Lesson Plan - Scientific and Engineering Notation

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Brooklyn Technical High School 29 Fort Greene Place Brooklyn, New York 11217 (718) 804-6400 Mr.

Pigis PLTW Teacher Principal Assistant Principal Mr. Randy Asher Ms. Nicole Culella _____________________________________________________________________________________
LESSON PLAN SCIENTIFIC AND ENGINEERING NOTATION I. DO NOW 1. 2. List the first 10 powers of ten. What is the difference between scientific and engineering notation?


GENERAL KNOWLEDGE AND CONCEPTS Scientific notation is a very convenient way to write large or small numbers and do calculations with them. It also conveys two properties of a measurement that are useful to scientistssignificant figures and order of magnitude. Writing in scientific notation allows a person to eliminate zeros in front of or behind the significant digits. This is most useful for very large measurements in astronomy or very small measurements in the study of molecules. Engineering notation is written the same way as scientific notation, except that the exponent is always a multiple of three. Therefore, in engineering notation you have to move the decimal place at times. So while in scientific notation you always put the decimal after the first digit (such as 12300000 = 1.23 X 10^7), in engineering notation you move the decimal to accommodate the exponent needing to be a multiple of three. So the same number 12300000 in engineering notation would be displayed 12.3 X10^6. This is useful so we can attach a metric prefix to a quantity, such as 12.3 MB (Mega Bytes) and put numbers in to a language we can more easily understand. THINK ALOUD / THINK-PAIR SHARE Why do you think we have engineering notation AND scientific notation? Topic: UNIT I Scientific and Engineering Notation Standards: Understand numbers, ways of representing numbers, relationships among numbers, and number systems. Understand meanings of operations and how they relate to one another; compute fluently and make reasonable estimates. Instructional Objectives / SWBAT: Express numbers in scientific notation, engineering notation, System International (SI) notation. Utilize basic mathematical procedures to convert decimal numbers to its proper notation Aim: Why is it essential that numbers be expressed in a manner which is easily readable and usable? Instructional Resources: Presentation: Scientific and Engineering Notation Assessments: o Activity Scientific and Engineering Notation o HW Scientific and Engineering Notation Documents: o Electronic Symbols and Units o Engineering Notation Prefixes o Lesson Plan (Word Document) Scientific and Engineering Notation o Lesson Plan (PowerPoint) Scientific and Engineering Notation



Brooklyn Technical High School 29 Fort Greene Place Brooklyn, New York 11217 (718) 804-6400 Mr. Pigis PLTW Teacher Principal Assistant Principal Mr. Randy Asher Ms. Nicole Culella _____________________________________________________________________________________
V. SUMMARY Scientific notation is a way of writing numbers that accommodates values too large or small to be conveniently written in standard decimal notation. Scientific notation has a number of useful properties and is often favored by scientists, mathematicians and engineers, who work with such numbers. Engineers and technicians use scientific notation, engineering notation, and Systems International (SI) notation to conveniently write very large or very small numbers frequently encountered when working with electronics.

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