A Project Report On Checklist

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Teaching is a positive and purposeful activity of behavioral changes and orientation

within a specified time of achieving the purposeful activities.
The knowledge, understanding, skill, application and creativity are transmitted from
teacher to teach through these purposeful activities. Different types of methods,
technology skill and interaction are generally adopted by the teacher to make teaching
learning process successful.
Thus, every teacher should develop well acquaintance with the knowledge of
various methods, techniques, skills for effective classroom management. The skill may be
operated by the teacher by adopting different form of testing and non-testing devices.


When different skills and techniques are adopted by the teacher to motivated the
students within a specified time that is called pedagogy. The skills adopted in the field of
pedagogy are called pedagogical skill. Thus pedagogical skill may be define specially
designed technologies adopted by the teacher to make process of learning effective and to
transmit it the knowledge comprehension skills appreciation to the leaning to his learning
creative, effective, meaningful and purposeful.
The pedagogical skill helps the teacher not only understanding the subject or
content but also in understanding the subject very well.

Improves Quality of Teaching:

If a well thought pedagogy is implemented in the classroom-the quality of education
can show a drastic improvement. This will benefits the students by helping them thoroughly
understand the education material, there by an improving the learning outcomes.

Encourage Co-operative Learning Environment:

The implementation of pedagogy in education encourages the students to work
together towards completing a task and learn together. This increases their perception by
understanding and taking views from the other students there by adopting the co-operative
learning environment making them better leaders in the futures.

Student Can Follow Their Way of Learning:

A well though pedagogy can i help the student for education in various ways it
enhance the learning ability of different students. Students can follow their preferred ways
of learning and stick to them. In this way the students develop a better understanding of
the subject which eventually improves their skills and learning outcomes.

Improves Teacher Student Communication:

The teacher understands in a better way which helps them to focus on the students
weaknesses and guide them.


A checklist contents a prepared list of items and the presence and absence of the
item is indicated by yes/no" respectability against the item, all significant aspects of
observations are already listed and the observations are simply recorded in the blank
provided against each time by a checkmark as per direction so, checklist involves a simple
yes\no type judgment. The checklist methods were first used by children to evaluate the
personality treads children.

According to Grunlund," A checklist requires yes or no type of judgment."
According to Robinson," A checklist is a chat of selected list of work, sentence and
contain again which a check is to be donated showing the presence or absence of the
behavior observed."
A checklist is a simple advice consisting of a list of prepared items based on facts
where the items are to be checked in the form of yes/no.

1. It observes one respondent at one type.
2. It clearly specifies the characteristics of behavior to be observe.
3. Use only carefully prepared checklist avoid more complex trade.
4. The observer should be trained how to observe, what to observe and how to record the
observe behavior.
5. Checklist is a non-testing device.
6. It based on the definite characteristics of person/object either present or absent.
7. It is an important method which is based on the observation.


The study of checklist has the following objectives.
1. To determine the various components of behavior.
2. To prepare the final form of checklist.
3. To formulate the various items of checklist.
4. To calculate the frequency of behavior components of the parents.


1. For the preparation of checklist the fist area before the investigator in specific the
various components of behavior to the evaluated.
2. There are final from form of checklist is to be prepared with the item concerned in the
main task of the chart in the left side where the right do margin will be left for the
instruction in the form of Yes/No, Right/Wrong, Present/Absent, True/False and a tick is
to be given in its extreme right side. In constructing a checklist various sources of
materials a be collected in relation to components of specific behavior, attainment of
skills and other called areas. In preparing a checklist the teacher first collects
information regarding the components of specific behavior
3. 3rdly better participation and better verification and objective evaluation or observation
are required which should be reviewed by experts for getting better results.

Like rating scale, the checklists can be used for the purpose of:-
 Procedure evaluation
 Product evaluation
 Personal Social development evaluation

In procedure evaluation a list of observable actions of a particular task is given. The
evaluator has to mark whether the performance is satisfactory or unsatisfactory.

Checklist can be used for product evaluation. In this case a list of characteristics of
the finished product is given. The evaluator has to check whether each characteristics is
present or absent while evaluating the product. However, the evaluator feels that the
quality of the product cannot be adequately described by merely absent or present in that
case a rating scale should be used


For the personal social development eventuation checklist can be a convenient
method of recording evidence of growth toward specified learning outcomes. Here the
behaviors that have been identified as representative of the outcomes to be evaluated are
enlisted. The evaluator has to mark, yes-no.

Area: Evaluation of work habit of pupil.
Natures: Personal social Development Evaluation.
Objectives: To prepare a checklist to measure the work habit of the primary school
Direction: Below are given certain statement about the work habit of the Pupil. In the
right hand margin put a Von yes or no according to the behavior.
1. The pupil follows directions Yes No
2. The pupil seeks help when needed Yes No
3. The pupil works cooperatively with others Yes No
4. The pupil waits for his turn in using the materials with others Yes No
5. The pupil shares materials with others Yes No
6. The pupil tries to initiate activities Yes No
7. The pupil completes the started work Yes No
8. Returns the used equipment's at the proper place after use Yes No
9. The pupil cleans this space after work Yes No

Area: Evaluation of a story written by a pupil.
Nature: Product Evaluation.
Objectives: To evaluate the ability of a pupil to write a story.
Direction: Below are given certain statement about the ability of a pupil to write a story.
In the right hand margin put a 'Tick' on yes or no according to the behavior.
1. The pupil likes to write a story Yes No
2. The narration of the story is educational Yes No
3. The theme of the story is original Yes No
4. The language of the story is good Yes No
5. The fact is interesting Yes No
6. The story is harmonious Yes No
7. The story is tragic Yes No
8. The characters represent the society Yes No
9. There is a good moral of the story Yes No
Area: Evaluation of classroom performance of a pupil teacher.
Nature: Procedure Evaluation.
Objectives: To evaluate and check the classroom performance.
Direction: Below are given some statements about the classroom performance of the
pupil. In the right hand margin put a 'Tick' on yes or no according to the
1. Presents the topic in an interesting manner Yes No
2. Asks appropriate questions Yes No
3. Narrates the fact well Yes No
4. Asks good thought evocating questions Yes No
5. Provides reinforcement to the students Yes No
6. Uses audio-visual aids in appropriate place Yes No
7. Has a high confidence Yes No
8. Has a good personality Yes No
9. Use of Black-Board is satisfactory Yes No
10. Very well controls the students Yes No
11. Perfectly conducts the acquired knowledge test Yes No
12. Leaves the class with satisfaction Yes No

As a pupil researcher I am to take up at the procedure to prepare checklist which
can be used on the purpose of evaluation. But all the components of the characteristics. If
behavior is not fully developed. All the items prepared in the formula forms of the checklist
may not reflect the exact to the specific

The investigator had developed the above checklist to determine degree visibility of
specified behavior disordered of physical handcrafted and mentally restiveness of the pupil
in different classes of a school. It is n objective method of psychological studies checklist is
used for the study of human behavior. Hence it is suggested for further studies and research
question anise rating scale interview schedules, cumulative record card, socio-metric,
techniques, observational method, case study method etc. May be used to go for better
results and compliments the progressive development of the subject.

As the important aspect of pedagogical skills are prepared by me to be used for the
purpose of evaluation of various non-cognitive areas of future keeping interest for
development and equal improvement of education. Hence, her knowledge may be helpful
to each and every category of teachers, keeping in view of preparing best type of checklist.


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