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Tarlac National High School-Main | 11-Discernment (STEM)

Culminating Task

Apostol, Alessandra D.

Blancafor, Janine Andrea Serrano

Gariando, Lawrence R.

Taguines, Melanie R.

Viterbo, Chariza Mae A.


Diona Macasaquit

USCP Teacher

I. Describe the society to which you belong. 

A. Address: 2300 Ironman St, Riverside B, San Miguel, Tarlac City

B. Description:

Tarlac, known as the melting pot of Central Luzon, is the most multi-cultural of
the provinces in the region for having a mixture of four distinct ethnic groups: the
Kapampangans, the Pangasinans, the Ilocanos and the Tagalogs. San Miguel, one of the
barangays of Tarlac City which in the province of Tarlac located in the Island of Luzon
and is classified as part of Region III in central Luzon.The people have learned to live as
one and at peace with one anotheramidst cultural diversities. Therefore, Tarlac served as
the column of great men and women in every field of endeavor.Relevant figures were the
late Benigno S. Aquino, Jr., the country’s latter-day hero and Carlos P. Romulo, the
former Secretary General of the United Nations.Being home to the First Woman
president of the Philippine Republic, Tarlac also takes pride of Corazon C. Aquino who
hails from Concepcion, Tarlac.

II. What kind of culture (tradition, food, clothing, beliefs, morals, arts, laws, etc.) does your town
or city have?

Tarlac has a wide variety of One Town, One Product (OTOP) products, which include
ylang-ylang essential oils, muscovado sugar, crocheted garments, sweet potato crunchies,
corncrunch, okra, processed meat like the famous “burongbabi” and “pindang”, chicharon,
tinapa, fresh mango, mango jam, choco-mango, sweets and delicacies, bamboo products, water
lily products and home furnishings. Tarlac is best known for its fine foods and vast sugar and
rice plantations. That it has fine cooking to offer is due largely to the fact that it is the melting
pot of Central Luzon.

Kaisa Festival is the cultural festival and religious fiesta in the city of Tarlac, Tarlac,
Philippines every January 20. It is held as a celebration of the city's culture and history and in
honor of St. Sebastian, the patron saint of the city. Passing from generation to generation,
Tarlqueños have never lost that special place in their hearts for Jesus. They offer a prayer to form
a bridge of hope between the sinful and God in hopes for salvation and lasting peace.

As the Tarlqueños way of merging the people’s spirits every year, they gather to a
competition promoting art and their love in the making of the Belen. The participation is
voluntary. Tarlac's very own festival, “Belenismo”. Belenismo is a Spanish word which means
“the art of making Belen.” It is a recreation of the Christmas nativity scene with Joseph, Mary
and Baby Jesus.When it comes to clothing, Barong in the modern times is considered to be the
formal clothing for men in the Philippines. They would usually wear the garment on very
important occasions like weddings and ceremonial events.The barong has become the symbol of
Filipino independence and resistance to colonization.

On the decades leading to the Philippine revolution against Spain’s colonial regime,
individuals and small groups of people had achieved socio-economic and cultural power in a way
that they never had in the early days of colonization. Saya (literally "blouse and skirt") is a
traditional dress ensemble worn by women in the Philippines. It is a national dress of the
Philippines and combines elements from both the precolonial native Filipino and colonial
Spanish clothing styles.

III. What aspects of your community's culture do you value or most proud of? Collect images
that portray this culture or draw it. Why are you so proud of this culture? 

Figure 1.1 Belenismo Figure 1.2 Belenismo

One of the most loved cultures of the Filipinos is the making of belenismo every coming
festival.For the Filipinos, it symbolizes the celebration of the birth of our Lord Jesus. It also
becomes a decoration on the road and in the houses that entertains those who see it. It serves as a
reminder of the occasion of Christmas, the birth of Jesus Christ. A visual reminder of the actual
meaning of Christmas and the significance of the Nativity story is provided by the Belen exhibit.
Also, it offers a chance for friends and family to gather together to decorate and admire the Belen
while celebrating the Christmas season. Cooperation is formed in these events because of the
help of people. Making a Belen can also be a fun and imaginative Christmas activity for both
individuals and families. In general, the Belen acts as a symbolic and decorative way to honor
the spirit of Christmas and its spiritual value.
Figure 2.1 Pagmamano Figure 2.2 Pagmamano

