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Text Response Form

(Pop Article)

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30/03/2023 o Book Why?
o Audiobook I recommend reading this article because it contains a lot of general knowledge about how
anesthesia was done in the 1800s and a lot of information about how anesthesia is

Article Title : Show

Author : -
Source : progressive comprehension for the certificate
Page : 2 page

Date published : ………………………

Subject/ Topic : (what is the article mainly discuss about?)

At the beginning of this article, it tells about the poverty of the Indian people, where these Indians have to survive to earn at least 10 shillings each week. The 10
shillings cover everything such as education, health, old age, food, clothing and shelter. This article also tells about how India hides poverty from outside countries by
making many traditional performances, but in reality the poor in India.
Main idea of each paragraph:
Paragraph 1: Poverty such as India has to be seen to be believed..
Paragraph 2: Poverty in India is made the more striking because it is highlighted by contrasts.
Paragraph 3: Smart restaurants and chauffer-driven motor-cars are very few, but the poor are everywhere.
Paragraph 4: The outsier is misled by this show and imagines that there is a great deal more wealth than the eye can see, but in reality what catches the eye is very often
not only the whole of the wealth, but more than the whole, so deep has ‘show’ wormed itself into India’s way of life
Paragraph 5: It was soon recognized that specialists were needed, and now the anaesthetist is an
important member of the surgical team.

On a scale of 1-10, how difficult is this article for you? (1=easy, 10=difficult).
8, This anesthesia article is not that difficult to read using words that are easy to understand but there are several terms in the field of anesthesia that I do not know such
as the four main types of anesthesia general, spinal, local and procaine.

On a scale of 1-10, how good is this article for you? (1= not good, 10= very good).
9, This article is very good to read because it contains a lot of general knowledge from the field of anesthesia such as how anesthesia was done in ancient times around
the 1800s and the early history of how anesthesia was needed in a medical team.

Types of transitional devices / cohesive devices and the evidence (including the line or paragraph):
Transitional devices
Paragraph 1 : Anaesthesia in any part of the body means a loss of sensation, either permanent or temporary. Paragraph 1 use either (illustration) To introduce
examples or illustrative material
Paragraph 2 : Both had certain disadvantages, and other anaesthetic agent were sought. Paragraph 2 use and (addition) To add information

Paragraph 3 : In local anaesthesia, the drug is injected directly at the site of the operative… in paragraph 3 use directly (cause and effect) to show cause and effect.
Paragraph 4 : Formerly the most commonly used local anaesthetic was cocaine,. ..paragraph 4 use formerly (time and sequence) for indicate time.
Paragraph 5 : In the early days, anaesthetics were often administered… in paragraph 5 use In the early days, (time and sequence) for indicate time.

Cohesive devices
Paragraph 1 : Anaesthesia in any part of the body means a loss of sensation, either permanent or temporary. The term is usually used to describe… (Repetition of a
Key Term or Phrase)
Paragraph 2 : W. T. Green Morton, was the first to demonstrate effectively an anaesthesia in the form of sulphuric ether vapour, and he extracted… (pronouns)
Introduced chloroform as an alternative to ether in 1847,and for a time it superseded ether.(pronouns)
Paragraph 3 : Regional anaesthesia is the injecting of the nerves as they emerge from the spinal column; the anasthesia induced by this method …… (pronouns)
Paragraph 4 : Formerly the most commonly used local anaesthetic was cocaine , drug extracted from the leaves of the coca bush and introduced in 1879. But cocaine
has some… (repetition of word)
Paragraph 5 : Inevitably there were accidents, patients receiving too little or too much and even fatal overdoses. It was soon recognized that specialists…
and now the anaesthetist is an important member of the surgical team .During an operation it is his duty… (pronouns)
Before the patient leaves the ward for the operating room he is given an injection… (pronouns)

Rhetorical Structure: types of writing and the evidence—including the line or paragraph
This type of article writing is expository because it reveals, or presents facts about how anesthesia was done from ancient times. in paragraph 2 explains how crude
attempts at anesthesia were carried out in ancient times using wine or juices of narcotic plants. In paragraph 3, facts about several types of anesthesia are also
explained, starting from general, spinal, regional, and local.
In paragraphs 5 and 6 it is explained that anesthesiologists are needed in the medical team to assist the medical team in giving proper anesthesia to the patient and
checking the patient's condition during surgery

Rhetorical Structure: Figurative language and the evidence—including the line or paragraph
Paragraph 6 : his main concern being to end the patients ordeal as quickly as possible (hyperbole)
an operation is no longer a desperate procedure undertaken as a last resort (hyperbole)

Rhetorical Structure: Organization and development of ideas and the evidence—including the line or paragraph

Significance: (Who do you suggest this article for?)

I recommend this article for everyone regardless of age, because the topic is general and there is a lot of knowledge that we still don't know about anesthesia, starting
from the history of anesthesia and the beginning of the need for anesthetics.

Summary :
Anatesthesia is a loss of sensation that makes a surgical operation painless. It has been present since ancient times, in 1846 when W. T. Green Morton was the first to
perform an anaesthetic in the form of sulphuric ether vapour. In Boston,James C. Watten removed a tumour from a patient's neck and in London Robert Liston
performed the first operation using anaesthetics. Sir James Young Simpson introduced chloroform as an alternative to ether in 1847, and for a time it superseded ether.
There are four main types of anaesthesia: general, spinal, regional, and local. Local anaesthesia is the injecting of the nerves as they emerge from the spinal column.
The most commonly used local anaesthetic was cocaine, a drug extracted from the leaves of the coca bush and introduced in 1879. Procaine, or one of several
modifications or procaine, is now widely used instead of cocaine for every limited time. The anaesthetist is an important member of the surgical team, responsible for
monitoring the patient's pulse and respiration, keeping the surgeon informed, and using oxygen and other restorative methods in case of collapse. In the pre-anaesthetic
days, the surgeon had to concentrate on speed, but the introduction of anaesthesia has widened the scope of surgery, making it a carefully planned undertaking to
remedy structural or functional defects.

Reading for Academic Purpose – Mid Test

(Muhammad Herza Hafiz)

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