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Electrical and Electronics Engineering

Electronics 2

Assignment 7 (Due 6:00 PM, 18th of May)

Q1 (35 pts) Q2 (30 pts) Q3 (35 pts) Total (100 pts)
Learning Learning Learning
Outcome 1,4 Outcome 1,4 Outcome 1,4

All the questions are from your textbook (Sedra/Smith International 8th Edition).

P10.26 – The current-mirror loaded differential amplifier in Figure P10.26 has a feedback
network consisting of the voltage divider (R1,R2), with R1 + R2 = 2 MΩ. The devices are sized
to operate at |VOV | = 0.2 V. For all devices, |VA | = 20 V. The input signal source has a zero dc

(a) Find the loop gain βA and hence the value of A.

(b) Find the values of R1 and R2 that result in a closed-loop gain of exactly 6V/V.

Figure P10.26

P10.35 – Figure P10.35 shows a series-shunt feedback amplifier in which the three MOSFETs
are sized to operate at |VOV | = 0.2 V. Let |Vt | = 0.4 V and |VA | = 20 V. The current sources
utilize single transistors and thus have output resistances equal to ro.

(a) Show that the feedback is negative.

(b) Assuming the loop-gain to be large, what do you expect the closed-loop gain Vo/Vs to
be approximately?

(c) If Vs has a zero dc component, find the dc voltages at nodes S1, G2, S3, and G3. Verify
that each of the current sources has the minimum required dc voltage across it for
proper operation.

(d) Find A. Calculate the gain of each of the three stages and the overall voltage gain, A.
[Hint: A CS amplifier with a resistance Rs in the source lead has an effective
transconductance gm/(1+gmRs) and output resistance ro(1+ gmRs).]

(e) Find β.

Figure P10.35

P10.51 – All the MOS transistors in the feedback amplifier (series-series) of Figure P10.51
are sized to operate at |VOV | = 0.2 V. For all transistors, |Vt | = 0.5 V and |VA| = 10 V.

(a) If Vs has a zero dc component, find the dc voltage at the gate of Q2, at the drain of Q1,
and at the drain of Q2.

(b) Find an expression and value for Af = I0/Vs for the case βA >> 1.

(c) Use feedback analysis to obtain a more precise value for Af.

(d) If the voltage at the source of Q5 is taken as the output, find the voltage gain using the
value of I0/Vs obtained in (c).

(e) Find the output resistance of the series-shunt voltage amplifier in (d).

Figure P10.51


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