English Composition 2, Written Assignment

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Unit 7: Written Assignment

Department of Health, University of People

Uttiya Sarkar (Instructor)

Nov 15, 2022.

Why do I want to go to college?

One of the things that I've wanted to do for the majority of my life is to get a degree of

some type. Since I am in control of my own fate, I have made the decision to further my

education and earn a degree. This is something that I have always aspired to do but never had the

opportunity to accomplish until now. The fact that I would benefit more from this decision in the

long run is what made it feasible for me to make it. Consequently, this would be the specific

argument for why I would like to go to college.

Attending college is essential if I want to increase my chances of achieving many of my

goals, such as having a secure job, feeling fulfilled as an individual, and having an effect on the

world around me. Our ability to interact with one another in a new setting that is welcoming is

one of the many benefits of attending college. We may anticipate positive shifts in your life

when we acquire a degree, and we can anticipate having more work options, being a stronger job

applicant, having more earning potential, and experiencing improved economic and job security

if we have a degree.

People who have completed their education at a tertiary institution, such as a college or

university, are increasingly being offered higher pay rates by businesses and other well-known

organizations. People are attempting to squeeze into spaces like that for the same reason.

Personally, I want to get into the health care industry and launch my own company. I went to the

People's University and majored in health science because of this choice. As a result of the

political climate in my home country, I was not able to pursue higher education and earn the

degree that I desired. Nevertheless, now that I have located the outstanding university that I

require, I am pleased because, thanks to this school, I will be able to achieve my ambition. This

makes me really happy.

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