5.2 The test seport should include the following infor: mation tensile surface if it meets dimensional tolerances. Therefore, the specifier of tests needs to state which surface of the beam will be the tensile surface for testing. The location ofthe tensile surface with respect to the position of that surface in the conerote as placed is 10 be noted and reported. XI5.2.1 The moisture condition at the ime of testing XI522 The orientation of the tensile surface face with respect to the position of that surface in the structure. SUMMARY OF CHANGES: Committee CO9 has identified the location of selected changes 10 this test method sinee the last issue, (CHUCIM — Ta, that may impact the use of this test method. (Approved January 1, 2013.) (1) Revised 1.1 (3) Revised 7.7 (2) Added Note | to refer to Test Method C1604/C1604M for (4) Revised 7.5 shoterete cones. (5) Revised Note 12. ‘Committee C09 has identified the location of selected changes to this test method since the last issue, (C42/C42M ~ 11, that may impact the use ofthis test method. (Approved February 1, 2012.) (1) Deleted 2.2. (2) Revised 35. (3) Added new Note 3, Note 4, and Note 5 and renumbered subsejent notes, (4) Added new 3.6 and renumbered subsequent subsections. ‘AS TA# mwmatna’ tee no potion respeirg the vay fay patente asated i comacton wih any om mentered ‘niu sandra Uso one andor nn eupreny ape at Gterntone ay of any met Mea ‘ringer fac nges, oe era eon espa ‘tna jc reson a nyt by response tel commie ate vie ey he yar nd ‘otros ato ratrove or winch Yur rent rod eta frre hs sind arora tard ‘ashe bo acesced © ASTM neat aaa. 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