In Filipino culture, "Mano" is a gesture of respect that involves taking an elder's hand and
placing it on one's forehead. This gesture is a way of showing respect and honor to the elder,
who is usually a family member or someone who is highly regarded in the community. Filipinos
admire doing Mano because it is a way of expressing their love, gratitude, and respect to their
elders. It is believed that by doing Mano, one can receive blessings and guidance from the elder.
The gesture is also a sign of acknowledging the wisdom and experiences that the elder has
accumulated over the years. In addition, Mano is also seen as a way of passing on Filipino
traditions and values to younger generations. By teaching children to perform Mano, parents and
elders are instilling in them the importance of respect, humility, and gratitude towards their
elders and ancestors. Overall, Mano is an important cultural practice in the Philippines that
symbolizes the value and importance of respecting and honoring one's elders and traditions.

Figure 3.1 Opo Figure 3.2 Po

In Filipino culture, saying "po" and "opo" is a way of showing respect to elders, authority
figures, and people of higher status. "Po" is used as a polite particle to show respect, while "opo"
is a more formal and respectful way of saying "yes". Us filipinos like saying "po" and "opo"
because it is a cultural practice that reflects the values of respect and humility. By using these
polite particles, Filipinos acknowledge the authority and wisdom of the person they are speaking
to and show that they are willing to be courteous and respectful. It is also a way of expressing
politeness and kindness. It shows that Filipinos are thoughtful and considerate towards others,
and that they value social harmony and unity. It is an important cultural practice in the
Philippines that reflects the values of respect, humility, politeness, and kindness. It is a way of
maintaining social harmony and showing appreciation for others.

IV.Investigate a specific culture that you believe is gradually fading and is no longer practiced
by your society. Provide illustrations of lost cultures; these can be research images or drawings. 
Figure 4 Family Orientation Figure 5 Harana

Figure 6 Attending to Church

V. What is the reason it is gradually becoming outdated or disappearing from your community's

A. Family Orientation

One of the main reasons is the changing social and economic landscape. As
societies become more urbanized and individualistic, people tend to prioritize their
personal goals and aspirations over their familial obligations. The rise of technology and
social media has also made it easier for people to connect with others outside of their
family and community, which can lead to a decrease in the importance placed on family
relationships.Another reason for the decline of family orientation is the changing family
structure. With the increase in divorce rates and single-parent households, there may be a
decrease in the amount of time and resources available for family activities and

B. Harana / Courtship

With the advent of modernization, traditional forms of courtship may be seen as

outdated or less relevant to younger generations. Western cultural values and practices,
such as dating and romantic relationships, may be replacing traditional courtship
practices like harana. Reason why harana is fading out; there are more opportunities for
couples to meet and interact with each other, such as through online dating apps, social
media, and other technology-enabled communication platforms. This has led to a decline
in the need for traditional courtship practices, including Harana. The younger generation
of Filipinos may not value the same traditions and practices as their elders. Moreover,
some younger Filipinos may view Harana as an outdated practice, as it may not align
with their modern preferences and sensibilities.

C. Attending to church

With the increasing urbanization and globalization of the country, more Filipinos
are exposed to different cultures and ideas that may not align with traditional religious
beliefs.Some Filipinos may have lost their trust and faith in the Church due to issues such
as corruption, sexual abuse scandals, and other controversies that have surfaced over the
years.Lack of time due to work or personal commitments, or disagreements with certain
teachings or practices of the church. The failure of families to sustain values formation
among young people is one of the factors that have led to a decline of church attendance
in the predominantly Catholic Philippines.
VI. What program/activity can you recommend or suggest reviving your town's or city's fading
culture? Please provide the following information: 

A. Title: “Online: Revitalizing Filipino Traditions in the Modernization Era”

B. Description:

As we all know, technology has never been more prevalent in our society. It has
been a significant part of our life and has also been to our fellow Filipinos. Moreover, it
has altered our ways of life, such as behaviour, culture, tradition, and societal norms. As
days go by, more and more Filipinos are into the virtual online world as the world
progresses. The internet has dominated our society due to its functions. Specifically, it is
a virtual connection where we are exposed to multiple clashing cultures and adapt to
trends. Also, it is where we can connect and communicate virtually. As a result,
distributing information has significantly eased, which takes a significant toll on the
practice of culture and tradition. With all that said, the culture of our country can
revitalize through the means of using technology itself. To compensate for the
aforementioned problems, we can establish technology.

