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The Golden Poison

The most poisonous animal in the world

 The Golden Poison Frog lives in the tropical rainforest of Central and South
 They live on the floor often next to small streams and are active during the day.
 They move I small hops and are rarely ever still for more than one or two
 The Golden Frogs are usually golden-yellow with black flecks.
 They are mostly meat eaters and if two tadpoles are next to each other they will
go to the extend to eat them.
 There skin is highly toxic that even 0.0000004 ounce of the toxin is enough to kill
an adult human
 There toxin attacks quickly by first attacking the nerves then the muscles
 Most of the deaths are caused by respiratory or muscular paralysis
 There skin is also very useful for medications such as; muscle relaxants, cardiac
simulants and medications for rapid or irregular heartbeats.
 The native people in Columbia used the skin for there arrows as it was an
excellent poison.

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