Week 15 Hydraulics Lab Seatwork 3 Questions

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Republic of the Philippines


College of Engineering and Technology


Name: Course, Year & Section:

Student Number: Score:

INSTRUCTION: Clearly sketch the figure and show your solution to each problem. (HANDWRITTEN)

1. The system of pipe connection is as follows.

Assuming C = 120 for all pipes and assume that the
rate of flow for each network is 0.085 m3/s.

a.) Calculate the total head loss of system A.

(in meters)
b.) Calculate the discharge of line 2 of system B.
(in m3/s)
c.) Which of the system has the greater capacity?
Clue: The system with the lowest head loss will
have the greater capacity.

2. The flow from A to E is 280 liters/sec. Using n = 0.011.

@ Pipe 1: L = 300 m and D = 450 mm, @ Pipe 2: L = 360 m and D = 250 mm, @ Pipe 3: L = 300 m and D = 250 mm, @
Pipe 4: L = 1400 m and D = 300 mm, @ Pipe 5: L = 600 m and D = 200 mm, @ Pipe 6: L = 600 m and D = 450 mm.

a.) compute the discharge of line 4. (in m3/s)

b.) compute the discharge of line 5. (in m3/s)
c.) compute the head loss from A to E. (in meters)
3. Reservoir A and B are supplying water to two
townsites newly created by the government under
the collaborative project of the National Irrigation
Administration together with the Department of
the Interior and Local Government. The elevation
of reservoir A is 240 m and is 12 m higher than
reservoir B. From A, a 450 mm pipeline 1350 m
connects the reservoir to a junction point C and
another 450 mm pipeline 1500 m is connected from
C to reservoir B. At this junction C, a 300 mm
pipeline 2400 m long is laid out towards the new
townsite D at elevation 159 m and another pipeline
300 mm diameter and 1800 m long is installed from
this junction C towards the other townsite E at
elevation 150 m. The daily consumption of each
person in towns D and E is 380 liters. Use f = 0.02
for all pipelines.

a.) Compute the rate of flow in or out of reservoir B. (in m3/s)

b.) Determine the population of townsite D that could be served by the reservoirs.
(in Number of People that could consume the flow of town D)
c.) Determine the population of townsite E that could be served by the reservoirs.
(in Number of People that could consume the flow of town E)

“Experience is a hard teacher because it gives the test first, the lesson afterwards.”

―Vernon Sanders Law

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