C. Objectives

1. The aim of the aforementioned program is to improve the quality of life whilst
instilling core values, culture, traditions, and manners. To specify, it aims to
mitigate the factors affecting or decreasing family orientation, traditional
courtship or harana, and attendance to church, such as financial, societal, and

2. The primary objective of the mentioned program is to establish the use of social
media and technology to solve loss or fading cultures of our country. As
everything revolves around social media, the flow of information would
significantly help educate more people or fellow Filipinos about our culture.

3. It aims to also incorporate traditional values, traditions, and manners amidst the
modernization era, which could be adapted by the current generation of Filipinos.
A blend of tradition and modernization could also make it more interesting to our
current society.

4. It also targets to hone and encourage the younger generation to participate in

traditional activities which they can use in their daily life and improve the quality
of living. In doing so, it also helps the people surrounding them.
D. How will the program or activity be implemented?

The Philippines has a rich cultural heritage that is rooted in its traditions and
customs. However, with the advent of the technological era, many of these traditions
have been overshadowed or forgotten. Revitalizing Filipino traditions in the
technological era is crucial to preserving the country's unique identity and passing it on to
future generations. Establishing the use of technology, culture would revitalize by:

1. Using social media and digital platforms to showcase Filipino culture. The
internet provides an excellent opportunity to showcase Filipino culture and
traditions to the world. Social media platforms such as Facebook, Instagram, and
TikTok can be used to share photos and videos of traditional Filipino dances,
music, and food.

2. Create online resources and courses. With the rise of e-learning, creating online
resources and courses about Filipino culture can help educate people, both
Filipinos and non-Filipinos, about the country's traditions. These resources can
range from virtual museum tours to language classes to cooking classes.

3. Organize virtual events. Virtual events, such as online festivals and cultural
showcases, can help keep Filipino traditions alive and thriving. These events can
be attended by people from all over the world, regardless of their location.

4. Encourage the younger generation to participate in traditional activities. The

younger generation is often the most affected by technological advancements and
may lose touch with their cultural roots. Encouraging them to participate in
traditional activities, such as dancing, singing, and cooking, can help them
appreciate their heritage and pass it on to future generations.

5. Preserve traditional craftsmanship. The Philippines has a rich tradition of

craftsmanship, including weaving, pottery, and woodcarving. Preserving these
crafts and passing them on to future generations can help keep Filipino traditions
alive and relevant.

Revitalizing Filipino traditions in the technological era is a collaborative effort that

requires the participation of individuals, communities, and organizations. By using
technology as a tool to showcase and promote Filipino culture, we can ensure that these
traditions continue to thrive and remain an integral part of the country's identity.
measuring the outcomes against the original goals and objectives.
E. Possible outcome or result of the program

1. Increased Awareness helps to increase awareness and appreciation for the

cultural practice among community members. This can lead to a greater sense of
cultural identity and pride among community members.

2. Preservation of Cultural Heritage, can help to ensure that it is passed down to

future generations.

3. Economic Development, can stimulate economic development in the

community by attracting tourists, increasing local business activity, and creating
job opportunities.

4. Community Building, helps to build a sense of community among residents by

providing opportunities for social interaction, shared experiences, and collective

5. Cultural Exchange, promotes cultural exchange by exposing community

members to different cultural practices and traditions. This can increase cross-
cultural understanding and appreciation.

6. Improved Well-being, can have a positive impact on the well-being of

community members by providing opportunities for personal growth, learning
new skills, and engaging in physical activity.

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